Timothy CarrTp�o�i 4 Gk D] 3 Y - f A 16 1_ILI I Ion"Mr, .nt of the City of Miami Beach foLr six months or lamam 10 1 e i. �I ■ n owinnner,sINp interst (for a mmimuM Of six MOnths imum of six rnonths).. City of Miami Beach Vr,jjjL:AI1RwIv i in a business in r � ek i4 AD A, josh 4 ans any safe proPnOtOrshiPpp B" mesa as on. Orr entity orbus '"r - L rj 0 1 410, X 110are �ti Ip Hab r?panyr S.-IXI-17sorsh * 01. C, fiftted olay m, have M e d the foregoing document and tMt the facts Signature Printed Name Date ,j e