Fei)nm 23, 2004, commencing
Workshop on Monday, ry h
r.,.~.-.,~o o* ~.,,+h ~i,~A I=l, ntaw School 1050 Fourth Street, Miami .~. , .Fh:?:l~a,....
in on onsible estlleme, scenarios in e
topmvidelnforrnationandmcelve put .~ ........... i~
litigation with West Side Partnem, Ltd., East uo_s?ln, e UO_?IOpmm,L, 2;T,-.~--.:.-~,:~..
Portdino entities, involving developms.nt afro
the Alaska Parcel, ancI ~rtioos ~ BloCKS 1, bl_,.ana :)z.l~ m~ ~.J? _u.,_~_, ._ =~=...,,~
ena es i, ude, but.
.'~.,~k'[;' ~ ~h-~n-~-~'tJapp~on of me Federal Triangle, and consldemtl~
additlon~ development dghtd on the subject ~ .
This public workshop is. in. furth..s.mnce.?
pend ng litlgaUon. Accor[llngly, flaming sala, or pmpa~uu, u, p..o v,~. ,,
wdting for or at the pubic hearing or concerning .es~m.e. nt, used
Iltlgatloo relating to or arising out of.such pu.blic he..anng, .s~,. ement alacusalmm, or,m,
existing or future litigation between mesa aha any omar porqes.
Inquiries concerning this public hearing should be directed to the City Cla,'k'lOfflc,e et
(305) 673-7411.
Please join us et these community workshops, Architect Alex
Cooper, Robertson & has been. e_~. ed I
design and development Oovlsory sauces r
in the South Polnte Park area, Following Input
sought from area residents and property owners. ,'
haman decides to appeal any decision mane Dy ~e u~ ~omm~m ~:._, ~._,~v~
- ......~_ ,._:~,, .. ~ ~.~.,, ~ I*~ hearina such person mUSt ensure
verbatim record of the proceedings Is made, which record in(~lud~ the
evidence upon wh ch the appeal Is to be beset. This.n~ce ~ n~. ?,~,,~_ ~
con.. tiY the City for the introduction or admlesian m
irrelevant evidence, nor does it mdhorlze c_helisng, es. or 8ppp~s ........
by 18w. One or more members of the C~ ~ommmsion or omer u~ ooaru.
attendance. , '
eccommodaao~ to pmliclpate In this ~1~, or to re..q.L~}_ _m_wj, . r--~.t s
trite rate
. ~.rp '_., ..... '~n" m~;red contact the City Clerk's office via the Fie'ida
numbers (800) 955o8771 ~ll~ or (800) 955.877 (V E),
~ #248) -
~,d #248) _ '