Ad 254 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE ae HEREBY 9iven that ~blic hastings wh~ be held by Ihe Mayor and CJiy Commmsi~ of ote City of Miami Beach, F~odda, ~ Ifle Commls~oo Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Coeve~ian Cermet Odve, M!aml Bnach, H~lda, o~ ~ igd114, 2004, to canaidev toe ~ilowing: at 10:15 &m.: /m Ordinance knan~ng Cflsp~er 142 'La~d Oe~inpmant Re~uiaaans' 0f The CY~y Code, Otvia~ 7, "CCC, ~ Cby Commlssinn For Deveinpmanto Pertah'dng TO Gov~ant-Ownad Or Leaned Buildings, liana/md SHas Which Ne ~olly Use~ By, 0p~ ~ ~ccanstt~e To ~he Get. raj Public, Or Used By Not.~-Prot'it, EducaUonal, Or Cultural Organizatiom, Or ~ Convor~o~ Ceofer Hotels, Or Cmwer~q Cerltet Hotel k:cesan~y Garages, Or ~ Utilized ~ Loto, Prceibed They/~e ConUnL~ty Uasd Fof $uoh Perpnaan;/md To Amend The Pebiic Noftee Reduiraman~ Iflquirias meY be dkecad to the Pianatn9 Oega,"~cefit at (305) 673-7550, AS Ordinance '~mendin9 The'tnald Danelop~Tlant Reguiabere Of The Cude Of The City Of Miami Beach' BY Amanding Chaptor 138, Entitled "Signa,' By Amm'idlng/itllcte VI, Eflfibe'~ "Sbeotflc Hae Siona," By Crasflng SacUmt 138-205 To Prov[dino ~ Repealer, Severabi~ k~d ~ Effective Dote i~uflte~ mey be dHactel~ to toe ptenain0 Oepwln~ant at(305) 673.75,50. ~ t~me, IMalm~m Pmaea t~l IVaottonm~ Ym:l B~ng; 2) "~ ~esige, Pem~lt~g/Imi Cu~m~inn Of Four Nmi,~ ,~clllfles Within The Bea~,;~m~; Perks ~ At 2lot, 48th, 53rd, A~d 64th S~,eete; ASd 3) The -Job O~de~ C0etrsctin9 (J0C) Conbaof Relati~ To The R~inv/mg Mtemi Bnaoh ~ Ca~ter ProJante: A) Chi~ Repianamef~ B} Pe~acemant Of/lit I'lsofflam;N~d Q ~ Of 12 ~ HanoTl~g Uotte I~ohto~ mey he dk'ectod to the C~¥ Clerk's Offina ~t {305) 673-7411. A Ftlblc Hanl~,:~b Coll~le ~ Nlle~T~flt TO ~e Code Of ~'f'~r ~ Of M,'~ll~l 8anCh, BY Amemtlllg Tt~4,~ 0pen To The Pt~flc, NTd Banquet FaclllUesi~ Cl~dWOeot U~anl~ls Z0hln9 Dtefdof~ inqotrias mey be ditected to the Piamlln9 Di~partment at 1305) 673-7,E~). 1411:30 a,nl.: A Pllllllc Hearing To Conaibe~' N1 Amendment To The Code Of The C~ Of Miami 6eash, By/mmndicg CHa~tor 14.2, "Zoning Districts/md Regulations," Nticte II, "District Peguiabena', Divte~an 5, CD-2 Commamlai, Medium intanaity ~ Sec~an 142.302, "Main Permittod Usna'Div~ 11, I-~ IJgM tndusbiai Oiatoot, Sec~ 142-485, "Prohibited Yeas And Divisian/8, "l~ Perf~e Stal~ard District," Section 142.693 "Permitted bena', By Elimlna~g Xai~/md Entodainme~ Establl~t~mants (/dso 0pera~ng As Ncoholic Bevam0e EatabF~hme~ k~d Rastourants Wllh Pell Kltchena And Seining Furl Meaia) As Permitted Uses In Cedain Areas Of The CD-2 Commercial, Medium tntansity Diohlct, The I-1 Ught Iheustria] Diatoot, N~d The PS Perinrmenee Standa'd Dtebic[ inqulrias may be directed to the ~lonein9 0epadmeof at (305) 673.7550. INTERESTED ?,fl:~TIES are Im~md to appanr at toin meeting, of be repr'emmted by an i,.gant, of to expi'ass their ¥'.~_ ir~ whting addrasced to toe Cit'/Cammiasicn, c/o the City Clerk, 17Q0 Cawe~tinn Canter Dflve, lot Rant, CBY Hall, Miata0 Beaoh, Fkrlda 33139, C°pies of ~ls °rdinarlce are availsi~e f°r PUttJc i~gecbe~n ohdng n°rmal besh'~"'"s hears iff the City Clerk's Office, 1700 Convanti~ Can~ Drive, 'rot Fioo~, City Hail, Miami 8each, Ficdda 33139, This meeting may I~ cantJnaed arid under such circumstances additional ie~ai natice would not be provided. C~ of Mlsr~ 8anoh Pm'~ant to Seclion 266.0105, Fla. Stat., the Cby hereby adviam the publin thet: If o I~an decidm to ~pbeot any decision mede hy the City ~x~mtaskm with reohect to any matter cansidamd ot its mee~q§ of ~ ban/rog, ~oh per~ must ensure that a vedoatlm recoil of l~e proceedings is made, which reca'd includes the tesUmcey and elddance upoo which the oppeai in to be baned, Trlia natlce bean not cansithJte canasnt by Ihe City tot the i~mohcUan or edmisaian of otherwise tnadmin~bie of Irrelevnat evidence, nor does it aotl~rize chellangan of ap,peals not oihmwlas allowed by Iow, TO requcet ttes metedai In accassinle temlat, slgfl iang}.l~ge iofm~rete~, intemlatkm o,n ascess ter per~ans w~ ~ can~an~ 305.-60~-2469 (voice), 305-673-72180"rY} five Hayo in advance to initiate your reduanL TrY