ITB-20-019-14 RJ Spencer Construction LLC Executed Award Letter rev 7-8-2021CONTRACT NO. 20-019-14 MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1755 Meridian Avenue, 311 Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www,miamibeachfl.gov PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 305-673-7490, Fax: 786-394-4235 SENT VIA E-MAIL TO: berry@RJSconstruction.com July 8, 2021 Barry St. Vil RJ Spencer Construction, LLC 20535 NW 211 Avenue, Suite 202. Miami Gardens, FL. 33169 Phone: 786-247-7599 RE: NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (ITB) NO. 2020 -019 -ND TO ESTABLISH A POOL OF PAINTING (INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR) AND WATERPROOFING SERVICES. Dear Mr. St. Vil: This Notice of Award of Contract shall supersede the Notice of Award Contract dated June 18, 2021, previously issued by the City. RJ Spencer Construction, LLC., (the "Contractor") submitted to the City of Miami Beach, Florida (the "City") a request to be prequalified for future projects in response to the above -referenced ITB. This letter shall serve as official notice that on April 13, 2021, the City Manager approved the Contractor to be prequalified to provide painting and waterproofing services to the City. The ITB stipulates and this letter shall confirm that the City Manager shall constitute a binding Contract between the City and the Contractor. It is important to note that work will be awarded pursuant to the roadmap established in Section 6 of the ITB. Further, no services may be performed until such time as insurance has been received and the City has issued a Purchase Order for the desired scope of work. If you have any questions regarding this letter of notification of award, you may contact Valerie Velez, Contract Analyst, Procurement Department, at ValerieVelez@miamibeachfl.gov or at 305-673-7490 ext. 26905. Otherwise, all other questions should be addressed to the Contract Manager for this contract, Adrian Morales Director Property Management Department at Adrian Morales@miamibeachfl.gov or 305-673-7000 ext. 22932. Tx le Ie1R71Jl We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871 -68B8 -452A -BBI 1-0568DO4505B4 ATTACHMENT P,I'-,'SOI,(.J'I'ION COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871 -68B8 -452A -8811-05613D04505134 DocuSign Envelope ID: 55A2FDOA-90AF-4C54-riEE4-973ED6DDEB7E i — o utIQr C7 H MIAMI BFACH COMMISSION MEMORANf UNI TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 12, 2020 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER, PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (ITB) 2020�019- ND, TO ESTABLISH A POOL OF PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING CONTRACTORS TO EXPEDITE THE SELECTION OF CONTRACTORS FOR FUTURE PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING PROJECTS WITH A CONTRACT PRICE OF $300,000 OR LESS; AND APPROVING THE INITIAL POOL OF QUALIFIED CONTRACTORS, AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A" TO THE COMMISSION MEMORANDUM ACCOMPANYING THIS RESOLUTION; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO KEEP THE ITB OPEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREQUALIFYING ADDITIONAL PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING CONTRACTORS, AND DELEGATING TO THE CITY MANAGER THE AUTHORITY TO ADD OR REMOVE CONTRACTORS TO THE POOL, PROVIDED SUCH CONTRACTORS MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ITB. R C MAY fel IE ND/1 f W P1 Adopt the Resolution SA_KAROUND/H1610-BY For approximately five years, the City of Miami Beach has had an agreement for the provision of interior and exterior painting and waterproofing services. The current contract expired on October 21, 2019. In order to establish a replacement contract, on October 4, 2019, the City issued an Invitation to Bid 202.0 -019 -ND (the "ITB"), 'The purpose of the ITB is to establish a contract, by means of sealed applications, with qualified contractors for the establishment of a prequalified pool of painting and waterproofing contractors. The pre -qualified pool established shall effectively create a source of viable contractor,; from which the City may issue Invitation to Quotes (ITQs) for various City painting and watorproofing projects during the term 'of the contract. Further, at any time, the City, through the approval of the City Manager, may accept applications and add additional or remove contractors to the list of prequalified contractors during the term of the contract. ANALYS-IS Page 287 of 1185 ovcuoignEnvelope ID: 4oxoom1-6uao-4auv-Bu11-0amBoowm5ew Tho (TB vwam kmVnd on October 4, 2019. with bid opening date of October 25` 2019.Thn Procurement Department issued Nd noUoay to 1.828 companies utilizing wmvw.bk1aynr.onm website. 53 prospective bidders accessed the advertised solicitation. The notices resulted in Uhereceipt ofnine (Q)responses from: AbunmnLLC ('Abuoron'').CunanoBuilders Corporation ("Cunono^). Endid LLC (''Endirfl, Government 8uuinmnu Development LLC ("Government Business"), Halcyon Builders, Inc. ("Halcyon"), |.D. Painting Corp. ("I.D. Painting"), |no|an Painting and Waterproofing, Corp. Roof Painting by Hartzell, Inc. ('Hartzell"), and Paint Quest, LLC ("PairdQuasy). The |T8 stated that foUuvNnO the review of app|icaUonu, the responsive and responsible bidder(s) meeting all temis and conditions of the ITI3 will be recornmendecl for award, In its due diligence, the Procurement Department found that Aboumn, Cunnno. Endid. [3ovommooL Business, Halcyon, |.D. Painting, (nn(oo.Hartzell, and Paint Quest matthe requirements ofHie |T8. Accordingly, all bidders as listed in Exhibit A have been deemed responsive, responsible bidders meeting all terms and conditions of the ITI3 and are recommended for award. The funding o[this project ismsfollows: Account(s) 520'1720Amount(s) $60,000 $110,000 $88.000 000325 -29- 413-592-00- 00..00520- 1720-.000342- 29-413-592- 00-00-00 168- 9964-000342- 29AOO-592- VD-O8'OO | concur with staff that Kis in the best interest ofthe City to have apool ofprequalified painting arid waterproofing oortnavk>m from which proposals can be sought to quicNy deploy a contractor to address an identified painting or vwdarpnoohng need of the City. Otherwise, redundant and time-consuming efforts would be required to qualify contractors each time a need was identified. In order to continue to maximize competition by continuing to odd oonimnhnna. / recommend dna{ the period for submitting applications be extended to be consistent with the hamn of the contract. Now applicants that meet the |T8 requirements will be added to the poo(. Contractors that duriot perform well will boremoved from the pool. Therefore. | recommend that the Mayor and City Commission of the, City of Miami Beach, Flo hda. approve the Resolution, eoonpUnQ the recommendation oythe City Manager, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 2020 -0/8 -NO. to establish m pool of painting and waterproofing contractors to expedite the selection of contractors for future painting and waterproofing pnojods not to exceed $300.000. and approve the |nide( pool of qualified contractors, as set forth in Exhibit "A" to the Commioxion[Nomooandom accompanying this Resolution; further, authorizing the City Manager to keep the |T8 open for the purpose of pnaqua|ifying additional painting and mmk*qurooOng nontmotom, and dw|oUmhng to the City Manager the authority to add Page 288 of 1185 DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-6888-452A-B8I 1-056BD04505B4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 55A21-*[.)0A-90AI',-4054-B[..E4-973f,-.D6DDEB7E (or remove) contractors to the pool, provided the added contractors meet the requirements of the ITB. APPRo-b-10-Ans! Citywide k0bh- Ls AR-as.IAe.nt-RjatiU-Q- P-CLQxj.w--" .Kn-Qw--iJtff-M--Z B-QV-d-.FL0!0r'Z No No !Meg .biladLvf L—TukrAlfns Property Manage ment/Procurement AITA--QR-NEkU- Description n Attachrrrmt A n Resolution Page 289 of 1185 DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 55A2FDOA-90AF-4054-BEE4-973ED6DDF87E ATTACHMENT A Abacron LLC Cunano Builders Corporation Endirt LLC Government Business Development LLC Halcyon Builders, Inc:. I.D. Painting Corp. Inclan Painting and Waterproofing, Corp. Roof Painting by Hartzell, Inc. Paint Quest, LLC Fonsis, LLC Master Rollers Painting, Inc:. JCI International, Inc. JAG Painting Contractors, Inc. RJ Spencer Construction LLC' ' Added through CM Approval No. 2020 -019 -ND oonmigvemou» ID: 433ox871*uuu-4ox-Bon-0o a000moa* RESOLUTION NO. 2020-31160 A RESOLUTION OFTHE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION {}FTHE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER, PURSUANT TOINVITATION TOBID (|TB)2O2D'O10^ND,TO ESTABLISH