Resolution 2022-32046R E S O L U T IO N N O . 2022-32046 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND REAPPOINTING, PURSUANT TO SECTION 102-356 OF THE CITY CODE, ENRIQUE ZAMORA, ESQ. (CHIEF SPECIAL MAGISTRATE REAPPOINTED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 2022:320 S ), AS THE CITY MANAGER'S "DESIGNEE" UNDER SECTION 102-356 OF THE CITY CODE; SAID DESIGNATION COMMENCING WITH MR. ZAMORA'S TERM AS CHIEF SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ON FEBRUARY 24, 2022 AND ENDING ON MAY 23, 2022. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Section 30-36 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, upon prior recommendation of the City Manager, the City Commission, by a majority vote, may appoint a Chief Special Magistrate, who shall be authorized to hold hearings and impose fines, liens, and other non-criminal penalties against violations of City Ordinances; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on February 9, 2022, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2022-3204S reappointing Enrique Zamora, Esq., as Chief Special Magistrate, for a term commencing on February 24, 2022, and ending on May 23, 2022; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 102-356, the City Manager may also approve a "designee," who shall be authorized to hear appeals from citations for violations of City and County Codes and Ordinances and to conduct hearings regarding denials, suspensions, and revocations of occupational licenses, certificates of use and permits, as provided by the City Code, and who shall also be authorized to appoint such other Special Magistrate as may reasonably be required to conduct such hearings pursuant to City Ordinances; and WHEREAS, accordingly, the City Manager hereby recommends Mr. Zamora to serve as the City Manager's "designee," for a four (4) month term commencing on February 24, 2022, and ending on May 23, 2022, and WHEREAS, the Chief Special Magistrate (including, as in the instant Resolution, where the Chief Special Magistrate is acting in his capacity as the City Manager's "designee" under Section 102-356 of the City Code), shall be prohibited from engaging in practice where he/she represents a client in a manner adverse to the interests of the City of Miami Beach, and shall further be prohibited from lobbying the City during his/her service with the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and reappoint, pursuant to Section 102-356 of the City Code, Enrique Zamora, Esq., (Chief Special Magistrate appointed pursuant to Resolution No. 2022-3204S ) as the City Manager's "designee" under Section 102-356 of the City Code; said designation commencing with Mr. Zamora's term as Chief Special Magistrate on February 24, 2022, and ending on May 23, 2022. PASSED and AD OP TE D this _'_ day « Fe6ray a FEB 1 1 1012 Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk 2022. Dan Gelber, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION T Agen da\2022\1_January 2022\City Clerk - Special M agi strat e\ZAM O RA Chie! Sp eci al Master Resolution Ch apt er 102.doc CAy Atome cp,