Melba Pearson Conclusion LetterMI AM B EAC Fil
City of Mi Beachl 1/(yG Cnvankon �: onlay Nw., Miami Iksact,, i lotida 33.139 v &-o,,.migmi67' acL-fj. ("Pe
OFFK--F OF THE MYY± CLERK, RcrW F. Granack�, City Ck4k
Tr1:. 30&673.7411, Fax 305,673.7254
Fn ail: 0i)Cia-tk0mi amila ht[. ,r
January 05, 2023
Ms. Melba Pearson
1521 Alton Road Suite 198
Miami Beach, FL 33139
SUBJECT: Black Affairs Advisory Committee
Dear Ms. Melba Pearson:
Your membership on the above committee has concluded. The City Commission has requested that I
convey to you its appreciation for your contributions of time and effort, resulting in the successful
functioning of this Committee, and for the interest shown by you throughout your service on it. The work
that you and your fellow committee members have done is greatly appreciated.
Please note that regrettably your parking pass will be deactivated, since your term of membership on the
committee has ended.
Respectfu ly,
Ra a ranado
City Clerk
cc: Monica Beltran, Parking Director
Lissette Arrogante, City Liaison