A POOL OF PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING CONTRACTORS TOEXPEDITE THE SELECTION OFCONTRACTORS FOR FUTURE PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING PROJECTS WITH A CONTRACT PRICE OP$JOD.0000RLESS; AND APPROVING THE INITIAL POOL DFQUALIFIED CONTRACTORS, ASSET FORTH |NEXHIBIT "A'TO THE COMMISSION MEMORANDUM ACCOMPANYING THIS RESOLUTION; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO KEEP THE |T8 OPEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREqU/\UFMNGADD|T%]N&L PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING CONTRACTORS' AND DELEGATING TO THE CITY MANAGER THE AUTHORITY TO ADD OR REMOVE CONTRACTORS TO THE POOL, PROVIDED SUCH CONTRACTORS MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OFTHE ITB. VVHEREAS, for approximately five years, the City of Miami Beach hos had an agreement for the provision of interior and exterior painting and waterproofing services; and WHEREAS, the current contract expired onOctober 21.2O1Q;and WHEREAS, on October 4, 2019. the City issued an Invitation to 8N 2020A10 -ND (the ^UBl to establish a successor mm(mct, by means of sealed opplkcabonn, with qualified contractors for the establishment of a Vmquu|iMvd poof of painting and wmhyqpmo[inA contractors; and WHEREAS, on October 25, 2019, bids were received from Abaomn LLC ("Abaumn^). Cunmno Builders Corporation (^Cununo^), Endirt LLC (^Endirt"). Government 8uoinnun Development LLC (^Gnvemmen\ 8uoin000^). Halcyon Builders, Inc. ("Halcyon"). I.D. Painting Corp. (^i[l ^ |nden Painting and Waterproofing, Corp. (^Iwdnn^). Roof Painting by Hartzell, Inc. ("Hartzell"), and Paint Qu et, LLC ("Paint Quest"),- and WHEREAS, in its due diligence, the Procurement Department hound that Cunono, Endid, Government Business, Halcyon, I.D. Painting, )no|mn. Horbe||. and Paint Quest mo the requirements ofthe ITB; and WHEREAS, all bidders eolisted inExhibit Ahave been deemed naapnnpive.moponaib|e' bidders Meeting all terms arid conditions u[the |T8�arid VVHEREAS, when o need arises, the City will seek proposals from all prequalified contractors; and WHEREAS' for service orders up to $300.000. the approval of the City Manager or designee will be required in econndmuevvi\h the Oik/ Manager's existing delegated authority tinder the City Code; service orders exceeding $300,000 will need to be competitively procured; and VVHENEAS, to maximize competition among the prequalified conimdnm. the Administration is recommending that the (TB remain npon. N permit the City Manager to DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BDO4505B4 DoctiSIgn Envolope ID: 55A2FDOA-OOAF-4054-BEE4-973ED6DDEB7t7 prequalify additional contractors as part of the pool, provided that such contractors meet all of the requirements of the ITB. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the City Manager, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 2020-019.•ND, to establish a pool of painting and waterproofing contractors to expedite the selection of contractors for future painting and waterproofing projects with a contract price of $300,000 or less; approving the initial pool of qualified contractors, as set forth in Exhibit "A" to the Commission Memorandum accompanying this Resolution; further, authorizing the City Manager to keep the I'FB open for the purpose of prequalifying additional painting and waterproofing contractors, and delegating to the City Manager the authority to add or remove contractors to the pool, provided such contractors meet the requirements of the ITB. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: RAF EL E. RANADO, CITY CLERK day of ,1�?4" +r' 2020. DAN GELBER, MAYOR RIPURCISulicOaduns@02012020.010-ND ITS Painting (intudw and Exte,im) and Wutwprouting Survlce.WD - Comnlsslcn Awafd DocumentsWO-9.020- 010•ND - RasoSu0nn.dm - ; �•� ; APPROVED A5 TO 1IH(OR??oRA1E0 _ FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR "ECUTiON fifty Attomoy-� Date DocuSign Envelope ID: 43303871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 DocuSign E=nvelope ID: 55A2FDOA-90AF-4054-HE.E4-973E.DC)DDEB7E MIA V 1I BEACH PRQCUUME:NT DFPARTMFN'i On February 12, 2020, the City of Miami Bexh, Florida ("City") adopted Resolution No. 2020-31160 (attached) foi the establishment of a pool of painting and waterproofing contractors for future painting and waterproofing project: with a contract price of $300,000 or less, The Resolution allows for Administration to continue to accep prequalification applications and delegates to the City Manager the authority to add painting and waterproofinc contractors to the pool of prequalified contractors, provided such contractors meet the requirements of the ITB. The Procurement Department has received one additional responsive and responsible application pursuant to the ITB from RJ Spencer Construction LLC, The Administration has determined that the additional contractor is qualifiec and meets the requirements established in the ITB. The Administration recommends that the City Manager approve the addition of RJ Spencer Construction LLC pursuant to Resolution. 2020-31160 to the list Ofpreguallfied contractors for painting and waterproofing services N/A ............ Resolution 2020-31160 11"41MM 020 202.0-31160 uepl.rieaa: ............ I,rocuremenk,-.__920n(nresULAW. Al^S): cnymanager: Oalo: 4/1,3%2021 1 10:1. (AW 4/1.3/202.1 1 10:10119)T 4/13/2021. 1 10: Q14iQ)r 4/1.3/2.021. 1 10: 4 EDT DocuSign Envelope ID:433D3871-6888-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 ATTACHMENT a SOLICITATION (11B) DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 1 F TABLE-' O CONTENTS SECTIONS: 0100 GENERAL. INFORMATION & SCOPE OF WORK APLf' !DICES: APPENDIX A PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION APPENDIX B SPECIAL CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS: I Bidder means any firm or individual submitting an application in response to this ITB. The term bidder may be used interchangeably with applicant and proposer. Vendor rne.•arrs any firm or individual that has been pre-qualified to supply goods or servic:ns to the City. DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 s k �• .. �5�:.9AF:fi6 1. r _ �. �A.t,J.dr � tlA�.�.it':���� � '_ ��. ,; , 1. v PQK.19d [ , tht: City of ivWIN Beach is seeking applications froin painting or painting and waterproofing contractors who wish to participate in a pre -qualification pool that will be used to solicit various routine painting Land waterproofing services on an "as needed" basis as specified herein. Interested contractors may submit an application indicating its intent to become prequalified. Ail contractors which meet or exceed the criteria established in this solicitation shall be placed on a pre - qualification list that may be accessed by various Uty departments to obtain price quotations for various routine painting and waterproofing soivices. The City utilizes ROSyrre (yv4vw,bi<f yner,�rfty for automatic notification of solicitation opportunities and document fulfillment. Any prospective bidder who has received this ITR by any moans other than through BidSync is solely responsible for registering immediately with Bin'Sync to assure it receives any addendum issued to this IT13. Additionally, prior to submittal of the bid, bidder shall verify th'al. it has received and complied with all addenda issued. Failure to receive an addendum, or comply with an addendum requiromont, may result in disqualification of bid submitted. 2. OVERVIEW OF RREQUAtiF{CATI__ON i kMt The figure below is a general overvi(�.w of the process that the City will utilize to award work pursuant to the prequalification process. J �vQl� )bill rl'J � 1JItldUl' �ilt'It!1}ti.tjll, err<ir(srrd nt n;d;roU: i)17prin,'idiilt_ tv i ` Ilio; «;ltd(is:�r1 Itk:�lu'�hii;xf pl {;toC(:dtliCS <`t:lahlt,itgd rmilun?so to IN,, {Tei in fl,*,, It# •t� A Cin qn tzr r;eFtlC;f Masi$. City will rCgtM9f and w'51S If ;11) ioz Ea �tsffrnrk ioidx rtrs lima<;1ikr;(t�6fu:d t0� « 94ienp�xr.