White Awareness RallyCITY OF MIAMI BEACH
Mayor and Members
of the City Commission
City Manager ~/f~/~{4,~
DATE: April 14, 1993
On March 29, 1993, Mr. Hank Pritchard, representing the South
Florida Society for the Advancement of White People, submitted a
Special Events Application for an event entitled "White Awareness
unity Rally". The application requests an event on Saturday,
April 24, 1993, between 4:00 p.m. and 6100 p.m. at the Holocaust
Memorial. This request for a "political speech" is submitted under
Section 39-7 of the Code of Ordinances which establishes the
responsibility of the City Administration to issue permits under
certain conditions. Section 39-7 is attached as Exhibit i and the
application is attached as Exhibit 2.
The decision required of the City Manager in this situation is
extremely complex. First and foremost, it is the responsibility to
protect residents and visitors to our community as well as public
and private property. Secondarily, it is the responsibility of the
City Manager to protect the rights of individuals or groups under
applicable federal, state, county and municipal laws including the
First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
While Mr. Pritchard's behavior reflects a practice of abusing the
privileges granted under the First Amendment, which he has clearly
demonstrated in Davis, Hollywood, and now the City of Miami Beach,
a Pavlovian municipal denial to his media-based tactics would not
only be inappropriate, but also would present the City with
potential legal costs, as well as increasing the publicity
Mr. Pritchard seeks.
This Administration has followed a careful deliberative process to
reach a conclusion regarding the Special Events Application. Of
deep concern is the substantial emotional and physical impact on
individuals concerned with the sanctity and dignity of the
Holocaust Memorial. Further, I am required to protect the rights
of individuals and groups no matter how abhorrent their beliefs and
statements may be. As your City Manager, it is most important that
the decision-making process be documented and understood by all
parties concerned.
In order to fully understand the concerns of all parties relative
to the issuance of the Special Events Permit, a series of meetings
have been held by the City Manager and the City Attorney. One
meeting included the leadership of the Holocaust Memorial
Committee. It is important for both the journalists who will be
covering the story and citizens who will take positions as a result
of my decision to understand the enormous emotional significance of
the Holocaust Memorial to survivors as well as relatives of
Special Events Application
April 14, 1993
The Holocaust Memorial is a symbolic cemetery for more than 30,000
people whose names are inscribed on the wall. These names include
sons and daughters, parents and siblings whose remaining relatives
do not know where their family members were taken or where they
died. To allow a desecration to occur in any form, be it physical
or verbal, would be akin to permitting the gravestones of the
family of any person to be defaced. There are not sufficient words
to describe the emotional and physical trauma which Holocaust
survivors have suffered and the measure of relief which the
Bolocaust Memorial provides to alleviate their suffering. This
incontrovertible fact weighs heavily on me in making a decision,
and the members of the Holocaust Memorial Committee have impressed
me with the need for reverence for the sanctity of the Holocaust
Memorial as a work of art, learning center, and cemetery for
victims who have no other final resting place.
Nevertheless, we live in a democracy which survives and renews
itself by the protection of individual rights no matter how
offensive or absurd the exercise of those rights may be. It would
be simple to deny Mr. Pritchard's request on the basis of its '
content because he is guaranteed to offend the overwhelming
majority of our Community. To better understand the First
Amendment and its implications as well as the manner in which other
municipalities have dealt with similar situations.~ a meeting was
held on April 5, 1993, with various legal experts, former municipal
attorneys and others who were keenly interested in the issue at
hand. The result of the meeting (see Exhibit 3 for list of
attendees) was to create a clear understanding that my decision
regarding the permit request must be based on irrefutable evidence
that Mr. Pritchard's requested event presents a clear and present
danger for people and property. If this conclusion is reached, the
only action which may be taken is to limit the time, manner and
place in which the event is held and certainly not the content.
On April 9, 1993, Chief Deputy City Attorney John Dellagloria, Fire
Chief Braniard Dorris, Police Chief Phillip Huber, Senior Assistant
City Manager Ed Cox and I met with Mr. Pritchard and his associate,
Mr. Czerr. The summary minutes are attached hereto as Exhibit 4.
