Katie Phang Historic District Residency 2022G ran ad o, Rafa el From : Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Tackett, Deborah Tuesday, January 4, 2022 3:11 PM Granado, Rafael Mooney, Thomas RE: Verification of Living in a Historic District Good Afternoon Rafael, Happy new year! Ms. Phang's previous address of 210 0 Park Avenue is located within the Museum Local Historic District (adopted June 20, 1990). Ms. Echemendia previous address is located within the Flamingo Park Local Historic District. The Flamingo Park Local District however, was designated by the City on June 20, 1990 and Ms. Echemendia's residency at this address is between 1987 and 1989. I'm not sure what if any implications that may cause. Let me know if you need any additional information. Have a great day, MIAM I BEACH Debbie Tackett, H istoric Preserv ation & Architecture Officer PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305.673.7000 ext. 26467 www.miamibeachfl.gov We are com m itted to providing excellent public serv ice and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tro pical, historic community. It's easy being Green! Please consider our environment before printing this email. From : Granado, Rafael <RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 1:59 PM To: Tackett, Deborah <Deborah Tackett@miamibeachfl.gov> Cc: Mooney, Thomas <ThomasMooney@miamibeachfl.gov> Subject: Verification of Living in a Historic District H i, H a p p y N e w Y e a r. C o u ld yo u ve rify tha t the se tw o nom in ee s qua lify fo r the fo llo w ing position: At -La rge/R e sid ed in On e of th e Ci ty's Hi s tor ic Di strict s for at Least On e Y ear Category (C atego ry # 3) (One Vacant Seat Available) See page one of application - bottom of the page. Thank you. 1 C ITY O F M IA M I B E A C H H IS T O R IC P R E S E R V A T IO N D E S IG N A T IO N Subpart B of the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 118, Article X, Division 4. Section 118-593(e) Delineation on zoning map. (1) Historic Preservation Sites Adoption Date Ordinance No. a. HPS-1 Old City Hall 10/05/1983 83-2388 b. HPS-2 21st Street Recreation Center 02/01/1984 84-2402 c. HPS-3 Congregation Beth Jacob 01/20/1993 93-2832 d. HPS-4 Venetian Causeway 04/05/1989 89-2637 e. HPS-5 Miami Beach Woman's Club 02/15/1995 95-2977 f. HPS-6 Sunset Island Bridges #1, 2 and 4 07/16/1997 97-3088 g. HPS-7 Bath Club 11/17/1999 99-3217 h. HPS-8 Dade Boulevard Fire Station 10/20/1999 99-3212 i. HPS-9 Pinetree Drive Historic Roadway 06/06/2001 2001-3310 j. HPS-10 Flagler Memorial & Monument Island 03/20/2002 2002-3354 k. HPS-11 69th Street Fire Station 03/20/2002 2002-3355 I. HPS-12 28" Street Obelisk & Pumping Station 02/23/2005 2005-3475 m. HPS-13 1600 Lenox Avenue 10/14/2009 2009-3662 n. HPS-14 36 Ocean Drive 06/11/2015 2015-3947 o. HPS-15 1700 Alton Road 06/08/2016 2016-4015 (2) Historic Preservation Districts Adoption Date Ordinance No. a. HPD-1 Espanola Way Historic District 07/23/1986 86-2511 b. HPD-2 Ocean Drive/Collins Avenue H. D. 07/23/1986 86-2511 Expansion of Historic District 11/04/1992 92-2821 c. HPD-3 Altos Del Mar Historic District 05/06/1987 87-2565 d. HPD-4 Flamingo Park Historic District 06/20/1990 90-2698 Expansion of Historic District 11/04/1992 92-2821 Westward Expansion (8"- 14" Streets) 01/16/2008 2008-3592 Westward Expansion (6"- 8" Streets) 