�,n !Oa alt;)10-.aGIC+;nU a9l}" ' I tn;lfp�rriflaw !;,will(A i(AfUlUro V4 - DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 3. PROCUREMENT CONTACT. Any questions or clarifications concerning this solicitation shall be submitted to the Procurement Conlact noted below. The Bid title/number shall be referenced on all correspondence. Procurement Contact: Telephone: Email: 4. APPROVAL PRf--QVAt-IrElLS1 ATUS, Following the review of applications, the, re. spoils No, responsible bidder(s) meeting i)It terms and condillons of tile. ITB will be recommended for award, as deemed in the best interest of the City, to the City Manager for his consideration. After considering the staff recommendation for award, the City Manager shall exercise his due diligence arid recommend to the Mayor and City Commission the bid that the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City Commission shall consider the City Manager's recommendation(s) and, may approve or reject the City Manager's recommendation(s). The City Commission may also reject all bids received. In addition to the criteria established in the application, pursuant to Section 2-369 of the City Code, the City may consider the following: • The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the Contract, • Whether the bidder can perform the Contract within the time specified, without delay or interference. • The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder. • The quality of performance of previous contracts. • The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the Contract. 4.1 RENEWAL TERMS, The City Manager, at his sole discretion, may approve up to two (2), one (1) year renewal terms, providing that the required certification is still valid. 5, ADDITIONAL PRE(; UAtJEIED FIRMS TO BE ADDED TO POOL_ At any time, the City, through the approval of the City Manager, may accept applications and add additional firms to the list of prequalified firms. 6. AWARDING, WORK; When the need for services arises all prequalified contractors that are in good standing may be invited to submit statements of work (SOW) and costs based on an Invitation to (quote (ITQ) issued by the City. Each SOW prepared by the contractor shall include a clear description of the work to be pE:rfornled (with specific and timed deliverables) and the related costs by deliverable. The City will select the prequalified contractor that offers the best combination. of services and cost, sclely at the discretion of the City. 7, SERVICE DELIVERY_ EXPECTATIONS. The City places an emphasis on excellent customer service delivery and expects (lie prequalified bidder to provide the best possible customer service to any and all awarded projects throughout the term of the contract. 'rho, prequalified bidder's project manager is responsible for monitoring the customer sr:.ivice provided to City by prequalified bidder's staff, sales and support learns, and employing, as necessmy, corrective measurers, to ensure that the prequalified DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871 -68B8 -452A -B81 t-056BD04505B4 bidder will provide and maintain the highest quality of customer service possible during completion of the project(s). Project -specific doliverables and expectations shall be defined on a project -by -project basis, as specified in each I TQ. 8. VOLUME OF WORK TO BE RECEIVED BY BIDDER. No promise of work is given, or should be understood, as a result of a pre -qualification. The City reserves the right to purchase any goods and/or services awarded from any resulting agreement, or another governmental contract, or on an as - needed basis through the City's spot market purchase provisions. 9. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The City's Standard Torms and Conditions for Service Contracts (available at ht_ ttp lwww.miamib( chff.cLov_icity hall/ jrocureniPnf;standard-ttermsond: gQLidttion5l) are referenced and incorporated herein. 10. INSURANCE, R!;( Ulft[M -RIL Insurance requirements will be released as part of an addendum. 11. BINDING„ AGREEMENT. By virtue of submitting an application for the City's consideration, the bidder agrees that the application shall be considered an offer on the part of the bidder, which offer shall be deemed accepted upon approval of bidder's prequalitication status by City Manager or City Commission. f=urther, bidder agrees that, upon approval of the bidder's application by the City Manager or City Commission, a binding Agreement shall be eltablished between the City and the approved contractor. The; Agreement shall be comprised of the following documents, and in the following order: First, the Purchase Order issued by the City; then, Second, the signed Contractor Service Order; then, Third, the Invitation to Quote (ITQ) awarded to the vendor; then, Fourth the ITB, including all documents released in connection with the ITB, including all appendixes, whether included herein or released under separate cover. In case of default on the part of the Successful Bidder, after said award, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate, including legal action, for damages or specific performance. DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68BB-452A-B811-066BDO4505B4 APPI..-Nll.'.)IX A A� X r 01 1LJCA lflc,� I p p iC,ci t io n 2020 -019 -ND Painting (Interior and Exterior) and Waterproofing Services PROCURI , MI , '41"D[PARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Be�och, Florida 33130 DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-6868-452A-8811-056BD0450564 Sect%_on 1, SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS. The Prequalification Application will not be considered until it has been submitted completed and executed by a principal of the bidder. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. If requested information is not applicable, please indicate "N/k or "Nono. " If answers to questions are lengthier than the spaces that are provided in the application, the answers may be provided on additional pages, which must be attached to the application. All requested documents must also be attached to the application. Failure; to attach all requested documents will delay review and approval of the application, Submit one (1) signed original and one (1) electronic copy (e.g„ flash drive, CO -ICOM) of the applications to, City of Miami Beach Procurement Department 1755 Meridian Avenue, 31d Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 The City reserves the right to request clarifications or additional information at, deemed necessary to evaluate a bidder's qualifications. When clarifications or additional information is requested by the City, bidder will have thteq(3) business_tfys to provide, in full, all the requested information. Failure to provide the information within the prescribed time will delay the review process and may result in denial of prequalification. Section 2, DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL.., 1"here is no deadline for the submittal of applications. However, the initial «svie4v of applications shall lake place 21 days alter issuance of this ITIS. Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed periodically on an on-going basis, The City will endeavor to complete the review of each application within 60 days of receipt, (THE REMAINDER OF ThfIS PAGE I5 LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK) oo:uSignEnvelope ID: *nmD3o 1-68a8-452A-a811-05aoo^50oe4 Part A—GonamiBidder Information. DoCUSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 Part B - Operational & Management Inforimflon. 1. Provide the narnos of cath owner (stockholder, sole proprietor, and partner), director, or officer of the comp my bFlow. Submit additional names,on,a separate shoet if required, Owner Ownership percentage Diieclor5hip/Office type .... ................ . .. .... ........ ... ................. .. ... 2, Provide three (3) clients for which the bidder has provided the referenced services in the last five (5) y ProjectDescription of Work Project Reference .. .... . .......... ------- un rf . ......... - ................ ....... . . .... . ....... .. 3. Is the bidder currently barred b a g_9vernniental Tency, from bidding as a prime or subcontractor? NO If yes, debarment period and the e re-, aso-- debarment? .. ..... ..... . ..... 4. Has the bidder or any of its owners, directors, oflicors, or agents been convicted of a crime or had a claim that was filed in a court and mediated or arbitrated during the last five (5) years? YS E( NO If yes, why`? . ......... - .......... . . ............ ... ..................... .. ...... ... 5, Is an affiliate, of the bidder p`,,qualified by the City of Miami Reach for any work? If ................ yes, state the name of the affiliate? . .. . .... . ...... . ... - ------- DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 6, Is the bidder a parent, subsidiary, or holding corr!pany for another company'? L. YCS ( .....1 NO If the answer is "yes," identify the company and type of relationship(s), below: Company - Type of affiliation (parent or subsidiary) Period of affiliation 7. Is an owner, director, officer, or agent of the bidder affiliated with another company? [_-..] YES [..... ] NO If the answer is "yes," provide the following information for each individual and the affiliated company. Individual's narne Affiliated company's name Period of Type. of affiliation (e.g. affiliation officer, director, owner or —..._ — employee)... - 8, Is tho bidder currently tho debtor in a bankruptcy case 9r file for bankruptcy during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain and attach, as applicable, the relevant case and court documents, Including (but not limited to): the original petition, including the case number and the date that the petition was filed; a copy of the bankruptcy court's discharge order, and any other document that ended the case, if no discharge order was issued. 9. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent for the bidder, or has any business organization in which any such person was an owner, director, officer, or agent tiled for or been discharged in bankruptcy within the past five (5) years? C—_...� YL:S I_....�� NO If yes, explain and attach a copy of the discharge order, order confirming plan and if a Corporate Chapter 7 case, a copy of the notice of commencement. 10. Nas any ownrr, director, officer, or agent of the bidder owned or managed a company under any other name in the last five (5) years? L.._ rI YL?S L. NO -.... _--____,.---- _..._.__._._.._.-.._-___. If yes, explain. { �.. _._. _ ..... _ .... ..... ......... _.. _.. _.. DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 11. Has the bidder boon assessed or paid any fines on any contract during the past five (5) years, whether the project was publicly or privately owned? �......._........� YE ; �. _..... 1 NO if yes, explain. 12. Are there currently any liens, suits, or judgments of record pending against any owner, director, officer, or agent for the company that is related to the business activities of a business organization? L.._..._...j YES �_._.....� NO ......_....___._..... _..... .......... _............. __.__.._.._.— _ ......__._._ If yes, explain. 13. Has the bidder or any of its oviners, officers, or partners ever been convicted (criminal) or found liable (civil) for making either a false claim or material misrepresentation to any public agency or entity? YES NO .............. If yes, explain. 14. Has the bidder or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted of any a federal or state crime? _ C....:1 YES c_ _.. i NO .......... .......... ... ..... ._ _.________.__..._..__..-_._._.__._._..._._..._.._______.___..._-___....._._.__._.__.--.-._.___........._..__... If yes, explain. 15. Is any officer, director, employee or agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) of any officer, director, omployee or agent, an employee of the City of Miami Beach? YFS f.._-_.....� NO ifyes, state name, title and share of ownershi _ PVame 1 Itle Share (°t°) of Ownership _ ............._ _... _. DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 16, Has the bidder, or any officer, director, employee or agont, contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach? -W� YES y ] NO _.._.._._......._.._....-—.___..__......._......_...._ _ _._..._..._ ...--- _ - __._. _..� ..._.........._.. __. if yes, provide dafails. 17, Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. Purchases hereunder are subject to the requirements of Equal benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005-3494 that requires bidders with more than 51 ,employees and City volume greater than $100,000 to provide 'Equal Benefits" to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses, The Ordinance applies to all employees of a bidder who works within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Contractor's employees located in the Oniled States, but outsider of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employee, with spouses or to spouses of employees? _ YES NO B. Does your company provide or offer arcess to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sox) domestic partners` or to domestic partners of emploees? E— -1 YF -',S - NO C. Pleast, check all benefits that apply to your answers above and lisi in the "other" section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits aro provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, surf) as bereavement leave; othor benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as rnadical Insurance. BENI_F' Il' Company Provides Company Provides Company dues nM for Employees with for Employees with Provide Benefit �S ou es Partners Health ................ .................. _...._.. _._....._......_._......._-.... _._Domostic _..-......... _.__..�. Sick Leave Bereavement leave 18. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City 0 Miami Beach, Florida prohibits the ptirrhase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Arfs any of the products for which the bidder is seeking to be prequalified sourced in North Carolina or Mississippi? YES i .._.. I NO If yes, which brands. 0.[QjQFR AFF,(?AUI The undersigned agrees that s/he: 111 is a principal of the bidder duly authorized to exerute the foregoing Contractor Prequalification Certification Application, and that the: contents of said docufnent(s) are complete, true, and correct to the best of his/har knowledge and belief; 2) sl certities that the application and supporting documents include all of the: in aterial inforrnaiton necessary to validato the slatus of the; company for prequalificatlon purposes; 3) sl shalt notify the Procuternent Department within fifteen (IS) days and provide a notarized staternent whenever a change occurs in the ownership, management, or financial condition of DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 the company. Further, any prequalified contractor, including its principal(s), director(s), and any affiliate, who is a party to any misrepresentation to obtain business or contracts with the City of Miami Beach shall be declared dolinquont and have its certificate suspended or revoked and will be subject to debarment and any other penalties prescribed by law. The undersigned affirms that [tie bidder agrees. 1) to compute and uncxmditional acceplance of the harms and conditions of this document, inclusive of atiachnnnls, exhibits and appendices 2.) that it has rot colluded, nor will collude, with any other bidder, 3) that all Information contained herein is part of the public dumain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records taws; 4) that all responses, data and information contained in the bid are true and accurate. _...._._..... _...._.....__...........__.._......._______.......___...._......_.____..__..._.._._...._.._._.__-.._-......_._-.....___._._-______..._..._..._--.-._._._. Name: Title (must be a principal of the bidder): Signature: Dato: [THC REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANKJ DocuSlgn Envelope ID: 433D3871-6888-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 APPENDIX B ITB 2020-019 ... ND For Citywide ID ainfing (Interior and Exterior) and Walerproofing Set -vices I PROCUREMENI'DEPARTMEW 1755 Meridian Avenue, 31d Floor Mi(,-imi Becich, Fkmida 33139 DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-6888-452A-8811-056BD0450564 SPECIAL CONDITIONS, 1. LICENSE/CERTIFICATION. Prospective bidder shall hold the adequate license or certification to pull all permits necessary to successfully complete the work. 2. METHOD OF PAYMENT, The City shall provide periodic, payments for services rendered by the Contractor. In order for the City to provide payment, the Contractor shell submit a fully documented invoice within thirty (30) calendar days after the service has been (endeared. It shall be understood that such invoices shall not be submitted for payment until such tine as the service has been completed and a City representative has reviewed and approved the service. 3, GUARANTEE AGAINST DEFECTS, The Contractor shall, in addition to all other guarantees, be responsible for faulty labor and defective material within a period of one (1) year after the date of acceptance of labor and material by the City. Under this guarantee, the Contractor agrees to make good without delay, at its own expense, any failure of any part of the work after the City notifies the Contractor of such deficiencies in writing. Any such repair work shall receive is similar guarantee for a similar period of time. Payment in full for the work does not constitute a waiver of guarantee. 4. USE or PREMISES, The Contractor shall confine his/hear equipment, apparatus, the storage of materials, and the operation of his/her workmen to the limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits, or direction of the authorized City representative, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with histher materials. 