NBCRA Advisory Committee Biannual Report (July - Dec 2021)BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT Page 1 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: AD HOC NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON: COMMISSIONER JOSE SMITH CITY LIAISON: DAVID MARTINEZ & RICKELLE WILLIAMS NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD: FOUR (4) ACTIVITY: Purpose: The Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee was established to provide advisory recommendations to the Administration and the City Commission, from a macro perspective, regarding the North Beach CRA. Powers and Duties: The Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee shall have the following powers and duties: 1) Provide advisory recommendations regarding the initial creation of the proposed Redevelopment Plan; 2) Provide advisory recommendations regarding the public projects which would be included in the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the North Beach CRA, including recommendations relative to the overall timing, cost efficiencies, and prioritization of proposed public projects in the North Beach CRA; and 3) Provide advisory recommendations regarding the proposed interlocal agreement with Miami-Dade County relating to the North Beach CRA, and all related matters pertaining to the initial establishment of the North Beach CRA. Meeting #7 July 21, 2022 Meeting Agenda Items: 1. Welcome and Attendance 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes 3. Legislative Update 4. Item for Approval: Biannual Report 5. Follow-up Discussion / Item for Approval: North Beach CRA Logo 6. Discussion: Grants Opportunities 7. Discussion: Byron Carlyle Theater 8. Discussion: 72nd Street Community Complex 9. Committee Member Comments 10. Public Comment 11. Adjournment Key Motions: • To approve the January-June 2021 Biannual Report. • To defer today’s discussion regarding the Byron Carlyle Theater to the subsequent meeting agenda. • To place a recurring update item (about the Byron Carlyle Theater), not a discussion item, on the Committee’s regular meeting agenda. • To defer today’s discussion regarding the 72nd Street Community Complex to the subsequent meeting agenda and to place a recurring item for a brief project update on the Committee’s regular meeting agenda. BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT Page 2 Meeting #8 September 15, 2021 Meeting Agenda Items: 1. Welcome and Attendance 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes 3. Item for Final Approval: North Beach CRA Logo 4. Discussion: Byron Carlyle Theater 5. Discussion: 72nd Street Community Complex 6. Committee Member Comments 7. Public Comment 8. Adjournment Key Motions: • To express support for the agenda item at the September 17, 2021 meeting of the City Commission to discuss potential action and funding for a conceptual design for the Byron Carlyle Theater. • To consider including affordable, workforce, and artist housing when planning for the cultural facility at the Byron Carlyle Theater site. • To express support for the 72nd Street Community Complex project, subject to a project cost limitation of $110 million. • Proceeds from the potential sale of public property should be allocated equitably between the 72nd Street Community Complex project and the future use of the Byron Carlyle Theater. Meeting #9 October 20, 2021 Meeting Agenda Items: 1. Welcome and Attendance 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes 3. Update: Vacant Storefront Cover Program 4. Update and Discussion: Byron Carlyle Theater 5. Update and Discussion: 72nd Street Community Complex 6. Committee Member Comments 7. Public Comment 8. Adjournment Key Motion: • To encourage the City to undertake necessary steps to maintain the Byron Carlyle Theater and address deteriorating conditions outside the property, specifically, restoring the exterior façade lighting, activating the marquee with signage, using movie poster boxes to promote community events, and to address the encampments of individuals experiencing homelessness. Meeting #10 November 17, 2021 Meeting Agenda Items: 1. Welcome and Attendance 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes 3. Meeting Time and Location 4. Update: 72nd Street Community Complex 5. Update: Byron Carlyle Theater 6. Discussion: Business Assistance, Attraction, and Retention 7. Discussion: Water Quality in Area adjacent to Park View Island 8. Discussion: Homelessness in Normandy Fountain Business District 9. Discussion: Street Lighting in Normandy Fountain Business District BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT Page 3 10. Committee Member Comments 11. Public Comment 12. Adjournment Key Motions: • To encourage development of an informational resource guide to educate the public on how to open a new business in Miami Beach. • To express support for the allocation of funding in the FY 2023 budget to establish a North Beach CRA office or physical presence located within the North Beach CRA district. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: - Advocating for North Beach CRA legislative items - Discussing North Beach public and private projects and assets - Investigating funding opportunities for various projects - Exploring short and long-term economic development opportunities in North Beach - Promoting affordable and workforce housing opportunities in North Beach - Encouraging development of a North Beach CRA marketing and branding strategy - Encouraging community involvement and participation ACCOMPLISHMENTS: - Recommended City Commission and CRA Board approval of Redevelopment Plan and Interlocal Agreement which was subsequently approved by the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners on July 20, 2021. - Provided feedback and recommendations to the City Commission regarding major capital projects and cultural facilities. - Highlighted public safety and quality of life concerns including lighting and homelessness. - Encouraged staff to promote Vacant Storefront Cover Program resulting in North Beach participation for the first time in the two-year history of the Program. - Provided guidance for and approved the official North Beach CRA logo (see below). 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