Matteo Mereu 2022M IA M E Eel OUTSIDE EM PLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees Ful l-tim e County (incl uding Public Health Tr ust) an d m unici pa l emp lo yees en gagin g in outsi de emp loym en t m ust file an ann ual disclo sure report by July 1st of each year, in accor dan ce with Section 2-11.1(k)(2) of th e Mi a m i-Da de County Code. Disclosure for Tax Year Endi n g Last Name First Name Middle Name/Initial 2022 Ht0 14 4=11to Mailing Address - Street Number, Street Name, or P,O. Box 5 o 4EOTT 4y€ 4P7 506 City, State, Zip {u( g G ACM e 27/4/ If your hom e addre ss is exem pt from public records pursuant to Florida St at ut es $119.07, pl ease see note on the follow ing page and check here. D Filing as an Employee (ch eck one) [ county □Public Health Tru st [@ Municipal CTy oF rud« A p (Municipality) Department Division Arty A«/ D 0Cran7o/u Position or Title Employee ID Number Work telephone L_FE€or P4at de 7zsz 2305 672762» Please list the sources of outside em ploym ent (incl udin g self-emp lo ym ent), th e nature of the w ork, and the total am ounts of m oney or other com pensation you re ceived for each source of outside em ploym ent. If no incom e or com pensation w as re ceived from a particular outside em pl oym ent, enter zero (0) for that org aniz ation in the section bel ow. If con tinued on a separate sh eet, check here. [] Name and Address Nature of the Total Amount of Money or of the Source of Outside Income Work Performed Compensation Received Cry or f ee z AA( Jo I2vuAru pAt7sf 11,2 43 453 A9e et0 0 r to r@ (co-e~ rut Pso t1a Ee ACR Pet Act I Do /vo7 u or t ror2 Cry or p A GA&A 410r, I here by sw ear (or affirm ) that the inform ation above is a tru e and correct statem ent. / 5~24 -222 Date signed RECEIVED BY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT: D Hardcopy tJ e ctuon eli»C EI VE D ) MAY 30 2023 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY OL ER R OFFICE USE ONLY A ccep t ed: Y / N Deficiency. Pr ocessed Date /Initial s: 138_01-22 COE 2016 - c anned Dal e/ini tial s;-