At no time during that meeting was the content of Mr. Pritchard's
request discussed other than information he volunteered. The line
of questioning related to security concerns for the demonstrators,
the public and the Holocaust Memorial.
Readers of this memorandum should further understand that First
Amendment situations have presented themselves twice in my career.
As Director of the City of Miami Off-Street Parking Department, I
was required to determine the requirements for the rental of Gusman
Center for the Performing Arts to Minister Farrakan, whose track
record of virulent anti-Semitism and racism was well documented.
In addition, as Chairman of the Bass Museum Board of Trustees, it
was my responsibility to determine if the film "My Friend, Fide1",
would be shown. There was a serious potential for offending the
Hispanic segment of our community and putting the art treasures
contained in the Bass Museum at risk. The minutes of both meetings
in which the permits were discussed by the Off-Street Parking Board
and the Bass Museum Trustees, Board of the Friends and City
Commissioners, respectively are attached hereto as Exhibits 5
and 6.
Further, as a child, I remember hearing experiences of family
relatives who liberated concentration camps at the close of World
War II. I distinctly remember pictures of the camps being shown to
only the men at a dinner party because the pictures were viewed as
being too horrible to show the women and children. It is also
important for the reader to understand that one of my roommates
during college was the son of two Holocaust survivors and the
Special Events Application
April 14, 1993
tatoos on their forearms were clear evidence of the trauma they
Therefore, from the meetings documented above and career and
personal experiences, I am in a position to render a decision based
upon research and input from many segments of our community.
Rationality, concern for the security of our City and the Holocaust
Memorial, as well as the protection of the First Amendment rights
of Mr. Pritchard and his organization have all weighed heavily upon
my decision.
Mr. Pritchard has specifically requested to speak within the
Holocaust Memorial in the area between the low chains (near the
street curb) and the pool. He proposes to use a portable lectern
and speak for approximately 30 minutes. He alleges that the
Broward County Sheriff's Office has been requested to provide
security for his trip through Broward County because he is fearful '
the vehicles transporting his approximately 50 to 100 supporters
will be identified and snipers may shoot at them from 1-95 bridges
on their return trip. He may request a police escort from the
Holocaust Memorial to the Dade County line. Review of the minutes
of the April 9, 1993, meeting with Mr. Pritchard will clearly
demonstrate that he is concerned for his own safety as well as his
supporters (Exhibit 4).
Further, in a meeting held April 12, 1993, with the Holocaust
Memorial volunteers who staff the facility, it was made clear by
meeting attendees that Mr. Pritchard's activity, which they view as
a desecration, will cause such significant emotional reaction that
the volunteers and many others will not predict their behavior,
including almost certain physical violence against Mr. Pritchard
and his supporters.
It is also important to understand that additional individuals or
groups have announced their intention to counter demonstrate or to
demonstrate on behalf of Mr. Pritchard. As an example, Mr. Bob
Kunst has submitted a Special Events Application under the name of
Shalom International. The specific language of Mr. Kunst in his
news update of April 8, 1993, "A March to the Holocaust Memorial,
where we will take on the KKK") (Exhib%t 7) reflects the real
potential for violence being created by the event.
It is important also to differentiate between a White Supremacist,
KKK or Nec Nazi march on public streets in Davie, Hollywood, Skokie
or Eatonville and the request to speak within the confines of the
Holocaust Memorial within a very few feet of a priceless work of
art which could not be replaced.
Further compounding the difficulty of this situation is the
scheduled International Tile Exposition, which will bring
approximately 5,0~0 visitors to the Miami Beach Convention Center
who will be leaving during the time requested by Mr. Pritohard.
Since April 24, 1993, is the last day of the exhibition,
approximately 45 tractor trailers will be waiting to remove the
exhibits. The International Tile Exposition has also rented the
large parking lot west of the Miami Beach Convention Center for its
exclusive use (Exhibit 8).
Finally, Mr. Pritchard's own actions since our meeting demonstrate
that he is seeking to incite violence. On April 9, 1993, within
minutes of our meeting, he proceeded to engage visitors to the
Holocaust Memorial in intentionally inflammatory debate over the
existence of the Holocaust. References were made to tatoos and
Special Events Application
April 14, 1993
eventually one of Mr. Pritchard's followers was spat upon. City of
Miami Beach Police intervention was required to control the
situation. In a similar manner, Mr. Pritchard again attempted to
incite Holocaust Memorial visitors and staff on April 12, 1993.
