Jack BenvenisteMIAMI BEACH city OF Miami seach I ,i00 Convarii+rkn ;-anfef Dsiwi Miami uacc ' Fltyridin 33139 QFfCE QF TfJJ Cr1Y CLERK F mill; �cFwr W*ph;�;: 305 673 7411 - AFFIDAVIT OF AFFiLIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH I am Fn compliance with the affii€iatian requirement Of Miami Beach City Code Seclions 2-22 (4), as (check t,/1 all that apply) IR I am a resident o'P the City of Miami Beaich for six months or longer 8075 Noremac Ave, Miami Beach. FI 33141 Home Address_ I have an ownership interest for a trF1nimum a1 sex months) in a business esiahli ed �n the City of Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months) Guru Depot Name of Business.. 1 { 18 -B 71 St, M lami Beach, R 33141 BLisiness-Address L1 1 am a full-time employee ol-a business (fav a minimum of six months) wid I am based irr, an ogre or other location of the business that is priysicalhy located in Miami leach ftor .a minimum of fix months) Name af Busirtes - Business Address_ 'Owneralr�iv lntere&t" mparrs fhe ownership of ten porcenl (10%) or mora (including the omiership af 10 ry tnom of the outstanding capital stock) in a busy w&S- `i3F� Sines" mearrs any &cffi prr rWwslaip, spotam rsinp corporafton. limited fiabihty CmPaw ur purer entity or badness association. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have Tread the fr going document artd 1ha1 the facts stated in it are true —,— z — Printed Name May 30 2023 Uste