Bibi Andrade/\t\l A./VII BEACH (jry of Miomi Beach 1700 Convt'rt!•on (1:'nft:1 CV'rve- Miomi Scoeh, Floddc 33139 Offt:E Of THE Grf Cl£RK Ern.,a: RC@mi:1mibr..;ichfl.99'! Tck-.phOC"".e: 305.673.74} I AFFIOAVIT OF AFRLIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH l am in compliance with. !he affiliation requirement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4), as {clleck (./) all that apply): ~ l am s resident of the City of Miami Beach for six months or longer. Home Address: 7133 Bay Drive Suite 706 Miami Beach, FL 33141 ~ I have an ownership interest (for a minin-.im of six months) in a business established in the City ol Miami Beach (for a mlnlmt.1n ot six months~ ,.,,me ot Business: Bibi Art Media Inc. BusinessAddress:7133 Bay Drive Suite 706 Miami Beach, FL 331, D I am a ful-time employee of a business {for a mlni'num of six month$) and I am baised in an office or other locatio<l ot the business that is physically located in Miami Beach (le< a minimum of six months). Name of Business:. ______________________ _ Business Address: ______________________ _ "Own<>lohip lnterost" moans the ownership cf ten percent (10%,) or more (inctuding the ownership cf 10¾ or more of the outstanding capital stock) in a business. "Busi,,.,ss· moons ""Y sole pn,prieforship, sponsolohip. co,porotion. Hmited fiabHity companY, or other entity or business association. Under penalties of perjury, I declare th.at I have read the foregoing document and that the facts i! in ij ore wea ~:,:,.~( q g\ • C .(9 Signature May 30th, 2021 Date fbe ~m: AC'Qc, a.cl,<::. Printed a RECEIVED MAY 30, 2023 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK