Ad 251 MIAMI B CH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby givefl that a publlc hearing will be held by me Mayor and C~ CmmnledOI i of the City of Miami Beach, ~ Iff the Commission Chambers, 3~d Floer, Cib/Hail, 1700 ConvenUon Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida on ~Klnellday, March 17, ZOO p.m., to (Wlside~ the follovdng: TO'CONSIDER APPROVING, ON RRST READING, A PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT NZREI~MB~' BIEWVEEN '[TIE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND AR&J SOBE, U.C, FOR THE DEVELOPMI~Fr OF THE PROJECT, PRESENTLY REFERRED TO AS '5'rH AND ALTON", CONTMdldG APPROXIMAI~LY 179,0~0 SQUARE FEET OF RETNL AREA AND A SUPERMARKET AND.~i APPROXIMATELY 943 SPACE PARIgNG GARAGE FACILITY, INCLUOING AN INTERMO~ TRANSPORTATION COMPONEJTr, AN INTEGRATED PARKING GARAGE, VP. HIICN. TRANSPORTATION, RAMPS, VEN'HLATION, ETC., AND SURROUNDING STREETSCAPE PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE TO SERVE THE PROJECI~, BOUNDED BY LENOX AVENUE ON EAST, ALTON ROAD ON THE WEST, 6th STREET ON THE NORTH AND 5U~ STREET ON THE SOUll-I, IN MIAMI BEACH. Inquiries nmy be direcled ~o the Ecenomic Devek)pmeflt Oepai'mleflt at (30~) 673-719~ 1700 Cont, eflfion Cefiter Dflve, 1st Floor, City Hail, Mianfi Beacfl, Rmida 33139. ~ prope~ed Development ,~wnent are avaimble for public hw~:Uon axing Hall, Miami Beach, Flmk~ 33139. This meeting may be continued mid under such C~ of Miami Beach the proceedin~ Is made, which record includes Ih~ blslJmofly and evidence LJpofl wNcll I1~ appeal is to be based. This noUce does not consUtute consent by the C~ for intToductiofl or ~dmissJon oi oU~erwise inadmissible m' irrelevant evidence, flor doral It To request this materiaJ in acces~ole format, sign language interpr.eters, i~,en access fo~ persens with disabilities, and/m' any accommodaUon to revmw ~y nocument or pafth:llxde in any city-sponso~'ed ~:~eding, ~leas~ conta~ 305-6(~-2486 (voice), 305- 673-7218~ five days in advance to inrdate your request. TrY users may also call 711