Kirk Paskal ConclusionM l M l City of Miami Beach , 1ZOO Convention Can ter Drive, Mia mi Bach, Florida 33 139 yywy._miamibaa chllgo OFFICE OF THE CITY CI ERK , Rafool E. Granado, City Clerk Tel: 305.673.7411, Fax 305.673.7254 Emai l: Ci#yCl erk@m iam ibooch fl.go v M arch 01, 2023 M r. Kirk Paskal 7915 C respi Boulevard M iam i Beach, FL 33141 SUBJECT: Historic Preservation Board Dear M r. Kirk Paskal: Your m em bership on the above com m ittee has concluded. The City Commission has requested that I convey to you its appreciation fo r your contributions of tim e and effo rt, resulting in the successful functioning of this Comm ittee, and fo r the interest show n by you throughout your service on it. The work that you and your fellow comm ittee members have done is greatly appreciated. Please note that regrettably your parking pass will be deactivated, since your term of membership on the com m ittee has ended. cc: M onica Beltran, Parking Director D eborah Tackett, City Li aison