Nedra Marcelus 2021 (2)DocuSign Envelope ID: E01F6AAD-01E8-48CD-A2IF-DAAAC4A1E1A7 MIAMI• OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT „� -tonne County and Municipal Employees Full-time County (including Public Health Trust) and municipal employees engaging in outside employment must file an annual disclosure report by July 1st of each year n accordance with Section 2.11 1(k)(2) of the Miami -Dade County Code Disclosure for Tax Year Endmg Last Name First Name Middle Namannitial Marcelus Nedra L G Mai img Address - Street Number, Street Name, or P.D. Bax 1330 NVV 199 Street city, state, Zip - - - - Miami. FL 33169 It your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to --Londa Statutes §119 07 please see note on the fowwmg page and check here. ❑ Filing as an EmplorM (check ane) ❑ County ❑ Public Health Trust ❑ Municipal City of Miami Beach= - _ - -- (Municipality) Department Division Fire Department of Emergency Management Position or Title Employee 10 Number work telephone Financial Analyst I 16B41 t31D5) 673-7736 ?lease list the sources of outside employment t+ncWding self-employment) the nature of the work and the totaii amounts of money or other compensation you received for each source of outside employment If no income or compe-sahon was received from a pamcular outside empioyn'ent enter erg Ilii for that organization in the section below It continued on a separate sheet, check here. Name and Address 6 Nature of the Total Amount o1 Money or of the Source of Outside Income Work Performed Compensation Received -lea! G,n.p Kaseya Cenre, Guest Servkces Representw jasislmg ana resolving S6 235 75 -; , a.�e Bivc probiems of guest that may occur to help then, save an 13132 extraorarnary experience at the event I hereby swear for aff rm) that the information above is a true and correct statement 5 *nature of Person Disclosing si Da Da si ed RECEIVE© BY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Hardcopy Electronic Copy OFFICE USE ONLY A, :;.' ti