Honey Burnsteinh,IA,,I BEACH
firy of Mianti aswrh
� �`4G C a�.+eticn �w�w Cert
w:o*�'frxb, rsado 33 ria
of RCE OF tW Cff MIX
T'.r pNw* 304 6737Ai 1
I am in oempWanca vrth thb affi *Wn fflq irarnant Of Msarflr Beach City 0060 Sections 2.22 (A).
aaw ( (4 at Oh l apply).
I sen a resKferrt of the City of Mw Buch for sac months orIr�ei'
r ms: >
Norrie Adt Njee ,,V Lk A 91S {fit'!: �Yaal
�F _z
❑ I harm an ownwship hEesraat (tor a eniratm nt Ofl sb( more Frs) in a & atlrm" eataf iftliod in fih0
tarry of MrartY 98aeh (for a rrurranuen or atx rroort�t;).
Noone Of Buaiflaas:
Bus+reess Addrem-
❑ I am a fua-firms emplpyre of a bums (for a mnmum o(sm mw lha) and t arm based in an
Offiaa cr od»c -x- Or Of Vw buu-*" " fs pnyaicatty !Orated in Wamo Beach (for a
oar wrium of sac n wfaa).
fia re of eQsn sa
Efuwsess Address
'0*110r3tnp Owemsf "dans the riwwshp of fed perwnt irjo%} or more (much V tho
o -W&" ap of f0% Or more of the orr.�s;fSfX* p C&OW stock) , a business
'B B"wWAs'mems"I p'w*'-$1w � �'T�arwi. arnitrx7lxiuty "'.'puny,
other entrfyor bu$jness assxxxt.wn
r aOf PSqutY. I doaare that i havc read the 10(oQ V dooAwt Wd that the facts
f>nnled r%