Jack Benveniste 12/31/2312/31/26 1/25/2022 N/A 1/25/2022 Received January 25, 2022 Office of the City Clerk 1/25/2022 1/25/2022 1/26/2022 25th Jan Ml IBE City of Miami each 700 Convention Center rivo Miami Boch, Florida 331 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email. BC@ILA Achf.gov Telephone; 305 673.741 RECEIVED JAN 26 2022 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WIIH IHE CITY OE MIAMI BEACH STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADOE I am in compliance wth the affillaton requirement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4), (check (/) all that apply) is lam a resident of the City of Mari Beach for six months or longer have an ownership interest {for a minimum of six months} in a business established in the City of Miami (far a minimumn of stx months) Name o! Business ZUM DE.er usmess Address. IA_yy-0_ y] yd,ry2pi --- ¡;:. t am a full-time employee of a business (far a minimum of six months) and 1 am based in an office or other location of the business that is physical ly located in Mi ami Beach (for a minimum of six months) Ownerstup interest means the ownership of ten percent (10%) o more (including the ownership 10% or more ot the outstanding capital stock) in a business "Business means any sole propnetorship, sponsorship, corporation, limited tiattty company, or other entity or business association NOTARY Swarn to for affirmed) and subscribed betore me, by means of physigal presence or z online notarization, ·25 .0/8 40%» O leudaste 22 /,212,22.o.e4gp@ E#fifEE. ,- l r..... - lZj;, cs$¿ EXPIRES: December 14, 2025 Farm of identification "j$° Bonded Tru Notary Public Undenwrhers nwn laicaasassrsisaswad (NOTARY SEAL) X Received January 25, 2022 Office of the City Clerk