Grieco Batch 3M IA M I B E A C H RECEIVED JUN 2 0 2023 CITY OF MIAMI BEAO' OFFICE OF T E ITV CLERt CANDIDATE QUALIFYING BY PETITION PRELIMINARY TOTALS Due no later than NOON, August 22, 2023 Candidate - Michael C. Grieco A preliminary count was performed of each petition paper submitted by Michael C. Grieco, Candidate for Miami Beach Mayor, on June 20, 2023. The count was as follows: 0 Petitions with 10 signatures N/A signatures 0 Petitions with 9 signatures N/A signatures 0 Petitions with 8 signatures N/A signatures 0 Petitions with 7 signatures N/A signatures 0 Petitions with 6 signatures N/A signatures 0 Petitions with 5 signatures N/A signatures 0 Petitions with 4 signatures N/A signatures 0 Petitions with 3 signatures N/A signatures 0 Petitions with 2 signatures N/A signatures 1,311 Petitions with 1 signa ture 1,311_signat ures Total petition papers submitted: 1,311 1,311 ....I aee 6/zss2 Staff ignature: ~~.-#~~C~~Date:~Zol..._3 bmitted: F:ICLERICLERI000_ELECTION\00000 2023 GENERAL ELECTION\Qualifying by petion\GREICO QUALIFYING BY PETITION PRELIMINARY FORM.docx CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{umaion on hisform becomes a publtc reard upon receipt by the &ryenisor of Electiotts. - It is a crime to btowtngb sign more thot one petitionfor a candidae. fSeaion 104-1E5, Florida StautaJ - If all requested b{ormdion on this form is not complaed, the form will twt be valid as a Codidae Paition form- L rl the urdersigned, a regislered voter (pintrnmeas on yourrroter card) in said silate and county, petilion to have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placd on the Primary/General Eledion Bdh as a:ldrerlcla nplete Dox, as appfica0bl Eruo party ffiliation fl PaO candidate furthe office of Mayor of Miami Beac{r (insert lite of otrce and indde district, drcuit! group, seat rrumber, if appfrcabb) Addrcs l+o'&e_rsL^/<- +tWt; City .\-- lJlf,rc;^^.,t SrrAfJ. County Zp Code 33t3or Voter I)#of Elirtr (mrDorrn or Vobr Regkffion ilumber o +to +o Stab f,_ Dab Signed UmrDDfff) Ito be by Voterl bAj[L CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{ormAion on hbform becomq a public reard upon receipt by the Stryembor of Elediotts. - It is a crime to @ly sign more thor one petttionfor a cmrdidae. fseaion 104.1E5, Florida Stal51g5/ - If all rque,sted it{ormotion on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as o Candidae Petition form. ru""2 L L b the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter infonmtion card) in said silate and oounty, pettion to have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on tlle Prinary/Gercrd Ebcfbn Balld as a:ldtdcla nplde Dox, as amficablsl t/Nonpartisan Eruopartyatrliation I PaO candidabfortheoficeof Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tite of office and indrlde disfric[ drcuit, group, seat number, if apffcabb) City Ler,/[v.\q *, ZpCodc J3 t3? lU DG of Birth (ffin DrYn or Voter ilumber Addre Nu,*", County Stab?c Dab Signed (ilWDDTYY) Ito be contpleted by Voterl )- ( CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on thisform becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleaiorc. - It is q crime to btowingly sign more than one petitionfor s candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Cqndidate Petitionform. (r9d A.Ior, {7op,o AP,' / Addrcss L 9Sr !u t'uA\RR the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eleclion Ballot as a:lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliation f]PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (mm/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number ,i1 -o(- e s Caty 1'\ r f. ta t Q.O-J County State rC Zip Code 3st37 Rule F.AC.D$DE I(N Signature of Voter ,1 Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Voterl c CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to lmowingly sign more than one petitionfor a cqndidate. fSection 104.185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. L the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petitbn to have the name of Michae! "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ,Nonpartisan f]r.ro parg affiliation []PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of office and include districl, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address t iooQ I |oct I bwl- bn ".A g5 t3? City t1 i ,'-rr-; 1\e nl.. County Stateic Zip Code Lu<q Rule 15-2.045. F ,.-?-..._D$DE t04 (Efi.09fir) Voter Registration NumberorDate of Birth Signature of I CAI{DIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{ormAion on hbform becomes a ptbltc reard upon receipt by the Stpervisor of Eleaiotts. - It is a frime to htowirWb sisn more thot one petitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Stauta] - If all rquested irformation on this form is not completed, the form will rpt be valid as a Cmdidae Petition form. \V o r E?.9 472/2 )r.r the undersigned, a registered voter (prlnt name as n appeaE on youivqterfnOmatlon carut in said shb and county, p€tilirn to hat e the name of Micftael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prirnary/General Eledion Ballot m a:ldtedclwrp/erb Dox, as appficaOfel Elr,lo partyaffiliatbn fl PaO candidabfortheoffceof Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tide of ffice and indude disfiict drcuiL gru.p, seat rrumber, if +pficabb) Address /r fri o City .%B County 1 Stab ,r <_ Zp Code 7 zry1, Rub r$Zl,a5.D$DE r04Grf.00flr) t #of Etirtr (ffirrrDfYn or V&rRegisffion ilumber I IlabSigned (f,t DD/YY) Ito be cornpleted by Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Nd6: - All itdormation on hisform becomq a public reard upon receipt by the Stryemisor af Eleaions. -Itisacrimeto@tysignmorethotonepetitionforacandidae. fSeaion|04.IES,FltidaStmaa] - If all reqtested it{ormdion on this form is not complaed, the form will not be valid as a Cmdidae Paition form. Dab Signed (tUrDDrYY) Ito be cutpbted by Voterl I the undersigned, a registered voter name as appears on your rroler card) in said state and courily, petilbn to have tfte name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco plaed on the Primary/General Eledbn Balh as a:lc/reclrla mpleb box, as apfiticaOlel e/Nonparlisan EHo partyffiliatbn !Party candidab forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beac{r (insert tiUe of ffice and indude dlstrict, circuiq grurp, seat number, if 4$cabb) D&of Elirfi or Ver$egistuation (m'DDrYn oLf tt ) tqy') ilumber Addrese a3eY Ulf /h^tcntYYgn W County ArPnry-hln€ ZpCoan. 33rvo City /v1 A Stab rL Slgnatue of Vo,Er CAI{DIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irfumAion on hisform becomes a pblic reord upon receipt by the Supemisor of Eleaiow. - It is a crime to lowwtngly sign more thqr one petitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Fltida Stor:urrs] - If all rerye.sted it{ormation on this fortn is not completed, the form will not be volid as a Codidae Petition form. L 9(tu the undersi,gned, a regisGred voter (priril nare as it appears on your t der inbnmlion card) frr said state and @rrtty, p€flbn b har/e the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prirnary/General Eledion BdH as a:ldedcla nrylet€ box, as applhcabfrel filronpartisan flruo party affiliation f]PaO candidabfortheoffice of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (insert tide of ffice and indude distict drcuflt, gru.p, seat number, if appficaHe) h of E[rtr or Vtrr Regisffiion llumberl,*Addres 061q do[t^g P6,e- +tn ZpCodniztrl/ Rule Y...no c- County bfo^r, City StaE of Vobr tlab Signed (ilfirDDfYY) M by CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormaion on thisforn becomes a ptblic reord upon receipt by the &prvisor of Electiotr. - It is a crime to @ly sign more thot one petitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Florida Stanna] thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Petitionform.- If all rquested it{ormation ofVoter L the undersigned, a registered voter narne as appearc on your voter infonnalion card) in said stab ard courily. pdilirn b have the naneof Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prinary/General Elecfim Ballot as a:lffi<la nplete Dplx, as appfitzblrl a/Nmparlisan EIno paily affiliatbn fl PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beac-lr (insert tite of offie and indude disfiict, circuiL grory, seat number, if appfrcabb) Addrees 55 'iih,D,County "ru ZpColln. v)t17 F.AC.o90E roa Dete of Clirtt (ffirDDrYn Regisffiion Number o; or o o tlab Signed (Mt DD/Y[ Ito by Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a publtc record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidqte Petitionform. L Ce- I4-A rn a the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lched(amplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]*o party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include distric{, circuil, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birh or Voter Registration (MM,DD,Yn O.{IL-l l :;f- Number Addrcss Ll Sf, A t',rl ^ fltud City Mrqm\ War\ County rn> Zip Code33\31 Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefl ozloG lz3 Rule t5-2.045. F.AC.O$DE 10,E (Efi. O9rll) State €L Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itfmnAion on this form becomes a public reord upon receipt by the Stperrbor af Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to leuwtngb sign more thwt one petitionfor a candidae. [Section 104.1E5, Florida Stanna] - If all re4uested ir{ormdion on thisfonn is not completed, theformwill not be valid os a Candidae Paitionform. L ft (u i ?a Lrl_ trtl :h s-A ln ttrc undersigned, a registered voter . tprintnameasitiilpearson in said silate and oounty, pe{ition b hare tfte name lrotlatn dt Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prinary/Gercral Hedim Ballot as a:ldrdcla nplete Dox, as appficabtgl e/Nonpartisan flruo party affiliation E PaO candidab forthe ffice of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert ti8e of office and indude district circrdt, group, seat number, if appficatrb) City ltutp^i P""A County r4tMn.'/olft, StaEF(ZpCodre?S/l? &rb ls-2.ltas.o$rrE roa tE L 00fir) m of Efrfi (mrDDrYn or Vobr Regieilration Number o(t>t1 AddreasTlzr 0/lit s fivt l0ct Slgnaturc Dab Signed (UUDDTYY) L</23 betfo by6>>P CANDIDATE PETITION Notcs: - All information on thisform becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to lmowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requesled information on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. Miami Beach City Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be by I,fi the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and coung, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecAcompleE box, as applicablel Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofiice and include distrid, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address Al,i{a County Miami-Dade Zip Code 1-\3t 3? Rule t soE 104 or Voter Registration Number ( Date of Birth State FL CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All inJbrmation on this form becomes a public record upon receipl b), lhe Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a condidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested infornation on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Cqndidate Petition form. I.ilqrvt t< C^H<^/the undersigned, a registered voter @n your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan ENo partyaffiliatiot !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (.ftq, Address -rboi t;tn{^ [,tL;cvlvv b City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 74Na Signqture of 1-.1"\\^{ Rule 1S-2.(X5, F.A.C.DS-OE 104 (Eff. 09/rr) Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be L{ bv Votei ) CANT'IDATE PTNNON NM: - All b{a'adan on ttds fmn bwns a publb twd tput ru,@ by ttu fu*tXu of EIAus. - It is a qbne to ffirgly sign nwre thot w pafrimfr a wtdidae tSedtott lM-1E5, Fbfda Statual - { all rqutd hdmtdq, ar rtis fom is ,pt @rpla?4 ilp ffrt t wtll td b volid as a Cofidae Pailiot lut \ttp trxlclslgrF4 a rqft#red rder tmt qlyurrtffi h sd sfabfidGourily, pdmbhevBttn nrrpof ttfichael'f,like" Grieco Ca€d on tlp RtnaryGanerd El€clion Bdd es e [dlecrtturph Dor, as qfta0bl Enonparusd, EIno pertyetr[ation EI Party canddab brtte offioe of Malor of Miam, Beach (mcdt 6c dde and in&& dltict, crqJt, gEuf, se€il runber, f epptcatile) Addlc )- L-rztaoz D, ZpCaa. D &frrsrrac.Ftc.DE#l0aELilro 6 V# Rrgfuiltdon lltmber o D6 otE tr (nDoIYY) Ctty Corrrty + stlbfz Deb Slgned (mDOrYn Ito b anffi byVoterl Z Slgnrttlrof V&r CANDIDATE PENNON N@ -AA hfmadmmtldsf*a bwns apblbnndryonrc@t bytlu$pwiso ofiloAos. - It Lr a qbre to Wrgly s@n npre tlwt qp Fnufv o c@tdtdde fhton 1A-1E5, Flotth Swua] - f all rquated hfcntdon ot thklom ls rct @ryIae4 tlufdrrrvlll mt bc valid u o Cofue Peinfua. t (h(Fftrn ^^ttn uillcnlgrt4 a qf*red rrder s wanlulrtffi h d Sb ad @urily, pffion b hauo OF rsre d ttfichad afike'Grie@ CEd m the mngrygmera Ehcfon B*t ar e [dledchrpb Do1, ae qppf,Eetbl NonparHr ElffopaflafiEatbn EI - p"rtv cardd&frr&ooffieof Itlapr of Miami Beacfi (ncat$e dde ad inddc dlticq cfaff, g!u+ Eeei omber, trappfcabh) molBttr (noDrYY) c VdrRegffionllunbcr q 2L Addlc SoO t"l '4 q l\^ 5 t Clt,M,o.*t [ko.\ Cotrtty Dc& Strb Fr-- Z9Caa.3: i9C Shrutm of V6r \ \ by \ De SEn d zsQl 1106,, CA}{IXDATE PENNON N@ - All hfa ndm on tlds font funs a pblb rwd tpr rwbt by dE $Wviss of elAus. - It ls a qbre to ffiryly sign nore tha qp prfti,utfo a wtddae t&rllon 101.1E5, Flatula fiarrral - { oll rqwtd ttf*mdon u rtk forut ls tbt @rrplae4 tlre fdrn wtll M be valid u a Codidae Pattlor fua $gttattltdVdr I,h*x- (A-ttr undcrtlgrF4a lqilred nder rEm * f cpo ct pr uffi ffilrdon crd) h said Gbild@t ttty, pdiuqtbharrcthenrrpof ificfiaeN'illike" Grieco ptmeO m tlp Htngyrcqrrd Ehdion B&t c t, lW bo4 es @l En*parOsm Elnopartyafi[aton E p"rtv carddeturhofficaof illayor of Miami Beacfi {mcrt Bc d<fiosd inctdc d!ti.l, chfi, g[Ef, sod rrtrnber, f appicqtrle) Addrc 9zo I^l '{qtq i I Cotrty D" \"'- Strb F- L-Z9caa. 33\q o D6olE[rfi a V#Rrgffion Xrlnbr 11/G Yt tq,/ AW\ Clty \ z by D.bSlgn d ED De CANDIDATE PENNOiI N@ - All bfrmdn u tlds fmn bwns a pblb rwd ryot rc@t by tle &gutiso of ElAos. - It ts a c:rbrre to roowbryb slsn noe thot qn pafriuft a wtddae t$er/fm IUJA|, Flottlo Swual - {all rqwtd hfmrrdot at rtislom is rut @rrylde4 tlufo;t*lll rut b yalid o a Cofue Pattbrlurt Slgtutfli thc nndct:lgra4 a lqk*ered nderL rms rm.c ct FrruGffinrdon crd) h sdd dtb ard @utily, pffion b haw OF ttarra ot ttfichael aiiks" Griem Caod qr tp Htnry/Geud Ehdiott Belot c al@ Doa ac ffit*t NmperHr Elro pertyffifieoon EI Party canddd furthe otrca of ltrlayor of Miami Beach (Gst So ddeand incLdG d!fict cfEdq gruP, 8d ambet, f eppfcar{e) DrftofElrlh c VohRlgffiontlm$.r(rDo^^r) Slrbtrt D& Slgned (HrDDrfr) lfo De anffitul by Vderl L -3 Addru Cqmty ZpCom- ? CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All inlonnation m dz,is form becones a public record t4nn receipt by the $ryervisor of Electiou. - It is a crime to lotowingly sign more tlnn orc petitionfor a candifutc. [Sectiot 104.185, Flarida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a C@tdifute Petitim fum. Ci Slgnatun of Vo&r Date 8l gned (tul lrlrDDrYY) btfo L c5ru,tA the undersigned, a reglstered voter (print name as it appears on your votor inbrmation card) in said state and county, pelition to haw the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on tho Primary/General Election Balkrt as a:fc,lnclolamfleb box, as appliabbl Nonparlisan f]ruopartyaffiliation I Party candidate for the ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insort title d ofice ard indude district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) tlrb otBlrtr (uMrDDrYn or Voter Regletntlon Number dE-eq 5 4 Addtosr c /fL/r- R 4 Clty Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Ruh 00n1 State FL Zlp Gode 3/3 CANDIDATE PETITION Notcs: - All infonnation m this form becurns a pablic record upt receipt by the Sryert isor of Electiotrs. - It is a crime to louwingty signmore than oru petitionfor a cardihu. [Sectiot 104.185, FWida SanutcsJ this fum is rnt conpleted, the /orm will not be valid as a CodifuU Petitim fum.- If all requested inlormation on tlate Slgned (MmrDDrYY) Ito bo o Voterl23by + L (\) 11 rL)the undersigned, e roglsterod voter L (print name as it appears on your voter infurmalion in said stete and county, pelilion to hsv€ the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eloclion Ballot as a:lclr,cl</wmfleb box, as appliablel Nonpartisan f]ruo parly affliation I Party candidete for thc office of Malor of Miami Beach (insert tiUe of ofice and include distic( circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Clty Miami Beach Gounty Miami-Dade Zlp Code?J\F tlata of Blrtt (rlrm)rYY) or Vobr Regletratlon Number o'1 o 02 l\r. Atldnsr (o \U\ State FL Slgnetun of CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All inlormaion or thisform becones a public recud trpon receipt by the Stqervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to lotot+,ingty sign more thut ou petitionfor a candi&a [Section 104.1E5, Florida Snutcsl - If all requested informatim on this form is not completed, the lorm will not be valid as a Codifute Petitimfum. L 'Gucfu-..:-r-r€the undersigned, e togistored voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have lhe name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/Gcneral Election Ballot as a:lclle,cl<fumplab box, as appliablel B(ono"*."n f]*o party affthtion !PaO candidete for the ofiice of Mapr of Miami Beach (insert title of ofico and indude disfrict circuil, group, seat number, if applicable) Addllgs Jo ;1cza rt .J-t'2?4 3 Clty Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Zlp Gode 3Bz'=> Date Si gned (lul lulrDIYYY) lto be comdeted by Voterl3->3 BrL l8'2.04t, F-A.C.EOE104tE.osrlr) Dab of Blrtr (murDDrYY) or Vobr Reglstraffon Number 7 State FL Slgnatun of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All inlondion m hislorm becones a public record upon receipt by ihe Sryervisor of Elections. - It is a crtme to louwingly sign more tlwt oroe ptitionlor a udifue. [Section 104.185, Florida SantesJ - If all requested infonnatim on dzris lorm is not cotpleted, tlu form will not be valid as a Candifute Petitior fum. Miami Clty Miami-Dade County Slgnatum of L 1c,,t Af-l the undersigned, a Eglster€d vo,ter as it appears on your votor informalion card) in said stats and ounty, petitbn to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/Genenal Election Ballot as a:ldnclcfumplab box, as appliablel Eruo party affiliation f]Party candidate for the ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofice and include disfiic( circuit group, segt number, if applicable) Dile of Blrtlr or Vobr Regldraffon Number (rll c Addltrr Zlp Gode 9 3t31 thte Slgned (MMrDDrYn Ito be by Voterl t0a State FL laoo \\t \+ +W CANDIDATE PETITION Notd: - All itformAion on hisform becomes a public record upon receipt by the Stryemisor of Eledions. - It is a crime to htowingb sign more thot one petitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida StautesJ - If all reqtested information onthisform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Cmdidae Petitionform. L Da ^i*1 frAtdA< #the undersigned, a registered voter (print nare as lt adpears on your rroter infurmtion cad) I in said state and oounty, petilion b have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on tte Primary/GeneralElection Balbt as a:fdtedcla mpbte box, asappl5cablel @uonpartlsan [no party affiliation fl PaO candidabfortheoffice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tide of offie and indude disfiict, dro.riL grotrp, seat number, if appficable) City I\Ai dvr\it Wua*m County ,'\1r.i.1 ,, t)o.Jr- Stab ct- ZpColc. 3at%7 Ruh l$2.045, F-AC.D$OE {04Gfi.09fit) He of Birth or Vobr Registration Number I L (WrtVl tq,,L lt{n;+ L Addressu 7 Signature of Ilate Signed (ilWDDTYY) Ito be completed by Voterl 0 (L CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for q candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida Stotutes] - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the forn will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I.il.rlte l \rahtul the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Euo party affiliatio" X uaior Party candidate for the office of of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address .D + City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33 Rule l5-2.045, F DS-DE 104 (Eft.09/11) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number 6. Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) 5A Ito be by Votefl of CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - AA itdumaion on thisfont beoma a pblic rewd tqon reeipt by the &prvisor of Elediots. - It is a qime to louwfiryly sign mue thot one paitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104-1E5, Fltida Sralries] fwnthisnot,s the will benot altvalid aon Codidae Paitionformcornplaed,formildormation \Fa.ao\the undersigned, a registered roter (pitnarnas it yourvoler @d) in sairl stab and @unty, pdttion b have the nane of Michael "Mike" Grieco @ruonpartisan l-lxo paryatrliatbn fl PaO candidate forthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insertti0e dffice ard drcuit gru.p, seat rumber,apptcabb) Addreas 8zo t' Rs* a(\ \-{€ City wio,rri Q€dCJl Counly 11t \O t-r,,r,De.,.)rr- Steb ?L ZpCodc 33r\ \ DabSigned ([tlrDDrYn Ito be crrnp/rrled by Volerl o't\o(\ t3 l0a I!6 of Blttr (arDD,YY) Rcgisffiion ]lumberorVobr t1 L Slgnatue of CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdamaion on thkfonr beromes a public rewd tpon reetpt by tlrc &prvisor of Elaiorc. - It is a crime to louwtngty si,gn more than orc pailionfu a codidae. [Seaion 104-1E5, Flfrida Stdlara] - If oll rqae-sted itfumdion onthisform is not completed, thefornwlll not be valid as a Cqdidae Paitionfum {u3Y ){"-.Alc Addroas Av'''g A t- \t^, Caty Slgnereof Vobr L t\ar\q1 Rodnq'',,e ?-tte undeniignod, a registered voter (priilnarrrc as ilappears on youruobritbrndid/€d) in sai, stab ard @uttty, p€flion !o have the rsrp d Midtael 'Mike' Grieco pla€d on the Prfnary/Generd Elediott Balbt a a:lfficla nplde Dox, asappf,caohl Elr.rmp"rrisan Eno party ffi[ation fl Party candidate forthe offoe of Malor of Miami Beacfi (insstli0€ of ffie and andrde dstict drcuit, grotf, sat number, if applcabb) County Strb(t ZpCodr. 33tYr IlateSigned (mrDDrtrY) lto be Voterl DY od D6 of Brtr (ffirDD/YY) or Voter Rcghfuatftrn ]ltmrber \o \l \a{ o CA}{DIDATE PETINO]T NG: - All bfrmdon on ttds lunt hwrw a pbllc rood tqot re@ by thc St4aee.tiso {Eledot - It tE a crfrrre to ffitgb slga norc thot an fiiulr o wtddaa t&rr/ort IU.I E5, Flatdo fianal hdcntdon ot rtisfom is nd @rylac4 tlvfffinwlll rd be valid as o Codidae Peinfoardlr.std'all Tffve De$gm.d (UrDD/$r) [o Do byVoteflL L (/thc ufilcrdgm4 a rqiafired nder *ropr@3 orprruffiEfrnrdon h sat Sb and @unty, p*lion b haw OD rtanrs d Itfifiad a,[ke'G]ie@ Cmd qr the mnsyteenera Ehction Bdot as a:'[dleckbrph Dor, ac@l Elrc"pat0aar Elropertyffifialion E p"rtv canddsfrrfiootrcoof Mapr of Miami Beacfi {EdSGd drq1dincldr.xti.t cltajt, g[u+, s€dn rlter,f +pfcqbF) Addrrr U *q b q1 1^ CXtt e-\. VeRrgffionXutnbrD6 d Elttr C A /- StrbfL- I CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irdumAion aa hisform becomes a pblic reord upon receipt by the Stputtisor of Eleaiorc- - It is a ctime to @ly sign more thot one petitionfor a cutdidae. fSeaion 104.1E5, Florida Sta:ars] - If all re4tastet irformdion on thisform is not completey' theform will rpt be valid as a Codidae Paitionform- A Signaturc of Voter Dab Signed (UUTDDTYY) by Voterl t"\the undersigned, a registered voter (ptht narc as il appears on yorrr v@r inbrmation card) in said state and county, pdilim b haye the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco plaed on the Primary/Generd Hecfion BalH m a:fffi<lannplete box, asapplfimblsl filruonpartisan flruo party affiliatron fl PaO candidateforthe office of Mayor of Miami Beac{r (insert tiile of ffioe and indude dlstsict, circdq grory, seat number, if applicaUe) Addrcrs ,ruYre Lllq, Co'il ths Arc #Z(L "trvl r AAn,f7rc h County l)c,\ o Stabft Z9Codn 9j19r Ruh I,# of Etfuth or Voter Regisffiion Number L CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i$*maion on thisforn becona a ptblic rewd ryon reetpt by the &prvisor of Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to @ly sign mqe tho, oe petitionfx a wdidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Fbida Storlder] - If all rque^sted itformaion on thisform is not complaed, thefomt will not be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. Slgnfrre of L the urdersigned, a registered voter (pht narr as it appearc on your rrder 6d) in said state ard oorrnty, p€tilim to hare the ngne of Micftael "Mike" Grieco p|d on the Prinary/Generd Eldion Beilbt as aaldtcrjclsrfle[e Dox, asappfica0lrt @rumpartisan EIno party affilbtiirn fl PaO canditlab fiorthe offioe of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (irNsertlite of €ffice ard indude dkffi, cnrcri't, grup, seat rurmber, if app$cabb) Addrots 4@ tDar,LaZ-+bz-l City County>fu2 SteE v-L Vobr Registraton llumberorIhtE of Brtt )a ZpCodc tlabSigned (ilfrDDrYY) ') [o De by CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdumaion on thisform becomq a ptblic reord tqon receipt by tlrc Stqemisor of Eleaiorc. - It is a qime to hwwbgb sign more tha orc petitionfor a cudidae. fseaion 101.1E5, Fldda &aua] - If all rque^sted il{ormation on this form is not complaed, the form will not be valid as a Codidae Petition fum. Sfnaturc of Votur Dab Signed (mrDOIYn C Ito ba Voterl L the undersigned, a registered voter (prftrt narrc as yourv@r card) in said sEte and @rrnty, pelilion to have the name of Mi6ad "Mike" Grieco @nonpartlsan llruo party ffilhtion fl PaO canddatefortheoffce of Malor of Miami Beacfr (insertli0e of otrce and indude disffict, circuit, group, seat number, if apprficabb) Addrete l'5bt L, q vo€q QJ , * +c Lt County Zpcnrr.3it3e 104 De of BTtr (mrDD/Yn or Vobr Regisffion ilumber LbLr^, City F1 r5 StabiL frib CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All irformaion on rtisform becomes a pblic reord upon receipt by the Stpervisor of Eleaions- - It is a crime to lotowtngty sign more thot one petttionfor a cotdidde. [Seaion 104.165, Florida *ataJ - If all requested ir{ormation on thisform is not complaed, theform will rct be valid os a Codidae Paitionform. L ,)NNNG AI the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appearc on your rroter infonnalion card) in said state and @unty, p€frron to hmttte narneof Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on tp Pftnary/GeneralElectim Bdh as a;ldtedcla nplefe Dox, asappficablel (Nonpartisan Euo party ffiliafrcn EI PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tiUe of offie and indude disfrict, drcuit, gru.p, seat number, if appficabb) Addres {o N/J{ kvo 12c"7 County 9utu sFbro "$flSa IXt rrE to{ D& of Birtr(ffin DfYn or Voter RegisHion NumberjI flnm,bwrl" City Slgnaturcof Vobr DabSigned (ilMTDDIYY) Z ?/. Ito be CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irfumdion on thisform becoms a ptblic reard upon receipt by the &ryeroisor of EleAiow. - It is a crime to hrowfuryly sign more thwt one petttionfor a candidae. [Section 104.1E5, Florida Stautes] - If all rquested informotion onthisform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Petitionform. L S,ursaun Shev1/the undersigned, a rcgistered voter (print mrc as it appears on yourrroler inbnnalion card) I in said state and county, pe{ilbn b harre the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on tre PfinarylGeneral Eledbn Ballot as a:lfficlwnplete Dox, as a@0bl @ruonpartisan EIuo party atrliaton I PaO candidde forthe ofEce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insertlite of otrce and indude disfiict circuiL group, sed number, if appficaUe) City ttla,rtrr UAd- County DE)L Z9Colln. 3<5 Ilate Signed (tilrDDrYn Ito be annpleted by Voterl OZ Rub D$DE r04lEfi.o9flil Deof Bifii or VGrRegisffiion ilumber }DD2,D Addreas h stlb rL CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knov,ingb, sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested informotion on thisform is not completed, theforn v,ill not be volid as a Candidate Petilionform. Y 4 the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ./Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number o\\$u\ rrq.8 Address I t-'27 C c,// i.s,/)vq b.