2022-32050 ResolutionR E S O L U T IO N N O . 2022-32050 A R E S O L U T IO N O F TH E M A V O R A N D C ITY C O M M IS S IO N O F TH E C ITY O F M IA M I B E A C H , FLO R ID A , R E - A F F IR M IN G T H E PO LI C Y D IR E C T IO N A D O P T E D IN R E S O LU T IO N NO . 2020-31474 TO A L L O W T H E C ITY 'S A D V IS O R Y B O A R D S A N D C O M M ITT E E S T O C O N T IN U E T O M E E T V IR T U A L L Y ; A N D F U R T H E R , IN A D D IT IO N T O V IR T U A L A N D IN -P E R S O N IN D O O R M E E T IN G S , A U T H O R IZ IN G TH E C IT Y 'S A D V IS O R Y B O A R D S A N D C O M M IT TE E S T O C O N D U C T IN -P E R S O N M E E T IN G S IN C IT Y -O W N E D O U T D O O R FA C ILI T IE S , PR O V ID E D TH A T A N Y S U C H O U T D O O R M E E T IN G S A R E C O O R D IN A T E D W IT H C ITY STA FF IN A C C O R D A N C E W IT H FL O R ID A LA W . W H E R E A S , on October 28, 2020, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2020-,31474, determining that a public purpose is served and it is in the public interest during the COVID-19 health emergency to continue allowing members of the City's advisory boards and committees to attend their public meetings virtually (by phone or video conferencing) in light of the extraordinary circumstances presented by the current health emergency, and waiving any and all applicable requirements within the City's Charter, Code of Ordinances, Resolutions or other City policy that may require the physical presence of a quorum and/or board members' physical presence at any said public meeting; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Resolution 2020-31474 pertaining to remote electronic participation for the City's advisory boards and committees remains intact to this day; and WHEREAS, an unprecedented spike in COVID-19 cases fueled by the highly contagious and fast-moving Omicron variant has made waves across the United States, including the state of Florida, leading to high positivity rates and increased hospitalization; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission wish to re-affirm that the City's advisory boards and committees' are permitted to conduct remote electronic/virtual meetings, provided that all members maintain their web cameras during the course of their meeting; and WHEREAS, in addition to in-person indoor meetings and virtual meetings, the Mayor and City Commission further authorize the advisory committees to conduct in- person meetings in City-owned facilities outdoors in order to facilitate safe social distancing, subject to coordinating in-person outdoor meetings with City staff, and ensuring any such outdoor meetings shall continue to be compliant with Florida law. NO W , TH E R E FO R E , B E IT D U LY R E S O LV E D BY T H E M A Y O R A N D C IT Y C O M M IS S IO N O F TH E C ITY O F M IA M I B E A C H , FLO R ID A that the Mayor and City Commission hereby re-affirm the policy direction adopted in Resolution No. 2020-31474 to allow the City's Advisory Boards and Committees to continue to meet virtually; and further, in addition to virtual and in-person indoor meetings, authorize the City's Advisory Boards and Committees to conduct in-person meetings in City-owned outdoor facilities, provided that any such outdoor meetings are coordinated with City staff in accordance with Florida law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this " day or ebru«rY ,2022. Attest: FEB 1 1 022 Dan Gelber, Mayor Rafael . Granado, City Clerk (sponsored by Commissioner Alex Fernandez) APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION £ Date R e s ol uti on s -R 7 N MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael A. Paz, City Attorney DATE: February 9, 2022 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, RE-AFFIRMING THE POLICY DIRECTION ADOPTED IN RESOLUTION NO. 2020-31474 TO ALLOW THE CITY'S ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES TO CONTINUE TO MEET VIRTUALLY; AND FURTHER, IN ADDITION TO VIRTUAL AND IN-PERSON INDOOR MEETINGS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY'S ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES TO CONDUCT IN-PERSON MEETINGS IN CITY- OWNED OUTDOOR FACILITIES, PROVIDED THAT ANY SUCH OUTDOOR MEETINGS ARE COORDINATED WITH CITY STAFF IN ACCORDA NCE WITH FLORIDA LAW. ANALYSIS Pursuant to the request of Commissioner Alex Fernandez, the above-referenced Resolution is submitted for consideration by the Mayor and City Commission at the February 9, 2022 Commission meeting. SUPPORTING SURVEY DATA N/A FINANCIAL INFORMATION NIA Applicable Area Citywi de ls this a "Residents Right to Know" item , pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? No Legislative Tracking Office of the City Attorney Does this item utilize G.O, Bond Funds? No Page 345 of 786 Sponsor Commissioner Alex Fernandez AT TACH M EN T S: D e s c ri p tio n Resolution P age 34 6 of 786