Christopher RollinsIA M IB H RECEIVED FEB 7 2023 City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Mi am i Beach , Florida 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email: BC@miamibeachfl.gov Telephone: 305.673.7411 CI T Y O F MIAMI BE A CH OF FICE OF +IE CI T Y CLER K AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE l am in compliance with the affiliation requirement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4), as (check (/) all that apply): DI lam a resident of the City of Miami Beach for six months or longer. p in % JS]fej [] I have an ownership interest (for a minimum of six months) in a business established in the City of Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months). [[9 [T a of P /],]f @ Sb3 [[IS,/Pe,S, (]]Fe l am a full-time employee of a business (for a minimum of six months) and l am based in an office or other location of the business that is physically located in Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months). ors oreuse s _'aml ~±ct r e ll«rs [NG susmess ares I) ) ot 31 1 205 BI1Ml26@H, 3a139 "O w nership Interest" m eans the ow nership of ten percent (10%) or more (including th e ownersh ip of 10% or more of the outs tanding capital stock) in a business. "Business" m eans any sole prop rietorship, sp onsorship, corp oration, limited liability company, or other e n tity o r bu sin ess a s socia tio n . Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing document and that the facts stated in it dpalo a f R oca all Signature v Date CH(snt ± L LU A Printed Name NOTARY (City of Miami Beach Board/Committee Member). Produced ID , ] I s:gna,_~ -\--'P"'-"=-\::::--=:;,..-,:....._ _ Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me, by means of(physical presence or online notarization, a Tay a #bra,,,as 83 » _CHI2(STA+Cd 1ZOLLA {unu,, " PG ?±••"%, O 6i6/2026 ' 'e "« - s aria Gozalez 70 - 3,see#.,$ 2' S' 8,op rM" hi,, r « ii' Form of Identification Name of Notary, Typed, Printed, or Stamped