[] City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code ?t r 35 Signature of Voter 5 CL Date Signed (MM/DDTYY) Ito be comple.ted by Votef oql23\?j Rule tS-2.045, F.A.C.os-DE r04 (Eff. 09fi1) NM: - All irdrmaion on thisfornr bxon B a ptblic rewd ryon reetpt by tlu &grvisor of Elediora. - It is a qime to louwingly sigt more thor one pitionfor a candidote- [Section 104.1E5, Fldda Sta:alaJ If all rquated irformotion on this form is not cot rplete4 the form wlll not be valid as a Codidae Paftion fum. CANDIDATE PENTION L trte und€n$,grEd, a registercd voter ft appears on your vfrr infurrtatton 6d) in sald silab etd @uttty. p€tlion to have tp name d Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placd on the Prtnary/Generd Eledin BCd as a:lMtl@de Dox, aseppf,ca0hl Elnopartyaffiliatrcn fl Party candkletefortheoffceof Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insertli0e of ofie and indude dsfiict drcuit grup, seat rumber,apptcab|e) Ir#of Brtr(n DDrYn of Number o Addrras N".I County l'{t qr IJJ^-- StebFc ZpCodc a3r3[4, r rra-t (kr.c]^- City Slgnaturc of Ilate Signed (HtlrDDrYn a-v o Ito be by c5 q1 L ?e >E{\E=the undersigned, a registered voter CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i{rnaion on hisfont becona a pblic rewd ryon receipt by tle &prvbor of Elediors. - It is a qime to @ly sign nore tlra oe pet'tionfu a cadi(be- tsedon 104.1E5, Florida Sraual - If oll reqated it{ormdion on thisform is not conplete{ tlefomwill tpt be valid as o Codidate Paitionf*n. of Vo&r (ptil natrc c it appears on youruoler lnbrnalion catd) Micfiael 'Mike" Grbcoin sai, stab atd oounty. petlion to haue the name of placed onthe Rinary/Gernral Eledin Ballot * a:lfficlolplcde Dox, asappf,ca0hl @ruonpartirnn flno party affiliafnn fl Malor of Miami Beacfi PaO candidate fortheoffe of (insert ti0e of ffice and indude di*ict, drcuit gru.p, eeat nrmber, if appfcabb) D# of Brfi or Vobr RegMon ]fimber Addrcao tC\esezrml City Vw^9("dt- qounty M,-or^^'T2A"\- Zpcadnq3t=1 D$OE Steb Yq tlaleSlgned (tf,TDDTYY) z{by Voterl L tt $t the unden$gned, a registered roter (prht mme as it appears on yourt oter Micfiael "Mike" Griecoin said state and @unty, p€{ilim to have the narne of pld on ttc Rinary/Generd Eledion Balld as a:ldtd<l@de Dox, es appf,caObl @nonpartsan flno party ffilbtion fl Malor of Miami Beacfi PaO candidate fiorthe office of sF-wCountt/ { CANDIDATE PENilON Nota: - All i$rnaion on thisfunr becons a pblic rewd rqon recetpt by the &prviso of El"dors- - It is a ctime to bwwiryly sign more thot oru ptttionfor a codidae. [Sedion 104-1E5, Florida &aua] - If all rquested il{ormdion on this form is not completed, the fontt will not be valid as a Codidae Pailion fun. (ins€rt ti0e d ofice and indude dHrict dEilit, group, seat rumber, if appfcable) Ilrb of grtr or Vobr Rogffiion ilumber(st'DD^06- to - Addros ),,.e Tev\Dc.b0 Z9Codc v3\+o Dab Signed (t[rDDrYY) Itobecx mrttedbyVoterl|-zt-L3 ( CA'{DIDATE PEilNON Nota: - All i{onaion on this lum buones a pblic reard rqon recetpt by the Stprvbor of Elediot*. -Itis aqimetoWbsisrrmorethotowpdtionfu awrdifue- [Seaion 104-1E5, Florida$ataJ - If all rquested bdon tdion on this form is not corrrpleted, the fornt wtll not be valid os a Codidde Pattion form. L the unden$gned, a registercd roter narrE 6 it appearc m rour vder Lfumtion sd) Micfiael 'Mike" Griecoin eaid silate and oot nty, pdilbn to h4€ the narp of pla€d m the Prinary/General Eleclion Ballot as a:lfficlazry/de Dox, asqppf,ca0bt @uonpartlsan flno party ffilietion I Mayor of Miami Beacft Party candidate forthe office of (insortlite doffice and indude dkffi, dluiit groq, seatrumber,if appfcabb) D&of E[]fi o? VoterRegfufidon Nunber I o2 'tg City 6*{[Vl'n*, County !,1.l"l l(tnnt - stlb Qt- Z9Codc 73131 SlgnaUrc of Vobr tleb Signed (mrDDrYY) Ito be a mpleted by Voterl orllztIzt l0a&ll. [,o Vo^etlan Addraae fYt,, CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irdmnAion on thbform becons a ptblic rewd tpon receipt by tle &p*lisor of Ele.aiorc- - It is a crime to huwingly sigt, nurre thot orc pafiionfu a cotdidae. f&eaion 101-1E5, Florido $ataJ - If all rquested ttdomotion on this form is not cornpletd, the fon wlll rpt be valid as a Codidae Paition form. aAL ovl the urdensigned, a regisGred voter name as it appearc on your t oter inbrrnlion in sald state and @rrnty, potlion to haYe tlp narp of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco pla€d on tp ftinary/Generd Eledirn Balld as a:ldtgg,c/anflde Dox, as appf,caDbl fllnmpartsan !ruoparyaffilialion fl p"rty candidatefortheofficeof Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insert tite of office and indude dicfrict drcuiL gru.p, seet rumber, if applcabb) D.tB of Brtt (mrDorYn or Vobr Regfo'tr.Oon ]lunber o1 ?-1 City M I or^,^; W na- Slgnilteof VoEr Connty Mi^nnr -Dorl, Stab F> Z9Colon. 3vtj1 Ilab Signed (tUrDDrYn Ito be a mpleted by Voterl o+Z1 L5 #loordq.- Addroas h \/, CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid qs a Candidote Petition form. I.T the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan E ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Adg[ress str? 6 ZoLt ,rs rllplt ,lf ro l-tl, City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 331q0 Signature of Voter Date Signed (MMTDDIYY) Ito be completed by Voterl 4 - t(r-11 Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09'1r) Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY) 0 tl - t3-t or Voter Registration Number Ll CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt b), lhe Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a condidate. [Seclion 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will nol be volid as q Candidale Pelilion form I.n the undersigned, a registered votera- (print name as it appears on your voter card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan E uo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33t yo Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be a) Votefl 2 Rule lS-2.0r15, F DS-OE 104 (Eff.09/'t1) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) O3 or Voter Registration Number /rs Address 3 3 CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informolion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt b), the Supervisor of Elections. - It is o crime to knov'ingb, sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StotutesJ - If all requested information on this fot'm is not completed, the form will nol be valid as a Condidate Petilion form. 19&k$NltcI.the undersigned, a registered voter name as il on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address [\'hoUkrt City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code ZZ)1'1 Rule 1 F 104 Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number Signature Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) LZ Ito be ,y Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by lhe Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is q crime to knowingly sign more thon one petitionfor a condidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested idormation on thisform is not completed, theforn will not be valid as o Condidote Petitionform. I.Za*o.{t,.-f I f ' ha\.^ f theundersisned,aresisteredvoter ol in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number WT#'t+ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3gi\c Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be o( completed by Votei lzq lzt Rule'lS-2.0rt5, F.A.C.DS-DE t04 (Eff. 09/rr) CIr/e-(oS\ \r. Address ,r3 \ Signature of CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{ormaion on thisform becomq a public reard upon receipt by the &pemisor of Eleaiorc. - It is a qime to @ly sign more thqt one pet'ttionfor a candtdae. fseaion 104-185, Floridastaua] - If all re4uated informdion on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Cudidae Petitionform. ofVoter \wL ft4 the undersigned, a regisGred voter (prirfi narne as it appears on your yoter inbnmlion card) in said stab ard carty, peliitn b lnve the nsneof Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on tp Ptimary/General Election Balbt as a:ldterJclwnp/alte Mx, as applicabial (Nonparlisan Eruo party affiliatbn I Party candidab forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tiUe of office and indude disfrict, circutt, group, seat number, if applicabke) Address 3oa G //rn t b/<. l),, i 4O City Aau'<t+/\ (tv,County lvl 1ffir frpc Strb F/- ZpCorc.3)/"t tlab Signed (IrilDDrfr) lfo be 6 D90E roa @rl Date of E[rth or Vobr Regisffion Number CAI{DIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irdormaion on hisform becomes a public reord upon receipt by tlrc Stpemisor of Eleaiorc. - It b a qime to lorowittgly stgn more thsr one petttionlor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Florida Stautes] - If all requested it{ormdion on this form is not completed, the form will tnt be valid as a Codidae Paition form. t"G,T b the undensigrred, a registered voter as it appears on yournoter ca@ in sald state and corrnty, petilbn to hsrre the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eleclion Balbt as a:lc/redc/conp/erte Dox, as apdftrbtel @ruonpartisan fluo party affliation fl PaO candidate forthe offtce of Mayor of Miami Beac{r (insertlite of ffioe and indude disffict, drcuit, group, seat number, if apdcaUe) Date of Birth or Voter Regf,sHon Number(mrDDfYYl ,o't,t\tt1t Addreso Sbu ( i..r.C\(LJ . City [u\ .Crv,r^ B.-A County lV-. C-^,^.-D.*t-' Z;pCodc -.'.r, ut O tlate Signed (UfWDDffr) Ito be mmpleted by Voterlz\t-t lu: tub r$20a5, F-f,c.D$I,Erc4Eff.o3flil Stab F t Signaturc of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itformaion on hisfum becomq a public reard upon recetpt by the &ryrvisor of Eleaiow. - It is a crime to hrowtngb sign more tlre, orc pafitonfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, FloridaStataJ is not completed, theformwill rct be valid os a Cerdidde Petitionform.- If all rquested on L the urdersigned, a registered voter (print narc as appeani on your rroter inbnnation card) in said state and county, petilbn to harre the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco pld on the PrinaryGeneral Election Ballot * a:ldrdclunpleb Dox, as aWnaml @ruonpartisan luo party affiliatbn fl PaO candidate forthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (ins€rt tite of office and indude disffict, circdt, group, seat number, if +pficabb) Address Abat Co ((l5 Nue /lo ? City nAb ffi,qr, hulo W.{D Rub D90E t04 t Vobr Registraton ltlumber q II#of by Volerl Dab Ito CAilDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i{ornaion on hbform becomq o public renrd upon receipt by the &ryenisor af Eleaions. - It is a qtme to @ly sigt more thot one petttionfor a cttdidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Sta:ria] - If all rquested it{ormaion onthisfonn is not completed, theformwill rct be valid as a Codidae Petitionform. L the undersigned, a registered voter (print narrc as it appears on card) in said Sab and @unty, pdilim b harre the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on te Prinary/Generd Election Ballot as a:ldrdcla mpbte box, as appficabbl @ruonpartisan !ruo partyafEliation fJ PaO candidab forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beac'lr (insert tiUe of offce and indude district, circuit, group, seat number, if appl'rcaHe) tfft ZrpCodcz3t q/ Ih Signed (mruDDrYn lb De by Voterl ez Rlb o$IrE t04 GIt 00nll o Ireof Birft or VobrRegisffiion ilumber t7s3o 2373 takAddrets ?CI\ w,-^ sTZ Slgnaturc of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{ormAion on hisform becomes a public reord upon receipt by the Superrbor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to hrowtngly sigt more thot one petitionfu a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Statlrrier] - If all re4te.sted ir{ormtion onthisforrn b not complaed, theformwill not be volid as a Codidae Petitionform. ofVoter tlateSigned (f,ruDDrYY) [o be by L 4-zA n-r{a /u0 t the urdersigned, a registered voter (ght name as itappears on yourrderinbrmtion card) in said state and county, potilion to harre the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco ptaceO on the Primary/General Eleclbn Ballot as a:lffic/wnplete box, asapplhcablel t/Nonpartisan Euo partyaffiliatbn fl PaO candidateforthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beactr Cnsert ti$e of office and indude disfiict, drcuiq group, seat number, if appficaUe) Addrese 30',il r7l 4 0, County o,+a 4 Steb l=L ZgColls. 37t lo Regisilraton llumberm of Birtt or e City CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All it{tmaion on hisform becomq a pblic remrd upot receipt by the Stryemisor of Elaiorc. - It b a crime to @ly sign more tho, one pefitionfor a candidae- [Seaion 104.185, Florida Storlaies] requested complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Cotdidae Petitionform.thison ,s not Slgnaturc of L BuDLl \sDq.the undersigned, a registered voter in said silate and county, pe{ilion to have the nsne of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco Caoed on the Primary/Gercrd Eledim Ballot r a:ldrdc/a tplelre box, as appfica0lgl ElNopartyaffiliation fl PaO candiddefortheofFceof Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tide of offie and indude dlsfiict, circdq group, seat number, if apilcabb) Ire of EIr$ or Voter Regisffion NumbertW2c"-Do AddrccsBtZ" [9iYoq foc X1* "* Hoo,ut Wt"County t I l'tp,^ f -\</ r Stab(c-Zp Codej> (q Date Signed (tUDD/Sf) Ito be csnoleted bv Voterl'oL-L7:7A29 ftrb ls-2.0a5. F-[C.D90E rOarEJt @flll CAI{DIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{tmaion on his form becomes a ptblic reurd upon receipt by the Sryertisor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to browtngb sign more thwt one partionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Starrria] onthisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Petitionform.- If all rquested L the undersigned, a rcgistered voter (print narne as il appears on yourrrder inbnnalion card) in said silate and oounty, petlbn b hare the nsneof Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/Gerrcral Elecfion Ballot a a:ldred<lcnnpllete Dox, as appfrabeel filruonpartisan flruopartyffilhtion fl PaO candidabtortheofEceof Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tide of ffie ard incftde dtfrict, drcuit gru.p, seat number, if appficaUe) Iratg of Elrtt (mrDDrYnl) tg-bL or VobrRegisffionllumber Addres to Al)o"rUJN',\3ooy Gitr A,twi fJzadt County Da/e Stab {:( ZpCollc. 33 t31 Signatue of VGr tlab Signed (tt DD/Y[ Ito be annpleted by Voterl; -aa-23 CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{ormaion on hisform beconq a ptblic reard upon recetpt by the Stprttbor of Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to lorwttngly sign more thur one pdrtionfor a candtdae. [Seaton 104.185, Florida StauesJ - If all reqtested fu{ormdion on this form is not completed, the form will rct be valid as a Codidae Paition form- L the undersigned, a registered voter narre as il appears on your card) in said state and oounty, pelilbn to have tfie name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco daced on tte Prirnary/General Hecfion Balld a a:ffficlwrylete Dox, as appficabbl Eruo party ffiliaton !PaO candidateforthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (nsert ti0e of office and indude disfrict, cirait" group, seat rurmber, if appficabb) '*lw.6.aJ.County Du4,filGl,ttt Steb€c ZpColr. J6 t,1 / Ire of Etirtr(ffin orYn lbn or ilumber 3 ItG+ oa OJ Addres6 b tlabSigned (tUrDDrlrY) OZ C7 o(3Ito be Voterl @ruonpartisan CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i{rnaion on hisfum becomes a public remrd upon receipt by the &ryeruisor of Elediors. - It is a crime to @ly sign more thot one petrtionfu a candidae. fSeaion 104.185, Florida Statrl,es] - If all re4tested b{ormdion on this forrn is not complaed, the form will twt be valid as a Codidae Petition form. /Db Slgnafrrm of Voter L the undersigned, a regisGred voter (print name a il appears on your t der infunnalion card) in said sbb and @unty, p€{ilirn b have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco daed on the Prinary/Gercrd Electilm Bdh as a:lffi<la nplete Dox, as appficabfa! t/Nonpartisan Ef,U pafi affiliatbn PaO candidate fortheofhce of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert lite of offie and indude distsict, circrrit, group, seat nurnber, if appfcable) City Mc*^t t 6.qoh County /Lh,*t -bo"0,t Zocnds.s9p1 DSff Regisffion ilumber (ffirDo/rYD Ir&of Elirtr 0 o? V&r Addreas 8oo N0 ,*rla U^,,TS Stab FL tlate Signed (til DDfSf) by 2 Ito be CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormdion on rtisform becomes a public record upon receipt by the &pentbor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to htowtngty sign more thot one petitionfor a codidae. fsection 104-185, Florida Stanaa] - If all reqcsted it{ormotion on thisform is not completed, theform will not be valid as o Cudidae Petition'form. L Lc)the undersigned, a registered voter (ffnrt as it appears on yourrrder card) in sald staE and @unty, pettion to trat e the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco flacd on the PrtnarylGeneralEleclion Balbt as a:ldtdclantplete Dox, asapplhabtel fllmnpartisan flHopartyatrliation fl PaO candidatefortheofnceof Mayor of Miami Beacfr (insert tiU€ of offioe ard indude district drcuiq grup, seat number, if appfcabb) Dateof Birth or V&rRegisffion ilumber I Address fots CAI At, (J City M,,o*'9*'t County l\n 1r.^. D XgA StaE fte ZpCoon. 35rtt Slgnatue of Vobr5rt-f4 tlab Signed (HUDDIYY) [o De by Voterl o Rrb FAC.IXI.T'E CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i{rmaion on hislonr becoma a pblic reard ryon recetpt foi the &prvisor of Eleaiorc. - It is o crime to huwtngly sigt more tlrot one petfiionfor a candidae- [Section 104.185, Fltida Srarrler/ - If all rquestet itdormdion on thb form is not complete4 the fonn will rct be valid as a Codidote Paition fum. L bl^n*-.the undersigrcd, a r€gistered voter (pht narc as it appears on yourrroEr card) Mifiad "Mike'Gfiecoin said stab ad @unty, petilion b harretE nane of e/Nmparlisan EIruo partyffilbton I PaO candidab forthe orffice of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insertliUe doffieand indrlde disfrict citcril groq, seat rumber, if appfcable) Addrem ilLr (S Io+^ st Lr:Q City A\n,"\ k*t^Z9Cadc 33 ls 1 Slgnatue of Vobr Dale Signed Ut DDTYY) Ito be a mpbted byVoterl D$lEloalEtr 00r{il Vobr Regffion NumberorDeb of Blrtr ()- ComtyE^&StaEtu CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - AII i{mnaion oa hislorm beconq a pblic rewd tryon recetpt by tle &puvisu of Eleaiorc. - It is a crtme to htowtngb sigt, more thot orc petttionfor a cmdidae. fSeaion 104.1E5, Florida Staua] - If all rquested ir{ormation onthisform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Pa'ttionform. L (en qo^hrl:-_-ekkr the urdersigned, a regisGed voter (Ftnilname as it appearcon yourrr@rinfornalion in saU silate and county, p€tlion to hare the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grbco dffid on the Rinary/GeneralEledim Bdld a a:ldter/cla aplete Dox, asappfica0hl @ruonpartisan !ruo pary atrlhlion EI PaO candidate fortheoffice of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (insert liUe of ffie and indude dkfrict, circdl group, seat number, if appficable) tmof Blrth or VoterRegisffion Number rffin DrYto t' c,5/..2V1 G 1L) Addrces+:,, P1n1dr.e-0r +'r5 Mt q'uiqa 3 3tcto 1 City B<ri..h[4 t<vvl I County Dqd<- ttlbFe ZpCodrc 55i+D Slgnaturc of VolEr / Dab Slgned (tt DDrYn lb by Voterl d o$DEroaaEft o3flilR b ls{raA F-lC. CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irdtmaion on hisform becoma a ptblic reard tpon recetpt by the &ryerttisor of Electiots. - It is a crime to htowtngly sigt, more thor one partionfu a cttdidae. [Seaion 104-1E5, Florida &ata] - If oll rquestet it{ormaion onthisform is not complaed, theformwill not be vqlid as a Codidae Pattionform. L be the undersigned, a registered voter in said silafie and oorrnty, p€{ilion to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco plaed on the Prinary/Generd Eledion Bdld as a:ldrcrlclolSete Dox, asappficabbl @nonparrcan llo party ffitiation fl PaO canditlab torthe ofhce of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (insert ti0e of office ard andude dhfrict drcuit grup, seat rumber, if appficabb) Address iq |b L.AGor?(c DB M fJr lJl City N\rAw\i T;<a County t>ADA Stab Ft- Z9Corn' 73t4 t> Date Signed Qtt DOIYY) Ito be ompleted by Voterl ^ ),t-)-i hrb l$ara6. F-AC.DgDEroalEt @fiil D&of Blrtr (ffirDD/YY) ll- - t;l'- VoterRegisffion Number Ll 1 or -\c LQ-t'- Slgnaturc of Vobr ,.*- t-[ CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdwmotion on rtisform becom* a ptblic reard tqut receipt fo the Stprvisor af Eleaiorc. -It is acrimeto@ly signmorethotorcpetttionfar acodidae. fSeaion 104.1E5, Floridasrata] - If all rqu-sted it{ormaion on thisform is not completed, theformwill rct be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. L the urdesigned, a registered voter nallps appears on youruder in said silate and county, petlion to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieoo placed on the ftinary/Generd Eldion Ballot a a:ldtcddqrylefaa Dox, as appfica0rel Eruo pao affitiation fl PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfr fnsertlite of ofice ard indude dkfid, drcuit, gru.p, seat number, if appficabb) Addros 2 Yz-t- /2/nY,R,€ /]'-a- City rh /, County ))l-9a ZpCorn. 35ry'o tlab Slgned (ttlt)DrYY) Ito be a mpbted by Volerl 'J-,-3 Rlbt$2r.5.Ir$rrE toaGIt 03nfl D6 of Hrtr (mrDDrYn Vobr Regisffion llumber 4:'/U of Stab D,tl,,--; Slgnaturc of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All itdormOion on his form becomq a public reord tryon receipt by the &ryentbor of Eleaiorc. - It is a qime to @ly sign more thot one petitionfor a codiclote. [Section 1M.185, Florida Staua] - If all rquested itdormaion onthisform b not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Paftionfonn. r ,{\a++har, [^r.s K.tten the urdensigrred, a r€gistered voter (ptnt name as it appears on your rrder infurnation ad) in sald state end oounty, petlion to harre ttp narne of Michael "Mike" Grieco fld on the Rinary/General Eldion Bdld as a:ldtcrJtlolflde Dox, as appficaObl Elruopartyaffilbtnn fl PaO candklate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insertlite of cffice aftd indude disfrict cnrcuit, gru.p, seat number, if appf,cable) DGofBrfi or VoterRegfuilrdonllunber (rilrDDrYn- ob/ *izq Address \trt,, U"yV. !\ve tlbL{ City M (rrY\'.?roch SteE Fl- Z9coron-j3 iA,t tlate Signed (ilt DD/YY) Ito be a mpletedcL( Z7/Z by Voterl 1 tub t$2J0.5, F-f,c.D90Et04lEr.oryflI County \ue CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{umdion on hisform becomes a public reard upon receipt @ the Stpenisor of EleAions. - It is a crime to @ly sign more thot one paitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Stataria] - If all requested it{ormdion onthisfonn is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. L the undersigned, a nsgistered voter (prht name as il appears on rroter in said silab and @urily, peflion to harre the nameof Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on sre Prinary/General Eledim Ballot as a:ldtcd<la nplete box, as applbabbl t/Nmpartisan EINo partyffiliation fl PaO candidde forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr Gns€rt lite of offioe and indude disfrict, circuit" gru.p, seat number, if appfrcable) Addrs It Vr^0bt "tl City {htorf,nr h.r"\1 County Stab fr" ZpCodebh'\\ Dabof Birtt (ffirDorYn or Voter Regiaffion llumber t (Vll DateSigned (tUtlDfYY) Ito be completed by Voterl Signatre of Voter C,Y CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All ir{umaion on thisform becomes a pablic reurd upon receipt by the Stryenisor of Elections. - It is a crime to @ly sign more tlrqt one paitionfor a candidde- [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Sta:aes] - If all requated it{ormation on thisform is not complaed, theform will not be valid as a Cqdidae Paitionform. L the undersigned, a registered voter narne as on your voter card) in said state and @unty, pe{ilbn to have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco plaed on the PrinarylGernral Election Bdld as a:ldtdclanplete box, as eppficaOhl f]nro partyaffilhtion fl PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfr Ctnsert lite dffioe and indude dbfiict, circuiq group, seat rumber, if apilcaue) County lt trlfl r Z9Corln. 31 t3? o90E I De of Birtr or Ver Registrdion llumber 0o 0 G,utu,r Addrces City A StaE VoErSignatule Ilab Signed (mmrDDfYn Votei 0 L CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irdormAion on his form becomes a public reord upon receipt by the Stqen bor of EleAions- - It is a crime to @ly sign more thot one paitionfor a candidae. fSeaion 104.1E5, Florida Statars] is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Cotdidae Petitionform.- If all rque.sted it{ormdion on L U the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on yourvoter card) in said state and coun$, pe{ilbn to haue tfte name of Michael "Mike" Grieco plaaed on tre PrtnarylGenerd Electim Bdlot as a;lfficlurylete Dox, as a@0trl t/Nonparlisan Eruo party affiliaton E PaO candidde forthe ofhce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert lide d otrae and indude ffiict, cirwit grup, seat rnrmber, if appficabb) Addreas lTltYvtcrnl.ra,n A.Je+t t o County [\\rnru.r'DAk Stab Ft- ZpCorn. 3(bq t!# of E[ttt or Vfrr Registration l{umber h City Signaturc of Voter Dab Signed (tt DDfff) Ib be by Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{tmdion on hisform becomq a pblic reord upon receipt by the Stpervisor af Elections. - It is a crime to hrowingly sign more thst one petitionfor a candtdae- [Section 104.1E5, Florida Stor,ues] - If all rqu*ted it{ormdion on this form b not completed, the form will not be valid as a Codidae Petition form. sSignaturc of Voter L the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as il appeaF on your uoterinbrmlftm card) h said state ard county, pe0:[on to harre the name of Michad "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prtnary/Generd Electbn Ballot as a:ldtdc/wtplete Dox, as appficabfte! (Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliafrcn fl Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (inserttite of offioe and indude dlstoict cimrit, group, seat rnrmber, if appficable) tlatg of Birtr (rflrDD/Yn or Voiler Registaton Number Lgl Address ffi) \r,,e+}.^{[ tlrz A{ Zp Gode b1\?1 tlab Signed (ttt DDrf^f) Ito be by Voterl stl arvtM City Stb +t- CAI{DIDATE PETITION Not6: - All itdormaion m thisform becomq a ptblic reord upon receipt by the &pervisor af Eleaiors. - It is a crime to lotowtngty sign more thst one petttionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Florida Stawa] - If all requested it{ormation onthisform is not complaed, theformwill tnt be valid as a Codidae Petttionform. I D{I tlate Signed (tt DDfYY) t{o be Voterl L the undersigned, a registered voter name as appears on yourrr@r in said stab and oounty, petlbn to have the named Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placd on the ftirnary/Generd Electbn Balldc a:lffic/a nptete box, asapfifra0lgl e/Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliafon !PaO candidabfortheoffce of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insert tite of otrce and indude dlstrict, cirtdq group, seat number, if afficable) County Stab Z9Cllrn. D#of E[rfi c VCrRegisilralion llumber lh*'\- I Addrcte Slgnaturc of VoEr CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All itformdion on thisform becomes a public reord upon receipt by the Stprvisor of Eleaions. - It b a crime to lorowtngb sign more thot one petrtionfu a candidae. [Seaion 104-185, Florida Stor,uaJ - If all rquested it{onnaion on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Petitionform. L r n the undersigned, a registered voter (prht name as it appears on your voter inbnmlion card) in said state and corrnty, pe{itbn to have the nane of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco plaoed on the Prinary/General Eleclbn Balh a a:ldrdc/wryleb Dox, as affiDtrl t/Nonpartisan Euo party affiliation fl PaO candidateforthe ofhce of Mayor of Miami Beactr fnsert liile of ffie and indude disffict, drcuiq gru.p, seat rumber, if +pficabb) mof Bir$ or V&rRegisffiion Number (ffi,DDnn dzolra Addrele \^/ 4b+h * "*L)b CountY llt'*,-l)roq- Stab FL Zp Code bbt40*W/a,6aill. D$OE Dab Signcd (tllrDDrYY) I 2 by Voterl U)r(ffina- TOTO RuL lS-2.OaS- FIC- CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdormotion on thisform becomes a pblic reord upon receipt by the Stryemisor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to lorowtngly sign more thot one petttionfar a candidae. [Seaion 104-185, Florida Starlr;a] - If all rqaested itformation on this form is not complaed, the form will rct be valid as o Cudidae Paition form- L Tas-lt Kwv&rA the undersigned, a registered voter (pint narrc as il appears on yourtoter infurmlion card) in said $ate and oounty. petlrm to have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco plaed on the Prtnary/General El€cfbn Bdh as a:ldterJclur1olete box, as appficabbl e/Nonpartisan Eruo party ffiliatron fl PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beact (nsert tite of otre and indude dtrtict, circuit, group, seat rurmber, if appficaUe) D#of EEYtr (ffirDD/Yn or Voter RegisHftrn Number ,tl q / ra66 Addresrao AI+arr?