5. CLEAN-UP. All Unusable materials and debris shall be removed from the site at the end of each workday and disposed of in an appropriate manner. Upon final completion, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean up all areas, as mutually agreed with the City, where work was performed. G. PERMIT COSTS. The City will only reimburse the Contractor for the cost of the permits. Proof of cost is n>quired. The; City will only reimburse for initial review and one resubmission. Costs associated with additional re-subrnissiorls will not be reimbursed. Contractor shall not include ponnit fees on Cost Proposal form (Appendix l:). Permit costs will be charged to the City separately from the unit cost. All licenses required by municipality, governmental agency, or political subdivision shall be obtained by and paid for by the Contractor. Damages, penalties and/or fines imposed on the City or the Contractor for failure to obtain required licenses or permits shall be borne by the Contractor. 7. BACKGROUND CHECKS/CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL. The Contractor shall conduct a full criminal background check at its own expense on each of its employees engaged in providing services under this ITB or any resulting Agreement prior to the commencement of said services, No Contractor employee shall be eligible to perforin services, pursuant to this ITB or resulting Agreement it he or she: (1) has been convicted of or was placed in a pre-trial diversion program for any crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust; embezzlement; drug trafficking; forgery; burglary; robbery; theft; perjury; possession of stolen property; identity theft; fraud; money laundering; shoplifting; larceny; falsification of documents and/or (2) has been convicted of any sex, weapons, or violent crime including but not limited to homicide; attempted homicide; raps; child molestation; extortion; terrorism or terrorist threats; kidnapping; assault; battery; and illegal weapon possession, sale or use. The Contraclor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, ils officers, employees, and agents hamiless from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) or clairns for injury or darnages arising out Of its fiailure to comply with this requirement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 Contractor shall employ personnel competent to perform the work specified herein. The City reserves the right to request the removal of the Contractor's employee's from performing maintenance on the City's grounds where the employee's performance or actions are obviously detrimental to the program. Contractor's personnel must wear photo identification at all times, 8. UNIFORMS. All personnel furnished to the City of Miami Beach must be uniformed. Each emnployee supplied by the Contractor will wear a uniform hearing the Contractor's name, Uniforms must bo provided at the Contractor's expense and may not be charged to the employee or deducted from the employees' paycheck, therefore reducing the hourly pay rate; to less than the living wage rate required by this solicitation. 9, MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION, It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to cover all costs associated with mobilization and demobilization. Contractor shall include costs for mobilization and demobilization in the unit cost on the Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E). 10. FIELD MEASUREMENTS. Unless specifically instructed otherwise by the City, in writing, the Contractor shall be responsible for the location and layout of all work and shall be responsible for all field measurements that may be required for execution of the work. In the case of dimensions, field dimensions, etc, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to field measure, obtain and verify same. 11. LIMIT'AT'ION OF PROJECT. Pursuant to Florida State Statute Section 2.55.20, a county; rnunicipallty, special district as defined in chapter 189, or other political subdivision of the state seeking to construct or improve a public building, structure, or other public construction works must competitively award to an appropriately licensed contractor each project that is estimated in accordance with generally accepted cost -accounting principles to cost more than $300,000. Projects awarded pursuant to this ITB shall be limited to these thresholds. Painting and Waterproofing projects exceeding $300,000 may not be awarded pursuant this ITB. 12, LIVING WAGE. The living wage requirement, pursuant to Section 2.406 of the City of Miami Beach Code, is only applicable to routine maintenance services. [TNE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTE=NTIONALLY BLANK] DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 'v ! /+-i(v 1 1755 Moridian kvenur., 31d Floo: Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miam;boacNi.gov i i ADDENDUM NO,1 INVITATION TO fill.? NO. 2020 -019 -ND FAINTING (INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR) ANIS WATERPROOFING, SERVICES (the "ITt3") Uctobor 17, 2019 This Addendum to the above-rolerenced ITO is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City. The I'M is amended in (he fo lowing particulars only (deletions are shown by strikethrough and additions are underlined). . t. REVISION: DELETE Section 0100 — General Information & Scope of Work, 10. Insurance Requirement, on page 6 of the ITB, in its entirely and Rl..P ..ACE: with the following: The vendor shall maintain the below required insurance in effect prior to awarding the contract and for the duration of the contrect. The maintenance of proper insurance coverage is a material element of the contract rand failure to maintain or renew coverage; may be treated as a rn aterfal brcisacla of the contract, which could result in withholding of payments or terminalion of the contract, A. Worker's Compensation i)Surance for all employees of the vendor as required by Florida Statute 4/40, and Employer Liability Insurance for bodily injury or disease. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis, including products and completed operations, property dalmage, bodily injury and personal & advertising injury with limits no less than $100,000 per occurrence. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering any automobile, if vendor has no owned automobiles, then coverage for hired and non -owned automobiles, with limit no less than $100,000 combined per accident for bodily injury and property dsarnage. Additional Insured . City of Miami Beach must be included by endorsement: as an additional insured with respect to all liability policies (except Professional Liability and Workers' Cornpomsation) arising out of work or operations performed on behalf of the contractor Including t'naleriliIS, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations and automobiles owned; leased, hired or borrowed in the lona of an endowment to the contractor's insurance. Notice of Cancellation - Each insurance policy required above shall provide that coverage shall not be canceliGd, except with notice, to the City of Miami Beach c/o EXIGIS Insurance Compliance: Services, Waiver of Subrogatlon - Vendor agrees to obtain any endorsement that may bo necessary to affect. the waiver of subrogation on the coverages required. However, chis provision applies regardless of whether the City has received ra waiver of subrogation endorsement frons the; insurer. Acceptability of Insurers — Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.tt9, Best rating of AMI or higher. If not rated, exceptions may be made for monibers of the Florida Insurance Funds (i.e. FWCICA, I-AJUA). Carriers may also be considered if they are, liconsrnf and authorised to do insurance business in the State of Ilorida. .,,,,,w_.„..._ 1 A001.h0UMN().1 ""...,.,...... w „�.,.... ,...,.».,...,..,.....,w.�.,.....H�...�...,.-...,....,.,�..,�. ............�..».,,,..w„,� ,�,.....�.,w.w...... INVI(Ar10\ 10 HID 140.200 01-.N-'.) r'AIN1ING(IN iI.-MORAND FMI. P.100ANI)N/Aal rt;'itU01IWf;;hHVI( _S DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 PROGUR fIENl DEPARTMENT M I A M f ) — ,V.e d 17156 Me, Han Memo, 31! Floor Mimni l0rida:33139 wwwaninmiboadif .gov Verifica(ion of Coverage - Contractor shall furnish the City with original c rlificates and amendatory endorsements, or copies of (lira applicable insurance Language, effecting coverage reguirrd by this contract. All ecrtifiocakes and endors!_:;nrxats are to be received and approved by the City bofore work comnierices. liowower, failure to obtain the recluirod documents prior to the work beginning shall not waive the Contractor's obligation to provide thcrn. The City rf:scrves tho right to require complete, cerlified copies of ratl iecluirud insurance policies, including endnr'sarnr:nts, required by these: spocificstions, at any (Ime, CCRTIrICATC HOLDER MUST READ: CITY OF' MIAMI BIACH e(o EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services f F',0. Box 4668 ECM #35050 New York, NY 10163.4668 r Kindly submit all certificates of Insurance, endorsements, exemption le'.tors to our serviclnq agent, EXIr31S, � at: Cellificate.