Gerald Schwartz Conclusion LetterM IA M I BEACH
City of Miami Beach, 1/00 Convention Conler Drive, Miami Boa ch, Florida 33 139 yyyw_miamibgachll.go
OF F ICE OF THE CITY CL ER K , Rafael E. Gr an ad o, City Clerk
Tel: 305.673.7411, Fax: 305.673.7254
Emai l:
O ctobe r 24, 20 2 3
M r. G erald Schw artz
5680 Pine T ree D r.
M ia m i Be ach, Florida 3314 0
SUBJECT; Disab ility Access Committee
D ea r M r. G erald Schw artz:
O n beha lf of the C ity C om m issio n, I w ant to extend m y appreciation fo r your services on the above
C o m m itt ee. Pursuant to C ity of M iam i Beach C ode Section 2-22 (9), if a m em ber of an agency, board or
co m m itt ee fails to att end 33 percent of the regularly scheduled m eetings per calendar year, such m em ber
sha ll be autom atically rem oved.
Ba sed on the ab ove info rm ation, your m em bership on the Di sability A ccess C om m ittee is now concluded.
Ple a se no te that regrett ably your parking pass w ill no longer be honored, since your term of m em bership
on the com m itt ee has ended. Sincii
R afae l G rana do
C ity C le rk
cc: M o nica Beltran, Parking Di rector
V ale ria M ejia, C ity Li aison