I Sale Disclosure Statement NEGOTIATED SALE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AND TRUTH IN BONDING STATEMENT Pursuant to the requirements of Section 218.385, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided by Florida Power & Light Company, Miami, Florida (the "Initial Purchaser") to the City of Miami Beach (the "Issuer") in connection with the issuance of its $3,941,059 Non-Ad Valorem Revenue Note, Series 1999 (the "Note"). 1. The Initial Purchaser estimates that the itemized list of expenses set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto will be incurred by it in connection with the issuance of the Note. 2. The names, addresses and estimated amounts of compensation of any finders connected with the issuance of the Note are listed below. A finder, as defined by Section 218.386(1)(a), Florida Statutes, as amended, is a person who is not regularly employed by, or not a partner or officer of, an underwriter, bank, banker, or financial consultant or adviser, and who enters into an understanding with either the issuer or the managing underwriter, or both, for any paid or promised compensation or valuable consideration directly or indirectly, expressly or implied, to act solely as an intermediary between said Issuer and managing underwriter for the purposes of influencing any transaction in the purchase of such bonds. None 3. The amount of underwriting spread expected to be realized by the Initial Purchaser in connection with the issuance of the Note is: Not applicable 4. The managing fee to be charged by the Initial Purchaser in connection with the issuance of the Note is expected to be: Not applicable 5. The other fees, bonuses, and other compensation estimated to be paid by the Initial Purchaser in connection with the Note to any person not regularly employed or retained by the Initial Purchaser, are as follows: None 6. The name and address of the Initial Purchaser is as follows: Florida Power & Light Company 700 Universe Boulevard Juno Beach, Florida 33408 Attn: Dilek L. Samil 7. The Issuer is proposing to issue $3,941,059 of debt for the purpose of paying the additional cost attributable to underground construction of an electric transmission line between 40th Street and the Venetian Substation of Florida Power & Light Company. This debt or obligation is expected to be repaid over a period of approximately ten (10) years. At an interest rate of 4.75%, total interest paid over the life of the debt will be approximately $1,038,767. F.V. TTOIlEVlI80NQSIJ'P&L-LOA\ClOSING2.'NPO 8. The source of repayment or security for the Note is a covenant to budget and appropriate non-ad valorem revenues of the Issuer. Authorizing this debt will result in as much as approximately $4,979,826 of such non-ad valorem revenues not being available to finance other services of the Issuer until after June 1, 2009, the scheduled repayment date of the Note. It is our understanding that the Issuer has not requested any further disclosure from the Initial Purchaser. Dated: June 28, 1999 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY By: (lAd.!. ~~ Dilek L. Samil Treasurer and Assistant Secretary F:\A TTOIlEVl.\BONDS'l'P&L.LOA\CLOSING2.WPO 2 EXHIBIT "A" EXPENSES Initial Purchaser's Counsel $ F:\ATTO\LEVlIBONDSIFP&l-lOAICLOSING2.V\f'O