01/28/2009 2008-3627 e. HPD-5 Museum Historic District 06/20/1990 90-2698 Expansion of Historic District 11/04/1992 92-2821 f. HPD-6 Ocean Beach Historic District 02/20/1996 96-3037 g. HPD-7 Harding Townsite/ 09/25/1996 96-3057 South Altos Del Mar Historic District h. HPD-8 Palm View Historic District 06/09/1999 99-3186 i. HPD-9 Collins Waterfront Historic District 01/31/2001 2001-3292 j. HPD-10 North Beach Resort Historic District 03/17/2004 2004-3438 k. HPD-11 Flamingo Waterway Historic District 04/20/2005 2005-3481 I. HPD-12 Morris Lapidus / Mid 20" Century H.D. 10/14/2009 2009-3661 m. HPD-13 North Shore Historic District 01/17/2018 2018-4167 Tatum Waterway Expansion 05/16/2018 2018-4198 n. HPD-14 Normandy Isles Historic District 01/17/2018 2018-4168 designationlist-2.doc R e v is e d 0 7 /10 /18 Section 118-591(1) Designation of Single-Family Homes as Historic Structures (3) Historic Structures Approval Date HPB File No. HSFRS-1 3156 Royal Palm Avenue 01/13/2004 1837 HSFRS-2 5645 North Bay Road 05/11/2004 2254 HSFRS-3 2535 Lake Avenue 02/08/2005 2675 HSFRS-4 255 West Rivo Alto Drive 07/12/2005 2971 HSFRS-5 55 Palm Avenue 12/13/2005 3221 HSFRS-6 3190 Royal Palm Avenue 01/10/2006 3385 HSFRS-7 603 East Dilido Drive 05/09/2006 3476 HSFRS-8 4555 North Bay Road 10/10/2006 4005 HSFRS-9 444 West 43" Street 09/08/2009 6738 HSFRS-10 1509 North View Drive 12/08/2009 6843 HSFRS-11 4431 Alton Road 01/12/2010 6916 HSFRS-12 3193 Royal Palm Ave 04/12/2010 7070 HSFRS-13 4343 North Bay Road 05/11/2010 7114 HSFRS-14 27 40 North Bay Road 05/11/201 O 7132 HSFRS-15 230 East Rivo Alto Drive 06/08/2010 7158 HSFRS-16 1400 North View Drive 06/08/2010 7159 HSFRS-17 625 West 47" Street 08/10/2010 7185 HSFRS 18 2726 Alton Road 08/10/2010 7487 Designation removed 07/10/2018 18-0203 HSFRS-19 3430 Royal Palm Avenue 10/12/201 O 7200 HSFRS-20 49 Palm Avenue 01/11/2011 7220 HSFRS-21 5240 North Bay Road 06/14/2011 7254 HSFRS-22 2301 North Bay Road 09/13/2011 7261 HSFRS-23 4245 North Meridian Ave 02/14/2012 7293 HSFRS-24 309 E San Marino Drive 09/11/2012 7324 HSFRS-25 3128 Royal Palm Ave 11/20/2012 7334 HSFRS-26 2848 Prairie Ave 11/20/2012 7337 HSFRS-27 2301 North Meridian Ave 11/12/2013 7387 HSFRS-28 3437 Prairie Ave 01/14/2014 7411 HSFRS-29 5313 North Bay Road 03/10/2015 7520 HSFRS-30 4291 Nautilus Drive 12/08/2015 7592 HSFRS-31 2862 Fairgreen Drive 05/10/2016 7633 HSFRS-32 3771 Royal Palm Avenue 03/13/2017 16-0087 designationlist-2.doc a ) ! HISTORIC DISTRICTS AND SITES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH • FLORIDA• INCORPORATED 1915 Biscayne Ba y Atlantic O e e a n MIAM IBEACH PLA NNIN O DEPAR TM ENT 10o CONVENIO CE TE 0NE MAM/ 8ACM FL0OR0A 39) 108$73 10 M04/3199 LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICTS [on«wr«ow«« [v««ova [w««wu««ow [lcewu«ovo« []a-«oa [Jo» «ow«« []o«oca««oa[]w«or« oa [woo«owe [Joo«w«ace« oa []oro«o«a [«o««o« [Jouy«« oa [von« o a NATIONAL RE GIS TER HIS TORIC DISTRICTS Iwo»o««nov« §·-"•'""'""'"'"º ht. tot s ee bet ta toot rt tetra 0teat LOCAL HISTORIC SITES oacrotto« sto seno»to cet«r +otee to €o o se e e, J e +o« $to vota Cor +oteo«e ta wao tea ea's ot e e $o tt toa tegeo +otee tovetoa to se ce +oe se 0»tetto toto +otto« te oteo0oto« Reato9 a ge M on ot' at o «et i t +ate tto Deo sroo toe+ore se [2o ts oso id #pe $tate Mostee v ete e 100tao e+tot« to Boons.to+« so D1root u +ore so