Jaedra Wedel Conclusion LetterM IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1/OO Convention Conlor Drive, Mia mi Boach, Horida 33139 yyywy_miamibgachll.gov OF FICE OF THE CITY CL ER K , Rafaol E. Gr an ad o, City Cl erk Tel: 305.673.7411, Fax: 305.673.7254 Email: CilyClerk@miamibeachfl.gov June 21, 202 3 M s. Ja edra W ed e l 65 W ashington A venue #26 M ia m i Beach, F lorida 33 139 SUBJECT; Animal Welfare Committee D e a r M s. Jae dra W ede l: O n be ha lf of the C ity C om m issio n, I w ant to extend m y appreci atio n fo r your services on the above C o m m itt ee . P ursuant to C ity of M ia m i Beach C ode Section 2-22 (9), if a m em ber of an agency, board or com m itt ee fa ils to att end 33 pe rce nt of the regularly scheduled m eetings per calendar year, such m em ber shall be autom atically rem oved . Based on the above info rm ation, your m em bership on the A nim al W elfare C om m itt ee is now concl uded. Ple ase no te that reg rett ab ly your pa rking pass w ill no longer be honored, since your term of m em bership on the com m itt ee has ended . Sincerely, cc: M o nica Be ltran, Pa rking D irector , C ity Li a iso n