Ad 252 AC"
NOTICE 18 HEREBY. given that. public hearing will be het~l b.~
CIb/Commission of the City of Ivliami Beach Florida, n ;ne Commission
.C,h ~en?be~s, 3.~ floor, .City H. all, 1700 Convention Center DriVe, Mlam! Beach,
following:r~°naa' on we~lnasdey, Mamh 17, [~04, at 5:01 p.m.' to cooelder
.An Ordinance Amending Th· Land Development R.el~.u. lstlone Of The
~each City Code; Amending Chapter 142, "Zoning Districts
.Regula.!ion~:Amen..ding _ Section 142-1161,.' "Height Regulat~
cxoep~ons~.menolng ~:~ectlon 142-1161(D); Rooftop Additions'~.l~i~
Modifying The Prohibition Of Rooftop Additions Of More Then One Sto~ la
~.*._~e~_c~h ..s~ Histo_~c.~t~ct; P~ng For Cod~oetlon,
,~v~au,~y, ~qa ~n ~-lTecave ~a~e.
Inquiries may be directed tO t~l* Plenn~ing Department at (305)673:75~'0.
INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear'at 'this meeting, or be
represented by an agent or to express the r views in writing addressed to the
City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convent on Center Drive, 1st Fbor,
.c~ H?JJ..Miami .,.eac.h, .Fionda 33~3~. Copiea of th~ oral,hence
r~o_r..p.u~c ;ns ..p~cno_n auongnormal busin,~ hours in the,City Clerk's Office,
~/uu ~onvenoon uentar Drive, 1st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida
33139. This meeting may be continued and such circumstances
additional legal notice would not be provided~ -
Robert E. Parcher?~y C~ark ·
Cit~ of Miami Beach
aR:. a person aso~;ea to appaa~ anY aec sion msoe ~ the City Commission
with.respect to. any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such po~on
must ensure ;nat a verbatim record of the proc~clings Is made; which record
includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appear is to be based.
This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or
admission of otherwise inadmissible or Irrelevant evidence, nor does. It
authoriss challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law.
To request this material In access be format, sign language interpretsre;
information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any aCCommodation
to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please
contact 305-604-2489 (voice), 305-673-7218(TTY) five days in advance to
initiate your request. TrY users may alsb call 711 (Florida Relay Se[vice).
Ad #;'52