Dorrie FosterMIAMI BEA CH City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Canter Driv Mi0m i B8sch , fki da 33 139 RECEIVED MAY 10 2023 OFF IC E OF THE CITY CL ER K Em ail. 8cgmiamibeach.gos Telephone: 305 .673.7411 A FFIDA yII OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CIT Y OE MIAMI BEACH CITY OF MIAM I BEACH O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY C LER K STATE OF FLORIDA CO UNT Y OF MIAM I-A OC t am in compliance with the affiliat ion requirement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4), as ({check (/) alt that apply): ta lam a re sident of th e Cty of Miami Beach for six months or long er. Home A&are,,450 Collins Ave, #906 Miami Beach, FL 3314 {have an ownership inte rest (far a minimum of six mont hs) in a business established in the of Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months) ta lam a full-tim e employee of a business (for a minimum of six months) and I am based in an office or other location of the business that is physically located in Miami Bach {for a minimum of six months}. O wnership In terest" moan s the own ership of ten percent (10%) or more {including the ownersh ip of 10% or mor e of th e outstanding capital stock) in a business. 'Business" me ans any sole proprietors hip, sponsorship, co rpora tion , limited liability company, or other entity or busine ss asso ciation. ,1 declare that I have read the foregoing do cu ment and that the tacts stated in it 05/09/2023 Dorrie Foster Prin ted Name NO TAR Y Swo m to (or affir me d) and subsc ribed before me, by me an s ot stysical presence or o onl in e no tarizat ion . »2 ar +1A A( _mas » D orie, Hoke _(City of Miami Beach Board/Cormittee Member), Produced ✓ U6 »8UEL TU E5N80 tury Attic • 5tut at rid4 min r HH 163040 My {mm. Ls«res et 15, 2027 (NOTARY SEAL)