Elio Sanchez 2021DocuSign Envelope ID: 112C99BE-F5B9-4A43-9B33-F6FO01FEBODA MIAMI• OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT ''"i' For Full-time County and Municipal Employees Full-time County (including Public Health Trust) and municipal employees engaging in outside employment must file an annual disclosure report by July 1st of each year, in accordance with Section 2-11.1(k)(2) of the Miami -Dade County Code. Disclosure for Tax Year Ending Last Name First Name Middle Name/Initial 2021 Sanchez Elio E. Mailing Address — Street Number, Street Name, or P.O. Box 938 SW 71 ct City, State, Zip Miami FI. 33144 If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to Florida Statutes §119.07, please see note on the following page and check here. ❑ Filing as an Employee (check one) ❑ County ❑ Public Health Trust ❑ Municipal City of Miami Beach (Municipality) Department Division City of Miami Beach Police Department Patrol Position or Title Employee ID Number Work telephone Police Officer 18094 �(305) 673-7901 Please list the sources of outside employment (including self-employment), the nature of the work, and the total amounts of money or other compensation you received for each source of outside employment. If no income or compensation was received from a particular outside employment, enter zero (0) for that organization in the section below. If continued on a separate sheet, check here. ❑ Name and Address of the Source of Outside Income Nature of the Work Performed Total Amount of Money or Compensation Received RESF Real Estate Co. 7320 SW 90 St Miami FI 33156 Associate Real Estate Agent 0 I hereby swear (or affirm) that the information above is a true and correct statement. s Signature of Person Disclosing 12-07-2022 Date signed Pry RECEIVED BY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT: ❑ Hardcopy c Copy ceu�JI X'EIVE1.' DEC 2 7 209t C 2 7 2023 )F Mf 0r- SHV Al BEACH nt:j�+� CITY CLERK OFFICE USE ONLY Accepted: Y / N Deficiency: Processed Date/Initials: Scanned Date/Initials: 13801-22 COE 2016 DocuSign Envelope ID: 112C99BE-F5B9-4A43-9B33-F6FO01FEBODA MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE — City of Miami Beach employees may accept outside employment as long as the employment is not contrary, detrimental or adverse to the interests of the City, and as long as no City time, equipment or material is used. This form must be completed and approved prior to beginning any outside employment. Requests for approval of outside employment must be made on a yearly basis (even if for the same outside employment that had been previously approved). City employees engaging in outside employment must also file an "Outside Employment Statement" form with the Office of the City Clerk by July 1't of each year, in accordance with Section 2-11.1(k)(2) of the Miami -Dade County Code. INFORMATION REGARDING CITY OF MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE'S NAME: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME: EMPLOYEE ID NUMBER: Sanchez, Elio E. 18094 JOB TITLE: HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER: Police Officer 786-424-6700 DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER: Police/Patrol 305-673-7901 SUPERVISOR'S NAME: CELLULAR TELEPHONE NUMBER: Sgt. Dionne Martin 954-274-7559 NORMAL WORK DAYS AND TIMES: WTFS-11 am-9pm INFORMATION REGARDING OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT NAME OF BUSINESS, ORGANIZATION OR INDIVIDUAL HIRING CMB EMPLOYEE: RESF Real Estate Co. ADDRESS OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYER: 7320 SW 90 St Miami FI. 33156 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 305-392-1497 JOB TITLE THAT CMB EMPLOYEE WILL HOLD: Real Estate Associate Agent NAME OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT SUPERVISOR: Jorge Guerra (Broker) NORMAL WORK DAYS AND TIMES: SMT lam to 5pm DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Real Estate Transactions of sales, listings, rentals and businesses. WHAT DUTIES MIGHT BE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST WITH YOUR CMB POSITION? None WILL YOUR PROPOSED OUTSIDE EMPLOYER RELEASE YOU IF AND WHEN YOU ARE CALLED FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE BY THE CITY? 4 YES ❑ NO This form has 2 pages — be sure to complete both pages. Employee signature required on page 2. Granado, Rafael From: DocuSign NA3 System <dse_NA3@docusign.net> on behalf of Elio Sanchez via DocuSign <dse_NA3@docusign.net> Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2022 11:11 AM To: Granado, Rafael Subject: Complete with DocuSign: Outside Employment Form Miami Beach 2022.pdf, Outside Employment Statem... [ THIS MESSAGE COMES FROM AN EXTERNAL EMAIL - USE CAUTION WHEN REPLYING AND OPENING LINKS OR ATTACHMENTS 19, Elio Sanchez ElioSanchez@miamibeachfl.gov Rafael Granado, Please DocuSign Outside Employment Form Miami Beach 2022.pdf, Outside Employment Statement 2022.pdf Thank You, Elio Sanchez Powered by ad