/. + llo*- City M t q'at T)&/^ County Uu tnn'r \rL ZpColon. 33 / 3 1 Signatueof Votsr D Date Signed (UlWDDrl^r) Ito be mnpleled by Voterl>l 1 J zo-g Rub t$20a6. F.AC.IXII E roalEft 00flr) StrEru CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All irformaion on thisform becomes a public reard upon receipt by the Srryervisor of Eleaions. - It is a ctime to htowtngb sign more thwt one petitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Storutrs] - If all reque,sted itformdion on thkform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Cmdidde Petitionform. Slgnature of Vobr Date Signed (tltUDD/lrY) Ito be Voterl L tYl ^lllre^t Lcyot'(the undesigned, a registered voter (gint narne as it appears on yourrroter inbnmlion card) in said state ard county, petilion to harre the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieoo placed on tc Rimary/Generd Eledion Balh as a:ldted<la opllete box, asappficabbl @uonpartlsan [ruo pary affilhfpn fl PaO candidate forthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (nsert ti0e of ffice and indude disfiicf, circui'L gru.p, seat number, if applicaue) Im of Bittr(ffin D/Yn or Vobr Registuation ilumberf/zt//1 fe Addrets ?oo */4* t2-(. # /4o+ City h,l,ayui Rr.-t Conltty H. tawt r b"Z. ZipCallr. "tr33 D$DE IO' Stabtu CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Electiors. - It is q crime to lmowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. L I I D€t ,<-the undersigned, a registered voter (print as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lchecl</complete box, as applicablel (Nonpartisan f]ruo party afiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tiUe of office and include districl, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birtt (MMTDD/YY) or Voter Registration Number it/r,all t Addrcss 4ss Jtg- >t #=s'/ City fil(r*' 6no.t w County State ft- Zip Code 3J/ s? Signature of Voter Date Signed (Mii/DD/YY) Ito be e completgd by Voterl /q /a= Rule {5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Etr 09rlt) CAI{DIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itfumAion onthisform becomes a pablic reard upon recetpt by the Stryemisor af EleAions. - It is a crtme to hrowingly sign more thqt one petitionfff a candidae- [Seaion 104.1E5, Floridastatlar;es] - If oll re4ue,sted itformation on this form is not completed, the form will tnt be valtd as a Cudidae Petition fonn. lr S"tn" [l,l , Con ri sa rn the urdersigned, a rcgistered voter in saU state ard cornrty, pe0lion fo hde the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prirnary/General Electbn Ballot as a:lfficlorlplero. box, as appficabbl t Nonparlisan EIno party ffiliafron EI PaO candidabfortheoffce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tifle of ofiEce ard ardude disfrict drcuit, group, seat number, if apffcaUe) Crty Couily t lio,,,', \qo(< Z;9Coan- */3? &rb D90ElO4Gfi.03flr) Ihof Birtr (ffirDD/YnD or V&rRegisfuatonNumber Addrtss o StabFt Dab Signed (ilt DOrfY) lto be ??9 z by Voterl of Vobr yw,J CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All irfumaion on thisform becomq a pblic reard upon receipt by the Stpuvbor of Electiotts- - lt is a crime to browtngty sign more thot one paitionfor a candtdae. [seaion 104-1E5, Florida Stautes] - If all rquested itformdion on this form is not complaed, the form will rpt be valid qs a Codidae Paition form. L the undersigned, a registered voter as appears on your infonmtion in saU $ab ard county, peffiion to have tlte narne of Michael "Mike" Grieco plaed on the Prinary/Gernrd Election Bdh as a;ldrert<la npllde Dox, as appficabtel filruonpartisan fluo party atrliatbn !PaO candidab forthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beactr Cnsert tiUe d ffiae and indtde district, cirw( group, seat number, if appficahre) Stab FL Rub FI.C. I)6of Efffi or VobrRegflsffion Number Address Clty q County D E. Signature of VoEr ZpCode , tlab Signed QlmrDD/fr) Ito be annpbted by Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All ir{ormaion on hisfonr becoms a pblic reord upon receipt by the Stpemisor of Eleaiow. - It is a crime to @ly stgn more thot one pdttionfor a cotdidae. [Seaion lU-1E5, Florida Stdtdes] - If all requested ir{ormation onthbform is not completed, theformwill rpt be valid as a Cudidde Petitionform. \Yvot'k- DarbU the undersigned, a registered voter (print narre as it ay'pearc on your rroter inficnnation carU) h sa&, ctata and corrrty, pdim b have the narne of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on te Rimary/Generd Electim Balh as a;lclrcr/rlanrrylete Dox, as appmcaOlel @nonpartisan llno partyffilialion E Paty @trffiab forthe ofEce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insertlite of office and indude disfiict, drcuit, grory, seat number, if apdcable) City Mtami Eeart^ Courily D"d<- ZtpColc. aTBq Rrb l&20a5, F-A-C.D$DE roatE .OSnll o? Vobr RegisHi,on Number n D&of Biffi ?2 lo Ccftlv lanc Addrw Stab Fl- lt Ilate Signed (ilfirDD/YY) lb be by Voterl Slgnaturc of CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All ir{ormaion on thisform becomes a pblic reord upon receipt by the Stprvisor of Eleaiorc- - It is a crime to hrowtngb sign more thqt one partionfor a cotrdidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Staua] - If all rquated it{ormation onthisforrn is rct complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Cotdidae Petitionform. Deof Etirtr (mrDDfrn tr Vobr Regisffion llumber FCity \ Slgnaturc of Voter L the urdersigned, a registered voterII (print narp as il appearc on your voler inbrmlion card) in saU staE and county. p€{ilirn to hare tte name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco pbced on the PrinarylGenerd Election Ballot as a:ldter/<lorplde Dox, as appficaDtel Euopartyaffiliation f]PaO candidab forthe ofhce of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (insertltte of otrae and indude district circr.rtt" grup, seat nrmber, if appficable) StabFE Zp 3 Code3t3 Rrb Addrtas Ll o {or) ot l,h,4 "t o ltl 9,)*County )41 Ilate Signed (ilruDD/YY) Ito be by Voterl )_ \ CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irformaion on thbform becomes a public reord upon receipt by the &ryemisor of Elections. - It is a qime to @ly sigtt more thot one petitionfu a candtdae- fSeaion 104-1E5, Florida Stalr;esJ - If all rquested it{ormaion on this form is not complaey' the form will not be valid as a Codidae Paition form. L tt tI t the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as fr appears on your rroter inbrnalion card) in sald $ate ard corlrfiy, p€flirn to heve the narne of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the PrirnaryGerrcral Election Bdlot as a:ldrerl<lcrrlpllete Dox, as a@bbl filruonparusan Elnoparyatrliatbn fl PaO candiddefortheofhceof Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tide of offre ard irdudo disfrict, drcdt, group, seat mrmber, if appficabte) City .--rn! ?u\ Couty rF,tur "F& Stab (' Zpuolln- 33 al Slgnatureof Vobr thsigned (tt DDfYY) Ito be compbted by Voterl ytt / wre D$DE Date of Birtr(ffin o/Yn (<r 9? or Number ,){'* tlr't, eha3o:I tgc .J' Addrces CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All irfumaion on hisfum becomq a ptblic reard upon receipt by the Srryervisor of Eleaions- - It is a qime to htowtngb sigt, more thsr one petfionfor a cotdidae. fSeaion 104-185, Florida Staues] - If all rque.sted informdion on thisform is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Carrdidde Petitionform. \4tlOr-'U> Boft tra-the undersigned, a registered voter (print rnne as [a[pearc on yourvUer inbnnatior carUl h sa&, stab ard cotrrty, p€flim b hat e the narne of Michael "Mike" Grieco plaed on flte Prinary/General Electbn Ballot as a;ldtdclqnplde Dox, as appficabtel (Nonpartisan ElNopa0ffiliation fl PaO candidabfortheoffceof Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of offioe and indude disfiict, &crrit, gru.p, seat rumber, if appfcabb) Dats of Enfii (mrDorYn (r Voter Regisilration ilumber 3 T3o f\edcliqt fl,*n,e,# S "h; arn, lleo. L, Countv-f.Yr-ior., - M/c State CL ZpCodc 3t tt7 Dab Signed (mmrDD/Yn lto be-oimpleted by VoterlZ-u - 23 Rulo tS'ZOls, F.LC.D$DE lO4 (Ef.oSflfl CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All ir{umdion on thisform becoma a ptblic reord upon receipt by the Stpembor of Electiots. - It is a crime to @ly sign more thst one pa'ttionfor a cutdidaa [Seaion 104.185, Florida Stawes] - If all requested it{ormdion on this form is not completed, the form will rpt be volid a,s a Cudidae Paition fonn. .[ County Signilrre of \the undersigned, a registered voter (print name Els appeam m your rroter inbrnatbn card) in said silate and @unty, petilbn to ipve the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prirnary/General Elecfion Ballot as a:ldter/<lconplete box, es appftcabtel t/Nonparlisan Eno pary atrratun I PaO candidate forthe ofhce of Mayor of Miami Beach (inserttite dffice and indudo dlsfiict drcuiL grcLp, seat number, if appf,caUe) D#of Elirfi or V&rRegisffiion Number Address 3z S 5 0 ZpCodn 33tul tlate Signed (trt DD/S[) Ito Drwnpleted ,Voterl b 1 D$OE City /\4 $garlttCt1A't \ StebrL CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on thisform becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Electioru. -Itisacrimetolutowinglysignmorethanonepetitionforacandidate. [Seaionl04.lS5,FloridaStatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. Signaturc of Voter L the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as il appears on your voter information card) in said state and ounty, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco plaed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: [che*lcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan f]ruopartyaffiliation f]Party candidate for the ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tide of office and include distric{, cirotit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address fl0o llWt Dtl+^,J ZZY City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code s3 l7 q. Rule Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number Lt (3 Date Signed (MISTDDIYY) Ito be3 Voterlz CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleaions. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more thon one petitionfor o candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ is not completed, theformwill not be vqlid as a Candidqte Petitionform.- If all requested information on this L- Date Signed (irtrDD/YY) 03 l3 Ito be Voterl L .o the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lcheck/complete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan flruo parg affliation f]PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of offioe and inctude district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Addrees IEvvo+ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Rule Date of Birth or VoEr Regisfation Number Zip Code33lt CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipt by the Supen isor of Electioru. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. fSectton 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested informotion on thisform is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. Signature of Voter L J the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lchecUrcmplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan f]ruopargaffiliation I Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of office and include distric{, circtrit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birtr (mM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number t lr t/r tt+ Addressl;; L,h caln lll * tr- City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zp Code Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) lto be completed by Voterl 9 /r t /zh\, Rule CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irfumotion on thisfun b*ones a public reord upot receipt by tlre &peraisor of Eleaiow. - It is a qime to @ty sign more tho, one partionfor a candidae. [Seaion 101.1E5, Florida Stor,ta] - If all rque,sted hformation onthisforrn is not complde4 theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. lr farM,^-- €/te-, < - oo /the urdersigned, a registered voter in sald stab and county, petilion to have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placd on the Primary/GeneralElection Balh as a:ldrdclamprete Dox, asapdicabbl filruonpartisan Eluo party afEliatbn E PaO candidabforthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insed fi0e of offie and indude disfrict circdl grwp, seat number, if app[caHe) Addreas Abl /41'12 /tu@* b. o y'Pt- t+ se ft- Z9Colln. 731 tlate Signed (ilUDOTYY) {to bemmpbted by Voterl DZ l>rp l>o>Z Rftr$2ras.Ft-C.D90E toa lEfi. Gr{ll I)& of E[rfi or V&r Registration Number ItLua,r,,r- City County CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i{ornaion on hisform becomq a public reard upon receipt by the Stryeruisor of Eleaions. - It is a qime to Alowttrsty sign more thot one petitionfor a candidae. [Section 104-185, Florida $auaJ - If oll rquated ir{onndion on thisform is not completed, tlpform will not be valid as o Csrdidae Paftionform. L (-e.u the undesigrred, a regislered voter name as il appears on your rrder card) in said silate and oounty, p€{ilbn to he€ the nare of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prirnary/General Elecfbn Ballot * a:ldtdcla nplete Dox, as applhabfisl @rumpartisan Elro party affiliatnn fl PaO candidateforthe office of Mayor of Miami Beac-tr finsert tite of offioe and indude dtsfrici, circut[ grury, seat rurmber, if appficabb) Address L\0\ fitton tc\ City I'l^n u.$N\Emth CountY {Yrrusnt ,^oN- ZoCodr. 33\Ao Rub D$I,E t04lEfi.08fir) Deof EIrfh or V#rRegisffitrn ltlumber sffitru 0 Dab Sigrnd (UmrDO/ff) 0 Z Eo De by Voterl Slgnfrrre of CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is q crime to lonwingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florido Statutes] - If oll requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. L L)tt Olle- (' , oVnZ^- theundersigned,aregisteredvoter your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUamplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]*o party affiliation fI PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include districl, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birh or Vobr Registration Number Address t-/3s J/-5f rul fl?J "h,Lrrtr Et {/z- County dfl,o n t )^"rl4_- Zip Code 33/37 Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be complqted by VqtefldJ/ax/J< Rule lS-2.(X5.D$,DE t04 (Eff.09fit) StaterL CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormAion on thisform becomq a public record upon receipt by the Suprvisor of Eleaiow. - It is a qime to browtrgb stgt more thsr one petitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Florida Stata] - If all rquested it{ormdion on thisform is not completed, theform will rct be valid as o Cmdidae Paftionform. Signatue of L the undersigned, a registered voter name as it yourvoter in said stafte and oounty, pdilim to have ttp name d Michael "Mike" Grieoo placed on Se Prinary/Gerrerd Eledion Balld as a:ldrdclanplete 0ox, as appl;iablel (Nonpartisan Eruo pafi ffifiarion f]PaO candidate forthe ofhce of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of offie and indude disfrict circuit, group, seat number, if appfcaHe) City t-ll,rr\t,- Blarl- Connty €alz ZpCtlrc. 33r37 Ihte Signed (I5UDD/YY) Ito be crimpleted o 22 D# of Elirlh (ffirDDrYn or Voter Regisrffiion ]lumber tho *tb,u?t -llo Address AIL 3 Stab tu Rule ls-20a5. FI-C-ttgIFllrn?;miIllil CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irformAion on htsform becomes a ptblic reord upon receipt by the &qemisor of Eleaions. - It is a qime to lowwtngb sign more thot one petrtionfor a cttdidae- [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Stanaa] - If all rquetted it{ormation on thisform b not completed, theformwill not be volid as a Cqdidae Paitionform. 'y.-- Slgnatrc of Voter L ctp 0(&the undercigned, a registered voter as eppearc on yourv@r in said state and oounty, p€{ilbn to have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco pla€d on te PrirnarylGerrcrd Electbn Bdh m a:ldtdc/wrylete Oox, as Wncai0/nd (Nonpartisan Eruo partyatrliation fl PaO candidabforthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (insertti0e of ofice and indude disfiict, drait grory, seat rrrmber, if aptrcaUe) AddresTrit. l.,,-t D'"hv, /rt'rv't L^'Lt City fb.,Afh r, -i ZpCorr. 3f r>1 Dab Signed (ilUDDTYY) Ito be ampbte4by Voterl oa I oa laZ tlab of EE fi or Voter Regisffion Ntnnber 1o County D^lA CANDIDATE PETITION Nda: - All i{ornaion on thisfonn becoma a ptblic reard rpon receipt by the Stprvbor af Elaiorc. - It b a crime to @ly sign more tlwt one pattionfor a cqtdidae- [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Sta:ria] - If all rque;ted it{ormdion on this form is not complaed, the form will rct be valid as a Cndidae Petition form. L L the undersigned, a rcgistered voter (prht mrc as il appears on yourtoterinbnnatim card) in saU stab ard county. petlbn to harte the narne d Micfiael "Mike" Grieco plaoed on the Prinary/Gercral Eledion Balld as a:ldtdc/@ete box, as affibisl @ruonpartisan EINo party atrliation fl PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tiUe of ofEe and indude distict drcuit" grup, seat number, if appfrcabb) Addreae 7l rt /oltru D City t1 fitut wktlt County 9,[D5 Stab ((- Z9Codo >rl,l o &d. t$20{G F.AC.D$I,EloalEt ognt) or V&r Regisffion Number o D& of Bitfh Slgnatueof VGr o tlate Signed ([t DDIYY) [o De Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All irformaion on this form becomq a public reord upon recetpt by tlrc &prvisor af Elaions. - It is a crtme to @ly sign more thsr one partionfor a candtdae. [Seaion 104.165, Florida Storlr;er] - If all rque-sted it{ormdion onthisform is not completed, theformwill rwt be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. L \ < sst.^ Lor!1 t/\€ tu the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on yourvoter infonnalion card) in said state and oounty, petilion to hate the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on tle Prirnary/GeneralEtedim Ballot as a;ldterlcla nrylero. Dox, asappfrcablsl f]no partyatrliation fl PaO candidabforthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tite of ffice and indude district, circui( group, seat number, if apfrcaHe) Ilate of Birtr(ut DDrrn or Voter RegisHion Number \-tr--+ Address i500 6a t City County fi,\,-u\ rt D"& Stab rL ZpCo& Rule roa lEfi.00rfi) tlate Signed (tt DDrYn Ito b wnpleted byVoterl Slgnature of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irdormaion on hisfum becomes a pblic reord upon recetpt by the Stryeruisor af Eleaiors. - It is a crime to hwttngb sign more thst one paitionfor a cttdidae. f&ction 104-1E5, Florida Stalaa] - If all rquested it{ormation onthisform is complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. L Sed=^rlRllfi-the undersigned, a registered voter Orint riam{f# it'adpearsin in said stab and @unty, pdilbn to hare the name your vofter-ifu nmlion card) ot Miciael "Mike" Grieco i pM on the Prtnary/General Elecfun Balbt as a:lclredcla np,r€t€ Dox, as appficablel t Nmpartisan Euo partyatrlhtion fl Mayor of Miami Beactr PaO candidate forthe office of (inserttiUe of office and indude distict, drcnit group, seat number, if appficaUe) Ilab of Birtr(ffin orYn o? Voter Number OG e City H T..^.!.-\I^r\U CounO 0dellb; Zp Code roalEIt 09flil Steb vL Rrb l$2.0a5, F-A-C. )5wAddrees Dab Signed (Mt DDrYn fo De CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdormOion on thisform fulont"-s a publtc reard upon receipt by the Stryeruisor af Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to @ly sign more thut ute petitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104-1E5, Florida Sta:zrre5] - If oll requested it{ormdion onthisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. N a{, li r:1r^ i-6^L the undersigned, a registered voter mnrc as it appears on wrter card) in said state and courfy, peffbn to have the narne of Micfiae! "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eledfom BalH a a:ldrerJclcr nplete Dox, as applbaDfrgl flruo party affiliatbn !PaO candidate forthe ofice of Mayor of Miami Beach Gnsert tifle of offce and indude district, ciruit grup, seat number, if appficable) tlab of Bittt(ffin D/YY) or VGrRegisrffiionllumber E ,l ,v9 a ZoCorp-3331 D$I'E I CityMt 4-ericlLiA,L Stab 4 qo t ?cL #l Addrees 00 1{1 L1LOL ))<-' Signatule Ilab Signed (UUDDTYY) Eo be 3 7- by Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itformaion on thisform becomq a pblic reord upon receipt by the &ryemisor af Eleaiors. - It is a qime to lotowingly sigtt more thwt one pa'ttionfor a candidde. [Seaion 104.185, Florida StautaJ - If all rquested ir{ormaion on thisform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Cotdidae Paitionfonn. Signature of L Aeme the undersigned, a registered voter (print narrc as ilappears on yourtderinfurmlion card) in said state ard county, pelilbn to have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco Caced on the PrinarylGeneral Eledbn Balld c a:lfficla tplete box, as apddcalml ,/Nmpartisan Euo party atrliation fl PaO candidale forthe ofice of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insed ti0e of ffice ard indude district, circuit, grory, seat number, if appficable) D6 of Birth or Voter RegisHion ilumber (ltr,Doryy) 06/0ol / qO Addre lOSt Mertdt6.q 6vQ- lE City f'?rot -rr 8.".-c\ County 14 ra.wr , f)on d e- StaE FL ZpColln.3ttrI tlab Signed (tilrDDrYn Ito M cunpleted by Voterl3rr0r23 Rb D90E roa CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irfarnaion on rtisform becomq a ptblic reord upon recetpt by tlrc Stprvisor of Elaions- - It is a crime to @b sign more tlwn me petitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Stmaa] - If oll rquested it{ormation on thisform is not complaed, theform will tpt be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. l.TAA^A) AXTLEO}the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on ytour yoter inbrmation card) in said silate and @unty, petilbn to have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco daced on the Prtrnary/General Eledion Ballot a a:.ldrdclunplete Dplx, asapplhcablel (Nonpartisan EIUo pafi affiliation fl PaO candklae forthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beactr Gnsett tits of ffice and irdude distict, circuit gru.p, seat number, if appficaUe) D# of EIrfi or Voter Registradon Number(lilrDDnn 0 6 qt Address 6,1,15 f UarAtJ {Vukr D R tlol City MIRMI 3E,A (Lt County T^D6 StebrL ZpCoor. 35t'{l tlabSigned (Ht DDTYY) Ito M cunpleted by Voterl 03 t0 z3 &rb FAC.D90EroalEJt @r{t Slgnature of Vocr 9<---" CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All ir{ormation on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to lmowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StantesJ all requested information on this form is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. 3 of L the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecl</complete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan ENo partyaffiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of office and indude distrid, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address ?9\Lt City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 53* 3 --.t Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl t0a Date of Birtr or Vobr Registration Number 6 CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormation on his form becomq a pblic reord upon receipt by the Stqrvisor of Eleatow- - It b a qime to hrowitrgb stgn more thot one petrtionfu a candidae. fSeaion 104.185, Florida StatariesJ - If all rquested ir{ormdion onthisform is not completed, theformwill rct be valid as aCodidae Petitionform. Date Signed (trt DDrfnr) lto ba by Voterl L3 L a^,the undersigned, a registered voter name as il appears on your uoter infurmaliqr in said state and oounty, petilion to have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco filronpartisan flno party ffitiatbn fl PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beach (inserttite of ofrce and indude disfrict, drcuit, group, seat rurmber, if appficabb) Address ISoo Bl Rrqd +6t7 +?T- City h,.-,Beqr-h County- firGrvr' -D"fu ZpCodn s3 t31 Date of Elir$ or VGr Regisffion llumber 6 Stab Fc Slgnature of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleaiora. - lt is a crime to lorcwingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, theform will not be valid as o Candidote Petitionform. L the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as appears your voter information card) in said state and coun$, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Elec{ion Ballot as a: lcheck/contplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of office and include district, circuit, group, seal number, if applicable) Addrcss l U4r'h^^lU W Jb3 Caty Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zp Code 33 t39 Date Signed (MirrDD/YY) be Voterl 3 23 Ruh F.AC.DS{)E roa o Date of Birth or Vobr Registration Number v c a,n"",r{of Voter ( v CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irformAion on hbform becomes a public reord upon receipt by the Sryerf isor af Eleaiorc. - It is a qime to looowtngly sign more thot orc partionfor a candidae. [Seaion 101.1E5, Florida StataJ - If all rquested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. ( /'?o Slgnaturc L //re the undeslgned, a registered voter namea on card) ln said state ard @unty, pelilim to hfle tfte name of Michael "Mike" Grieco plffid on the PrinarylGenerd Eledion Ballot as a:ldtdcla nplete Dox, asappficablel (Nonpartisan Euo party ffiliation E PaO candidateforthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tite of ofice and irdude district, crrEuit group, seat number, if apdcabb) W Jsf Cal"s a /(a/ /" Statetrt ZpCadc33t/o Date Signed (ttWDDISr) vobe'"nete;r)lj%. o$oE toa Ilate of Eiirth or Vfrr RegisHion Number /t'Q t7/t €aC City CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All ir{ormation on thisform becomes a publtc reord upon receipt fo tlrc &pervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to lowwtngb sigt, more thot one petitionfor a candidae. fSeaion 104.1E5, Florida Staues] - If oll re4uested it{ormdion onthisform b not completed, theformwtll rct be valid as a Candidae Petitionform. \( t s;,9.c,- Qrk r,^-the undersigned, a rcgistered voter 9n^mme as fr appears on your voter inbnnation card) ln said steta and corfiily, p€ffifrn b have the narne of Micfiael "Mike'Grieco flno party ffiliatbn E PaO candidate forthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (nserttifle of orfrce and indde disfric[ ciruit group, seat number, if appficabb) Addrrss ,)\ { fl,^.n Or /\ 7t I o City Y$ rr^ "n', 9e^ cl County D(&f\rr r.ni Stab ru "3Tt t t Slgnatue otYotagr rt-1 Date Signed (UWDDTYY) Ito be ampleted by Voterl 1 I l8lv7 Rub l$2.Oa5. Fr.C.Dr$IrE llr4Gr.oorfil Date of Birth or Voter Registration ilumber CANDIDATE PEilNON No - AA bfanndm m tlds f*tn bwns a publlc rcnd ryon @t fo tlu &p*tiso of EleAus. -Itlsaqbptoffitglysignnorethoruepailtotforautfrdae tseafmIA.IES,Flatdafiatrral rtis'dl ql rotIt tlg wlll bctd avalid a Codtdaerfrqu-ttd onpbe4 fnnhftmdiot,Pailfafurl L (o the uillcnlgm4 a rcgHared vder tgma rpp.