Seth Gadinskyatf of Mi4m I @each 1700 Cor*mficn Carder Drive Mlaml Bond, T-bida 33139 OFFICE Of THE CITY CLERK Frnaif- 13CAmigrgibgs - - wbLwa Telephww 3D,57.6 -73.7A I I AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH I arri in c.-wpltanco with the affiliation requiremeRt of Miami Rwh City Code Sections 2-22 (4). as (chem (,/) adl that apply): P1 I am a re5iderit of the City of Miami Beach for six moths or longer. Home Address- 3530 Pine Tree D r El I have an awrPer5hip interest -(tr a rninlmurn of six rnDnths) In a business established in the C4 of Miami lawob (fora rnlnkmkjrn of Glx months) - Name of Busarkess: Business Address - i am a full-time employee of a busines=s (for a m1airnum of six months) and I am based in an office or other tDcation of the business that is "ically twated in Miami Beach {for a miriimum of six months). Name of Business: Business Address; `Ownership InforesfN rooans the owoorshio of ton Porcent (10%) or r (jncwif�g the ownership of I&% or ffwo Df the oeitstanding capfad stock) in a busnoss. 4Susinoss'rrwarrs any sde prWatcwship, spons�vship, carpcv-atian, �imftod fiabiw cumpany, or other enfity or business as-sociatian. Under penalties of pwjuror, I dedaro thiat I have read the for inn document anti 111at the facts stated in Ware true. 6/20/23 Printed Nane