He used a racial slur to describe the manager of the facility. The
City of Miami Beach Police Incident Report relative to the April 9,
1993, event is attached as Exhibit 9.
Based upon my review of the broad spectrum of input provided by
diverse groups of both proponents and opponents of the permit
request as well as Mr. Pritchard, I have reached the conclusion
that a clear and present danger exists to the citizens of Miami
Beach, our visitors and the Holocaust Memorial itself. This
conclusion is supported by the recent documented activities of
Mr. Pritchard as well as the warnings of responsible individuals
who state categorically that they give no guarantee regarding their
Countering the clear and present danger documented in this
memorandum and its exhib{ts is the need to protect the First
Amendment rights of Mr. Pritohard and to avoid costly and
protracted litigation which has to the best of my knowledge never
resulted in the denial of permits in other Jurisdictions.
The following reasonable conditions relative to time, place and
manner will apply to the permit:
1. The event will be held between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on
Saturday, April 24, 1993, as requested by the South Florida
Society for the Advancement of White People.
The requested "political speech" will be p~rm}tted a~
requested by Mr. Pritchard. He may use a lectern ano
amplification so long as the volume does not exceed ~he
decibel level required in the City of Miami Beach Code which
is uniformly applied to all outdoor events.
The permit will be granted for the area east of the Garden
Center located at the southwest corner of Dads Boulevard and
Convention Center Drive. This area is approximately 400 feet
from the Holocaust Memorial.
The normal requirement of a $1.0 million insurance policy w%.11
be waived for this event. The sum of $25,000 or its
equivalent must be posted no more than 72 hours prior to the
event to cover actual clean-up costs, security and other
related municipal expenses· This is required solely to cover
actual municipal expenses in the event that Mr. Pritchard's
speech does not occur when scheduled since the municipal work
crews must be paid due to existing union contracts. Should
the event occur without damage to the public property, the
entire monies will be reimbursed· By way of information, the
estimated cost of the normally 'requested $1.0 million
insurance policy is $2,500. Should Mr. Pritchard demonstrate
that he or his organization is unable to pay the required
costs in advance, the requirement may be wholly or partially
5. The required $50.00 permit submission fee, $150.00 pe~it
issuance fee and completed signed application forms must be
submitted no later than April 16, 1993.
Special Events Application
April 14, 1993
The City of Miami Beach is blessed with a diverse and tolerant
population. Our community has proven its capacity to handle
controversial situations in recent times without succumbing to the
hatreds and demagoguery which have torn the fabric of many other
By the very fact of this tolerance, abuse is invited in a free
society. Perhaps it is not by accident that the very first
amendment to the Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of speech.
Nevertheless, the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of
Rights never anticipated the likelihood of expansive media coverage
or the evolving court interpretations which allow limits on free
speech only to relate only to place, time and manner and to clear
and present danger, no matter how abhorrent the content.
As your City Manager, it is my sincere hope that all citizens will
understand and support the difficult decision which has been
reached. It is my further hope that First Amendment supporters
will accept the rational, deliberative and balanced process of
listening to all viewpoints, which has led to the reasonable time,
manner and place limitations imposed upon the permit approved for
this event. No politicization or demagoguery has influenced my
decision and I wish to thank all responsible individuals for their
restraint and understanding.
Senior Staff and Department Directors
City Attorney's office
South Florida Society for the Advancement of White People
Holocaust Memorial Co~mittee, Inc.
A.C.L.U. of Florida, Inc.
Community Relations Board
Trade Show International, Inc.
Spectacor Management Group, Inc.
