Elizabeth Wheaton ConlcusionCity of Miami Beach, I/OO Conven tion Center Drive, Miami Booch , Florida 33 139 yygwy_miaIibeach[l_go
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
Tel: 305.673.7411, Fax. 305.673.7254
Email: Ci#yClerk@miamibeachtl.gov
M a rch 08 , 20 23
M s. Eliza beth W heaton
20 Island A ven ue #610
\ M iam i Bea ch, Flo rida 3313 9
SUBJECT: Sustainability Committee
D ear M s. Eliza beth W heaton:
A s pe r yo u r re sign atio n lett er dated 3/8/2023 , your m em b ership on the above com m ittee is now
concl uded.
T he C ity C o m m issio n has requested that I convey to you its appreci ation fo r your contribution of tim e and
effo rt re sulting in the successful functioning of this com m ittee , and for the interest show n by you
thro ugho ut yo ur service on it.
Plea se note that regrett ably your parking pass w ill be deactivated, since your term of m em bership on the
com m itt ee has ended.
R egards
R afa el G r
C ity C le rk
cc: M onica Beltran, Parking D irector
Jua nita Ba lle ste ros, C ity Li aison