@36t yulruffi h sd Sb and @uttty, pffion b haw fte tzra ot Itfidtad afike" Grie@ Ca6d ontn p*nar/generaEedion Bffi ese [dreck6orp6 Dor, esappftablcl Nonparllsan EIno pertyffifiation fl D Party canddabfrrfteffice of Malor of Miami Beach {ssst$c d ffie and inclde dltbt cluJt, gruf, eod nrmber, f opptcaHe) D6 olgrft d Ve Rcgfuilreton Ltm$.t I 7 Addr- lzqT M\tt**+t-t'a En. V4 CXty Wb<*\ Corlty DAOA ZpCaa. / 3J( +l of Vdr DSSlgn d (tDOrfr) Ito b llp#&d bsrVotefl APqc Z,ao5 DAC S-trbtu CAI{I'IDATE PETMOil Ntu: - AA b{a natlot on tlds Imn fura a pbltc rwd tgot @t hy tlu &p*tiso of ElAog - It ls a qhp b Wb slgn nwz thor oe pfitunfr a wtdldaa tserrfoz IU.IE[, - ffall rqutd hfcrrrdo, ot thisfom ls ru, ffirplae4 tlefa awlll to b volid as a FbldaSruual Cofidae Peiotfnt Lq,.l t6/WAt ttp ufilcttlgJF4 a lqibred vder (gh[rrecl arFrrrffiffirnaionsd) h sai, Sbtd@urff, pdm bh4fBOE nrrpof ttlft$aeN aiike" Grieo Ca6d on ttr mnarytCmera Ehction Bffi a a: [cfieclo@rpb Do1, as#e] Elnonparu.., EIno pertyetr[ation EI Party canddabbrfieffice of Mapr of Miami Beacfi {nEdtScd g!u+, sedrumber, f iU y!'Jcoa /*4n V4 ,0Ai StrL Yt zi9Codnvr?t lSlgnilrlrofvdr.1 r{E Dfr otErtr(nDonY) VG tftlnbr Cotmty t Datu ) Dab8lgnod (tlrDrYrf) Z fo Do by CANDIDATE PENNON NM: - All trfcntofron m tlds f*n bwns a pblb rcmd ryot reeipt by tle fumiso of ElAos. - It is a qbrv to bofrAly stgn nore thor qu Pniufr o wdidae- tsedfm IA-1E5, Flrlda fiaual - {all rqated itfontun ot rtkfom ls ,rot @rrplae4 ilpfdnrdU td b valid os a Codidae Pattiotfut L f{f-.,,r z \+=-.crrt-th uillctslgrF4 a qfcnarcdnder (plit lgr-* [ epm cr prr nGr ffirrdon crd) h sdd Gb and oot nty, pdi0on to hauBOE rtarrsd trfichad afite" Grie@ Cmd on tln mnaryrceneO Ehdion B& * t lW Dox, es ap@l Enmperur-, EIno pefiyelliraton EI Party candd&lbrtheffice of Mapr of Miami Beech (Estfle d<fiesnd hclda dlti,l dqJt, gup B€.il rrrmber, f ffi Addtr/ rrt rbr/t 6a e/.4 * (4vot, BL-"L Cotmhr'Zry,rza/a Y,Zpcadn33/to eil8{.oaaFLG B#toacil.illll mdgttr (HTDDTYY) c VtrRrghilntonlftlnbc o 6 (.7{ DabSlgncd (illDDrYY) a Z3 tlo De byVotell Slgrrrtrtr CANDIDATE PEnNON NM: - AA bfrmdon on tldsfun bwns a pbllc nod tryt re@t fo tlu fu*riso of ElAos" - It is a qbne a ffiEty stgn nore tlwr oc piliorfr a wtddae tsodton IU.I E5, Fbtda fiarrraJ - f aII rqutd hdcntdot at thisfonn is rct @rrplde4 ttvfdt rdU mt bc valid u a Cofue Pattbtfut I,lcr-rzy'the udcmlgrE4 a rqi*red vder r*nas eprao3g| yurvffi h sald Sb dd oorrry, pdtm b harB OE rsts d Itfichad'il['ke" Grie@ Cffid ct0€ Htnsytcmerd Ehctin B*t asa:'[dtedcbrp& Do4 esqpftat*l Elnmparuasr EIro pedyefiEdon f]Party carffie lUths ffice of Mapr of Miami Beacfi &stfle dcfie gtd ind.de d!ti.t, chr& gtup Ba.il rr mber, il cfpfca&*) Addtu r'rrf /V.9fr/ R*4 *trn\ ot.1: E-.-r-S-trbFt-Zpcaa. 3=t,lo BC Ofi olE tr(n DorYY) c V#Rrgffionlltmbr /77eoo7 [t) t-r^',t'. -Q@^"t<- Cqmty Slglrfrrrrof DeS[ncd (tDDrSr) o by 4-3D lfo De CANDIDATE PEflNON N@ - All ir{mnatn on tlzis frn bemna a pblic rcwd ryor reetpt by the Sryaniscr {El"friorv- - It is a crfurc to Wb sigtt more thqt orc pailion fr a cqtdidde. [Seaion I A- 1 E5, Florida StatutaJ - If all rque-sted tt{mnotion on thisform is rct omplae4 ileformwill not be valid as a Codidae Pailionfmn L tte urderslgned, a rqlstered voter (phtnarnao appears m yourtGrffirrdon cad) h seid shb and @tf,ny, p€fut b haretrE ngneof Micfiael "Mike" Grieco dacod m tc PrinayGenerd Ebclion Bffi aa: [dedloozpleb Dox, ase@l filr,rmpartie"r, [r.roportyffiefion EI p"tty cardi&bbrfi€otrceof Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insert li0e of ofioe and inchrde dsfrict dturit gru.p, seat rtrnber, if appf,cabb) County stlbFL ZpGllrr-93t't I Slgnfrm of V6? DEOE D.bof Brth a VerRcgfuffion ihrnber ha$# EZ7 e\Addrres @ Br.acau,,"L hSlgmd (ffiDDfYn Ito bec:onpleb,dbyVoterl3r_l zo L3 CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Electiotts. - It is a crime to btowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on thk form is not completed, the form will not be valid as q Cqndidote Petition form.t, RosH HrftDnru the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lchec*/mnplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of offce and indude district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birft or Vobr Registsation Number (um,DDrn0 6s lZl [e t City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Stab FL Zlp Code 331q0 Signatrrc of Voter Date Signed (milrDD/Yn Ito be copplete! by Voterlca(rr\z:tn d_ FI"C. 6c:t tz.-l\\i n: Addrees CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All irformation on this form becomes o public record upon receipt by the Superttisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all reqtested information on this form is not completed" the form will not be valid as a Candidae Petition form. \ /14f4/FL Afid"ua the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lched<lomplete b4 as applicablel ffonparti"an Errropartyaffiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tide of offce and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birtt (urroD,YY) or Vobr Registration Number t, lt-t lz3 2- City Miami Beach Gounty Miami-Dade State FL Zp Code Date Slgned (MUTDDIYY) Ito be ampbted by Voterl 1 ,2 Rule lS-2.0{5. F-4.C.D$DE t04 (Efi.00rtt) o5lras(ut Addrese Signature of Voter GANT'IDATE PENilOil N@ - All bfrntdor on tldsf*n bmna a pbllc rcnd ryon r@t hy tln $peisor of ElAos. - It is o crbrra a ffiryly sign atorc th,or qe poilisrlr a wtMae- tserrfm IM-1E5, Flofda fianal rqwtun hfqrnatbn m rtkform ls rct @rrpldc4 tleldrnvtll rct bc valid as a Codidae Pattlotfutt t ttp undcolgrp4 a mgi&red vder (prhllm eF9.@3qlFlrffi h d debsd@urily, pdrUon b haYeOE rtertsd Itfichad aiike" Grbco Ce€d qr tlc fttnarytcasd Elecilon Bst c * lW Do4 ea anpftar*l Elmparmt Elxo partyatrEeoon EI Party canddabfurheoffico of lvlapr of Miami Beacfi {mcstfle d(firand inclde ddict, chatil, grtrp saailnmbor, f apptcatth) ZpCadr Sbtvo hrbtS{raA rfiroaG[flfi] D.bofE[t{h G VohRrghiltrflonllumbcr Addru Cotmty $trb Ilrbgbm.d (HlDDrfr) t{o De byVotell ?,0 Slgnilllr CA}{DIDATE PENNON - All h{anaflm on tldsfrn bwts a pbllc rcmd tW, @t fo tlc &pmiso {EloAo* - It is a qfrrre to Wryly stgn DW? th,o, d* pntunfv o c@Adatu- tserrfon IA-IES, Floila Stoty1al - {all rquaten hdontun onthisfonn is not anrybd, t Ef6t rvlll rct bc valid as a Codidae Pdbtfmt NM: of V6? t thc ufilcttlg[E4 a lqi*red vder rms rpncE3slprrvGr h said deb fid courty, pdii[m b hauo tru nrrp of ifichael'tiike" Grbco Caed on tln mns/emere Eecton Beld ar a [dleck6orp& Do4 es qpftat*] Enmparm, Elro pertvafiration EI Party candddfurfiooffioe of lulapr of Miemi Beach {EdtBcd<fie gtdttdrbdltbq dqit gru", s€dnmber, ilopptcaHe) Comty [)*dE ZpCode D68bn d (t DDrYn D.toolBr{lt c VohR4hffiontlrmb.r Addrc Slrb frr ,A CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to lutowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Seaion 104.185, Florida StatutesJ information on thisform is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Candidote Petittonform.- If all '/,2 Addess 7I C Miami- Vobr \.- I,the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as il appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Elec{ion Ballot as a: lchec*/wnplete bx, as applicablel Nonpartisan ENopargaffiliation !PaO candidate for the ofhce of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tiUe of offie and indude district, ciroril, group, seat number,if applicable) Date of Birtt (tmrDDIYY) or Voter Registation Number State Zp Code 3Zl V r Date Signed (ilU/DD/YY) Ito be4? Voterl t ,L Ruh DS{)E rO.@nl Miami Beach CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested informqtion on this form is compleled, lhe forn will not be valid as q Candidate Petition form. I..z 5 t-<a the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel i/Nonpartisan Ef,ro party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DD/YY) a3 "9c/, I a- Address J" 4&/ County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code /o& g/ Rule 1S-2.0/15, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09'11) mi Beach City Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be comyleted b -</ //3 'y CANDIDATE PENNON No6: - All i{*maion on rtisfont bemes a pblic rewd ryon reeipt by the &prvisor of Elaiorc- - It is a qime to louvtingb s@ mqe thor orc paitionfr a wtdidae. fSedrion 104-1E5, Florida $ata] - If all rquasted it{onnotton onthisform is rct conplete4 thefrmwillnot be valid as a Codidae Paitionfum \L Number 6 $r^ o?VobrI,# of Hrtt (mrDD/YY) "*fi, R IlateSigned (mrDDrfY) Voterl cr-3lto be Slgna&rc of r Onr i0 the undersigned, a registered voterL6rnryN @rs on your u@r irbrrdion c n ) in saU stab and cottnty, pdilbn to hat'e fie narp of Michael 'Mike" Grieco pla@d on the Prinary/General Election Bffi as a:lfficlonplc/e Dox, asappf,cabhl ElNoparyffirntnn fl PaO canditlabturtheorfficeof Mayor of Miami Beacfi (inserttiUe of offie and indude dkfict drcuit gmp, seat rumber, if applcabb) Addrets 0;lq"5 N,r*^'^NaY County /?1 \ A,.^ ,D Ba< stlb-rL Zl9uolr-j3 rL{ I CANDIDATE PENNON Nota: - All itdrmaion on dtisform becomq a ptblic reard tqot recetpt by the &prvisor dElediots. - It is a crime to loottngb sign more thor one petitionfu a cmdiclae. [Section 104.1E5, Florida Sraues] - If all rqu.ested itdormation on this form is not cornplae4 ilEfon t wtll not be valid os a Codidae Pattionfum. Prrt D, Goy4n) Addros I c the urdersigned, a rsgisEred rroter (phtnarce myourrrder in s8i, stab and @urty. p€tlbn to he's ttp narDed Mi,dtael "Mike" Grbco Caced on the fttnary/General Elditm Balld a a:ldrdclunplete Dox, as appf,ca0bl @rcnpartlsan !ruopertyatrlbtbn fl p"r,V candidatebrthefficeof Mayor of Miami Beacfr (inserttit6 dffice and indude dsfiicf, drcuit group, seat rumber, if applcattle) City ^(Er.Allrq CountyA ?"1- sqf!l- (-Z9clorn. 33r)/ Slgnaturc of oJ De of Brtt (f,rrrrDrYn 08 ]lumberor g by 2z Z Date Signed o lto De F Nda: - All bfomaion on thisfmn buonq a ptblic rewd ryon reeipt by the &prvbor of Elealorc. - It is o ciime to lowytttrgly sign more t ra ou pailionft a wtdidae- fSection IM.IES, Floida Srauesl-rfall I CANDIDATE PETITION on this conplaed, thefomwill rct be valid as a Codidae Paitionf*m. , County ,( '*fr,, L fie unden$gnod, a registered voter narlt a8 mlDurrr&r in said steb and @unty, pdtlion to h*'e the nama d Midael "Mike" Grieco pla€d on tlc Prinary/General Eledim Bafiot as a:ldtddqnde/o Dox, as appf,caObt ElNopartyffiliatbn fl p"rty candklabbrtheofrceof Malor of Miami Beacfi (ins€rttide doffice and indude ffikt cnrcuil group, set nrmber, if applcabb) Tn s. fr,rl J. Z9Caton-s3/s t0a hof grft or VoterRegffionilumber '*// Date Signcd (mrDDrYY) Voterl 3lto De by CANDIDATE PENNON Nota: - All irdmnaion on rtisfum becomq a pblic rewd ryot reeipt by the &pantbu of Eleaiov. -It is acrimetohwwtttgbsignrnoretlrotorcpet'tionfor acodidae. [Seaton 101.1E5, Fluidostaua] rfdt on tptIs the will benot asvalid a Codidae Pailiontt{umaion thisfqn onplae4 'fonn 'for^- tYl0n 1.3 Date Signed (tt DDfYY) by Voterl Slgnaturc of Vobr L fio undenfgnod, a registered voter (pthr It on yuur in said stato ard corrnty, pdtlim the nerneof Midtael "Mike" Grbco placd on the Prinary/Gereral Eldion Balh as a:ldterJclunplefm Oox, 5 appfcaOfl e/Nonparlisan f]uo party affiliatbn I C,PaO candidabbrtheoffioeof Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insorttiUe of ffie and irdude dsfrict dlcuit glup, eet rumber, if appfcabb) Zr9uarn- 31q l Dfr of Brtt (mrDDrYY) of Voter negffion Humber I S>- City Courily /Yt D e,^ f.f.l=il € CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i$unaion on thisform becomq a ptblic reord rqon reeipt by the Stpuvbor of Eleaiow. - It is a qime to louwingly sign more thot one paitionfor a candidae. fSeaion 104-1E5, Florida , - If all tuformation on this form is not complete4 the form wtll not be valid a,s a Cqdidae 2 *; ry i Date Signed (XltlrDDfYY) 0 / Ito be by Voterl L N tte e voter (print narc as appears on rroter card) . p€tilion to have the narne of Mifiael "Mike" Grbco placed on tle Rinary/General Eledion Ballot as aaldte4|clootttpbte Dox, as appficafifel Eluopaoatrtiatbn fl l-PaO candklate forthe office of] Mayor of Miami Beacft (inserttiUe of office and indude disfrid, drcui't gru.p, seat number,if app$cable) CitY ^ r'ftt) vil w County 0N Ar s'y> f /L-ZpCode )>r Ilate of BiTtt urrtD/}ry) Regisilrdon Numberor ol Vobr @ ootl Address /-b { CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is o crime to knowingly sign more than one pelitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on lhis form is not completed, the form will not be valid qs a Candidate Petition form I.i\[i ail (,1 Y- KLAn] b ]Po the undersigned, a registered voter f r'-lfffinam. -e asn apffis on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eleciion Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation fl PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number(MM'DDIYY)Oq-lo-lqi3 *?rt I Cclltps Ave#/ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code =7/s9 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be cor4pleted by Votefl4-23-2023 Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) € Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informotion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StotutesJ - If all requested informalion on this form is not completed, the form will not be volid as a Condidale Petition form. Miami-Dade County Signature of t,J I s *L the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan E ruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM'DD,Y, cr-27- /?69 Address t*W/o l"rl*,u<* rt,a City Miami Beach State FL Zip Code%t+t Date Signed (MMTDDIYY) Ito be completed by Votel +-x'zs Rule 1S-2.045,DS-pE r01(Eff.os{l1 CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelition for a candidate. [Seclion 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested informotion on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number 1 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code33lqo Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be corppleted bX Votel-l l>:)>: Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) \1> Address I GANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelilion for a candidate. fSeclion 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form v,ill nol be valid as a Candidqte Petition form. I l\Ae )b<a ]^UJ(the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]No party affiliation f]PaO candidate for the ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number 3fi'60 E;':";rrr- fra af+ )ttt Wrst, City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3z)31 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votelq-"j' e3 Rule l5-2.0/15, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09'rr) Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipl by lhe Superttisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more thon one petilionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florido StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will nol be valid as o Candidate Petition form. EQ,nrl o S Voter I.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t/Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofiice and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) / or Voter Registration Number A- /ts {o City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33t t1 1 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY)*a":T:"f':y',3n Rule F.A.C.DS-DE 10/t (Eff.09,lll Address 0"rrrb CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informolion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt b), lhe Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime lo knowing$, sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florido StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not compleled, lhe form will not be valid as o Candidote Petition form. Yt.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and crunty, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t Nonpartisan \-" party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter L\ Number 0 Address . I?3t: WrrArn *l City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Codei7tql Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) "m*Tff'zy' Rule DS-DE 1ort 09,11 CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for o candidale. [Section 104. 185, Floridq Statutes] - If all requested information on lhis form is not completed, lhe form u,ill not be valid as q Cqndidate Pelilion form. (l'zcbelh A. F t,)a r)ror-r?the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t/Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MMTDD/YY) c? I ob l't5 Address *ot All.r,r f(.,r,,l, ApI U05, 1,4,..mt Bea(hr Fl 3tZ'1 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33t39 Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Voterl Otlz+lz s Rule 1S-2.0115, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) Signature of Voter ((a,+- L+-))s/-- CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Floridq StatutesJ - If oll requested information on this form is not compleled, the forn will not be volid os a Candidote Petition form, r f/c I Vo(er t.uL t ot5 t the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as on your information card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ./Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number 0 -s) Adflress ) W" f-tk,t \C^ [^n, | tr tttl City Mibmi Beach County Miami-Dade State FL zi p.Qode4jt 4 )4 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed bv Votei 0tt .t{ - }) DS-DE 104 09,1 1 CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes o public record upon receipt b), the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knou,ingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If oll requested information on this form is not compleled, the form will not be valid as a Candidale Petition form. 1t Ac,l s Miami Beach City Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) 32I beIto Signature of the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ,Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Codet; \t 1 F.A.C.104 Voter Registration Number Lq orDate of Birth (MMTDD/YY) 02 I (11 Address 1 -7 0a,lc D Albn 55 I. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl b)' lhe Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knou,ingl1,, sign more lhan one petition for a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidale Petition form. Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) ?7Ito be Voterl sig I.E the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your rcard) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) z d County Miami-Dade State FL Rule 1 DS-DE 104 09,1 I or Voter Registration Number Ma ( Date of Birth Miami Beach City Zip Code CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is o uime to knowingly sign more lhan one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If oll requested information on this form is not completed, the forn will not be valid as o Candidate Petition form I.\:o A/') fl fln rz4 zz.+the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]*o partyaffiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Addressi;; h,-' p" P z-to L City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zio Code 7 ?t3, Rule F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) s Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number o Date Signed (MMTDDIYY) Ito be by Voterl Z? CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informotion on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knou,ingly sign more than one petilionfor a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ on this form is not completed, the form will not be vqlid as a Candidote Petition forn.- If all Date MM/DSigned Ito be Signature of Voter 104 09/1 1 I the undersigned, a registered voter (print it on your voter information card) in state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel i/Nonpartisan Ef,fo party affiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) oo*W, 4/w /n County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 73/ j? Rule I F.A.C. or Voter Registration NumberDate of Birth Miami Beach City CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informolion on this form becomes o public record upon receipt b), lhe Supert'isor of Elections. - It is a crime to knou,ingly sign more than one pelitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on lhis form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petilion form. ) Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) byIto be sig of Voter I.b the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation f]Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address t/oc)ffio City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3tsr37 Rule 1S-2 F.A.C.DS.DE 104 09,1 of Birth or Voter Registration Number GANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informalion on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one pelitionfor a condidqle. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as o Candidate Petilion form. t.Robe+ LinI)the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ./Nonpartisan f]*o partyaffiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number )>/t? I 6t Address a 6zs ALto+ Arfc ffi_ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zio Code33tll Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votei ..1oLl lz9 I L3 Rule 15-2.045, F DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/fi) Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All infornation on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knou,ingly sign more than one pelilion for a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form.- If all requested information on this of Voter Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Voteiz7Ito be t.4s the undersigned, a registered voter (pri nt name as it appears on your voter card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecl</complete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan Eruo pa(y affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Coderyl|l ) Rule tS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/fi) r' Date of Birth or Voter istration Number (MMTDDTYY)O lz \qr Address 6o CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All infornalion on lhis forn becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knov,ingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. fSection 104. 185, Florido StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be vqlid as o Cqndidqte Petition form. Voter ( I.the undersigned, a registered voter nt name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t Nonpartisan Eruo pa(y affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code D3S\q Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) lto be by Votel Rule I F.A.C.DS-DE l0.t (Eff.09,ll) Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY) or Voter Registration Number \ Address CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StotutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is not completed, lhe form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I.(,., G St ^X-the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY) or Vote.J Registration Num ber 1'ltrl 2= Address^----llto Q.r.J ?ol-, /J"^'.r City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Codee/'/o Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Votgrlqlz) /z 3 Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/tl) CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ requested informolion on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Pelition form, I.eL\the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number,ur,*fl'ilt_ Sl ^i6u\ Co\\\sx S \q City Miami Beach State FL Zip Codeu)\40 Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl t_ Rule 1 1 Miami-Dade County Sig CANDIDATE PETITION Notcs: - All infonnation on hisform beconres a public recud upot receipt by tle Sryerviw of fuctions - It is a crime to louwingly sign more thot one petitimfor a candifute. [Section 104.]85, Flryida Statuusl -IlallreEtestedinlonnation onhisfum isrct complete4 tlulormwillnotbe vahdasaCandifute Petitimfum. L l\ ,r, r, to X 1rz, ) i LLo the undersigned, a rcgistered voEr (print name as it appears on your voter inbrmalion card) in said steto and courfi, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Balht as a:lclnclobmfleb box, as appliabbl finp"rt*n !ruo party affiliation fl PaO candidata for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert titl€ of office and indude disfict, ciroit, group, seat number, if apflicabte) Dab of Birtll or VoterReglrffion Number (mmrDorYn05-'U.-t?4i Addrccr TTiT kn-st, BU-J rt"t rAnt Beeol F L3j,7y Ctty Miami Beach Gounty Miami-Dade Zip Code 33tql ofVoter Date Slgned (ilM/DIYYY) Ito ba ampleted by Votefl o4- 2Z- 2ae3 Ruh r84,0a6, F.A.c.BOE loa (E{f. mr{1) Stab FL CAi{DIDATE PETITIOil lhra.. - All nfinaanu oa thttlorrt ha'o;cs t pMrc ranrlrd t4n rclv.lpt 6-r' trlc Srgenlsur of Elcetlotu. - lt b t crtelr to hor,rhg{r, ilgllt rl.trl't than.nc rrtltioaftrr a cotdhlatc. /Sccrtor lN.lif. Flvlda Saarrcql - If all rcqucttal lnto'rir,ttoa tn thls fua u au coaplete[ the lom *tll not Ar rvr/ld al o Cat#/datc Petittoa fitrrr. I,the uxleralgned, E rEgEt€rEd r/oter lprtnt et lt eppcem on your yfrr niornglim cardl n BS BlEte end counN, p€ilon to lt8yo lhe nrne d Mictael "ltlike' Grisco pamed m En PrInry/Crornre Ebcton Belbl s a: lchecteozglbie 0or es #ofsl ttonparteen nrvopartyefrnmon fl PE ty canddEu fsthe ollha of Mayor ol Mlama Beadt (msen Dts ol oitoe Irt rnclde dBfic( crcutt. glorp. teEt numDE(. (apdrcaDh) O.L ot Bfrl or Ydr ]lunbrr Addrru (IIrDOrYn o 0 77zo 54rvnt Clty Couily 8t*c 2b Codr vzt4 IMlaml Beach Mlami-Dade FL / CANDIDATE PETITION Notcs: - All information on this lorm beones a prublic rewd upon receipt by the Sryervinr of fuaions. - It is a crime to lmowingty sign mqe than one petitiotfor a cudi&e. [&ction 104.185, Fltido &auus] - If all requested information ot his /on is rut conpleu4 the torm will not be valid as a Codidate Petitim fum. Miami Beachr/r Clty t-lergnetnn""*Urrhl \the undersigned, a rcgistered voEr nam9 it on your voiler infurmaton card) in said state and county, petitbn to haw the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lolnc:lchnpleb bx, as appliablel f]ruo party affiliation fl Party candidate forthe office of Malor of Miami Beach (insert title of offico and include distict, ciruil" group, seat number, if applicable) thte otBlrtt (um,tx)rYn ii"xryfrry'*' County Miami-Dade Steto FL Zp Code , I?3t1 I Dab Slgned (mM/DDrYn ""?;#y.:ryyb> Ft c. hrKz , CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petitionfor a candidote. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is not completed, the form v,ill nol be valid as a Condidate Petition form. I,Z the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eno party affiliation f]PaO candidate for the offlce of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seal number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code13//o Signature of Voter (- Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/tl) Number SL or VoterDate of Birth (MMrD Address o Date Signed (MM/D Iro CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informalion on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one pelilionfor a condidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested information on lhis form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidqte Petition form, I.A the undersigned, a registered voter (print name appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM'DD/YY) lzlll l.tg Address t*a+ /1.( M 7. I/ 1,66 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL F.A.C.DS-DE 104 09/1 Zip Code Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be Votef CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt b), the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not compleled, the forn will not be valid as a Candidote Petilion form. l.tr L Dz VcR o t:r 1.4 the undersigned, a registered voter (print narne as rt appears Jn your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliatio, f]PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of officr and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDDTYY) or Voter Registration Number q *r3 *3{Address e ?8 /-oL Lt q City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code J)/'l/ Signature of Voter /a*.) Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Votel O- L/ - l@yz, Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/1r) CANDIDATE PETITION No6: - All i{rmaion on hisform bn n6 a ptblic reard ryu reeipt by tltc &ryrbor dEledior*. - It is a qime to louwingly sigt, mqe tha orc paitionfor a candidae. fSedion 104.1E5, Fluido $aua] - If all rqaasted itdomolion on this form is not complete4 the form will not be valid os a Cotdidae Paition fum tt the urdensigned, a registered rroter (piilmrcc ll on yorrrrrder card) Michael "Mike'Griecoin sald stab and @unty. pdtlbn to have Op name d plaosd on the Prfnary/Generd Eledim Bdot a a:ldredcla nplete Dox, as appffihl @r.ronparusan l--luo party ffilbtion fl p"tty candklate brthe offce of Malor of Miami Beacft (irsert lide d ffie and indude dittict drEuit gru.p, set rumber, if appfcable) ,8 "* ln,h,i {,rt;Tr, >,1, I,fr of E[]tr or Vobr Regffion ]lumber tm'offio s-Tl'1 Addms SLU d l7 ZpCollr. 