Arnaldo Bugallo 2021O U T S ID E E M P L O Y M E N T S TAT E M E N T For Full-tim e C ounty and M unici pal Em ployees Full-tim e County (including Public Health Tru st) and m unicipal em ployees engaging in outside em ploym ent m ust file an annual disclosure report by July 1st of each year, in accordance w ith Section 2-11.1(k)(2) of the M iam i-Dade County Code. Disclosure for Tax Year Ending 2021 City, State, Zip II your home address is exempt from public records pursuantto Florida Statutes $119.0 7, please see note on th e following page and check here,~ Filing as an Employee (check one) D County [ Public Health Tru st Employee ID Number /5 2 o Please list the sources of outside em ploym ent (in cl udin g self-emp loym ent), th e nature of the w ork, and the total am ounts of m oney or other com pensation you received fo r each source of outside em ploym ent. If no incom e or com pensation was re ceived fro m a particular outside em ploym ent, enter zero (O) for that organization in the section below . If continued on a separa te sheet, check here. D Total Amount of Money or Compensation Received e (or affi rm ) that the inform ation above is a true and correct statem ent. 0, 22 o.e a 7 RECEIVED BY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT: D Hardcopy ) estroni %/!cEIVED JUL 05 2022 C ITY O F M IA M I BEA C H OFFICE O F THE CITY CLERK OFFICE USE ONLY Accepted: Y / N Deficiency. Processed Date/initials: Scanned Date/initials: 138_01-22 COE 2016