Martha Baker 12/31/23Martha Baker 1/20/2022 City Commission 12/31/25 1/21/2022 N/A 1/25/2022 Received January 25, 2022 Office of the City Clerk 1/25/2022 1/26/2022 25th Jan City Mi ami leech 1700 Conn#ton Conter Drive Miomi Be &h, florida 3313% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER K Email: Ggrniamibe ch.goy. Teleph on e: 305.6 73.7411 AFEIDAVII OF AFFILIATI ON WITH THE CITY OE MIAMI BEACH Received January 25, 2022 Office of the City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE I am In com p lian ce with the affil ia tion requirement of Mlaml Beach Clty Cod e Sections 2-22 (4), as (check (/) all tha t apply): lam a resident of the City of Mlaml Beach for sb months or long er. Hom e Ada n«. Ju85 CLEVu0. R. h. 321fl r 7 a I have en ownershlp interest (for a mi nim um of slx months) ln ea business established in the City of Mleml Beech (for a minimum of shx mon ths). [gr9f [styg]raspo 3tg@lpg@ ddfg}- a {am ea full-time employe e of a business (for ea minimum of six mon ths) and I am beased In an office or other locat ion of the busl ness tha t ls physlcal ly located In Miaml Beach (for a mlnlmum of slx mon ths). fags gf itgglf@ 3tyg[pagg dtdfe@ "Ownershlp interest" means the ownership of ten percent (10%) or more (including the ownershlp of 10% or more of the outstanding capital stock) hn a bus/less. "Business" means any sol o proprietorship, sponsorship, cor pora tion, lim ited llabllty comp a ny, or other entity or business essoclatlon. Under penaltles of perj ury, { declare that l have read the foregoing document and that the facts stated In lt are true., „/,,4, y 141] p J sea "{ellle la- oc 2'1,ol dt rd 1 £4et, Kr- Printed Name N O TAR Y Swom to (or affirmed) and subscrlbed before me, by means of physlcal press line qtar izatlon, »? .a"nan .a??» --. I[Pf us-l- (City of Mlaml Beech Board/Committee Member). X Produced 10 FL. Driver's License Form of {den tlfica tion • Personally Known Ciao 'je Signature of Notary P?be Charles J. 2'Agostin Name of Notary, Typed, Printed, or Stamped (N O TARY SEAL ) gjig. CHARLES J, DAGOSTIN £$ ";; w co»M us1 oN HHu 16s7os zj,9.j; EREs: Decam ber 14, 2025 "y é" Bonded Tru Notary Public Underwriters Health Advisory Committee 1/2022 X Received January 25, 2022Office of the City Clerk