- 7>i_arnii�c��ch(� riskp�fprlcs:c ani 4, Special Disks or Circumstances . The City of Miami [leach reserves the right to modify these l requirements, including limits, based on (lie natuiro of the risk, prior experience;, Insurer, coverage, or other f special clrculnsttancos. Compliance with the foregoing requirements slidl not reiievo the vendor of his liability and obligation under this ection or unser any other section of this agreeFinant. Any questions regarding (his Addendum should be submittod in writing to the; Procurem ant Management Dwartment to the ratlontion of the individual namcd below, with a copy to (ho City Clerk's Office, at f7rafaelC�ranado(cr7aiamlbc,achflgnv .. C Gcnfact fctephr)nea Email N, taiia (h igado 30,5413-7000 text 62.6 � n��tah�ade�lgadu(cranai<am{bc achfl gray Proposors arc., reminded to acknowledge roceip(of (his addondum as part of your l l B lubmissiOn. �7iitr,'%rely, Mex t)e;raiS , f (CIY V%ment Clirec(ot r;u�).:raounafav a .. UI') NO AM) 10J W) �'. PAII9'11NG (Ij f('ErilQf'C (tND F:ni'-ftlOte qu{O N'r",151 Fil'rKYU3' PIl.i $ RVIGES DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 A,rl-ACI-IME NT C CONSULTANTS RESPONSE TO THE (ITB) DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-6868-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 311/2021 Detail by 1`010N Number r,� �la1' tie; r , LECI�_`L{f.'i_I�tgf,`„+13).tt' / l7A�LSi;!Q.��4d?JI&SCtaS911.;T / zc;ir_f,l_f2.f�tyJ': 1 s`..S:iLCf�it4Y.F.1.1(f�.tN...N.l��tlt)S't I ___....._......_._...._.__.................. —........ ...... ...... .............. Detail by FEUEIN NUmber Florida Limited Liability Company RJ SPENCER CONSTRUCTION LLC lei lin J"I itfcf rtil�dtt<211 Document Number L09000067136 FEI/EIN Number 30-057'1376 Date Filed 07/10/2009 State Fl - Status ACTIVE Last Event LC AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 06/22/2017 Event Effective Date NONE princjt73i.Ad itass 20535 NW 2 Ave Suite 2.02 Miami Gardens, FL 33169 Changed: 05/01/2016 %0Uu..A.cj�lxtti s 20535 NW 2 Ave Suite 202 Miami Gardens, FL 33169 Changed: 05/01/2016 R^-9C5kered.AJ�tLt...N.;1rne._&. Add.rle.�_S Spencer, Roderick 20535 NW 2 Ave Suite 202 Miami Gardens, FL 33169 Name Changed: U3/26/2019 Address Changed: 05/01/2016 AtAh.QjuZed. t•'..P.r.Nnn.(sl..,l7sMttl.ii. Name & Address Title MGR I .w,,wdi. %unbiz.arca/lnctuiry/Corporratic) n3earch/Sraarehriesul(Detail?inyuirytyp(. F eiNun,ber&dirr ction't'ypc-Initial&aearchNemeOrder 3005713AJL0900... 1%2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 t 311/2021 Detail by FEWIN Number Spencer, Roderick 2581 SW 82 Ave Miramar, FL 33025 Title MGR ST. VIL., BERRY 1815 NE 154TH TERRACE NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FL 33162 A.nn.u.;al.t3';..(m.,.ty Report Year Filed Date 2018 04/13/2018 2019 03/26/2019 2020 06/30/2020 Ds0ga��t_Itrt19t3 QG':r(;.,ZO>L. _ANN(JUNt, View Im.:gn it, Pt'F Forn,nl ,hew imago in POO, format a,,t a; ta.a >..t.r,tyl�e�t._LtS fi'.4?JjJ W, w irn rjo w POF forma, View,nmge in P71' form. t vi w' nw, e in POF format D;i/.tl,tl;TJ1t ,-..httiNl,.g6.Ciliil•_S?f3a:. Vi.,w nnrf)a u, PDF formal t ur_t2'2u t, t nA u= Vic -H ;rnac a In POF tnrrnat l4ow ntarae ua POF rannrat i 4.if?.,,7.R:,t�a_-•itraNSTMEWNr View :u,aar>it] PDl;f,,,m,jt f )S 1la�LfJa)2 1LGS1i1L1[Ltetq (P a ). View i,:7,:,n PDF format search.sunbiz. org/Inquiry/Corporation Se arch/Search RosuItDet aii?inquhytype=F alN urnber&d i rectionType= InitiraMsearchNa ineOrd er-3005713761-0900... 212 DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 re q t,,) a I ifi a n 2020 -019 -ND Painting (Interior and Exterior) arid Waterproofing Services PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT *1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 DocuSign Envelope ID; 433D3871-6888-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 Fg �% I 'rpt..a""w Section1. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS. The Prequalification Application will not be considered until it has been submitted completed and executed by a principal of the bidder. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. If requested information is not applicable, please indicate "N/A" or "None, " If answers to questions are lengthier than the spaces that are provided in the application, the answers may be provided on additional pages, which must be attached to the application. All requested documents must also be attached to the application. Failure to attach all requested documents will delay review and approval of the application. Submit one (1) electronic copy of the application to Natalia Delgado at nataliadelgado@miamibeachfi,gov. The City reserves the right to request clarifications or additional information as deemed necessary to evaluate a bidder's qualifications, When clarifications or additional information is requested by the City, bidder will have three 3 business days to provide, in full, all the requested information. Failure to provide the information within the prescribed time will delay the review process and may result in denial of prequalification. Section 2 DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL., There is no deadline for the submittal of applications, However, the initial review of applications shall take place 21 days after issuance of this ITB. Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed periodically on an on-going basis. The City will endeavor to complete the review of each application within 64 days of receipt. Section 3T_ NON -RESPONSIVENESS Failure to submit the following requirements shall result in a determination of non -responsiveness. Non-responsive applications will not be considered. 1. Prequalification Application (submitted glectro t Ily via email. Please refer to Section 1 above). [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 Part A — General Bidder Information. DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 i Part B - Operational & Management Information. 1. Provide the names of each owner (stockholder, sole proprietor, and partner), director, 6r officer of the __ coq!p'any, below. Submit additional names on a separate sheet if required, ._.._.._....- -- ..-_._ .. __...._. Owner Ownership percentage Directorship/Office type RODERIGK SPENCER 60% PRESIDENT _.......-_..._..._.... __._.. —__..__,................... ................•.. - _ --:.-....._.........................._.......... .............................._.....____._....__....._.._......._ BERRY ST. VIL 40%VICE PRESIDENT 2. Provide three (3) clients for which the bidder has provided the referenced services in the last five (5) Project Description of Work Project Reference --------........_.. _...-.._.....-_-._._..-- _... CITY OF SUNRISE ANNUAL PAINT CONTRACT "'"°` GARY SNIITN -T " � "84: GSmith@sunrisefl.gov �1•"rn�henr.:954-888-6075 _ ...__.._......._._...._.. .........._...._..__..-......._..._..............._.__._...._...._..._....---- .._....__.......... .__._..._..._._.__.... --- _...... ,m". COREY JONES MIAMI•DADE GOUMMUNITY MULTIPLE HOME IMPROVEMENT �Cmaa:Corey.Jones2tcimiarridade.gov ACTION AND HUMAN SERVICES SCOPES OF WORK �n�epnann 786-469-4600 _. _........._.... _ - "mo: CARL' O8 GONZALEZ.............. CITY OF OPA LOCKA MUNICIPAL BUILDING Fmnl: cgonzaloz@opalockafl.gov RENOVATIONS 305.206.0279---•--_.____... 3. Is the bidder Currently barred b a�covernmental a eqq, from bidding as a prime or subcontractor? YES __..-. NO yes, state debarment period and the reason(s) for debarment? _-- �- 4. Has the bidder or any of its owners, directors, officers, or agents been convicted of a crime or had a claim that was filed in a court and mediated or arbitrated during the last five (5) years? YES E' NO �.---- _--------- _...-..__._ yes, why? 5, Is an affiliate of the bidder prequalified by the City of Miami Beach for any work? �.._.__.� YES f...>.....) NO If yes, state the name of the affiliate? DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 S, Is the bidder a parent, subsidiary, or holding company for another company? YES [ X NO If the answer is "yes," identify the company and type of relationship(s), below: Company Typc of at filiation (parent or >uo5ldlary) Period of affiliation E 7. is an owner, director, officer, or agent of the bidder affiliated with another company? �...........� YES L .