Marc Gidney ConclusionM IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 7OO Convention Conter Drive, Miami Beach, Hlorida 33 139 yyw_miamibachllgo OF FICE OF THE CITY CL ERK , Rafool E. Granado, City Clerk Tel: 305.673.7411, Fax 305.673.7254 Email: CiNyClerk @mi amibeachfl.gov M ay 13 , 2022 M r. M a rc G idney 10 10 1 E. Bay H arbor D r.# 704 Bay H arb or , F lorida 33154 SUBJECT: Budget Advisory Committee D ea r M r. M a rc G idn ey: O n behalf of the C ity C om m ission, I w ant to extend m y appreciation fo r your services on the above C o m m itt ee . Pursua nt to C ity of M iam i Beach C ode S ection 2-22 (9), if a m em ber of an agency, board or com m itt ee fails to att end 33 percent of the regularly scheduled m eetings per calendar year, such m em ber shall be autom atically rem oved. Based on the above info rm ation, your m em bership on the Budget A dvisory Com m ittee is now concluded. Please note that regrettably your parking pass w ill no longer be honored, since your term of m em bership on the com m itt ee ha s ended. 7 R afae l G rana do C ity C lerk cc: M o nica Be ltran, Parking Di rector T a m e ka O tt o Stew art , C ity Li aison A TT EN D A N C E R E PO R T FO R B udget A dviso ry C om m itt ee JA N U A R Y TH R O U G H D EC EM B E R 2022 LAST NAME FIRST NAME Jan. Feb. March April May June July July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 11 8 8 12 10 21 12 19 13 12 8 1 Branch Gregory p p p p A NM NM 2 Bernstein Honey N/A p p p p NM NM 3 Echarte Terri p p p p A NM NM 4 Gidney Marc A A p A A NM NM 5 Grieser David p p A p p NM NM 6 Gringarten Hagai p p A p p NM NM 7 Khagan Mojdeh A p p p p NM NM N/A 8 Linder Carl p p p p p NM NM 9 Zuckerman Steve p p p p A NM NM 10 11 12 13 14 16 Quorum 5 A: Absent P: Present N/A: Not appointed yet R: Removed NM: No Meeting F:\OBPl\$BUD\BUDGET ADVISORY COMMIT TEEAttendance Reports\22- BAC Attendance Reports\22-BAC Attendance Report - 05. 10.2022.docx