Simon Weisenthal Center
American Jewish Congress
Shalom International
RGB ~. r&AKIIli
FLORIDA 3 3139
lin CONVitlflDII Cl Nllli
fELAtlIONll ltl ~1o
.o.w. w',',,h,t
City Manager ~--.-~r~,,~--.---
IIAIil ]ldy 27, 191l
In the past, the Cliy Commission discussed the need for deSal!ed.8~ddellnes and requlremenl
to be implemented for Special Evettls h'eld on Miami Beach. ~s a feJtlllt Ihe Adndni~lfallo
has prepared a ~et el ~uldellnel ~h~ time lequl~ementt for ~ubmlltal dl propolall and tit
plans Ihd i requl(ement for i le~rlty depodt In 1he.lotto of I bond, lellur el credit
cashier's chech In the amount el Ihe estimated coil el ~lty se~ices when lundin6 tot CJl
services I~ not received Item lite VC&/Speclal Events Committee.
~,ese requlrement,~ as prepared. Include all of ihe Clty'~ ~rent requirements 'educed
additional time and iecuflty fequhement~ outlined .above.
The Admlnlstrallon recommends Ihe approval of tile Ilequlremenl i fL Sp¢ Iai E~ Is.
~'IIEREA5~ the Cliy of Miami Beach Is dcstrous of sssislin8 promoters in holdlnB safe
and succes$1ul Special Events wilhhl lilt CIIyi and
~VI-IEREAS, in.order Io ensure Ihal Special Evenl~ are ~ale and ~ccessful~ cerlaln
8uldellne~ and requiremenl~ musl be e~tabllshedl and,
WHEREAS~ 1he City Commission of lhe Clly ol Miami Beach I~ deslrm~s of 8~ddellnes
and req. lremenls beln8 eslablished, in wrilln8, 1o holily all perspecllw Special Evenls
promoters nj the City's req[liremeulsl and~
~ttEREAS~ the Rules and Special Events Committee of the City Commission has
reviewed the requirements al Ihelr ].ly 19~ 1988~ meelinE and ~ecom[nends approval ol Ihe
said ~equlrements.
MI^MI BEACII~ FLORIDA~ that the Cie). of Miami Beach .Commission adopts the
lecommendalion ol the Rules a.d Special Events Committee ami approves the attached CJI)'
of Miami Beach Requirements Ior Special Events.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 27thdayofJu_i_g 1988.
y C.lerk
Legal I~e~attment
,~1~1'1t-I~ ,IIII,Y 27. 19B8
CI1¥ Of HIAfll B[ACit
A urltten proposal must be submitted to the City of Hlaml Beach i~O diys
before the event. If the proposed event II to be held o, the beech, the
proposll must be submitted rm tiler lid dlyt prior to the event to Illow
held on Lincoln ~oad H111~ the proposll IhDuld be submitted no later
~hen I~O dlys prior to the event to allow for approvll, of ~he event
the Lincoln ~oid Development Corporltlon. 1he proposes ~st contain
I minimum the n~t bi the orgintzltlon ~equestlng the event, resu~ of
the past events held by the orgintzitlon lndlor pr~Mottr, the diems Df
the event, the ve~e for the event t~ the type of evenL proposed.
1he City of Hlaml Beach does not directly fund Special [ventS, 1he City
contributes funds to the Visitor And Convention Authority for the
purpose of Speclll Events funding· Applications for funding ere
available through the bade County £ulturll Affairs Council, III H.H.
1st Slreet, Suite 1625, Hlaml, fla. 33128. Ibis application does not
constitute notice to- the City of HIAml Beech and must be submitted
In addition, to the. a~ove_proposll. .:~ ......
_ separately end,
General Requirements
A. lhe City bi Htaml Beach must be named as additional named Insured on
all Insurance.
b. AII Insurance policies must be Issued by companies authorized to do
business In the State of Florida and must ~eve e riling of p,Vl or
better per the BesS's ~ey Rating Guide, latest edition.
c. A hold harmless/Indemnity agreement must be execute~ by the
promoter/president and the' Insuranck company must be made a~ace of
this Agreement.
d. £ompltance of Insurance
original Certificate of
prior to the event.
requirements must be In the form of er
Insurance received no later then 30 dayl
e. 1he Certificate of Insurance Should be submitted to Ha. Susan Nlnn,
City Hanager~A Officet 1700 Convention Center Drive, Hleml Beech~
Fla. 3313g. lhe certificate of Insurance aust state the time, detl
and place of the event.