� NO If the answer is "yes," provide the following information for each individual and the affiliated company. Individual's name Affiliated company's name Period of Type of affiliation (e.g. affiliation officer, director, owner or employee) 8. Is the bidder currently the debtor in a bankruptcy case or file for bankruptcy during the last five (5) years? = YES X NO If yes, expfain and attach, as applicable, the relevant case and court documents, including (but not limited to): the original petition, including the case number and the date that the petition was filed; a copy of the bankruptcy court's discharge order, and any other document that ended the case, if no discharge order was issued. 9, Has any owner, director, officer, or agent for the bidder, or has any business organization in which any such person was an owner, director, officer, or agent filed for or been discharged in bankruptcy within the past five (5) years? C....__.... YES I...?C....i NO If yes, explain and attach a copy of the discharge order, order confirming plan and if a Corporate Chapter 7 case, a copy of the notice of commencement. 10. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent of the bidder owned or managed a company under any other name in the last five (5) years? YES _X...: NO If yes, explain, — DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 11. Has the bidder been assessed or paid any fines on any contract during the past five (5) years, whether the project was publicly or privately owned? F_ ._..f YES ?._.� NO --s, _ .. _. _ _-- fyes, explain. 12. Are there currently any liens, suits, or judgments of record pending against any owner, director, officer, or agent for tho company that is rotated to the business ,activities of a business organization? 0 YE5 F*V7 NO If yes, explain. 13. Has the bidder or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted (criminal) or found liable (civil) for making either a false claim or material misrepresentation to any public agency or entity? YES L2C._l NO If yes, explain. 14. Has the bidder or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted of any a federal or state crime? I YES x NO -.......-------- If yes, explain. 15. Is any officer, director, employee or agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) of any officer, director, employee or agent, an employee of the; City of Miami Beach? YES NO If yes, state name, title and share of ownership Name ( Tide are M of Ownership DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-056BD04505B4 16. Has the bidder, or any officer, director, employee or agent, contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach? n YES NO If yes, provide details. 17. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. Purchases hereunder are subject to the requirements of Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005-3494 that requires bidders with more than 51 employees and City volume greater than $100,000 to provide "Equal Benefits" to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a bidder who works within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Contractor's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? YES [ NO B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex) domestic; partners' or to domestic partners of employees? YES a] NO C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the "other" section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or dornestic partner, such as bereavement leave; other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insurance. — t3ENEFIT Company Provides Company Provides Company does not for Employees with for Employees with Provide Benefit -- _ —Sp Domestic Partners Health NIA Sick Leave NIA Famiy Medical Leave NIA Bemet—N . . ........ - . . ... ... --- ..... .... . _K 18. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida prohibits the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Are any of the products for which the bidder is seeking to be prequalified sourced in North Carolina or Mississippi? YES � _J NO If yes, which brands. OIDDER AFFIDAMIT The undersigned agrees that s/he: 1) is a principal of the bidder duty authorized to execute the foregoing Contractor Prequalificalion Certification Application, and that the contents of said document(s) are complete, true, and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; 2) s/ certifies that the application and supporting documents include all of the material information necessary to validate the status of the company for prequalificatiun purposes; 3) sl shall notify the Procurement Department within fifteen (15) days and provide a notarized statement whenever a change occurs in the ownership, management, or financial condition of DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-0566D04505B4 the company. Further, any prequalified contractor, including its principal(s), director(s), and any affiliate, who is a party to any misrepresentation to obtain business or contracts with the City of Miami Beach shall be declared delinquent and have its certificate suspended or revoked and will be subject to debarment and any other penalties prescribed by law. The undersigned affirms that the bidder agrees: 1) to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of attachments, exhibits and appendices.: 2) that it has not colluded; nor Will collude, with any other bidder; 3) that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; 4) that all responses, data and information contained in the bid are true and accurate. Name: Title (must be a principal of the bidder). R� _RICK SPENCER PRESIDENT y 5i nat►1r___ ^_ Uate: FEBRUARY 1, 2021 (THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK) -68138-452A-13811-056BI304505134 DocuSlgn Envelope ID: 433133871 APPENDIX B Sv-%ed'(11 (--'.'OndifiO�ns P IT 2020-01 9 -,.ND For Citywide Painting (interior and Exterior) ond Waterproofing Services PROCU REMENTE)EPARTMEN 1 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Hoor Miary,ij Beach, Florida 33139 DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS. 1. LICENSE/CERTIFICATION. Prospective bidder shall hold the adequate license or certification to pull all permits necessary to successfully complete the work. 2. METHOD OF PAYMENT. The City shall provide periodic payments for services rendered by the Contractor. In order for the City to provide payment, the Contractor shall submit a fully documented invoice within thirty (30) calendar days after the service has been rendered. It shall be understood that such invoices shall not be submitted for payment until such time as the service has been completed and a City representative has reviewed and approved the service. 3. GUARANTEE AGAINST DEFECTS, The Contractor shall, in addition to all other guarantees, be responsible for faulty labor and defective material within a period of one (1) year after the date of acceptance of labor and material by the City. Under this guarantee, the Contractor agrees to make good without delay, ,.it its own expense, any failure of any part of the work after the City notifies the Contractor of such deficiencies in writing. Any such repair work shall receive a similar guarantee for a similar period of time. Payment in full for the work does not constitute a waiver of guarantee. 4. USE OF PREMISES, The Contractor shall confine his/her equipment, apparatus, the storage of materials, and the operation of his/her workmen to the limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits, or direction of the authorized City representative, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with his/her materials. 5. CLEANUP. All unusable materials and debris shall be removed from the site at the end of each workday and disposed of in an appropriate manner. Upon final completion, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean up all areas, as mutually agreed with the City, where work was performed. G. PERMIT COSTS, The City will only reimburse the Contractor for the cost of the permits. Proof of cost is required. The City will only reimburse for initial review and one resubmission. Costs associated with additional re -submissions will not be reimbursed. Contractor shall not include permit fees on Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E). Permit costs will be charged to the City separately from the unit cost. All licenses required by municipality, governmental agency, or political subdivision shall be obtained by and paid for by the Contractor. Damages, penalties and/or fines imposed on the City or the Contractor for failure to obtain required licenses or permits shall be borne by the Contractor. 