33 /?o DateSigned (mrDOrYY) '"fi'ryry'** of Vo&r tub is-z.oaa F-aG.D$DEr0{Ett ooflrl '*FL CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informalion on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petilion for a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If oll requested informotion on thisform is not compleled, theform will not be valid as a Candidote Petitionform. t.d-( r G 0'the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan flruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or Voter Registration Number t+? Address A 2o /."nry An+ - City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 71 ))7 Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Vo@n ry'-z 2 )z Rule t5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) r' ')/n/,'a/ea/tu Sig of Voter n CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelitionfor a candidale. [Seclion 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requesled information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. {.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel ,Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code Ll Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be Rule F.A.C.DS-DE 10/t (Eff. 09rll) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number 4J2 Miami Beach City Address t/l-L-\,a2 CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supertisor of Elections. - lt is o crime lo knowingly sign more thon one petitionfor a candidate. [Seclion 104.185, Florida Statutes] form is not completed, the form will nol be valid as a Candidqte Petition form.all requested information of Voter the undersigned, a registered voter nt it your voter information card) in said state ahfuounty , petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonparlisan Ef{o party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit,seat number, if applicable) State FL Rule DS-DE l0/t Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)_ Number ( or Voter Miami Beach City Address Miami-Dade County Zip Code Date lro 2('completed gned Votef CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one petilion for a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested information on thisform is not compleled, lheform will not be valid qs a Candidote Pelitionform. I.D \)nl e the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel !Nonpartisan flruo party affiliation f]PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 13 lu o Rule I F.A.C.DS-DE 10'l 09/t I Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY))t Voter T istration Number )1 (r7 Address,o>7 N h ,0, lJ >) Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) [to be t-(>7Votefl CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the forn will not be valid as a Candidale Pelition forn. '-'/is €.Orrl//u the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) ffi%"f c^:,4 5,Lr,'r';tea \ e? ucr F\Dhlt ^ )a) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code3)t31 Date Signed (MMTDDTYY) Ito be corppleted lyov/ao/s Voterl Ct2 ) Rule 1S-2.045. F.A.C DS-DE 104 (Eff.09'1r) or Voter Registration NumberDate of Birth (M I, CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for q candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StotutesJ - If all requested information on lhis form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Condidate Petition form '' ZDf)/t//lt D /llz the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eru, party affiliation f]PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DD/YY)ob/////qs-l City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code3s/37 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefi ?r/aa/:3 Rule 1S-2.0/15, F.A.C DS-DE 104 (Eft. 09'tl) Du,e Address ,?32/J/fl ob i, Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is a uime to knowingly sign more thon one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petilion form, Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterf 0 Signature of Voter I.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33H0 F.A.C.DS.DE IO4 09/t Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number bb1LS Address p4r\t c CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informalion on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on lhisform is nol completed, theform will nol be valid as o Candidate Petitionform. I.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan ENo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address Lq\I.s+ fi 106 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code'1)(\o Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be by Votefl Rule tS-2.045, F.A.C.os.DE 104 (Eff.09/11) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as o Candidate Pelition form. Signature of Voter the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as appears on your information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michae! "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DDIYY) or Voter Registration Number 9 Address 337 TOST rr^.rAtr ?/U City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 73 t34 Rule F.A.C.DS-DE 104 Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) 3 Ito Voterl I I. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on lhis form is not completed, the form will not be vqlid as a Condidote Petition forn. I L.^-(-the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ,Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number tzlZcjr.r5r Address A\\o^ Qr>& \)c\Ltct City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL zip Code "jtrHq of Voter vt_ Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Votefl @1 ql 2\[ 23 Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09'11) CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informotion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one petilionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form.information on- lf all p Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) Registration Number /1 I Miami Beach City of Date Iro (MM/DDTYY) by Votel 1 F.A.C. l.t)the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as information card) in said state and county, petition to have the of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) lll*s6 o County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code e4t ?q DS-DE 104 CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more lhan one petitionfor a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida Statutes] - If oll requested information on this form is not completed, the forn will not be valid os a Condidate Petition form. tl(O,l4- )/ lr, , O the undersigned, a resistered voter (print name as it appears on you in said state and county, petition to have the name of @ Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan flNo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY) or Voter Registration Number /t Address tLg(oo ttwU ktto City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code ,)(1{ Rule'lS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09'11) Signature of Date Signed (MMTDDIYY) Ito be by t. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informotion on this form becomes o public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested informotion on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as o Candidate Petition form. N o the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it rs on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DD/YYI C6-uanS Address L\tp \ri\pq f<yA City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 31r5\ Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 10,1 (Eff. 09/11) Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votel Lb\ I, CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informolion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petilion for a candidate. [Seclion 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on this form is nol compleled, the form will not be volid as a Condidate Petition form. l.Ylq-rl.o T?,,*u7V r^,utJ the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number l]r Address 4oc A N 4(,o City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code Signaturp of( I Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl \12,, / zcz? Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/t I ) CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informotion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knou,ingb, sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StotutesJ - If oll requested information on this form is not completed, the forn will not be valid as a Candidale Petition form. I.Ccrneli,,, fla. ./Y\ 5 the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonparrisan Eruo party affiliation f]PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address tsod Bo1 Rrl t51 1 13t31 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 10't (Eff. 09,1t) Voter Registration Number e'>I Date of Birth or of CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Superuisor of Eleclions. - Il is o crinte to knov,ingly sign more than one petitionfor o candidqte. [Section 104. 185, Florido StatutesJ - If all requested information on lhis form is not compleled, the form will nol be valid as a Candidqte Petition form. t.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliatio, f]Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or (MM/DDTYY)'v /,t1 Voter Registration Number /sz Address 4c r' ,4 z ro,l ,!D * /+,' City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3.\ r 3'i Signature of |oter ,..--:X 4 /;'r Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Votel' 4/.)'/,/aa Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE r04 (Eff. 09/fi) r' CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - Il is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petitionfor a candidqle. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ all requested information on lhis form is nol completed, the form will nol be valid as a Candidqte Petition form. ../the undersigned, a registered voter name as appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Ef{o party affiliatio, !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address v1\:7 9Vv*lc n fi.,u, City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 9Ll\l i F.A.C. Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number \) isnattile of Vw Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito beq CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informolion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a cqndidate. [Seclion 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - lf oll requested information on thisform is not compleled, theform will not be valid as q Candidate Petitionform. I.the undersigned, a registered voter L (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation fl PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address .{oJ w lq.tt (p City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 7 \tt1 o Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl L(L'l Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Efr. 09/r1) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) al or Voter Registration Number 6,?.: GANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by lhe Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knov,ingly sign more than one petition for a candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested infornation on this form is nol completed, the form will not be volid as a Candidqte Petition form I.A,l \the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number L Address 5t3 L) i,-1 ru J , Q 6'c\) . City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code D Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votel Ll' 73 'tl>23 Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/t't) \ CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All infornation on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knou,ingb, sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StotutesJ - If all requested informalion on this form is not completed, the form v,ill not be valid as a Candidqte Petilion .form. i Address the undersigned, a registered voter (pri as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan flruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) County Miami-Dade State FL Signature of Voter E Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be Votefl 3 Rule DS-DE lo/t 09/1 I Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) Number I or Voter Miami Beach City =.12t+o CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petilion for a candidate. [Seclion 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requesled informotion on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I.Edz-s buA pn Lu the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ./Nonpartisan flruo partyaffiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or /Voter ffpgistration Number (MM/DDTYY) u"lal I L(g Address 3"fro Oo /ci'vs *ue/*/J- City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zio Code33/r0 Rule lS-2.0t15, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Efr.09/11) Signature of VoterM Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be 'o Votefl CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on lhis form becontes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a condidate. [Seclion 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petilion form. S C the undersigned, a registered voter (print me as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eho party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seal number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MMTDDTYY)o8 -30- lgSa Address BSoo ?ot 7l,s (l'" APtl oF City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3B t+0 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl+- aG- A5 Rule I .A.C.DS-DE r04 (Eff.09/11) Signature of Voter t. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All idormation on this form becomes a public record upon receipl b), the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is o crime to knov'ingly sign more than one petitionfor o candidqle. [Section 104.185, Floridq StatutesJ - If all requested informalion on this form is not completed, lhe forn will not be valid as a Candidale Petition form. ({.r.,. ,f \"y i^ \\ theundersisned'aresisteredvoter in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t/Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33tJ 1 Signature of lt \q Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.104 (Eff. 09/t1) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or Voter Registration Number \D t132) Miami Beach City 1106 p A ._B Address Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by 3LZ I. CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petilion for a candidale. [Seclion 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be volid os a Candidqte Petition form, t.1' *t+ 5krPlc"'l the undersigned, a registered voterreit appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan flruo party affiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number a? / aq/ (tz County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3jno Rule tS-2.045. F.A.C.DS.DE t04 (Etf. 09/il) Address (aLtt,t: il, , i4t Df $?' Miami Beach City Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) )1L Ito be Votefl CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidale. [Section 104. I 85, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as q Candidate Petition form. ^rL I ,,v ,<...the undersigned, a registered votert. (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ,Nonpatisan Eruo party affiliation !ParW candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number 'l{'f,Ur-l?zo City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33 t "/o Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be complete! by Votefi @ +--U-A.o<3 Rule 1S-2.0lr5, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) Address Boo 9 {\l 1r/,:'J JJ CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. i,85, Florida StatutesJ - If oll requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid os a Candidote Petilion form. l.fr.,l. n,r i,\ S c,, .. n the undersigned, a registered voter in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code .3-t I Ll o Rule tS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) Date of Birth (Mru/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number Address 33 C-t C a> Signature of Voter -{Z) Cr\ Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed byLo Votel.1.-t I CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one pelilion for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested infornotion on thisform is not completed, theform will nol be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. I.the undersigned, a registered voter in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliatio, !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY)g or Voter Registration Number t'' 33 Address ]Ufi-r,* .) 7-e:,-),f'r'"' City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zio Code3J/ Sionature of Voter , I (:'o "f4a/ "/i, z-/<t4-rz Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 10a (Eff. 09/rl) o'/.""b z Date Signed Ito be CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on thisforn becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor ofElections. - Il is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petilion for o cqndidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on lhis form is not completqd, lhe forn will not be valid as a Candidate Petilion form.(osn Nl Kbt'/<Cl.the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your voter card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t/Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address 7 ?,t, c o &luz ,7ut Flzt'2. County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 1 lr /-u Signature of Voter !L /,/ ,Kct.r.t Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl LL. 27 Rule lS-2.(M5. F.A.C.DS-OE 104 (Eff. 09/fi) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number Miami Beach City CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informalion on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is o crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If oll requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidqte Petition form. I.l/n,a A. Mo.-/,97r- J the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eno partyaffiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY) or Voter Registration Number os l13 /ft Address /?,o o 0-/ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Gode 33131 Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefl oq\zb lzz Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE r04 (Eff. 09/1 1 ) Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on lhisform becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor ofElections. - It is a crime lo knou,ingly sign more than one petilionfor a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested informalion on this form is not compleled, lhe form will not be volid as o Candidate Petition forn. I.the undersigned, a registered voter it appears your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ffinprnirrn !ruo partyaffiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address 7oo y(a _ra City Miami Beach County Miami Dade State FL Zip Code ?22 11 Signature of Voter Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be corqpleted by Voterl'7*, Rule F.A.C.DS-DE ,I04 09/1 1 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number t"1 v7 crV'6 CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl b), lhe Supervisor of Elections, - lt is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested information on thisform is not completed, theforn will nol be valid as a Condidate Petitionform. ojvaen 2ozI (MM/DD/YY)Date Iro Lar(t u c,q"the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel -/fllNonpartisan nruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) County Miami Dade State FL tr:re of Voter e Rule F.A.C.104 09/1 1 or Voter Registration NumberDate of Bi Miami Beach City 4. n Zip Code 33/l I CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knov,ingly sign more than one pelition for a candidale. [Seclion 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested infornation on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form, E l.)E the undersigned, a registered voter name as it on voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael"Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel -/fiNonpartisrn nruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the offlce of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number /o '/5- 11 Address blt- 8ts-(Ha City Miami Beach County Miami Dade State FL Zip Code 33t4 / Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl5-/4-z= Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C.os-DE 104 (Eff. 09/rl) I CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All idormalion on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipl b), the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingll, sign more than one petilionfor o candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on lhis form is not completed, the form will nol be valid as a Candidale Petition form. t. f) t Gi-- /\ItUbc^_\ Ln -'b tt the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael"Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ffionpartis"n l-lruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number zoo Address gl@ fi rrc zo"t City Miami Beach County Miami Dade State FL Zip Code 3t /?/ Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl < _ /.{. 2-3 Rule I F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09'11) of Voter f(7-- Signature CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested informqtion on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid os o Candidate Petition forn. I./1rae.a lrzl ar-r+ Cvz-1]the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and coun$, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DDTYY) Address k t F-..r;cl \r<- A-"l- ?.L h^E> County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3 s t>c1 Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Voterl ojl nl?3 Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/r1) Miami Beach City Signature of CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - Il is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petilion for a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidale Petition form. l.ft the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) U$6= e ueL\N AVA r(,7 Gity Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code3 3l3? Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be i\':'2 s Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09fi1) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number of <eN CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidote. [Seclion 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested itormation on this form is not completed, the form will nol be volid qs a Candidote Petition form. ur/-) Signature of Voter l,v D the undersigned, a registered votert.It-- (print name $itappears on in said state and county, petition to have the name your voter information card) of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation ! Mayor of Miami Beach PaO candidate for the office of (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number r)9 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3::/ (/ / Rule I F.A.C. Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl l, ,3I DS-DE IO4 09/1 1 Address tJzt/ lf ll ict-:-1 :/.C CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl b),the Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petilion for a condidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida Stotutes] - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petilion form. I. .4)Uzn,b the undersigned, a registered voter name as it your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3))V/ Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number o 4o/ - 6rY* Address ,l-o 6 Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) {3 by VoteflIto be CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Superuisor of Elections. - lt is a crime lo knou'ingly sign more than one pelitionfor a condidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StqlulesJ - If all requested informalion on this form is not compleled, lhe form will nol be valid as o Condidate Petition form. t.e <l*<a)the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address 1 51 Ld (jI A,"e o/( City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code J3 i 31, Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl ct/t y /.2_< Rule 15-2.045, F os-DE r04 (Eff. 09/11) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)0 or Voter Registration Number )g-/?/-4 CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida SntutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. L the undersigned, a registered voter (print as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplate box, as applicablej Nonpartisan E*o party afiiliation []Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include districl, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or Voter Registration Number ol I Gity Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33 r c1a Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Y be completed by Voterl c'51 ,,i zt:41 9ss= (e\h,nrA.t. A(t,16'LAddrcss Signaturc of Voter (,u-t-a CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All idormation on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requesled informalion on lhis form is nol completed, the form will not be vqlid as a Candidate Petition form. Miami Be City ch Signature of Voter t.i L f,u /)the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address E)t (tt( ( tt) t-+qc) County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code /3 Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) Date of Birth (MMTDDTYY) or istration Number 1 7 J Votefl Date Signed Ito be CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhon one petilion for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If oll requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Condidate Petition form. t.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it on your card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Eleclion Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t/Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or V^oter fsistration Number cri )-v / 7V? Gity Miami Beach Zip Code 3373" County Miami-Dade Rule 1 F.A.C.DS-DE 104 09/t Address ^l FL State Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) /b VoterlIto be o CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All idormation on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelilionfor a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not conpleted, the form will not be valid as o Candidale Pelition forn. I./+t the undersigned, a registered voler name as it appears on your voter card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ,Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DD/YY) Of)/e=-,4q City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3/57 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votel as/la/z s Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE r04 (Erf. 09/rl) (a Address CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelilion for a condidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not conpleted, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I,01 aqy;c,o GutcenO the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ./Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM'DDTYY) ov lloltqlz Addressq"5:"- l)e n "5U lr)cr /'t (e- ^-/ * zo[ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3-ti3? Signature of Voter A<*- Cl,r1-:ch4 ot-tt*ti ctD Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE't04 (Eff.09/11) Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito beo Voterl Z 3ZC)C)/ CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All infornation on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatulesJ - If all requested information on this form is not compleled, the form will not be valid as q Candidate Pelilion form. t.the undersigned, a registered voter nt as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael"Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ffinprrtirrn nruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) County Miami Dade State FL Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) lto by Votefl lz Rule tS-2.045,DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/rl) Voter Registration NumberDate of Birth or Miami Beach City Address Zip Code of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on lhis fortn becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is a crime to knowingll, sign more than one petition.