f. Approve1 of the Certificate of Insurance will be by the City's RIal
Hanager end once Approved the certificate ulll be kept on file In th
[Jf,~t~ct SriA~nt, RIsk Hlnagemtnt I)l lan, 17[~0 Convention tenter
Drive, 3re [1oar, Hlaml Belch,
g, the City of Hlaml Beach reserves the right to amend these
requirements as necessary to protect the IntereSts of the City. this
co.id result In In lncrelle Of Ihe imount lad type of coverage
Comprehensive General tlablltty
a, Rinl~um lmount of $1,000,~00 (one million dollars) per occurrence for
bodily InJur~ lad property damixa, Amount .~ay be reduced or
Increased dependent on the t~pe, location and estimated attendance et
the event, lots policy ~ust contltn coverlge for
premises/operations, products and contractual 1lability.
gorkers' Compensation end Employers' Liability
e. Probf of the shove coverage In the form al I certificate of Insurance
should be submitted as above.
b. Pequlrements are as per the State Statute.
Liquor Liability
e. If alcoholic beverages ere to be sold or served at the event, Ilquo~
1lability Insurance must be obtained In the amount of SI,GOO,G00 (one
million doJlar$] by the group or Indtvtduele selling or serving
alcoholic beverage, the group or Individuals must provide proof
coverage In the form of a certificate of Insurance and should be
submitted as above.
Construction Contractor Insurance . .~:._.._~_
~"' : a '1l the'e~ent requires the construction'of I 'stlge hr e~y other type
· of Insurlnce If
of constructibn, the contractor shiJl provide proof
the amount al SI,O00,O00 ~one million do111rs~. 1his proof shell b,
In the form of In ortglnll certlflclte of Insurance kith the City e~
in additional Insured and should be submitted as above.
FIre~orks DIsplay Insurance ·
a. If the evenL Includes I flre~orks dlspl~ endlor-sho~,'~omprehan$1v
general liability or fire.arks display Ilibillty Insurance mst b
obtained by the firm or lndlvldull responsible lot the fire.arks.
b. 1he policy shall be obtained In the amount of SI,O00,O00 (one m1111c
dollars) kith ~omblned single limit coverage.
c. 1he Certificate or Insurance mJst 111o state that this #coverage t
primary to all other coverages the CIty has for this special ever
d. If the agent Is out of state, the certificate must be counterslgm
by a Florida Resident Agent.
Indemnity Agrllmlntl Itl required for She pr~oterl and all perilI
required to obtain Insurance aa 1Isled above, the agreements ~st
signed by the president of the corporation (both for profit and not f~
profit)t wll,._.sed end noterlaed. 1he Agreemenll Ihould be submitted to
tls. Sulln Nlnn, City Henlger'l Of/Ice, I)DB Convenllon £enler Brlve,
ttlaml Beach, Jla. }3139, no laler Ihen 30 days prior Io the event.
e. A complete Itle plln for the event shill be drafted and submitted to
He. Susan Nlnn, City flsnaoer'l Office, ITOD Convenllon Center Drive,
tllaml Beach, fla. ]al]g, I~o 1&tar then gO dlyS prior to the event,
Should Ihe event he held on the beech Ind therefo~et require State of
Florida permlltlng and approval, the alta plan should be submitted e
minimum bi I~O days prior to the event. Ibis timing Is subject to
change bleed on the type of event, the construction required for the
event (stage and fencing} end If an admtSllon fee Is Jo be charged.
The City kill assist the promoter In obtaining the State permits and
In the drafting of Ihe site plan for this purpose.
b. The site plan should contain, It I minimum, thl 1my out of the event,
the location of concession booths, the location of entertainment, the
requirements for electricity and ~lter and the closin6 ul streetS, tf
any. Should the event be held on the beach and II,oral,re, require
State of Florida permitting and approval, the site plan must contain
the location of the COlSlll construction line, the er,start control
line and the mean high ~aler line.
