Sipiwe AndersonE rrt�l: P st {r�)s,;ri�t,ul�c_�rfiil, �c�cvTeh�:pht-,ne: 305.673-74 11
I am in f,omplianc c) with the aftiEij: tiorl require€°raen of Mia€rji (;ach Coy Coo.e Srictions 2.22 (4), as (chef, '
all 4
r� 1 nm ai resident of the CRR of Miami Bpac[� for Six Mo r$th's or longer.
1-i()i-,,i(Actcaiess!�** `'�, Crespi Blvd ,apt #I IAHeni Beach.,Fl 3314.1
I have , n civvner:.ship interost �fQr ca rtiirliri'ruffit of six months) in a business, estalltAished to ihe, Clit,a cf
RA.'u-nic"'ach (for G mirliri urn of six rllonth5)�
Narner of BusinessJSskin
Bufmess Ad,d es.-JSSh.Rd coming
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�67UMN 10 a3iloii of t€ e business ihal. is physiccti:kr l0catOO! iq luliami Beach (for a Z6 i iP13lCAm 6bi'.�i ix moi av,.r,:�.
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