Oscar LlorenteM IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email: BC@miamibeachfl.gov Telephone: 305 .673 .7411 HECEIVED APR 07 2023 CITY OF MI A MI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ST A T E O F FL O R ID A C O U N T Y O F M IA M I-D A D E I am in co m plia n ce w ith the affi liation requirem ent of M iam i Beach C ity C ode S ection s 2-22 (4), as (check (/) all that ap ply): □I am a resid e nt of the C ity of M iam i Beach fo r six m onths or longer. p 9 ff J]]fS,- □I have an ow nership interest (fo r a m inim um of six m onths) in a business established in the C ity of M iam i Beach (fo r a m inim um of six m onths). [[are [ [[us/[eSS- [[IS[[eS, J(](]f%Si I am a full-tim e em ployee of a business (fo r a m inim um of six m onths) and I am based in an office or other locatio n of the business that is physically located in M iam i Beach (fo r a m inim um of six m onths). N am e of Business Mount Sinai Medical Center Busine ss A dd ress 4300 Alton Road Miami Beach FL 33140 "O w nership Interest" m eans the ow nership of ten percent (10%) or m ore (including the ow nership of 10 % or m ore of the outstanding capital stock) in a business. "B usiness" m e s any sole pro prietorship, sponsorship, corporation, lim ited liability com pany, or other en tit or bus in 'ss associa tio n. hat I have read the fo regoing docum ent and that the fa cts stated in it 02/09/23 D ate Oscar Llorente Printed N am e NO T A RY Sw orn to (or affi rm e d) and subscribed before m e, by m eans of«ph ysic al pre sen ce or online notarization , s.7a pol•2• O s ? LIa'c ________ (C ity of M iam i Beach Board/C om m ittee M em ber). roseao F D)rs /'ese For m of Iden tifi cation cc.cceeppn ly Kn own $5z., ciiRiESJ. DAGOSTN l /~·11· ... -~~\ MY COMMISSION# HH 165705 ii, i; xREs: Decam p 14,2925, ·,L y • } ]'S {8}' Bondod Thru Notary rd)kl}hkl Signatuk kl.tr N a m e of N otary , T yped, Printed, or Stam ped