State of florida
. a. Plvtslon of Beaches_and_Shores--If the event Is to be held on the
beach., State permits are' necessary' for ell 'structures on the beach
that are not of a portable nature. 1his ~ould Include but not be
limited to the following types of structures= stages. ~ences, tents,
lighting and sound systems. Division of Beaches Ifld Shores permits
are required for all of these types, of structures constructed ~est of
the erosion control 11ne. 1he State permit fei Is m,~nlnlrum of
$~20.00 end tS required to be plld by the promoter. 1ha- City ~tll
assist In obtaining the permit and the permit ~111 be Issued In the
City*s name.
b. Division of State Llnds;-Should Iny of the above structures be 1,cited
east of the erosion control line, approval must be obtained from the
Department of Hatural Resources,'Olvlalon of Slate Lands. If alt11
~osstble the event ~111 be approved under the City of Hliml Beach's
anage,nent Agreement with the State of FIort'da. Ilowever. depending on
the type and nature of the event, the Division of State Lands has the
rlght to negotiate I Separate use agreement with the Promoter and w111
charge a fee for the use of the land. This fee could Include e
contribution to the State Lands Trust fund as ~ell as a usa fee and
~ould require State of Florida Cabinet approval.
c. Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco--If IIcoholtc beverages'
~arlrltO sold or alrVld at the event, a II~lnle from chi State of
dl. Plvlslon of Arc.boric Blvlragal and Tablet, ,~Jlt bi obtelnedo
1his can bi obtained from Ihe Licensing Office 1,cited at 13BO H.~.
IZLh Avenue, Poom SS~, Hlaml, florldl 3~l]A, In order to obtain the
pc[mit Irom Stale, s 1citer of a,thof! Ion r.$t bt ~bielned from
the City of EIi~I Belch. 1his 1citer ~tlt be Issued by the ttty
Ham,germS Olfice subsequent lo the tubmltlll Ind approval of liquor
Ilabllllx Insurance and c~pleltd I~emnllx agr~r~ntt,
City of HIAml Beech
s. [1metrical permits--Pursuant to the Soulh Florida Building Code, in
eleclrlcAI permit must be Issued by the City of Hlaml Beach, Building
I)epArlment-for AII speclll events. Fees for the permit ire contingent
on the type of event to be held Ind the Iocltlon of the event. Prior
to the permit being Issued the event must be Inspected bV the City of
b. Ftreworkl permit--The Cdtty of HI&mi Beach Flr~ Department must esau, e
permit for the public Isplsy of fireworks. ~rltten request for the
~ermlt must be su~ttted t~ the Fire ~epartment~ F~re Prevention
~uretu, ~300 Ptnetree ~rtve, Hl~ml ~elch~ flortd~ 3~14fl, no ~ater then
45 days prior to the event. 1he requester wl~t receive an application
package to be completed and submitted ~ la,er ~hen 15 days prior Io
the event. Once the ipptlcatton IS approved i site t~spectton ~tl~ be
made by the rtre Frevehtton Bureau. ~ mtn~mum of Z (t~o) off-duty
from the time the
ftreftghters ~11~ be required to be on site
fireworks ire delivered at the site until temlnitton of the display
~nd the removal of BII fireworks from the site, in add~tlont off-duty
police officers may be required dependent on the site security the
dlsplly itel. P8~en~ of the off-duty flreflghterS Ind ~ce
officers IS the sole respontlblttty of the promoter and/or permtttea.
1he cost of off-duty personnel Is $16.00 per hour per flreftghter or
police officer.with I four hour minimum. .-
Hfs~e11Ank'ous Approvals end Pe~mit~ ' ~ ......
Any type of water activity held adjacent to Hlamt Beach must have
approvll of the florldl Hartne Petrol and the United States Coast
G,ard. Proof of such approval Mst be In the form of a letter to the
City of Hlaml Beach.