[or a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petitiort Jttrm. t the undersigned, a registered voterem name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placey'zon the P #on*n,.,n rimary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel E*o party affiliation tr PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number City County Miami Dade Zip Code 33 l'/ IMiami Beach Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C DS-DE 104 (Efr.qq11) ?3sG Address ,g\l' FL State )- Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito by Voterl CAT{DIDATE PETITION Nota: -AIl infornatiutur kislormbeumes apublic rerctdugnnreceipt by tlc &pentiw of Electians. - It is a qine to btowtngly sign more ilwt orc petitionfor a mdtulac. [Sectiot IM.l85, Florida StautesJ - If all reryested infonution on this form is not untpbted, the forn will not be vabd as a Candifute Petitim form. Miami Beach oty ami-Dade Gourty Slgnatum of. ( L LO, ; Ano.. (\<-r the undersigned, a reglstered votcr (print name as it appaars on your voter infurmation in said state and county, petilion to harle the name of Michael "Mike'Grieco placa<l on the Primary/General Eledion Ballot as a:ldloc/rttrimpler. box, as aflbaDlrl Nonpartisan E]ruo party afiilietion I Party candidate for lhe ofiics of Mapr of Miami Beach (insert tide of oi{fice and include distict, cirulit group, seat number, if applicable) t}rb of Elirth (mil,IxvYY) or VotcrReglrffionNumbcr t\ ro\-r5 Addtrtr 8t l5' Ho*.l/, o ,,.4rc. 4 ? Zlp Godo .33) y/ Deb Slgned (ttHrDD/Yn [60 b by Votct'l J Strb FL oflo41 7'11 6qq CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All infonnation on this form becones a public recud upon receipt by ttu Strymiw of Electims. - It is a crime to fuau,ingly signmue tlwr orc petitio{or a wdfulate. [Section lM.l85, Florida Santes] - If all rcqrcsted informafim on fi,is form is not mrytbted, the fonn will not be valid as a Cmdifute Petitior torm. L It the undersigned, a registered vobr,L CJ <- name es it appears on yourvoter cerd) in said state and county, petition to harre the name of Michael 'Mike'Grieco placed on the Primary/General Elec'tion Ballot es a:lcleclobnpleb box, as apliablel f]ruo party afiiliation f] PaO candidate forthe ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of officg and include district, ciruit, group, seat number, if applicable) Addrcac 2oo Allan /&. &/, / o// Ctty Miami Beach Gounty Miami-Dade State FL Zlp Gode 3Sd5q tlate Slgned fimrDDrYn Ito b comfleted by Voterl s-/>/zE Rub I F-A.C. tlrb of Birtr (uMrlDrYY) or VoterRegbiln0on Number Signafure of VoEr ,r-a*;9 Zunr c9/\ pnoA,G.r(tZ- l" * tzsGo{3gz CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informolion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for o candidale. [Seclion 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Cqndidote Petition form. l'l Ov r G te{ (<-( -the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address 38 CO C.,\\,n5 [r't. Np\ \q\$ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3 ,?t.{ c. Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be,completed by Votefi s f tr lrs Rule t5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Efr. o9/11) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) Voter Registration Numberor DT,r1 I Voter I. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informotion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is o crime lo knowingly sign more than one pelition for a condidole. [Section 104.185, Floridq Stotutes] - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as q Candidate Petition form. I.tJ,o(<_t* (ntJe{tt*-the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number o C City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33t39 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefi 5-rt- 23 Rule 15-2.0/15, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/11) /l Address It/Q <r, Signature of wn CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - Il is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Cqndidote Petition form. t, tl ,,J "J the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DD/YY) ar-U'20'tl Address tli ttt" t,tt tw4 nlrqD i- City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code Sltsr Signature of Voter ul'1,, 1 (a,'<., Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl {'tl -zt Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 10't (Eff. 09/1 I ) CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is o crime to knowingly sign more than one petilion for a candidale. [Section 104.185, Floridq StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Pelilion forn. (0. I t(the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or/ / ,,> Voter Registration Number ,//)) Address (90, 1'r/ 4 (; F 4 4C 375< City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3-z li7 Rule lS-2.045. F.A.C DS-OE 104 (Eff. 09/11) ,oy/i-Votersig ,'r' I /._) Ito be (.2)-2 Date Signed by CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by lhe Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a condidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested idormation on thisform is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. I.Aj L'r4r: OI€>A the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel i/Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for lhe office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofiice and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address 9 5S (-,pao,,'( alrL,LOZ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33 t79 Date Signed (l Iro 'i- Rule 1S-2.0r15, F DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/11) Date of Birth (MMTDDTYY)t0 iqsL Numberor Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informotion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by lhe Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime 1o knowingly sign more than one pelition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as q Candidate Petition form. I.Mxr.rr N c k\usc the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DD/Y.Y)QIt*lnuu Address qlz-Wz-;rDlnE #c FW City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3zl z1 Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be by Votefl o t3 Rule tS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Efr.09'fi) CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is not completed, the form v,ill not be valid as a Candidqte Pelition forn. Signature of Voter Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be S by Votefl I, t V l,> the undersigned, a registered voter (print name it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33i3q os-DE 104 09/t I or Voter Registration NumberDate of Birth /s CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more lhan one pelition for a candidate. [Seclion 104. 185, Florida StotutesJ - If all requested infornotion on this form is not completed, the forn will nol be valid os a Condidale Petilion forn. t.Ao sE \q Q,.,l. . ^the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Er'ro party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (inse( title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address io.ro -c-uc\,d Nu. + 7. MB = City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33\ Signature of Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/t 1 ) Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY) or Voter Registration Number o<(I CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All idormation on lhis form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelilionfor o candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requesled information on lhis form is nol completed, lhe forn will not be valid as a Candidate Pelilion form. I.the undersigned, a registered voter (print riame as it appears your I card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Effo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or Voter Registration Number City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefl 05-\1--t\ Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/tl) Address Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All idormolion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ all lon thison ,s nol the notwill validbe acls PetitionCandidateainformatformcompleted,forn forn. Voter / t.jO Sr h G?Rr the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation f]PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address (5 (,/,Rrt firre 4 I City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade StaG FL Zip Code 33t32 Rule 1 .4.C.DS-DE 10.1 09/1 I Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or o r o ,I /3 Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be by Voterl A'JLl CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knot,ingly sign more lhan one pelition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as o Candidate Petition form. I./'/an,r, C /ri/4 the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecl</complete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan fluo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code '>3/ i' Signature olYorer Id Date Signed (MMTDDIYY) Ito be completed by Votef re--i;/zi Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE r04 (Eff. 09/11) 7't */"2,/t x, < o 2, ,ly' 7ir--a7/z Address e CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is o crime to knowingly sign more than one petilionfor o candidote. [Section ]04.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will nol be valid as a Candidate Petition form. bn Vel L cv the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecVcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]No party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofiicc and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM'DDTYY)'05)to'\\ qs1_ Address ^ t Ect l"{?/iti d,A fl'-t # zL N h PI City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3sr>7 Signature of Voter a".Crry--V Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl u s-lr 3/z oz_t Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE r04 (Eff. 09/tl) I. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supertisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidale. [Seclion 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Candidate Petilion form. e (("/I,the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t/Nonpartisan Euo party affiliation !Party candidate for the offlce of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number ''Ui'lD <-t q se- Address 9qgo N U fDL State FL Zip Code 3stqo Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE t04 (Eff. 09/tl) Miami eac City County Mi ade Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be Voterl 6 *rtroro 73 t i- CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingll, sign more than one pelitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StotutesJ - If all requested informqtion on this form is not completed, the form u,ill not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. t' 1lLri Vr(tun,the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or Voter Registration Number I o'l c3b '1 (43 Address /(t, Z.ta,/1;-D-i 7 20 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 7tt/t Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterlu/, t /.2 z Rule l5-2.Or5, F.A.C DS-DE l0.l (Etr. 09/rl) si Voterofgnaturef '2 -('*,1*2at. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested informotion on this form is not compleled, the form will not be valid as q Candidate Petition form. I.the undersigned ered voter (print name as it voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eno party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address -7 Z l al, " @av,/, LuP 6 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33t,t1 Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE r04 (Eff.09/1t) Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY) or Voter Registration Number Signature of Voter L le.t/ Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefl o lD+ {oq cto3o37 1 CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingll, sign more lhon one petilion for a condidote. [Seclion 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - If oll requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will nol be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I.tA t It\EZ the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan E ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of offlce and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number(MM'DDIYY)ob-(1- l14c Address t4 ).e,\ S e/yLp f 5 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33tv I Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefl J_i _23 Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C.qsiSEl!!IEt !941) Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is o crime to knowingly sign more thon one petitionfor o candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is not compleled, the form v'ill not be valid as o Cqndidate Pelition form. the undersigned, a registered voter'' ltRGrdtn fi -,te n<z I in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or (MMTDD/YY)4- 7 Voter Registration Number 5o Address G t{V Lel.o7 A+t hot City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 37t31 Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Votel €-z-2-g Rule l5-2.045, F DS-DE r04 (Eff. 09/1r) Signature of Voter -L? CANDIDATE PETITION Notcs: - All information on thisform becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to lorowingly sign morelhan one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - IlPluttted in{{mation on tli I\y is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I Registration Numberr ( Date of Birfr Miami Beach City i-Dade County 41v Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be 0 5 /,Z- by Votefi Signatu I,the undersigned, a registered voter name as it your card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan f]*o party afiiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofiice and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) |fr"ru*dl/rfrme State FL Zip Code Rule DS-DE l0{09111 v Nota: - A, information on thisform becomes ,?#?)"P,hl:,i:;#?ilrervisor of Etections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petilion Ior a candidole. [Section 104- I 85, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested informotion on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. t' f o.ft u-$n^.-l the undersigned, a registered voter E7-@ your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchedolcomplete box, as apflicablel r'Nonpartisan f]ruo pafi affiliation fl Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of office and indude district, ciranit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Bir$ or Vobr Registration Number (rsMrDDIYn'oq -oe-+g Address Lqts N rLrri o\.o--. A'{-< City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Zp Code 3 jtq o Signaturc Voter Date Signed (mri/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Voterl s-&o -23 Ruh 1S-2O15. F-A-C.DS{)E roa Gfi. t)grltl StaE FL Nota: - Au inrormation on thisforn becomes ,7i}?]P,!il::fri[:-"ile^,isor of Etecrions. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petilion for a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florido Stotutes] - If all requested information on thisform is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. v-l Date of Birth (trrDDIYY) or Number 7/ Miami Beach Caty Signature of I,\AV( C the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on in said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Eledion Ballot as a: lchecAamplete Dr.x, as apf,icablel @ruonpartisan !ruo party affiliation I Mayor of Miami Beach card) Michael "Mike" Grieco PaO candidate for the office of (insert tiUe of office and include distric{, ciranit, group, seat number, if applicabh) Addres r 3o t tr)- *'"f,-u\4 lh4"' County Miami-Dade State FL Zp Code =7)1 I t0a byo Date Slgned [to 0e Notq: - A, inrormation on thisrorm becomes,TiIYP,hl,:::;:il?Io"-u* orEtecrions - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104. /,85, Florido Statutes] - lf all requested informotion on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Condidate Petition form. t.[yn* 6*rzdkry"the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lched</amplete box, as applicablel [truonpartlsan flruo party affiliation f]Party candidate for the ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of offce and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birtt (mt,DDrrY) or Voter Registration Number o) -oz- 7Y Address hot bqfr { 4-r-r tu1 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade StaE FL Zp Code 7)(V I Date Signed (miirDD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl OI - to-23 RulG ls-2.l}15, F.A-C.DS-DE 10,[ (Etr 09111) Signature of Voter . CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All infitrmalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelitionfor a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested information on this form is not compleled, lhe form will nol be valid as a Candidate Petition form. t.the undersigned, a registered voter as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan E*o party afflliation I Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address lo -rlo)^A k ( City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 7v(Yl Rule DS-DE r04 (Eff. 09/rl) or Voter Registration NumberDate of Birth (M Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed Voterfb L7 I CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on lhis form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidale Petition form. t' hkl4,o N *coaT,+the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number t- I Address l? {a '7/ Srre. f + p (/ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33/+l Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votef 06/r7/eE Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09'11) CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. i,85, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form v,ill nol be valid as o Candidole Petition form, L'^Vi'-e-\ S*<.\ 2-.=the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonparlisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number s ltt\:s- Address 25 T) S.S trr<-\r NSI ( City Miami Beach County Miami Dade State FL Zip Code B\r\1 Rule F.A.C.DS-DE 104 Signature of Voter Ub^l JF Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be by Votefl CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Seclion 104.185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on this form is nol compleled, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petilion form. t/ I,GTL the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpailsan E No party affiliation tr Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, ciranit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address ?to \rJdlT- Ptlf, t?f VE City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code ?717q 104 09rl or Voter Registration Number q3 Date of Birth Bo Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Votei CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All idormation on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. -Itisacrimetoknowinglysignmorethanonepetitionforacandidate. [Seclionl04. IS5,FloridaStatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not compleled, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. tl I,the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: [checUcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan E No pa$ affiliation tr PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tifle of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Codeg7ts1 Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed ty a LA 104 09/11 Voter Registration Number 11 Date of n lo LW qruAddress l-D Signature of Voter lhirloilt ofEledrorv-rewd tteonabiorn*AANo6:byrecetpt &pantisorirdcn diot tlrmtmlre cadidae.a 101.Ilsftcrnneato FloridaE5,Awvn4b sign [Section fiaual - If oll rquasted ttdormation onthisform is amplae4 thefqrnwill not be valid as a Codidae Pailionfun. CANDIDATE PETITION L the unden*gned, a registered voter (prh[mrc eppears on yourr&r lnbrmatbnad) in said stato atd @unty, psttlion to harte the narne of Micfiael "Mike" Grbco placd on fie Prtnary/General Ehdion Balbt a alffi<lanO&fe Dox, esappf,ca0bt @rcnpartlsan f]uo party ffinaoon E PaO candideEbrtheoffice of Mayor of Miami Beadt (irs6rttiU€ dofice and indude dkfiict drcuit grury, eet rumber, if appfcatrb) D.hof Bttr or VobrRegfuffion ]lumber (ffirDD/Yn t o/N / Addroeo L L$/J oY ot*-+Z City County f\,tna,,* r DrrDd Z9Calon- I Dab Signed (mrDDrYY) fD De G by Voterl b L9 &lb Stab +a Slgnatrlo of Vobt h??L(?B-D WIEL (D i \Z63to q3 Y CANDIDATE PENTION Nota: - All irdcmotion on thisfun beroma a ptblic remd tpon reetpt by the &prvbor of Elediorv. - It is a qime to @ly sigtt moe th@, oe pafiionfu a wdidae. fSeaion 104-1E5, Florido $ara] it{ormation onthisfornt is rnt conplaed, thefqrrrwtll nA be valid as a Cqdidae Pattiotr- If all rquasted fmL U Slgnaturc of - L the undersigned, a registered roter (ptilnarnas iteppears m yourvder in said stato ard @unty, pettlion to have the name of Midrael "Mike" Grieco plaed on tc PrfnaryGenerd Eledim Bdd as a:lfficlutffi Dox, asappf,ca0b! @nronpartisan l-'lno party affilhtion El PaO candklatefortheoffice of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (nsertti0e of c,fie and indude dsfiict, drurit gru.p, seat nrmber, if appfcattle) ffisffi i\ffiY' "Hl'{\ Oate (trrrDD,YY) l{r,Voterl Z3 Rh I stlb YUt)ftY,lL Wa CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i{rnaim on rtisforn becomq a pblic reard tqon recetpt by the Stryrvisor of Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to huwtngty sign more thot one petitionfor a cutdidaa fSeaion 104.1E5, FWida $ata] - If all rqucsted it{ormaion on this form is not complaed, the form wlll not be valid as a Codidae Paition form. L L, nilvDLt->the urdersigned, a regisGred voter (pint mre as itappears on yourrr@rinfornalbn card) in said stata ard oorrnty, p€{ilim to harc the nsne of lulidtael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prirnary/General Election Ballot as a:ldrer/c/a nflete Dox, asappficaOhl Eruo party affliatbn I PaO canditlab forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfr Gnsert 60e of offie and indude di€ffict cilcnit group, seat number, if apdcabb) Addreaelfroo Pu./l>/ t/ City Nl tA f4J County /4 - DlDe- Steb-t-L ZpCodc 7vt v7 tulg t$zoa6,ut{E roa Gr. 00nl} mr,Dont 1/ llurnberI).tEofE[rtt or Ilete lJouo ^^^,D6LLtlol!:/'- rD" (oqor3f,6'l Slgnaturc Vo&r CANDIDATE PENilON Nota: - All itdcmaion on thisform beconq a public renrd tqon recetpt fo tlrc Stprvbor af Eleaiow. - Il is a crime to louwtngly sign more than one partionfu a cmdidae. [Seaion 104.185, Fluida Staua] - If all rquated it{ormdion onthisform is not contpleted theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. L (Ar*/c)q <*K€e l.IF the urdersigned, a registered voter (pintmrc as frappears on yourrrGriftnnalion sd) in safol stab and county, pe{ilion to ha,e the narne of Michael "Mike'Grieco placed on the Prinary/GercralEledim Ballot a a:ldtdc/wnplete Dox, aseppficabbl Elxopartyatrliation fl PaO candidate forthe offioe of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (ins€rtlite dffice ard irdudo dsfict circdt, gru.p, seat rumber, if appficabb) Addroas ?ro N€sTArs City thB CountyT)nD( tub ts-aoa5, Fr.c.Ir$oE toa GIr.08nr) Regffion llumber *q IhtB of \ or . Vobr StlEE ZpCoor. 3s I Slgnfrrc of Dab Signed (miltDDrYn Ito be compbted by Voterl o3 CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i{mnaion on thisform becomq a pblic rewd upon reetpt by the Stptrbor of Elaiorc. - It is a c?tme to lotowingly sign more than ou pattionft a candidde. fSeaion lM.l85, Flrido StataJ - If all rquested hdormdion on thisform is rct complaed, theform will rot be valid as o Codidae Paitionform. L ohte Ch Xr\.Aa the urdersigned, a registered voter narE as appears on youruder in saU silab ard ounty, pefilbn to hat e the narne of Mlcfiael "Mike" Grieco pld on tte PftnaryGeneral Hecfbn Balbt as a:ldred<la nrylete Dox, as appficaDlel @ruonpartisan flno party affliatrcn I PaO candidete forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert lite d ffice and indude disfrict, drcuiq grory, seat number, if appficaUe) IrGof Brtr (ffiroD/Yn or VoterRegisffionNumber , o I t,'-l \t9 Addree t..| "15 tL 7( Ae-f l@f City llt *r*t ?€ncnl County I^{A-$^4 DnD{ ZpCodcj7 rs1 Dab Signed (tt DDIYY) Ito M ampleted by Voterl L7 &rb l$2.0a5. F.fC.D$I,E l04tEtf. Gnll Stab {L Slgnatue of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irdormaion on this form b*oma a ptblic rewd upon reeipt by the &prvisor af Elediors. - It is a crtme to lorowttrgb sign more thot one patttonfor a cmdidae- fSection |M.IEi, Florida &ata] - If all rquasted information onthisform is not completed theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. L fr sah e" a N. H, o,.t the undersigned, a registered voter (pintname as itappears on yourrr@rinbrnatim card) in saU stab ard oounty, p€tlbn to hat e the name of Micfiael"Mike" Grieco pla€d on Sle Prinary/General Electbn Bdh as a:lfficlaaplde Dox, as appfcaOlcl @ruonpartisan [no pary atrliation fl PaO candidate forthe orffice of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insertliUe dffice and indude difict, cinuit" grory, seat number, if appf,cabb) DG of E[rtr (ffirDorYn or Voter Regfisilration ilumber O'1 - oz-- r1?3 Addrese ' tLo O h)at hA,- ) v ll City Mt ryn ilrru+ County 1rntht-lr 2ADf Stab r_Zp Code 7s1 S[natuteof DabSignod (mrDD/Yn lto be by Voterl (,L &ftls-a0as,F-fc.D90EroaG{t @fill CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All i{umaion on hisform becona a ptblic rewd upon receipt by the Sryankol, af Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to @ly stgn more thst one petitionfor a codidae. [Seaion IU.IEi, Florida Staua] - If all rquestet it{ormation on this fonn is not complaed, the form will not be valid as a Codidae Paition form. t,G;\v(4/ NffifrN fi6 urden*gnod, a registered voter (gint nare as il appears on youruder inbrnation card) in said state and oounty, petilbn to have the name of Mlcfiael "Mike" Grbco plaed on tre Prinary/@nerd Ehcfion Bdh as a:ldrd<lanrylete Dox, asapplicablel Elropartvatrlhtion fl PaO candidate forthe orffice of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert ti0e of ffie and indude dsfricl, drcuiq group, seat number, if appf,cabb) I!#of Bir$ or VobrRegfirffion Number (m'DD'Yn e/tf/t?7+ Addrets lLl/t l2OO w"// /'e cltv 04,prh) gecbl County N\r+n %{ZpColr. 7r t9 Slgnatue ofVoter Dalb Signod (mfrDDfYn fo De Voterl 2 R bl$2Ja5.FLC.DSOEtoaGIf.Onil sq0arL CANDIDATE PENilON No6: - All itdrmaion on thisfrm bcorr* a pblic rewd ryon reeipt fo the &prvisor of Eledios. is a qime to louw@y sign mre thot orc petitionfor a codidae fSeaion 1U-165, Florida $aua] all onthisform ts conplaed, thefomwlllnot be valid as o Codidate Paitionfun. Clty 0 I tte t rder$gnod, a registered noter NAIIE AS on yourroterinfumli<m can ) h sai, silab ard oormty. pelilion b hauu tlp rnrp d Midrad'Mike" Grieco placd on the Prinary/General Eledim Belld a a:ldtdcla nfl€/o Dox, as appficaobl @rmpartlsan lluo party ffi[etirn E PaO candUab furthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insstliUe doffie and indrrdo difrict drcuit grup, seat nrmber, if applcabb) De of Brfi or Vobr Regffion llumber f) Addrtls le*Gt(^s A,re lVeq Couply A Z9Cadc a7 tt1 0 DateSigned fiUrDDrYn Ito0ranp/rl/redbyvoterl -25 O$DE 0tr stlb TL CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more lhon one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is not compleled, the forn will not be valid as a Candidqte Petition form, /Lla , ,^ C- . A "r^..( + ro h- q.the undersigned, a registered voter (prinTname'as it appears -on your voter infolmation/card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan E r,ro party affiliation f]Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number il .r q 90()q Address E, County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code )l Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl _)- Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-OE 104 (Eff. 09/1r) I. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is q crime to knowingll, sign more lhan one pelitionfor a candidote. