Alberto RaveloE City of Miami Beach 17 Cowentin Center rise Miami Besch, Flrdo 33 139 OFFICE OF THE CO IY CLERK €ma E C@mar:gachf Gou Tlephone. 305.673.7411 Received February 2, 2022 Office of the City Clerk AF FID AVIT O F A FFI LI A TIO N WI TH TH E CITY OF MIAMI BEACH STA4TE OF FLORIA COUNTY O F MIAMI-OADE t am in compliance with the afflianon requirement af Miar each City Code Sect ions 2-22 {4) as {cteck /) all that app'y) s/ lam a resident of the City of tam Beach far six months or tonger Hame Address.a?l .Seel'' ts Tit L I have an ownershup interest (for a minimum of six months} in a business established in the City t Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months) n1 }am a fuli-time employ ee of a business (for a minimum of sx montts} and 4 am based in an office or other location of the business that is physically located in Miami Beach (tor a minimum of six months1 Nare o 3usiness 3/7 'wvnership integst means the awnorsbp cf ten percert (15%) o more (including the ownership ot 10% o r more o f tho outstanding cap ita l stock} in a business Busiess" m eans any sole proprietorship, sponsorsh ip, corporation, muted liability compan y or other enfity or bus.íne ss ass· 'atfer) re that I have read the foregoing doc ument and that the facts stated in t 00eeeoe Pnnted Name NOTARY Sworn to (or affrmed) and subscrited tefo re me by means otX„physical presence or.u online notarzaton, we „a_aousa4 202z plaids (e to_ City of Mamu Be arh Bard;Com mittee Member) Produced ID form cf identification N am e of Notary Typed Prin ted , or St am p ed