Honey Bernstein Conclusion LetterM IA M I BEACH City o f M ia m i Be a ch , 1/0O Con vention Conler Drive, Miam i Boa ch, Florida 33 139 wyy._miaImibaachllgoy OF FICE OF THE CITY CI ERK , Rofaol E. Gran ado, City Clerk Tl: 305.673.7411, Fax. 305.673.7254 Email: CilyClerk@miamiboochfl.gov O ctober 10 , 202 3 M s. H o ney Be rn stein 12 0 0 W est A ve., A pt. 915 M ia m i Beach, FL 3313 9 SUBJECT; Bud get Advisory Com mittee D ea r M s. H oney Be rn stein: A s per you r re sig natio n letter dated 10 /6/2023 , your m e m bership on the above com m ittee is now concluded . T he C ity C o m m ission has requested that I convey to you its appreciation fo r your contribution of tim e and effo rt re su ltin g in the successful functio ning of this com m ittee, and fo r the interest show n by you thro ugho ut your se rv ice on it. Ple ase no te that regrett ably your parking pass w ill be deactivated, since your term of m em bership on the com m itt ee has ended. R eg~ •• C ity C le rk cc: M o nica Beltran, Parking D irector T am e ka Ot to Stew art , C ity Li aison