For Full-time County and Municipal Employees
Full-tim e C ounty and municipal em ployees engaging in outside
em ployment must file an annual disclosure report by July 1st of Disclosure for
each year, in accordance w ith Section 2-11.1(k )(2 ) of the M iam i- Tax Year Ending: 2021
D ade County C ode.
Last N am e:
First N am e: M iddle Name:
Em ployee ID #:
Filing as (check one) D M iam i-Dade Co. Em ployee
[!] M unicipal Em ployee of: City of Miami Beach
Position Title:
Police Officer/SGT.
C ounty/M unicipal Department: County/Municipal Di vision:
Miami Beach PD Office of the Chief/IA
If your hom e address is exem pt fro m public records W ork Telephone:
pursuant to Florida Statutes§ 119.07, please see the ] 305-673-7776 X3 l 76 note on th e followi ng page and ch eck here :
M ailing Address (Street Name and Number) Apt.#
107 Westward Dr.661543
C ity State Zip Code
Miami Springs FL 33166
Please list the sources of outside em ployment, the nature of the work, and the am ounts of money or other
com pensation you received. If continued on a separate sheet, please check here: D
Name and Address of the Source of Nature of the Work Amount of Money or
Outside Income Performed Compensation Received
GC Security Consultants & Services Security Consulting & Providing 40,000
Guards for asset protection
I hereby swear (or affi rm) that the afo resaid info rmation is a true and correct statement.
Signature of Person D isclosing "%%3, .-
~ 5 ___-" -- I V
COE 2014