Ad 247 r ,el' O' 0 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF CITY COMMISSION -" /.i~'WORKSHOP MEETING '~;*-'~ili NOTICE IS HEREBY;oi~n that the City Commission of the' ' Miami Beach, ..'Florida, will hold a Workshop Meeting on WedneSday;MarchlO, 2004, at 3:00 p.m., in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami .. Beach, Florida, to establish preliminary priorities and dP, cuss 'the'Ill budget process for the FY 04/05 operating budget.., i. ',:IL, Ail interested parties are invited to attend and will be h~;.~ Inquiries' concerning this item should be directed to Martha Dempsey at ¢05) 673-7010.or Jose Cruz at (305) 673-7510~ Robert Parcher, City Clerk-" '" City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the public that:'if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect tO. 'i | any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a. · | verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony · | and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute ~ c°nsent bY the City f°r the intr°ducti°n °r admissi°n °f °therwise irmdm°~dl~: 1~ irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appealsnot , allowed by 'law. o request .th~s material in accessible format, sign language interpretersj infmlnafl~*~'l o.n acces? tor pe..mo, n.s w. ith disa..bilitjes, and/?any ...a~com .mm:laflon ,to ~'~i~ o~umem or paraclpme m any cnT-sponsoreo'proceeoing, pmase contact 2 89 (voice) or 305-67.3-7218 (TTY) five days in advance to initiate your reques[ TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).