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on thisform is not compleled, lheforn will not be vqlid as a Candidale Petitionform. the undersigned, a registered voterffilov @r voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael"Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address l.{oo trt.c-o\^ .rr} 4 soz- City Miami Beach County Miami Dade State FL Zip Code 33rj1 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefl e .'l ,)3 Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE r04 (Eff. 09/1 I ) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) Registration Number <bL or o5 Voter { I. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more thon one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on lhis form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidqte Petition form. t.a/A/,^/gi o the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael"Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f] ruo party affiliation f]PaO candidate for the offlce of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami Dade State FL Zip Code 37t4t Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefi c/qlzs Rule l5-2.045. F.A.C.DS-DE 10'l (Eff.09/11) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number Ir t--zols I Address b 0t t C.=-J"-t, CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is a crime lo knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a condidote. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If oll requested information on lhis form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I.t,,( A{;ve {o 1 the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael"Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecVcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM'DD/YY) oz () b I /o cc City Miami Beach County Miami Dade Zip Code \\l'tl Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) lfo be by Votefi Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C DS-DE r04 (Eff. 09'11) Address 9lq t'\ i)lon /uc State FL Signature of Voter I (' (. , CANDIDATE PENNOil N@ - All bfffian on tlds f*nt tuna a piillc rcmd ryut r@t fo tlu &prvbor of ElAus- - It is a qhc ta ffigly sign rno? tho, @p pailbnfr a wtddae tSerlfon IM.IAi, Florldo fiauaJ - { all rqwtd hfcn diott ot this fom ls rct @rrplde4 tlrefffir, wlll d b yalid as a Codifue Pdtbtfun OJ t P,cL\:a<rt-D ftn@ tln undcrdgtt4 a qi*red vder -prrumrmiffionctq h said stab td @t rily. pffim b half8 OD tl,rta d MhhaeN a/fike'Grieo Cffid qrtln pttnaryrcaoreEhdlm Bdd e a.fffit@e Ao4 eagpf,oaf*l Elf'r-purmr Elnopartydl[atbn EI p"rtv candd#turfiofficeof Mapr of Miami Beach {acdedttregdindude glutp,agptdle) Addru )u" C<>vvvNS ffi,{ (*ft cxt,Cotrtfy I strb L ZjCam. j-lt q Deb8lgm.d (tDOrSr) Ito b ottfr/bd by Voterl c{-r ->s VdrRrgililrrton lltlnbrC f Drbof E tt ol Oxo,r CA]IDIDATE PETITION N@ - All i$rnaion on hisfora bwmq a pblic rcwd ryot receipt fo tlw &pa visu 6El"dtoB. - It k a c?ime to Wb srsn mue thst ou pcfitionfor a wtdtulae [Section 1U.lE5, Flortda StauaJ - If all rqusted it{mnation onthlsfmrr ls ,pt @ntplete4 tluformwlll rct be valid as a Codidae Paitionfum. L "L tte urd€Bigned, a rqistered roter (sht natrF aa itapparsm yourt@r card) Micfiael "Mike'Gr*)coin said dab and @t tt, p€flirn b hauo the ngne d C m ttE Prtnaryrceneral Ebclion B&t as a:l@b Dox, as affiohl @nmpartisan Elr.ropartyffifntion fl p"tty canffibturtheofficeof Mayor of Miami Beacfi Cnsert tiUe d offce ard incfuda dsfric[ dtuit, $otp, ssat rumb€r, il appHle) D& of Brfi o? Vtrr Rsghffion ]lumber (mrDDrYY) Addrcer A.d *'t ZpCodr iTtto DabSlgned (illDD/YY) Ito[tc:onple#,d by Voted 4 -t'27 CdrnlyCtty u Stsb l-1- Slgnfrrm of V6? lrorflL- rb lto ZZ1 q g ? I CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelition for a candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested informotion on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I.Je{+the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan flruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number NM.DDTY\o"l / Ll,/t 1?s Address td* fz-lS7 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code }-sr vD Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Votefios/ayr Zs Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-OE 104 (Eff. 09/lt) Signature of Nota: - Au inrormation on thisform becomes '"#PIW:::;L');?I*"*** orEtections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidale. [Seaion 104. I 85, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested informotion on thisform is nol compleled, theform will not be vqlid as a Candidate Petition form. I,Or,l*,the undersigned, a registered voter name6 appeats on your t oter informalion card) in said state and courfi, peliticn to have the name of Michael 'Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eledbn Ballot a a:ldedclamflete Dox, as appliabbl ,Nonpartisan Eno party afflialion !Party candidate for the office of of Miami Beach (insefl ti0e ofFce and indude district, cirofit, group, seat number, if applicable) Ilate of Blrth urrDDrnr) 0-aq-Gt or Voter Regbtraton Number gtr) ft t\pn'P'O' State FL Zp Code 33 tlo Dab Signed (tMrDDrYY) Ito M compbted by Voterl 5- J5-+1 Ruro l920a5, FI"G.D$rrE roa Gfl.osfil) Miami- Gotrnt, Miami Beach City \ of Vobr \ Nota:-A,inrormationontnisrormbecomes,Til?)P,hl,F:fr!L',r?il"-isororEtecrions - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidqle. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - Il oll requested information on this form is nol compleled, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I.e\-the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on voter card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lchecAcunplete box, as appliablel !Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation []Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tiUe of office and irrclude distrid, cirofl, group, seat number, if applicable) Addrees 5 iso F\\St A-opJ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Stab FL Zp Code 3atL+o Signature of Voter d-.^-'-.-,*-.-- \,qr- Rule t os{rE {04 Date of Birtt (rrurDD/rY) or b Voter Registration Number a_\L{A Date Signed (mMrDDfYY) Ito be Voterl Fsl-ZL 2a CANDIDATE PENNOil N@ - All Wtmda on tldslun b,mna a publb rcmd ryot @ fo dn $p*tku of ElAos. - It is a qbne to ffitgb slgn npre thor qe p6ilionfo a wtddae &r/fon IM.1E5, Fbtda $aual - { all rqutd hdcrndo, a this forn is ,p, @rpldc4 tle fqn, vlll M b yalid u a Cofue Peiot lut L ,a<the mdcrCgrF4 a rcghtared nder @titrmo* I glFrrt& h sats SD std courQ, pdTm b harc OE rurrs d i#dnd 'illike' Grb@ Ca€d onllp prtnarylgmerAEhdion Bdd as t.lc/nrdrtgrlr/er. Dor as@bl En*p"ru.m EIm portystrsdon EI Party cardd$fu$oofiGof illayor of Miami Beacfi lmcatfled<fiesdittcLdcdltict chn, guu+, edrr m6er, f .pficstrle) D6dEIrth c VeRlgffion Xunb.r /r i4I"^', T)roou Cdmty l-1fit,, -Dn&YI Zpcodr oI B# Do-l7 Addlc , Slgnfiln of z O.bSlgn d (nDOrYY) Uo De byVotell CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All infornatior m thisform becanes a public record ttpn receipt by the &pervisor of Elections. - It is a qimo to lotot+,ingfu sign more than orc petitionfor a cqdifuc. [Sectim 104.185, Fluida Stauus] - Ilall reqrcsted infarmation on thisform is not ampleted" the form will ttot be valid as a Candifute Petitiotfum. of Voter Ih Slgned (MilJDIYYY) ? lto bo by Voterl L t;'-the undercigned, e reglstored votgr name as appesrs on information card) in said silate and county, petitbn to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eleclion Ballot as a:lctlelclotrlnpler. box, as appliablel Nonparlisan ENo party affiliation fl Party candidate fior the ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofice and indude disfic( circuil, group, soat number, if applicabte) Addless J'a', P-l t l'ioJ Clty Miami Beach Gounty Miami-Dade Statc FL tlata of Blrtlr or Voter Reglatlaffon Number ,7o Zlp Gode (^3 I CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on hislorm beconus a public recud ttpn reccipt by the Stryervisor ofElectiots. - It is a crime to haeingty sign more than ou ptitionfor a wdifuta [Section 104.185, Fluida StatutesJ ot thisform is not conpleted, the lorm will not be valid as a Codifute Pefitimftm-- rI, Signatun L the underslgned, a registered voter aPpears your voter inftrmalion card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike'Grieco placad on the Primary/General Eleclion Ballot as a:ldrocl</ampleb box, as appliablel Nonpartisan ENo party afftiation fl Party candidate fior the ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insort title of offcs and include district, circuil, group, s€8t number, if applicable) tlrta ot Blrtr (rmrDDIYY)r5'#'H37*' Clty Miami Beach County Miami-Dade 'OnJrf,of 0D thte FL Gode Dab Signed (tlltrDDrYn Ito be completed by Volerl 0q o CANDIDATE PETITION Notcs: - All infonrution on ihis form becones a public record upn recetpt by the Supervisor of Electiotu. - It is o qime to lmaningly sign more tlwt oru petitionfor a cardi&e. fSectiot 104.]85, Florida &autesJ - If all requested infonrutior on his lorm is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Codifute Petitior fun. Slgnaturu of Voter L the undersigned, a rogister€d voter name as it ofl your voter informalion card) in said state and courfi, petition to haw name of Michael 'Mike'Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eleclion Ballot as e:lched(fumpleb box, as appliabbl Nonparlisan ENoparlyafiiliation I PaO cendidate forthe ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (nsert tide of oftco and indude distict cirulil, group, seat number, if applicabte) t)rta of Blr$ or Voter Reglrtratlon Number (ilM/tD/YY) I Io\[oal=l u A<ldltrs r,;D\* (u" Ctty Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Zp Code ))(]: tuh s:ffi FL Th lto ') (MurDrvYY) by Voterl CANTXDATE PENNON N@ - AA hfmndm on tldsf*nt bwrs a pblb rcnd tpt r@t by dn &padsu of ElAus. - It is a qbne ta ffigb sign atorc thor @E Filiorlr o wtddae tEerlfa, IU-1E5, Flotila Slaulal - f all r4mted ttdtmtun ot rtisfonn is nd onplael ilEfnrnvtll ra b valid as a Cofue Pailiafut L J acque\rYr L 9? >a the uillcclgrr4a qfrfrred nder @cryortffiffioru1 h sald Gbadoutily, pdm bhaUoOD rsrDd-[f,dnd afike'Grie@ Cmd ort tlp mnrygmorg Ehclion B&t e e [dtedc@rph Dor acappf,caObl Enonparmr Elno pertyffi[don f]Party canddablbrfisffics of tulayor of Miami Beacfi {Gdt SG d(tresd inclde dltdct ciqff, gru+ sd 111160r, f rypficat{e) Addru 1oz1-1p4PJ- 3\D3 ot, 'tv,,r,ltrAge Cotlty t,r S+\- Slrb f,- ZpCom' vgtYl D6 Slgmcd (HrDOrfr) Eo Do byVotell '/:\ &lL DESroacil.0fil D6 ol EIilr (nDorYY) G VohRlghilrdonllunbrr \.ZV of Vdr CAT{TXDATE PETITIOT{ NaE - AA hftaafrn on tlds font futs a pblb twd ryar rc@ fo du $g*rbo of ElAorc. - Il is a qbnc a ffiryly stgn aoru tlwr qp Nti$ft a wtddae tSorrfan, IA-1E5, flatda &aual - ffall rqaatd lrdrrrrdiln otdtbfonn is rut @t plad, tlofcrrrwlll td b volid os a Cofifue Pailtotfun- €n4 f),.1,-I Llllt, -Cotmty Slgnrt tr of VGr OebSlen d (tDDrYn Eo De byVotell L ttp mdcalgrr4 a rqidared rdar (gitrrm f eFmqrpruffi h d st b fid aounty, pffion b harr OE rsrp d ifidtad 'f,like' Grieco Cmd qrthe prhsryGdtord Elecfon B&t as alffic@ Dox, asffitSl El}{o pertystr[alio, EI -' Party cenddatctbrhooffico of Malor of Miami Beach (mEdt$oddeandincldadltbt, chn ft, g[Ep' aedilr$or, f +ficatrle) DebdElrft c Vff RrgfuffianXtnrbtr Addru /fa Y{farv /'/ stb --fi/il4/Clty Zpcarr. @t CAI{I'IDATE PENNON Nnalr - AA b{mndm m tldsf*a bww a pblb nud ryan @t @ ne fuwis,or dElAo* - Il is o crbt c to ffitgly stga nwe thot w pailtunfr a wtddae tWlon IA.IEi, Flrlda Sraual ffirplae4 tlufa'nwtll ta bc valid as a Coddae PeiotfuaddstptI'dt fttr,- ydt to a (tt t Addtu Qo {Ylr"' rt-,(q5 flrnJl- Deb 8lgm.d Dol{o t ttp trrdcerlgm4 a qf$ared vder @titrnmc qr uffiffirrdoncrd) h sau Sb and otmty, polidon b haw OF rtanrs d lufidtad 'llike' Grie@ Ca6d on tlp pnnsytemera Ehclion B*t * e'[dtece&rffi Dof, 8s W] Elnonparm, ElnopartydlEaton E Party canddsturupfficoof illapr of Mi{lmi Beech (mstficd<fiesdind.dedlttct drril gru+ mgtqm$er, f rFficabF) lu mdElttr (mrDorYY) Xtlrrb.? ti/ clry /-- Cormty 1;\ Slgnrtur d ru zi9tanr- CANDIDATE PENNON - All fda atdot on tldsf*nt bwns a pblb rcnd rya @ fo tlu fu*tiso ofEtcAux - Il is a qfrne to louwfrrgly s@ nwz thor oe petfrion for a wtdifue tSerrfon 1 01. 1 E5, Flortda $mal -{allr4uteni$cnrotionotthisfonn b rct onEbd, tlvffrrndUrd bcvalidq a Codidae Pailbrfua- Nfu: lLo Slgnfrlr of Vdr It tE ufilcrdgr4 a lqidered rder s mprruffi h sdd Cb end @urry. patm b halo tB r?aitsd ifidpd afike'Grio@ Cd ontlo fttnarylGmardElecliolr Be[d ase [dpclcborpteb Dox, as@] \ Effopartyffifiaton EI - p"rty cardd#brfteofficoof lilapr of Miami Beacfi {cst6c ddeand hddodmi.f, drrril, g[urp dtrrnter, ilapilcable) Clty t/Utttbvt t Coffity )*u DfiotBft c V#Rrgh{rilontltntbcr Addrc Y,Z9cadn Dab Slgncd (ffiDDrYn Uob Voforfl I V \ ,/ I K l6 l't C t CAI{DIDATE PENNON N@ - All bfnndm on tldsfmn bmns a pbtb rcmd ryot re@ hy he fuwiso of EleAos. - It is a qbp a ffitgly sign norc thor oe pntunlt a wtddae- tsorrfon IM-I E5, Flatda Sruual - {all rqtaten hdarndon or rtisfom is nd @rplae4 tlul*Tnwlll rut be volid as a Cofue Pdtinfmt g. Slgnrtnoof Dfr Slgned (HrDDrfr) 2b15Eo De byVotell I,tlp uxbrdgr4 a qj*red nder (ghtrrm*leppo ffi h saU sbb ad orrtily, pffim b hau3 OE tsrE d MidtaeN'f,,like" Gr*rco Cd dr tE pthsryrcen€rd Ehdion B&t ar a: [dlecft@rpffi Do4 asappfta0b] Elrmparur Elxo pertvffioatirn f]Party carddablbtreofie of lilapr of Mi{mi Beacfi (md e d<fie gd incLde dltdct, chff, guu+, sea[rrrder, f appfcaUe) etv }*sl^|r\"tarrrt,. Comty [t'a r^{.r -"r* Strba-Z9caa. f3l 6 O6dE|h c V6rR4ffionXtrr$.r ItL>4\o *r \ L-t[Addlc CANDIDATE PEflNON Notli: - AA h{*ndu on tldsfrnt bwns a publb rwd ryar t@* @ f,u &p*tisc dElAus--Itis oqfriretoffitglys@noreth,orqzpailiuft awtddae tseaton IM.IEI, flo*lastonaal - f all rquatd hdan dot ot thisfom is ,td @rpla?4 tlvfmnvlll n be valid as o Cofue Pailbrfut t (Fffi+ aW*,tlp mdcalg[E4 a rcgHered vder (giilrm* trpoct pruGrffimdon crd) h sr*, deb ard @.nily, pffim b haro llp nrrp of ftfldnd a/hke'G]ie@ Cd or tlp mnryVtCenera Ehcfun B&t ar a:tdtccfteryffi Do4 ecappftaffrt Enonpert rt Elno pailyffi[ation E Party candd&lbrfieffice of lvlapr of Miami Beacfi &d e d<fiegd inctdc ddEid, chaJt, gu", seel nrmbor, f appfcabh) Addru },\(A {Jc fu-t-L B#roaGil,ilfll Zjcaa.37 D.b lfo L (tt D,YY) DrbolElrlh or Vob mdmon llunbrr +(n Dornr)a Clty r VI (tr1 Slgmtltr of CAI{TXDATE PENilOil Noa: - All bfrmofrm or tldsf*a bemtw a pbttc rcmd ryot n@t by he fuanisr dEfeAu* - It is a qfrne to ffigly slgn norc tha qu Fmonfr a wtddae t$rafo, IM-1E5, rurida Statual - {all rquatd hffrnrdo, arrttufwn h rct @rplac4 tlpfartwlllmt bvolidu a Cod&e Peianfurt L { 6so rrl S /+t<bo the urddtlgm4 a lqi*ned vder (gh[ rm c t epo ct pr uffi ffitndion crd] h sald saab and @urry, pdtdon b haw Oto rwrs d ifidtael a/$ke" Grie@ Ca6d qrtln mnsylCenara EHion Bffi e e [dreckGorph Dox, asffitt'el EronporUar, E]rfopartyaf,llaton E Party candddlbrtrcfficof ltlayor of Mfumi Beach {Gat Oa d<tresd inctde dltbt, drrfq gru+ aGd iltobor, f .Fpfcshle) Rp u/ur f 7/0 3 tftrvt , &ftc,4 Cotmtyfierr ZpCam. ?3 r3q Slgnilm tmsbm.d (HDorfr) ltb Do 3 Entt{racFrc.BCtoacil.rtll D6of &tr (nDotYY) / q VeRrgffionXur$.r r /zt 8Eb2c /f?-{A-/v CANDIDATE PETITION No6: - All itdonaion on hisform becoma a pblic rewd ryon reeipt by the Sryrvisu tEledros. - It is a qtme to hpwfrgb sign n qe tttot orc petttionfor a wdidae. [&aion 104.1E5, Florida $ata] - If all rquatet irdurndion on this form is rct complete* tlu frn wtll not be valid as a Codidae Paition fum l-o-L rr lJC 1-/r! \tto urdottigrEd, a registered voter narlB a8 appoam m yourr,&rlnbrmailbn cad) in saU silab and @unty, petilbn to have the narne d Micfiael 'Mike' Grieco plaed on tlp Prinary/Generd Electin Bdd a a:ldterJclanplffi Dox, asqppf,60hl ElNonparuean Eno partyffiliation fl PaO candidab fiortheoffioe of Malor of Miami Beacft (irsdt ItUo of ffie and indude dsfiicf, drcuit grup, set rumber, if applcabb) Addroee 5o\tt)O S"?o.*\e (tu<- Cltyt^%County D.^d-"- Z9Codn3ta tud.!9{E ro. (Efr. olilrj I!6of Bttr(n Do/YY)tz5 llumberVobroI ot \3 stlb% Ilate Slgned tlo Voterl ) CAT{DIDATE PENNON N@ - ill tufa'adn on tlds frn bws a pblb rcad ryor r@t by tlu &geoso of ebAo* - It ls a qfine to ffitgly stgn narc th,ot ou pailiufv a wtddae tserifon IU-1E5, Flolila $anal - ffall r4uten hfarndiu or thisfom is rct @rpl6e4 tlcfa nwtll m be valid s a Cofue PaTtotfut Z Oe Sbnil L the undcnlgr4a lqhnared vder C I rFn @ (xr }ur t& hsai, Gbtd pffion bhero llr nemd fttfidrael afike'G]io@ Ca€d mtr mnsytCmera Ehclion B&t ase [dteckborye Do4 asffi0bl nmpartem EIno pertvafiEarion E Party candd&ftrfiooffice of Mapr of Miami Beach $csteddeandindudaddEl4 cttt ft, grurg 8aailrrtmbor, if qpf,cabb) D&olEftfi c VdrRrghilrdon lhmb.r Addtu Zao fuqjh\q) )0,,,e Strb / F(3TuthMrrtQ t,1, , of Vdr CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All infonnation an kisform becomes a public record upon receipt by tlw &qervisor of Electiotts. - It is a qime to htovtingly sign mse thqt ow petitionfor a wtdichte. [kction 104.185, Florida Stdutes] - I/all reryesled inlonnation on hislorm ls rct wnpleted, thefornwill not be valid as a Candidate Petitiot/mn. Miami Ctty Miami-Dade @unty ofVoter \ 14 t cH*ee 5H s. LtJ,/the undersigned, a ragistered voter ' (pnnt name as it appears on your voter inftrmation card) in sald state ard county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco ptaced on the Primary/Genoral Election Balbt as a:lclncltfumpleb box, as apfliabbl E*opartyafiliarion fl PaO candidab forthe ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite of office ard induds disfii€( circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Addnls563? LA Go ece Dn Shte FL Zp Gode 3)tLlO Datc Slgned (tlH/DDrYn Ito fpcoqplctcd byVotcrl* / t /z= FI.C. D.b of Blrtt (mmrDIyYT) o? VoterReghilrrfron Number o og 6 CANDIDATE PETITION Notcs: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to krcwingly sign more thqn one petitionfor a candidate. fSection 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. L I Iu^the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation I Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seal number, if applicable) Address Cod dcsJ k County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code r3t35 Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be by Votefi ) Rule F.A.C.DS-DE 104 09flI Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number 0 r(MM/DD/YY) Miami Beach Gity Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Notcs: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to lcnowingly sign more lhan one petitionfor a candidote. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form w ill not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I,t I Mfr Yf,o M the undersigned, a registered voter in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofiice and include districl, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MMTDDTYY) 01 tu sA Address xtau[lus [>.4t+l City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Zip Code . 334o Signaturc of Voter F.A.C. State FL Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl 3 3rAr";e CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All infonrution on this lorm becomes a public record upn receipt by tlrc Sryerviw of Electiotts. - It is a qime to htovtingly sign more tlwr one petitionlor a wdi&z [&ctiur 104.185, Florida $auusJ - If all reEtested information or this lorm is rnt conpleted, the form will not be valid as a Cmdidate Petitiotform. L icp-,Qi ,eC the undersigncd. a Egistored voter namo as it appears oa your voter infiormation card) in said state ard county, petition to harre the name of Michael "Mike'Grieco place<t on the Primary/General Eledion Ballol as a:lcllr,c*tbmpleb box, as apliabbl EHopargaffliation I Party candidab forthe ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insort tith d oficc arld indude distsict circtlit, group, seat number, if applicable) tlrte of Bir$ or Voter Reglrtratlon Number ulilDDrYn rz(u\trfi Clty Miami Beach Zlp Gode tYL-t Datc Slgned (I{t ,DDIYI tto b complctct by Votcll 4/, I )) Rulc I -ryt-?L Add]Rcs Miami-Dade Courty 8t!to FL Slgnatun of Voter n CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All infomtation on thislorm becunes a lntblic record upot receipt by tlw Srycrviw of Eleaions- - It is a crime to htovtingly sign more than orc petitionlor a wdifute. [Section ]04.185, Florida SnutesJ - If all reEtested infonnation ot frtis lorm is not cornpleud, tlu lorm will not be valid as a Codifute Petitionform. Slgnatue of Voter L the undersigned, a rcgistered voter (print namo as appeas on yourvoter infurmation card) in seid stete and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eleclion Ballot as a:lclr,cl<ttrrrpler. box, as appliablel Nonpertisan E]uo perty effiliation I Party candidab forthe ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tite d office arld indude disfiict, circuit, group, soat numbor, if applicable) Ihe of Birth (mxr,tx)rYn or Number Lq Addreos 1, DD toso r CF D. Clty Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zp Gode 33IYD Date Slgned (frmrDryYn by Votefi 2023Ito De complctccl CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itfonnation on thistorm becomes a public record upon receipt by tlrc &qervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to hroutingly sign mue thot oru petitiotfor a candifue. [kction 104.185, Fluida SWutcsJ - Il all reqtested inlormation on this torm is rct cotpleted tlre forn will not be valid as a Cdrdifutc Petitiot form. 4,Latiuna fI/ ofVoter L the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appoam on your voter card) in said state ard county, petifpn to hav€ the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eleclion Ballot as a: lc-lrclutr,mplefre box, as apfliabbl ENo party afiilietion fJ PaO candidate forthe ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (ins6rttite doffico and irdude disfict, ciruit, group, soat number, if apflicable) Addmes c9 (,C Clty Miami Beach @unty Miami-Dade Zp Code 3V) aO DSOE I t)eb of Bir$ or Vobr Reghilratlon Number tlt!te FL m [o (mmrDDrYn by Votcrl a CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdormaion on hisform becomes a public reord tryon recetpt by the Stprvbor of Electiors. - It is a qime to hrowtngly stgt, more thwt one pe(rtionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Stmtu] - If all rquested informdion onthisform is not complaed, theformwill rct be valid qs a Candidde Paitionform. o1 tlate Signed lfo De by Voterl2s L .J J the undersigrred, a negistered voter (gintnarnas appearc on your rroter informtion in said silate ard @rrnty, pe{ilron b harre the narne d Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prirnary/General Eleclbn Bdh as a:ldterJc/a nry/ete Dox, as apflficabtel filnonpartisan fluo party affiliation f]PaO candidabfortheoffice of Mayor of Miami Beactr (ins€rt tide of office and indude dlsbict, ciruit group, seat number, if applicable) *T1b '%<1 D#of Bir$ or(rilrDDrYU D \qe3 Number r\N\\ City A\\\03 Addrcs ilD 6 CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormaion on thisform becomes a ptblic reord upon receipt by the Stryentisor af Eleaions. - It is a crime to htowtngb sign more thot one petttionfor a candtdae. fSeaion 104.185, Florida Stmna] - If all rquested tu{ormaion onthisform is not complaed, theformwill rct be valid os a Cudidae Paitionform. L W cv,nr^ f\"\ er) >the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your yoter infurmation card) in saU $ate and cornrty, petilirn to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prirnary/@neralElectbn Balbt as a:lc/rerir/a nplete box, as apdtiablel (Nmpartisan El& party affilialion f]PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insertlide of offie and indude distict, circutt" group, seat number, if afficabb) I)ate of Birft or VGr RegisHion Number I Addrees(oo A{"^ t4 City ME County 0oA- ZpCodrjStlr Date Signed (ilt DDrYY) ItoMcwtfleted\Voterloalol 125 elbt9e0.5,F-ac.D&I,E t04 (EIf.08fl11 Stab F L SignaUE of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormaion on thbforn becomes a public reord upon receipt by the Stryemisor of Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to hwwingly sign more thot one petrtionfor a candidae. [Seaton 104-185, Florida $ta:arlaJ - If all regested it{ormation onthisfonn is not completed, theformwill rnt be valid as a Codidae Petitionform. L Ko, 6lc/ Slor Lma r't the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appearc on your rroter infonnalion card) in said silab ard corsty, p€flim b her'6 the nale of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eledion Ballot as a;ldrcdcla nplete 0rlx, as apdicablel t/Nonpartisan Exo paftyaffiliatbn I PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beach Gnsertfite doffice and indude distict circuiq grotrp, seat number, if apscabb) Addres Zu" S /Z/nl 8,. An/ 26" Z City &,oh/) ,q/v( County O*-0A Stab /-L Zp Code ?et S? Signatue of Voter 1€tlab Signed (ilUDOTYY) Ito be WVoterllz=oz_ tub r$eoaq F-[c.D&{rE ro4lE t ooflil Imof E$rtr (ffirDorYY)4o NumberorVobr ( CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{tmAion on thisform becomq a public reord upon receipt by the &pemisor of Eleaions- - It is a qime to htowingly sign more thor one pefitionfor a candtdae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Stata] - If oll rquested it{ormation on this form is rnt completed, the form will not be valid as a Cudidae Petition forn. 2L the undersigned, a registered voter name appears vderinfonnatbn card) in safrr 6tab and @rrnty, pdion b hile the named Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on fte Primary/General Election Ballot as a: ldto,d<la nplete Dox, as applhaDhl flno partv atrlhtion E PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tiUe of otrce and indude disfrict, circuit group, seat number, if appf,cabb) tlab of Birth or Vobr Regisffiion Number(rn'DD'?S-a? - n\< Address lsz) t4lrmPL City fh Arnt rlenc$ Gounty nD Zp Code B>(4 thte Signed (UUTDO/I^[) Ito bemnpbted byVolerla-4-73 Stab TL Slgnfrre CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itformaion on his form becoms a public reard upon receipt by tle &ryen isor of Eleaiow- - It is a qime to lorowtrgly sign more thqr one petrtionfor a condidae. fSeaion 104.185, Florida Stautes] - If all rquested infonndton on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Cmdidae Petitionfum. KtA, lrt neAoFr City Slgnaturc of Vo,ter Ir tlab Signed (iIIUDDIYY) fo De by Voterlz> L c-'++f'^q.oilv s Ktn'G the undersigned, a registercd voter (pint mme as itappears on yourvderinbrnation card) in said sEte and oounty, pdilbn to harre the narne of Micfiael "Mike" Griem placed on the PrirnarylGerrcral Hecfbn Bdlot as a:ldtd<lanrylete box, as apdncaOlal @ronpartisan fluo party affilhtron fl PaO candidab forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfr Gnsert tite of ffice and indude disffict drcuit, group, seat number, if appficabb) Address-q,c>, lG+h6t *3oz County D4D€ Z9Coon. 3)r}1 Rulo Ddof Birth (ffirDorYn of Number o\elo 51 Stab Fe CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on thisform becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to lmowingly sign more than one pelitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested informqtion on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. L tHo Tll U), O,I the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel 1/Nonpartisan f]*o pary affliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include districl, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number lg5 Address to50 w-a"t n* , #?o 7 "'ohtftyntReH County htrrn t -TrN-Zip Code 33t TV Date Signed (i/lMrDD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefl OL - tZ . zo Lj Rule l$2.Ot5. F.rt-C.o$DE {04 (Etr Ogfit) State trL Signature of Voter 0 CANDIDATE PETITION Nots: - All iformaion on thisform becomes a ptblic reord upon receipt by the Stryentbor of Eleoiotts. - It is a qime to huwtngb sign more thqt one pattionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Florida Stmaa] - If all rquested itdormaion onthisform is not complaed, theformwill rat be volid as a Codidae Paitionfonn. ,Slgnature Voterlffo De Dab L ,Lous kav\i the urdersigned, a registered voter -tpint narre as il appears on your vUer lnfunmtiln cardl in said state and @unty, petilirn to harre the narne of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prinary/Generd Elecfion Bdlot as a:lfficla npileb Dox, as appficablel Enopartyaffiliafon fl PaO candidoftefortheofficeof Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tite of otrce and indude dis0ict, circu( group, seat rurmber, if appf,cabb) Addrees 1-iaHP6,.itL*- b/. City RaUrrt", S,t,A4L CountyY*+=z Zp Code a3(+t Ilabof Efrtr or VGrRegisffion ilumber Steb TLh. CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormaion on thisform becomes a public reord upon receipt by the Stryeruisor of Electiotts. - It is a crime to lotowingb sigt more thqt one pefiionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Florida Stonna] - If ail requested ir{ormdion on this form b not complaed, the form will not be valid as a Codidae Paition form. \ IL€ANA oLa the undersigned, a registeed voter narne as it appears on yorrr wter card) in said silate and county, pe{ilion b harre the nare of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the fttnarylGeneral Eecfkm Ballot as a:lfficlolp,lde Dox, as aflfrcrlb&| @ronpartisan [ruo party ffiliatrcn E PaO candidabfortheofEce of Mayor of Miami Beac{r (rns€rt tite of office and indude dtsffict drcuiq grup, seat number, if appfrcabb) t ab of Birtr or V&r Regisffiion lltnnber (ffirDDrYn t2v - 78-SO Addrees S4fo cot-r-iws a,x City Mtftrn; B €Acu County lrA,AM't - OA|e Strb rC Zpcolon. 