Genera1 ~equlrementS
a. Based upon the written proposal for the event end the event site plan,
An estimate of City services required end their issoctated cost
be prepared and submitted to the promoter Nlthln ~O days of'the event.
b. If the event does not have funding from the VCA Speclll C~entl
Committee for City services, the City will require an assurance the~
the City services ~111 be pald In fullc~rlor to the event.
assurance ~1~1 be in th~ form of a bond, Ahiere check or letter of
credit In the S~ount of the estimated cost for City services to be
posted with the City no later then 30 days prior to the event. This
security ~111 be released to the promoter subsequent to the event
provided that AII City services have been paid In full by the
pro~oler. It ts not the Intent of the City to directly pay for
services from this security but to provide the City of HtamI Belch
taxpayers with in assurance that the cost of the eve.t will ba borne
solely by the promoter.
c. Payment o! I, City Services ~Jst be made ~, ~n seven days lubsequent
%o iht tyrol and/or receipt o! Invoice for laid lervl[el.
d. Per hour rates (or employees ire It double the rile quoted below, If
the event Is held on the following days:
Hew Yearl Ire (beglnln9 at 6:00 pm)
llew Yelrl Ply
~ashlngton's Birthday
Hemorlll Day
I ~tependence Dly
Veterans Day
Chrlslma$ Ire (l~eglnln9 It 6tO0 pm)
Chrltlmas I)ay
Beach Parrot
a. If the event 15 held on the Beach, addttlonll Tileguards wlIT be
required dependent on the estimated attendlnce and the hours of ,the
event, lhe number o! additional personnel required HI111~e determined
by the Chief of the Beach Pitrol. Nhere priories1 on duty per$onf~el
,11! be utlllaed it no cost ID the promoter.
b. 1he cost of lifeguard personnel Is $15.D0 per ~our per lifeguard with
a four hour. minimum.
c. The payment of I11 off-duty personnel IS the so]~ responsibility of
the promoter and/or event organizer.
d. Checks'a~ t~ he v~rltten to the Indi~ld~ll$ thai Notked.~he-e~eRt"and. '
not to the City of Hiaml Beach.
Fire Department
a. Dependent on the type of event, site plan for the event and estimated
attendance of the event, Fire Rescue personnel mly not be required on
site. IIo~ever, should the event prohibit an acceptable response time,
above a minimum of one lire rescue vehicle with three off-duty rescue
personnel ~111 be required on site.
b. As stated above, fireflghters w111 be required
c. The cost of off-duty fire personnel Is dependent
for III .,fireworks
upon the typ~ of
apparatus needed for the event. A rescue unit ~tll require two
flrellghtera (paramedic and/or £HT) and I team lelder. The cost De
each flrefighter wtll be SiB.00 per hour and the team leader will
receive SlB.~ per hour. if a fire engine or ladder company
required, a minimum of three flreflghters ~111 he required Ind they
~111 be supervised by either e Ltetutenant or Captain &t the rate or
$~0.00 per hour. If four or more ftreftghtera Ire needed for In
off-duty detail or special event, an officer should be present. 1his
need ~111 be determined by the Chief of the Fire Department or his
designee, the coat of fire personnel ts is followsl
flrcftghters, II6.00 per hour
tteutenlnt/£lplltn $~0,00 per hour
d, the piymenl, of III off.duly personnel Is Ihe sole responsibility of
the promoler Ind/or event orglnlzer,
e, Checks are to be ~rltten to the Individuals thll worked the event and
not to the £1ty of Htaml Bosch.
Police Department
Overnight Security--lbo City of Hlaml Beech w111 not provide of~-du~y
pollcl officers for overnight Security of the event. The prc~oter
expected to hire security gulrds Ior Shit function. Th~ City can
assist the pron~ter tn this function by hiring the security through
Its cbntract at I cost of $6.5G per hour per eeployee. Iht City
arrange for the Security, II so desired by the promoter, ~n4 ~111 bill
t~e promoter for the cost. Ibis cost will be InC~udad In the above
estimate Ior C%ty services.
b. Back Stage.Security--The City of Hlaml Beach w111 not provide off-duty
police officers for back slsge security at a concert, fha promoter
mull arrange ~or ~hls funcllon. If desired by the promoter~ the City
will provide off-duty police o~flcers at back stage e~tranceS.
c. Police Escorts for-Entertainment--The City' of Hlaml Beac~ w111 supply
an off-duty motor cycle escort for enlertaln~anL personnel, If so
P :- ..... :. '
d. £ro~d Control--]he City of #l;ml' Beac~'~tll'requtre off-duty police
personnel for ~ro~d control, traffic control and general security
during the event, lhe number of police personnel II dependent upon
the type of the event~ the site plan for the event~ the type of
entertltnmant during the event Ind the estimated attendance of the
event. Zhe requlren~nt will be determined by thmChlaf .,of Police or
his designee. Ali personnel .III be off-dut~ and ..~here practica! or
advantageous.to the City, supplemented with on duty personnel.
