Mick Duchon ConclusionMIAMI BEACH Ci ty o f Miam i Beac h, 1700 Conve ntion Cen l r D1ive, Miami B=ch, Fl orida 33 I 39 www.mia rn iboochfl.gov OF FICE Of THE CITY ClERK, Rafae l E. Granado, City Clerk Tel : '.l05 .673.7.4 l l , Fax: 305.673.7254 Email : Cityderk@mlomiboochH.gov October 17, 2022 Mr. Michael Duchon 3 Farrey Lane Miami Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: Health Advisory Committee Dear Mr. Michael Duchon: On behalf of the City Commission, I want to extend my appreciation for your services on the above Committee . Pursuant to City of Miami Beach Code Section 2-22 (9), if a member of an agency, board or committee fails to attend 33 percent of the regularly scheduled meetings per calendar year , such member shall be automatically removed . Based on the above information , your membership on the Health Advisory Committee is now concluded. Please note that regrettably your parking pass will no longer be honored, since your term of membership on the committee has ended. Sin12d Rai~ranado City Clerk cc : Monica Beltran, Parking Director Marc Chevalier, City Liaison LA ST NAM E 1 Linares 2 Ba ru c h 3 No be l 4 Me na 5 Sa nto rio 6 Umlas* 7 Ra binowitz 8 S innre ic h 9 Bake r 10 Du c hon 11 M e njiva r 12 Tarre 13 14 15 16 Quorum A : Absent P: Present - n/a: Not appointed yet FIRST NAM E Jorg e Jac obs Da ni e l Frank Gino Marc M a rk Mark M a rth a Mi c hael S ora ng e ly Alba Chair: Dr. Marc Umlas Co -Chair: Martha Baker J an NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM ATT E NDANC E R E PORT FOR HEAL TH ADVISORY COMMITTEE J a nu a ry through Dece mb e r 2022 Fe b March Ap ril J u May J uly ne p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM A NM A NM A NM p NM p NM p NM A NM p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM p NM A NM p NM p NM A NM A NM p NM p NM p NM A NM A NM p NM A ug ust Sept Oct Nov Dec NM p NM NM p NM NM p NM NM p NM NM p NM NM p NM NM p NM NM p NM NM p NM NM NM -p . NM p NM NM A NM