Cory Brown 2022DocuSlgn Envelope ID: A0243FA6-D814-4D38-BF37-79FB69AC9BF4 HIAH OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT T For Full-time County and Municipal Ermployee$ FUD -time County (inducing Public Health Trust) and Inuncipal employees engaging in outside employment must file an annual disclosure report by Judy 1st of each year, in accordance with Section 2-11.1(k)M of the Miami -Dads County Code. Olaclocure for Tax Tom EfldkV Narot Nama Middle ntltal Mtaling Addrau -Street°r, tat flan/e, or M.O.Oce �i l� .1 j -7 I N YW hOnre Is exempt ham pubfic records pursuant to Fiorlda Stattltae §119.07, pease see note on the foUowN page end dfedc here. ❑ FUng as an Emplsift {elledl w} �/ r 13 County [3Publk ROOM Trust L'� Munkioal (� � rrli%r �� f /91 rs�.a'1 I►otfoaawnue IC�°E �jlJrSrarr Emploryys ID Wwwr ! We* te{"NM Please list the soarrces Of outside employmertt (includng self-employmenQ, the nature of the work, and the 141ST amounts of money of other CmpeMiltion you received for each source of outsde employment. h no income or ccmpensation was received from a particular outside employment, enter = (0) for that orgulzation in the section blow. H contlaued on a separate sheet, check here. ❑ Mame and Address of tfine SemlrCe of Ouleadt Incomework. Nature of the total Aruani of kun>ry or Performed Cal Wourdw Recehed r'1/d l QYY► j I� � [c ((P-� j I D Nr✓ 2-7fr~ /'kR /D ! f r°'�! �.f � lrt r tau rf� I > r* crr � / �" 7'�rG r �"/�L�-St� 1t r �•e � � ,r�r'bt b nit a„�'� f' lt,,tV4 So Lrl I hereby swear (or affirm) that the information above is a true and correct statement, r SlpnaOre of Parson Dkdaurq _ .—.—� RECEIVED IT ELECTIONS 88"nIENP. I� Natlkopy Electronic Copy OFFICE USE ONLY Accepted V / N Ddlaorf PtacaseaDalowrhex, �JBW-n C4XM'.6