e. Cost of off-duty police personnel ts dependent on the number and rank
required. AS a general rule, for four or more officers a sergean~
required and for more ~hen eight officers a ~leutenant a~d/or captain
ls required, lhe cost of the police personnel Is as
Offlcer--$16.OO p!r houri Sergeant--~lG.0O per hour end
Lteut.enent/Captaln--$~O.OD. lhere IS a four hour minimum for police
(. The payment of all off-duty personnel Is lhe sole responsibility of
the pro. Let and/or event organizer.
g. Checks are to be ~rtlten lo the Individuals that ~orked the event and
not lo the £1ty of fllaml Belch.
Public Services Department
a. Oependent on the venue for the event, the type of event and the
electrical rt~dlrtmew~t$ for the evenl, cia) services
from Ihe Building Halnienance Division, Parks
Recrelllon Division.
may be required
Division a,d/or
Cos~ of personne varies dependent on the type of_ personnel needed~
As generll'rulel perSon~el cost IS approximately S~O.(~ per hour.
1he City of Htsml Beach-has a portable'stage that can be rented. 1he
rental rate Il $]00 without covering, $906.1th covering.
1he cost of scxte of the basle serklces provided by this Department are
a~ f~11o~$t
Klosk't rents1 $7S.0G each
Hinging el banners $65.0~ each
[lectrlcll Services 12S.00 hr/person
£1ean up (park venuo~ S~O.O0 hr/person
o. A blt1 from the Oep~rtment wt11 be Sent to the promotor for servitor
performed. Payment Is due .1thin seven days of receipt of the bill.
Sanitation Department
Beach Clean-up--If the event Is to be held on the beech, the CIty of
Hlam! Beach does not clean the beach Itel. It I$ Imperative that the
promoter contact the Dada County Parks and Recreation Department /or
cTean up of this area after the event. The contact person .for Dada
County Parks ts Hr. Pet Brady, Division Superintendent, et G62-3B25.
In his absence contact Hr. Jim Iloover, at B58-70~S.. An estimated cost
wilt be provided by Dido County ond a letter-must 'be obtained from the
County as proD! of beach cle.il~.up_J.r~engemehtS prior to the event.
· ' '. ~L' ........ ~ .~
if' the event Is not held on the beach~ the. promoter w111 be responsible
for clelnln9 the area durincj the event ~nd liter the event. Should the
pre)motor choose, the CIty of HIInl Belch v111 provide personnel for
this funct~lon, fha cost of the 'personnel varies dependent on the
Individual S rate of pay. In addition, the promoter wtIT be charged
for dumping fees and equipment rental. An estimated cost_ 1al tho CIty
providing this service w111 be calculated and transmitted to the
i~romoter. Should .the pr~oter choose to provide clean-up personnet and
c~ean-up not through the City, the promoter w111 bo respon!lbte to
provide assurance to tho City tn the fona of I bond, letter of credit
or .cashiers check tn the an~)unt of the estimated City cost of cloln-up.
This assurance .lit be required no eater than ~O days prior to_Jhe
&. Birrlcades may hi required, dependent upon the lite plon of the ovont,
to be placed In the surrounding areas of the event and to close striDeS
to vehicular tralflc.
b. 1he number and IDeation of barricades ~111
Hlaml Beach Police Department.
c. fha cost of the barricades .tit be Includo
determined by the
tn the esttmetod
City of
cost (or
Services ~nd ,111 be order by the City ~or the event.
i'ort-I- toilet S
I. tort-e-toilets ,111 be required during
~111 be dependenl upon fha site plan
the event, 1he number required
aM the altfmlled Ittendance. of
b. The order end payment of Port-i-tolle~l w111 be the sole responsfblltty
oF the pron~tar. Proof of fulflll!ng the Clty'l r~qulremant w111 be th
the form of a confirmation letter from the sanitation company.
Should there be any questions concerning the above requirements, please cont&cL