Luis Corps 2022as OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees Full-tim e C o unty and m un icipa l em ployees engaging in outside em plo ym e nt m ust fil e an an nua l discl osure report by July 1st of Disclosure fo r each yea r, in acco rda nce w ith Se ction 2-11.1(k)(2 ) of the M iam i- Tax Year Ending: 2022 D ade C ounty C o de. Last N a m e : Corps First N a m e : M iddle N am e: Luis Em p loyee ID #: 17280 Filing as (check one) D M iam i-D ade C o. Em ployee [a] M unici p al Emp lo yee or. City of Miami Beach Po sition T itle : Police Officer/SGT. C o unty/M unicipa l D e pa rt m ent: C ounty/M unici pal D ivision: Miami Beach PD Office Of the Chief/IA If your ho m e add ress is exe m pt fr om public records W ork Telephone: pursua nt to F lo rida Statutes $ 119 .0 7 , ple ase see the ) 305-673-7776 X3176 no te on the fo llo w ing pag e and che ck here: M a iling A dd ress (Street Nam e and Num ber) A pt.# 107 Westward Dr.661543 C ity State Zip C ode Miami Springs FL 33166 P lea se list the so urces of outside em p loym ent, the nature of the w ork, and the am ounts of m oney or other com pe nsatio n you rece ived. If co ntinu ed on a separate sheet, please check here: D N am e and Address of the Source of Nature of the W ork Am ount of Money or O utside Incom e Perform ed Com pensation Received GC Security Consultants & Services Security Consulting & Providing 40,000 Guards for asset protection I he reby sw ear (or affi rm ) that the afo resaid info rm ation is a true and correct statem e nt. E" 2 ¥ I t COE 2014