NOTICE IS HEREBY~iven that a public hearing will be held ~ |
the Mayor,and City Commission of the Cty of Miaml~Beacl~,
Florida, n the Commission Chambers 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700
Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on
Februe 25, 2004, at 10:45 a.m. The purpose of the pu_m~_~
heann r~s for the City Comm ssion to consider waving, by 5/7
· g ' I donor sen/in as a vendor with
vote, the proh b~tlon ora campaLgn ..... 91 .... ,.~.
the City (per Miami Beach C ty coae sect on z-,mr
inquiries may be directed to prOCurement Department (305) 673-.
7490. ' ~ -
INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting,.
be re resented by an agent or to express their views In WrBtng|
P ..... ,., ~,~,-misSion c/o the City Clerk, 1700|-
addressee to me ~,,y .......... L.
Convention Center Drlv.e., 1st FIo. o,, C,~ Ha!l, nlndlaun~ldeBre~
Florida 33139. This meeting may De con[tnuea a
circumstances additiohal legal notice would not be provided.
Robert E. Percher, C~ty Cle~.i
City of Miam~ Bee=ll
Pursuant to Section 286 0105, Fla. Stat. the City hereby advtael
that' If a arson decides to appeal any decision made by the
public · '.~- ........ an., matter considered at its mset~, _?~
hearing such person must m.a~ ?.
roceed n s is made which recon3 ncluaee tne ms~ ny
P ~.[~ ...... I-, ;~ to be based This notice does no~. c0n~ .~
consent by the ~t~ for the introduction or admission o! .otl'm~tMI
inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it author ze chailengll ~
appea s not otherwise allowed by taw
o r uast this material in accessible format, sign language in~
~. eq ........ for~ -emons with d sabilltiea and/ix ~
inmrmatlon off a~.~u~,o ~, or artici te in
I sccommodet on to review any docume~604.~),~89 ~e
I sponsored p[oce~, in,, ple. as_e___COton~n~iti~0te5 ,--ur re~ue(~' "~ uee~ ~
I 7218 (TTY) five nays ~n aov_an~.. ?..,, ~- ', · - :
I a so ca, 711 (Florida Relay ~erwce~.