Deed 25150 (2329-13) now Maurice Gibbs Park
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"SOW .\Ll. ~tEN BY TIIJ!SE I'RJ!SENTS: 11".1" ..... .mdmJl~. .he SIo.~ of FIorioIa ..... of Tntotr<-l "I ,I,~
1"11,,,..1 h"l'"'.........., Trn<i .',md. ........, "li'...trity "'In.... f'nr -' hi ......idera_ III "'" _ of ___ ....._. _
:lIinety-ri.v, _1housan~ .a..lId 00/10~ ..___.__ .:"_(@.$......OOO....JI.Q) DOIJ.AIlS.
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R.. ~ "1RREST, as Trustee, to a . certain ~n\l...1'r.~L~re!!!!!tllt 480te.CtU..
._~~<i_ay'~f_Aprll,. 1966, ___ _.___.___
"I"'" Count" of _ ....J!ade __,_.~ s_ "r _ .__Florida and biB
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A parcel of 1l000reignty land in Discayne Ba, abutting
Section 33, Township 53 South, RanKe 42 East. Dade County.
Florida, beillll' .ore particularly described as follows:
Comitence ot the Northeast coraer of Fractionol Section 33,
TownshiP' 53 South, Range 42 East, Dode County, Florida:
thence due South. along the East. line of the said Section
33 for a distance of 836.7 feet to a point on the North
Uno of Island View SUbdiVision, PInt Book 6 at PlICe 115
. of the PUblic Records of Dado County, Florida; thence Soutb
89" 58' 15" West. along the North line of tbe said Island
View Subdivision, for a distance of 830.1 ,_t to tile West
right of way line of Purdy Avenue, as the saae is skoen on
tbe said plat of ISland View Subdivision; tbence due Soutb.
along t.he West rigbt of way line of tbe said Purdy Avenue,
for a distance of 290 teet to the 1I0rtheast Corner.ot.Lot 9,
Block 15 of the said Island View Subdivision: theace Soutll
89. 58' IS" West, a'long the North line of tbe said Lot 9
for a ~istance of 187.96 feet to the Northwest Corner of the
said Lot 9, tbe saae being n point on the Dade'County Bulk-
hoad Line, a point on the mean high water line of Discayne
Bay and tbe point of beginning; thenc~ South 36. 37' 16" West,
aloulr the said Dada County Bulkhead Line, for a distance of
16.07 feet: thence Sout"h 73" 10' 29" West, along the Dade
County BulkhoAd J.ine for a distilnce of 190.25 f8j!t to the
beginning of a tangential circular curve: thence along the
Dade County Bulkhead Line and Southwesterly along' said
ciroular curve to the left havin~ ~ radius of lSD'feet
t~rougb a central ang.le of 730 OS-' IS" for an arll distance
of 191.39 feet to the end of said curve; tbence South 00' 04'
14" West, tangent to the last described curve und along the
Dade County Ilulkhead Line for a distance of 218.80 feet to
the beginning of a tangential circular curve; thence South-
easterly along the Dade COunty Bulkhead Line and along the
said circular curve to the left having a radius of 300 feet
througb a central angle of 360 55' 20" for aD are distance
of 193.33 feet to a point of reverse curve; the_ South.
easterlY'ftlong the Dade County Bulkhead LIne aDd aloaa a
circular curve to the right baving a radius of 2,739.05 teet
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through a central anllle ot ... "3' 52" tor an arc distaBCe ot
226.17 teet to its point ot 1atersectton w1'th the prolon-
gation West ot the South Une ot Lot I, Block 150t the said
I.sland View SubdlYisioa; thence IIol'th 89' 58' IS" Baat, aIODg
tile prolongation west ot the 8o\Itb 1!Jle ot the eaid Lot 1,
.tor a distance ot 109.59 teet ~ the SOuth....t Corner of the
." said Lot 1 and a. point on tile .ean bigb water line of BiscaYlle
Bay; thence IIorth 00' 04' 14" Bast; alOllg the "st ltlle of
Lots 1 through 9. botb inclusiYe. BlCUlk 15 ot the I.laud
Yi_ Subdivi81on. and along tile .an hlgb water 11_ of
Blsca,ne Bay tor a .distanee ot 7118.78 feet to tile .po1at ot'
begilllliDIIU . .
.........Inll _ __.__".___ ._.1!~~2~_____ __ ____ ....... _......;.,...t 1yIsg ucI bcinJlla tho
CoullI)' oi_ ___ D.a_~~_~________ ______ .. oaId Stale af 1'Iorkla.
m IIAVE AND 1'o.HOI.D lIle ahnYe pnmI ..... ,~p-emIs<'s
SA VINe A:liD RESElIVlNG ....... lht' ..Id SIal\' ..r F1"rlda Boom nI Trom- of lIle I
F,ma '';'d lis ............. on IDIdivic\l!d Ihtoe-fonrths i"l;tonoot In. aDd tlde in lIIId .... .. ~._-
.., in all lb.' phnsphate. mlnmIlo IIlld -..I. that ..-.. ... _y lie In. em, .,. ......... the Imd """ Oft .mcliYIdeII.
....'hil!f Intemt .. .n t1r ",,1tnImttl tliat Is or may be In. .... or ander llid land thr pt\'IIIeI!<' tit mine! lbllI
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