Karen EdelsteinCity of Miami lea«h I Canwentic Cer Drio Miami Bosh, Florido 3.3139 OFFICE COF TE CITY CIERK Emal BC.±mmth gov Tel«phano: 70.5.873.7411 RECEIVED MAR 10 2023 CITY OF MIAMI BEA CH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AFFIDAyI QF AFFILIAIQN yITH HE cry OF MIMI BEACH STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMM-DADE t I have an ownership interest (far a minirum ot six months) in a business established in the City of Miami Beach (tor a minim um o! six months] ldgfT ¢lJty5Aft5bier dy5,1pp, HdIlfti I lam a full-tire employee ot a business (tar a minimum ot six months] and I am tased in an colfce or other locatin of the business tat is physicaly located in Miami Beach (tor a minimum at six months} Hjgs,[5, yd[fSlie ·Own ership interost" men s Ihe wnaorshp o! ten percent (10%) or moro [including the oworstup ot t0% or moo of th o outst a vkn g capit al s o ck) ir a busine ss Business" moans any soio propnetrstip, sponsorship, corporation, mitt potty company, or other atty or business association ILJ!rnti l!'. r l}C\lll-i.'I , 'ei ~1' !Pll'fJLIIY, I det'.f.il} tM'l I haw read lM foregoll"lg d'.OC IJl!ll(lfl; ;c111d ~ill1. l 111'1 (: r.ric:L$ Sltibi.~ ii'i •J. are true; ,y 4] .),)2 , yo, <a' 'A 3:l LO? Sigrat ut e Date . Ka@ fad;ts}in NOTARY r Stanped