7. BACKGROUND CHECKS1CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL. The Contractor shall conduct a full criminal background check at its own expense on each of its employees engaged in providing services under this ITB or any resulting Agreement prior to the commencement of said services. No Contractor employee shall be eligible to perform services, pursuant to this ITB or resulting Agreement if he or she: (1) has been convicted of or was placed in a pro -trial diversion program for any crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust; embezzlement; drug trafficking; forgery; burglary; robbery; theft; perjury; possession of stolen property; identity theft; fraud; money laundering; shoplifting; larceny; falsification of documents arid/or (2) has been convicted of any sex, weapons, or violent crime including but not limited to homicide; attempted Homicide; rape; child molestation; extortion; terrorism or terrorist threats; kidnapping; assault; battery; and illegal weapon possession, sale or use. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) or claims for injury or damages arising out of its failure to comply with this requirement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-8811-056BD04505B4 Contractor shall employ personnel competent to perform the work specified herein. The City reserves the right to request the removal of the Contractor's employee's from performing maintenance on the City's grounds where the employee's performance or actions are obviously detrimental to the program. Contractor's personnel must wear photo identification at all times. 8. UNIFORMS. All personnel furnished to the City of Miami Beach must be uniformed. Each employee supplied by the Contractor will wear a uniform bearing the Contractor's name. Uniforms must be provided at the Contractor's expense and may not be charged to the employee or deducted from the employees' paycheck, therefore reducing the hourly pay rate to less than the living wage rate required by this solicitation, 9. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to cover all costs associated with mobilization and demobilization. Contractor shall include costs for mobilization and demobilization in the unit cost on the Cost Proposal form (Appendix E). 10. FIELD MEASUREMENTS. Unless specifically instructed otherwise by the City, in writing, the Contractor shall be responsible for the location and layout of all work and shall be responsible for all field measurements that may be required for execution of the work. In the case of dimensions, field dimensions, etc. it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to field measure, obtain and verify same. 11. LIMITATION OF PROJECT. Pursuant to Florida State Statute Section 255,20, a county, municipality, special district as defined in chapter 189, or other political subdivision of the state seeking to construct or improve a public building, structure, or other public construction works must competitively award to an appropriately licensed contractor each project that is estimated in accordance with generally accepted cost -accounting principles to cost more than $300,000. Projects awarded pursuant to this ITB shall be limited to these thresholds. Painting and Waterproofing projects exceeding $300,000 may not be awarded pursuant this ITB. 12. LIVING WAGE. The living wage requirement, pursuant to Section 2-408 of the City of Miami Beach Code, is only applicable to routine maintenance services. [TIME REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE: IS LEFT IN-rENIIONALLY BLANK] DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-68B8-452A-B811-066BD04505B4 ATTACHMENT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871-6888-452A-8811-056BD0450584 �/ p " P ROCUREMENT Df PARTNIENT / � I AM I . , 1 � a, 1755 Meridian Avenue, 314 flour Miami Boxh, Florida 33139 www'damibeach(l.gov ADDENDUM NO,1 INVITATION TO Bit) NO. 2020 -019 -ND PAINTING (INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR) AND WATERFIROOFING, SERV10E8 (the "IT13°) October 17, 2019 This Addendum to the above -referenced I1'E3 is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers, or o(hor cl,aritications and revisions issued by the City, The ITB is amended in the following partiru(ars only (dolotions arra shown by strlkethrough and additions are undorli nod). , REVISION; DELETE Section 0100 Goneral Information & Scope of Work, 10, Insurance R(,quirement, on page 0 of the 1'f'f3, In its entirety and RHPLACE with the following, The vendor shall maintain the below required insurance:, in effect prior to awarding the contract and for the, duration of Rho contract. Thr. rnaintenanm of proper Insurance coverage is a material element of the contract and failure to maintain or renew coverage may be treated as a matoriai breach of the contract, which Mould result in withholding of prayments or termination of (he conti aci. A. Worker's Compensation Insurance for alt ernployoes of the; vendor as required by Florida Statute 440, and Employer Liability Insurance for bodily injury or disease;. S. Commercial Ge -,neral Liability Insurance on an occurrence, basis, including products and completed operations, property damage, bodily injury and personal & (advertising injury with limits no less than $100,000 per occurrence. C. Automobile Liability Insurance, oovering any autornobile, if vendor has no owned aukoraaobiles, then coverage for hired and non -owned automobiles, with limit nodes than $100,000 combined per accident for bodily injury and property damage, Additional Insured - City of Miarni BOXII must be included by endorsement as an additional insured with respect to all livability policsios (oxcept Professional liability and Workers' Compensation) arising out of work or operations performed on behalf of the contractor including materials, parts, or oquipmont furnished .in connection with such work or operations and aat0ra0biI0S owned, feasod, hired or borrowed in ilio forma of an endorsement to Ihr contractor's Insurance. Notice; of G<anuollation - F:ao.h inStlrance policy I-Cquured above shall provide that coverage shall not bo cancelled, except with notice to the City of Miami Bo ach c/o LXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services. Waiver of Subrogation - Vondor agrtxs to obtain any endorsornent that may be necessary to affect the waiver of subrogatlon ora the coverages required. However, this provision tapplios regardless of whether the, City has received a waiver of subrogation endorsernent irom (lee insurer. Accoptability of Insurers -- i113ur8nce must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. 8est rating cf A;VII or hightlr. If not ra(ed, exceptions may be made for rnornbers of the Florida Insrarance Funds (i.e, C VC,1t A, F=AJU!+,). Carr'ieoS nmy also be considcre'd if they an, lirense'd and authorized to do ira;;uranci, bu slm'SS In the St€Ik of Florida, 1 A h)ENNA1 tM 1 INVIa'AT bN TO 13,10 NO Ie4 LOa9 tlp �PAINTIN(.thdit-rs.1(r«PlULXIiit1C)RjANI'1WArL1iN�2JE�rItle�SdiRV(LLa DocuSign Envelope ID: 433D3871 -68B8 -452A -B81 I-056BDO4505B4 �\ PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, :3'd Moor Miami Beach, Flodda 33139 www.r lamrbeachfl.gov Verification of Coverage -• Contractor shall furnish the City with original ce-difioalos and amendatory endorsements, or copies of the applicable Insurance language, effecting coverage required by this contract. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning shall not waivo the Contractor's obligation to provide them. The City reserves (lie right to require complete, cortilied copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsemonts, required by these specifications, at any time. CERTIFICATE HOLDER MUST READ: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH c/o E:XIGIS Insurance Compliance Services P,O. Box 4668 - ECM ti35050 New York, NY 10163.4668 Kindly submit all cerlificates of insurance, endorsements, exemption letters to our servicing agent, EXIGIS, at: C r�ifica( s;mi ntit�f>ncl7(cilriskwork .com Special Risks or Circumstances . 'Kite City of Miami Beach reserves the right to modify these requirements, including limits, basod on the naturo of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the vendor of his liability and obligation under this section or under any other section of this agreement. Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submittod in writing to the Procurement Management Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at f�afaelGranrtdo cr,miarnilaOachil.gov Contact: I elephone I Email: Nalaha Del auto I305-673-7000 ext 62v3 _ nataliadelgado a@miamibeachfl.goy �I _...._ _ ...... _g Proposers are rominded to acknowledge recceipt of this addendum as part Of your ITO submission. Sine, 'rely, Xfex )` im,rolr air( Director nool:NnumNo.1 INVITATION TO IID NO. 2019 -109 -ND PAINTING (IN'I1. RK)R AND lX7r.R M) ANO WA'W.RPROOF-11461,MVICF3