Gregory Branch ConclusionM l City of M iam i Beach, I/OO Convention Coner Drivo, Miami Bach, Florida 33139 yw._miaIibaachllgov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rafaal E. Gr an ado, Cy Clerk Tel: 305.673.741, Fax: 305.673.7254 Emai l: Ci#yCl erk@m iam ibooch li.g ov M arch 01, 2023 M r. G re gory Branch 3200 C ollins Ave M iam i Beach, Florida 33140 SUBJECT: Budget Advisory Committee D ear M r. Gregory Branch: Your m em bership on the above com m ittee has concluded. The City Commission has requested that I convey to you its appreciation fo r your contributions of tim e and effort, resulting in the successful functioning of this Com m ittee, and for the interest show n by you thro ughout your service on it. The work that you and your fe llow com m ittee m embers have done is greatly appreciated. Please note that regre ttably your parking pass will be deactivated, since your term of membership on the com m ittee has ended. 'A Rat Granado City C lerk cc: M onica Beltran, Parking Director Tam eka O tto Stewart, City Li aison