73r4o Signature of VoterJ/*,* A//y Date Signed (tulWDDrYY) Ito be mnpleted by Volerl oz - lz- z3 tub t9z0a5, FIc.D$rrE to4lEf.osfit) CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supen'isor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to btowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida Stantes] - If oll requested informotion on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. Signature of Voter. I,4 the undercigned, a registered voter (print name it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michae! "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lcheck/amplete box, as applicablel lTruonpartisrr, l-lruo party affliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert tiUe of office and include districl, ciranit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birtr Voter Registration Number (MM/DDTYY) 7 S /9r4 ^H\,>{r,o^,, h*.)r\ /ip, 2 f C:H lr)i n-r (A County ilinmp \'>State $r Zip Gode's?),// Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be cqmpleted d) ,*l by VoterlflaA Rule l$2.045. F.A.C.D$DE tO4 (Efr.09rtr) / CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{ormaion on thbform becomq a public reord tqon receipt by the Stryrvisor of Eleoiort. - It is a crime to htowtngb sign more thot one petitionfu a candidae. [Seaion 104-185, Florida StorlalesJ - If all rquestet ir{ormdion onthisform is not complaed, theformwill rct be valid as a Cotdidae Petttionfum. L R?-torn fr.as*,tj the undersigned, a registered voter ffi-na#EFappears on yournaer inbflrradott catd) I in saU state and county, p€{ilion b have the name of Micfiad "Mike" Grieco placed on the PrinarylGeneral Eledion Bdbt as a:ldrerl<lcnrrylefo Dox, as applbab&el @ruonpartisan [No party atrliation fl PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insertlite of otrce and indude disfiicL circuit, grory, seat number, if app$caUe) I)# of EIrlh or Voter RegisHion Number (mrIrDrYY) Addrcas tZo {ermot/u-et24t7 Citv frrror'lfu* Coqnty D@ (g ZpGolan- s 3/37 of Voter Dab Sagned (ilWDDfSf) Ito be contplgted by Voterl a/r4zS RdG ts-20a5. F-AC.D$I,E toalE t Gnll Stab?z-- CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormAion on thisform becomes a ptblic reord upon receipt by the Stperttbor of Eleaions- - It is a crime to hrowtngly sign more thor one petitionfor a coilidae. [seaion 104.185, FloridastataJ - If all rquested itformation onthisform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Cudidae Petitionform. L JAKO} F€ JFEZ the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter infurmlion ad) in said state and county, p€{ilbn to have the narne of Micfiael "Mike" Grieoo placed on the ftinary/Generd Elecfim Balbt as a:ldrdclurylete box, as applfiablgl (Nonpartisan EIruo partyffiliafrcn fl PaO candidab forthe orffice of Mayor of Miami Beactr (nsert tite of office and indude dlsfrict, cireft, group, seat number, if apdcabb) Date of Birth or Vobr Regisffiion llumber (xil't'D/Yn 03 u<l /Af Address 4Yo1 w{sr fi\/{ '''4lfrhl Brncu County ruffH /- hlr Stabfc ZoCodp 3s.sq tlab Signed (tt DDfYY) Ito be cutpbted by Voterl 2 t,tzl 23 tubt$zo.gF-ac.EII,EroatEIt @rr) Slgnatue of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on thisform becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elec'tions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more thqn one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Cqndidate Petitionform. 05a teL LT the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lchecWcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan E*o party affiliation E Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Bir$ or Vobr Registration Number I Address lo30 144"5*.*6/ Caty t t m County Dui, Zip Code 33ts7 Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefloz/u /zs Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.D$DE 10,[ (Ef. 09/rrJ Statet''t CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{umaion on thisform becomes a public reurd upon receipt by the &qembor of Eleaiota. - It is a qime to @ly sign mue th@, one pet'ttionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Florida Starales] - If all reqarted ir{ormation on this form is not completed, the fonn will not be valid as a Codidae Paition form. L the undersigned, a registered voter mIrE as il appears on yourrroterinbrmalion card) irn said state and @rfiily, peflbn b have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the ftinary/Generd Election Ballot as a:ldrdclwrylete box, asappficablel flno partyaffliation E Party candidab forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tiUe of office and indude district drcuiq grup, seat number, if appficaHe) Addrets Poo',r/./oso t I City M ;ui kad, Stab Fr tlate (ilf[rDDIYY) ItoDnJ I'$I'E II'4 or VobrRegisffion Number trb D#Birtr 29 Code 33(3q of VoEr CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdormdion on hisform becomes a public reord upon receipt by tlrc &pemisor of EleAions. - It is a crime to hrowingb sign more thst one pefiionfor a cmdtdae. [Section 104.185, Florida States] - If all reqtested it{ormdion on thisform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidde Petitionfonn. L Jr^the undersigned, a registered voter (pdnt name as it on your voter card) in sai, stat6 ard corfitry, peflion to haue the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco phced on the Primary/General Eleclion Ballot a a:ldedclanrplete box, as apflicab&el t/Nonparlisan EHo partyaffiliation n PaO candidate forthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tite of ffice and indude disfricf, circdt group, seat number, if appficabb) Dab of Birth o? Vobr Regisffiion Number I(r-{ Addrcs qoo $fr,^ ?t' City Hta,^'r Bex.( County ]]'il'*, fr"l, Stab ?L ZpColn. 3vBq SIgnature of .L t}ate Signed (tUDD/Yn O ,l CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All i{unaton on his font becomq a pblic reard upon receipt by tle Stpenbor af Eleaiorc. - It b a crime to htowtngly sigt more thst one petrtionfor a cotdidae. [Seaion 101.1E5, Florida Stawa] - If all re4uested itformation on thisform is not completed, theform will rct be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. L the undersigned, a registered voter (print narle 6 t appars on your rr@r infurmlion card) in said state and @unty, pelilbn to hare the nane of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prinary/Generd Elecfftm Bdh a a:ldtdslanplete box, as amficabiel u Nonparlisan f]ruo party affirarion EI PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tite of otrce and indude dstict drcuit, group, seat rrumber, if ap$caUe) D#of Effii (ffirDorYn c Voter Rcgisffion ilumber - t4!o Addrets laS uJ , So .s\"c* County Stab r.* Zp Code D3 tqo tlab Signed (tUDOfSr) Ito be completed by Voterl 2-\ -|3 D$OEtO4lEft 0gr{{l City SlgnaErc of Vo6r riitl5 CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdormation on thisform becones a public reard upon receipt $t tle &ryervisor af Elaions. - It is a crime to lowwfiryty s@ more thot orc petitionfor a cmdidae. fSeaion 104.1E5, Florida Sta:r;a] - If all rquested it{ormation onthisform is not complaed, theform not be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. V<e ses a5gL the undersigned, a rcgistered voter (pdnt name as it appearc on your rroter iibrmtion ca@ in said silate ard county, pefrim to have the nryreof Micfiae! "Mike" Grieco pla@d on the PrinarylGeneralEledbn Ballot as a:lffi<la npleb box, asapplicabbl Nonpartisan Eruopartyffilbtion fl p"rty candidabfortheofficeof Mayor of Miami Beach Cnsert tite of office ard indude district drcutt grotrp, seat number, if appficaUe) DG of Efrtr or Vobr Regisffion ilumber z tL(SL e/ City R-"1llh|<tt \--r, County ,IAWKl.r, Zp Code ?3 t77 stlbF F-fc.1 f / oo3AddrersItt t h//i ns Y Signatue of tlate Signed (tmrDDr$f) [ro Deo zrt )iL CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irformaion on hisform becomq a pblic reord upon receipt by the &ryemisor of Eleaiorc. - It b a crtme to bwwtngly s@ more thot one petitionfor o candidae. [Seaion 104-185, Florida Sta:ria] - If all re4te.sted bformation onthisforrn is rnt complaed, tlwformwill rnt be valid as a Codidae Paitionform. t 1fl'r-<,:t Vtv4,1-the undersigned, a registered voter (print mme as it appearc on your voter inbnmtion cad) an said sta0e ard corrrily, peflion to haye the nanp of Michael "Mike" Grioco plaaed on the PrimaryfGeneralEledion Balld c a:lc/red<la npklte box, asappficablgl a/Nonpartisan Eruo parlyffiliatbn fl Party candidab forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfr Gnsert lr0e of office ard indude disfrict, drcuit gru.p, seat number, if appficaHe) Address \ tzl o u)Pur'u\) (4. L3 Cityflb County V^Du Zpcodc7)t31 of Vobr Rub l$20a6, F-AC.Ir$rrEtoaGtr oofirl Date of Birth (mrDDrYn \to or Vobr V@1 Number SteE tlate Signed ([f[rDDrYY) ?4 Zs tfo by Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{umaion on hbform becomq a public reord upon receipt by the Stryenisor of Eleaiorc. - It is a qime to @ly sign more thsr one paitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, FloridastataJ - If all rquested it{ormotion on thisform is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Codidae Paitionfum. 3 Z9Cadc 3 tlab Signed OI a Ito be by L the urdersigned, a regiatered voter narne 6 lappears on ]ouryder card) in saU stab ard @urty, petilbn to hare the nsneof Micfiael "Mike" Grieco plaed on the PrtnarylGererd Election Ballot as a:ldrerJclwrplefe box, asamficablgl a/Nonparlisan Euopa0affiliation ! PaO candidabfortheofficeof Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert tite dotroe ard indude disfrict, cirait, grotp, seat rumber, itappfcabb) Address L.r. ro\n Citv H\av\At &.ocl' County Ii t,Q Mt - D"cj. Rub I'$DE IO4 D# of E[]th or Vobr Registration Number a Stab {T- of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdormaion on rtisforn becomes a pblic reord tryon recetpt by the &pwisor of Eleaiow- - It is a qime to @ly sign more tlwr orc peftion for a codidae. fSeaion I 04 . I 85 , Florida Staug5J - If all rquested itformaion on this form is not completed, tle form will not be valid as o Codidae Paition form. L the undersigned, a registered voter (pdnt il appearc on yourrroter lnbnnal*m in said silate and @unty, petilion to haye the name of Micfiael "Mike'Grieco placed on the Prinary/Generd Elecfbn Balld as a:ldt€dcl@de Dox, as appfica0hl (Nmparlisan EIno pary ffilhtion fl PaO canditlate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (insertlite of ofice and indude disfiicf, circuit gro.p, seat nrmber, if appf,cahrb) D# of Bttt or Votcr Regflstrdon ]lumber (ffi'Do/Yn )1y\ lcl Addree>c5'1 \\.d "fto.: Beqc\ CountY l'Aicrrni t2"de Stab trL ZpColon.-+\LlC. Slgnatre of Vobr IlabSigned (tWDD/fY) a ntpleted by Voterl'l?J/A3lb De ? tub t$Zr0alt,FLC.D90E roaGtt o9flrl CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All ir{ormdion on his form becoma a ptblic reard upon receipt by the Stryerttisor af Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to lvtowingly sign more thsr one petitionfor a candtdae. [Seaion 104-1E5, Florida $aua] - If oll rquated ir{ormation onthbform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Petitionform. L lrlrl* ( A4rn,:, .[1lo rn-the undersigned, a registered voter (print narre as it adpears on yourt oter infonmtion cad) I m saiO state and oounty. petlim to have the nane of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco plaed on the Prtnary/General Ehcfim Ballot as a:fdrerJc/cnrrp&lte Dox, as aWkablel Elno party ffiliation fl PaO candidabfortheoffice of Mayor of Miami Beact $nsedti0e of otrloe and indude disfrict circutt group, seat number, if appf,cabb) Addrees 7oo P'p,Z4 Connty {V)t,,t D, &Stabf( Rub l$20a5, F-[C.D$DE roa Gft 00fil) Ilate of Elirtt (mrrrD/rn Regbtation llumber ,r or Vobr a,(-(? ''T),^r) k", L^ ZpCodc 331 v z9 tlate Signed (filrDD/YY) by Voterl 7 tfo b. 2 Slgnature of Vobr [lruonpartisan CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irdormaion on thisforn becoma a pblic remd upon receipt fo the &puvisor af Elaiorc. - It is a qime to htowingb stgn more thsr orc peftionfor a cmdidae. [Seaion IU.IEi, Florida Stalldes] - If all rque-stet hformation on thisform is not complaed, theform will rnt be valid as a Codidae Pditionftrm. t,the undersigned, a registered voter (print narc as ilappeas m yourrrderlnbrmation card) in saU stab and ounty, pdtlion to hal'e the narne of Micfiael "Mike'Grieoo pM on the Prinary/@nerd Eledbn Bdh as a;lffi<laaple[e Dox, as appficabtel t Nmparlisan Eruo party affifiation EJ Party candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beadr (insort tiUe of ffice and irdude dsfiict, drcuit grcLp, seat number, if apficabb) Dab of E[rtr (r Vobr Regislrdon ]lumber (ffirDDrYn c\. I u-r \y5 Addrees -1 k"1 C-cr-t"1 Qnt l\\l City \ \alr-'.\eo t\^. County hi-.-.D'$-ZpColln.ll \,40 Sagnaturc of Vobr Q .'*---- Da Sagned (tt DDrYn Ito be conpbted by Voterl 3lL \r-: Rub l$z0a6. F-fC.D$DE rOaGIt ogfiil Stab \1- CANDIDATE PETITION Notq: - All ir{umaion on hisform becomq a pblic reord upon receipt by the Stryrvisor of Elaiorc. - It is a crime to @ly sigt more thqr one pattionfor a candidae. [Section 104.1E5, Florida StatesJ - If all rquested informdion on this form is not complaed, the form will not be valid os a Codidae Paition form. L the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your rroEr inbnmlion in saU state and oounty, pe{itftrn to luye tte nsne of Michael "Mike" Grieco plaaed on the Prtnary/General Eleclbn Ballot as a:ldterJcla mplete box, as apdinablel @ruonpartlsan flno party affilhtion fl PaO candidate fiorthe office of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (nserttite of offce and indude distict, circuit, grwp, seat number, if apffcable) Address |i,tO r*JA$RlsC11D\) A.G +\3\t, City M',o...J.Be^c)- County W (\F+t\P ZpCodc 3\3a furb txl.rrE roa IEfi.o3flil D# of EHrtt or Voter Registrdion ilumber o StabR- Date Signed (f,t DDIYY) 5 af by VoterlIfo *) CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irformdion on hisf*m becomes a ptblic reord upon receipt by the Stryrvisor of Eleaiorc. - It is a crime to @ly sign more thot orc petitionfor a candtdde- [Seaion 104.1E5, FloridaStata] thison ,s not the totwill validbe aCE Codidae Petition'for-completeQ formrequ*ted fum. L^- 15 Clty of L the undeeigned, a registered voter( (print as itappears your rroter card) in saU silate and corrnty, petilirn b hare the nanp of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on sre ftinary/Generd Eledbn Ballot as a:ldrdcluryleb Dox, as applkabbl ./Nonpartisan f]n, parlyatrliation !PaO candidab forthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insertlite of otroe and indude disfrict circuit, group, seat number, if apilcaUe) Address)ts $/ c- a*-k{h W6f.3'(q J-<_ Zp Code 3st37 Rub tlate of E[rtr or Voter RegisEation Number State& J Oab Sagned (fUrDD/Sr) Ito M 3 a by Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Nots: - All ir{omtdion on thisform becomes a pblic reord upon receipt by the &qemisor af Eleaions. - It is a crime to hrowtngly sign more thot one petrtionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Flrida Stata/ - If all rquested hformaion on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Codidde Petition form. L \the undersigned, a registered voterS2- ffint nanr c il appears on your voterinbnmlion card) in said state and county, petilim to have lhe name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the ftinary/Generd Eledion BM a a:,ldtdc/wtplete Dox, as a@6lr! ,/Nonpartisan El(o party affiliation E]PaO candidaEforthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insertti0e of offioe and indude dilsfiict, circutt, group, seat number, if applhabb) I,# of Birtr(ffin DrYn o\1 or Vtrr Registration Number \\o Addre t\f f,e.{tR.vsr\ Bve* .{Ll t City fY\.r..u.tl Beo.sL County F4,ra,r.rr - Dr^dg Stab FL ZpColln- 3\r r 1 Slgnaturc of Voterz,J tlab Sagned (Ut DD/YY) Ito be cvnpleted by Voterlorl"sl L.lzJ osoE roatEft o8fiilRrle l$2.lLs- FLC. CANDIDATE PETITION Not6: - All i{ornaion on hisform b*omq a public record upon recetpt by tle Stpentisor af Eleaiorc. - It is a c:rime to @ly stgn more tltor one petttionfor a candidde. [Section 104.1E5, Florida *ataJ - If ail requested ir{ormation onthisforrn is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Cotdidde Petitionform. \SrgPu Isna itr znv the undensigned, a registered voter (pnnt-narre as lt aOil6ars on in said state ard @unty, pe{ilirn to harre the name your voter inbrmation card) d Micfiad "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prtrnary/General Electbn Balh as a:ldedclamplete box, as appficabtel Euo pao affitiation fJ PaO candidde forthe ofhce of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (insert tite of office and indude disffict, circdq group, seat number, if applicable) Addreso ttl{ rEFF*-soN tvr. #44 6 Gity Mtft Mt Brh cH County lY t *t4t DftDV ZpColln- 33rt7 Slgnatue of Vobr tlate Signed (f,t DDfYn Ito be compleled by o3 o e3 frrbr$eoas.F-fC.D$OEroalEtr @rfll ea- Dabof Br$ or VoterRegistration Number Io8 sEb Fc CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itformAion on thkform becomq a ptblic reord upon receipt by the &qemisor of EleAions. - It is a crime to @ly sign more thot one petitionfor a candidde. [Sedion 101.185, Florida Sta:r;es] - If all rquested indormdion onthisform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Pailionform. or VGrRegisffionilumberDate /3 rolWt i b, City by Voterll.toD€ Date L file nA l4'{+,1 tz the undersigned, a registercd voter (print name as it appears on your voter inbrmalion car@ in said sffite and county, pdilbn to haue the narne of Michael "Mike" Grieco phced on te Prinary/General Eledist Bdh as a:ldrdc/aarylefe box, as a@blel r'Nonpartisan Elruopartyffiliation fl PaO candidatefortheofficeof Mayor of Miami Beactr (nserttite of ffie ard andude dlsfrict, circuiq group, seat number, if appficaUe) Address / /?8f Glq,''r Dr-bJ County 4raar il.1li Stabr'z ZpCorn-53/,2 DllIrE r04 CANDIDATE PETITION Nda: - All itdumAion on hisform becomq a ptblic reard upon receipt by the &puvisor of Eleaiorc- - It is a qtme to lorowturgly sign more thot one pattionfor a cttdidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Stor,l46] - If all rquested itdormdion onthisform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Petitionform. L Lss€gL fuUo\?^the unden$gned, a registered voter (print narc as it appears on your t oter inbnmlion card) in said silate and county, pc{ilirn b hee tte name d Micfiael "Mike" Grbco plaed on the Prirnary/General Eleclion Ballot c a:ffficla mplete Dox, as appficabtel @Nonpartisan flruo party atrliatbn fl PaO candidateforthe office of Mayor of Miami Beactr (insert ti0e d offie and indude disfiict drcuit" group, seat rumber, if appf,caUe) m of Eiittr (mrrrDrYn or Vfrr Number Address bW Mend\qn Ruz ?Yl City Mtnwri kactn CouOty Dq6&Mto{Ytt- ZpCoran. 33171 DabSigned (truDD ^f) Ito be VoterlL0 Rrbl$20a5,D$t E loa tEfr.00nrt str ?L CAI{DIDATE PETITION Nota: - All irformaion on hisform becomq a pblic reord upon receipt by the &ryemisor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to hrowtryly sign more thor orc partionfor a cotdidae. [Section 104.1E5, Florida Etaaaa] - If all rquested ir{ormation on thisform is not completed, theformwill rct be valid as a Cqdidae Paitionform. CitY tl\L{<*<. of L a L? KL LI r1-P G->the undersigned, a registered voter (print narc as il appears on your roter card) ln said Ste and oorrnty, p€tIbn b have the name of Micfiael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Prinary/Gerrerd Elecfnrn Balld m a:ldt€dc/c!,rffite box, as a@btsl Eruo partyaffiliation !PaO candidateforthe ofhce of Mayor of Miami Beactr (inserttite of office and indude distict, circuiq group, seat number, if ap$cabb) IleG of Etirh or Vobr Regisffiion llumber ry?"J? tb1 Addreset+o lr\< County State^4 ZpCodc 3>L1-1 tlab Signed (tlt DDIYY) Ito bampleted by Volerl L L CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormaion on //ais form becomes a public reard upon receipt by the Stryrvisor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to @ly stgn more thqt one pefitionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Statua] - If all requested ir{ormation on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a CodidAe Petition form. tlab Signed (f,f[rD0rfr) IL Z2 lb be Voterl L I the urdersigned, a registered voter (print name as appears on yourrroter card) ln sald state ard county, p€fi0on b harre lhe name of Midael "Mike" Grieco placed on the PrinarylGeneral Electbn Bdh as a:ldtert<lorylete box, asappficabtrgl @ruonpartlsan [ruo partyaffiliafrcn I PaO candidateforthe office of -llapr of Miami Beactr (inseil tiUe of offioe and indude dlstrict, circuit, group, seat number, if appf,caUe) Addrese .\ 1lo U*st- Au, 4t ! z <, Gitv-/^'^ $n.L ZpCode Slgnaturc of Voter D$DE {O' Regisffiion ilumberDG of EHffi or Vobr 1-1 "1 County ?)"A StaR \-L tulbr$z0a5.FAc. CANDIDATE PETITION Nda: - All irdormation on this fum becomq a pbltc reard upon receipt by tle &ryenisor of Eleaiota. - It is a crime to hwwtngb sign more thsr one petrtionfor a coilidae- [Seaion 104.1E5, Florida Starars] - If all requested informdion on thisform is not complaed, theformwill not be valid as a Codidae Paitionfonn. L t)*wg Rue the undersigned, a registered voter- 6rint name as il appears on your roter inOnmtlon carU) in saU stafie and county, p€{ilion to harre the narne of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on tte ftinary/GeneralHecfion Ballot as a:ldtedcla nplete Dox, asappficablel e/Nmparlisan EIuo party affiliation E PaO candidab brthe offce of Mayor of Miami Beacfr (nsert tite of offioe and indude disfficf, circuit grory, seat number, if appficable) City all County fll'tu 9%e ZpColln. -/-//,J 7 Slgnafure oflvoturW Dab Signed (ilUDD/YY) Ito be a mpleted by Voterl s/,/ / ;R D$DE roatEft ogfill Date of Birth (mrDD/Yn or V&rRegisffionilumber o /o Addrete tr3 Strbft IiitlS CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petilion for a condidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Pelilion form. I.C i,.r,ne Ten(dn the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan E*o party afflliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address C.\(t,.rfl,.,r \\0h..mol City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 37f.{ { Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) by VoteflI)o a 3 Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE r04 (Eff.09/fi) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number tn o CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor q candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If oll requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid os a Candidale Petition form. I,v the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code J.JIJ z Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff.09/fi) r' Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (3a5 ,4ru I Address 0-r Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) byIto be o Signature of Voter CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on lhis form becomes o public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. I.q,orr ureDLgR the undersigned, a registered voter I (prii-t namels it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ./Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number 7 Address 'lq-lL City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code L Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Iro be by Votel Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/rr) CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelilionfor a candidale. [Seclion 104.185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on lhisform is not completed, theform will not be vqlid as q Candidqte Petitionform, eachMia City Signature the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voler information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM,DDIYY? - \A-|p,>_ County Miami-Dade Zip Code iD\\c-: Rule 1 F.A.C.DS-DE t04 09,1 I tr F\co^t,trAddress FL State Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed Voteflv I. CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All idormation on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.i,85, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested informotion on this form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Cqndidate Petition form. I.Je.rnr{er G-\Oe.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDDTYY) or Voter Registration Number CE o Address t[)o wrsl Ar. *lLttt 1+a City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3i )3q Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votel 1l lr l2s Rule tS-2.045,DS-DE l0.l (Eff. 09/rr) CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informolion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one pelition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, the forn will not be valid as a Cqndidate Petition form. I. -,:-lb:Lt tfi^s*t-. -the undersigned, a registered voter in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code ])/q o Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09'11) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) Voter Registration Numberor )Z(1L Address p/u Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) C rfr Z Ito be by Voterl Signature of CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informotion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - Il is a crime lo knov,ingly sign more than one pelilion for a cqndidole. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on lhis form is nol completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petilion forn. t.F ?Nou0S9tt the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michae! "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Ef.fo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or (MMTDD/YY)o5tLYltl Voter Registration Number Address 5ZO w-3tsi A City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3z t1b Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votel o 1z Rule 15.2.045. F.A.C.DS-OE t04 (Eff. 09/ll) CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is o crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florido StalutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is nol completed, the forn will not be valid as a Candidale Petition form. t.L.\d Ttnt'o+the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michae! "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan ENo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DD/YY)\D-L{ - +l Address ?a!5 f, -,ti.,.I City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33 /'/ o Signature of Voter?Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be corypleted by Votefl.\-\7^43 Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/1r) CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All itdumAion on hisform becomes a public reord tqon receipt by the Stqemisor of Elaiorc. - It is a crime to @ly sign more thor one petttionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104.185, Floridastonaa] - If all rquested it{ormdion on this form is not complaed, the form will twt be valid as a Cmdidae Paition form. L ut \v elr\(the undersigned, a registered voter (print narne as appears on yourvoter cad) in said stab ard corrdy, p€tilbn to tuve the nameof Micfiael "Mike" Grieco pld on tre Prinary/Generd Electirn Ba[d as a;ldtd<lanplete Dox, as appficabtgl Eruo paryaffitiation f]PaO candidate forthe office of Mayor of Miami Beac*r (insert tite of office and indude disffict, drcdq group, seat number, if apilcable) D# of EXrfi or Vobr Regisilrdon ltlumber '*WTID\l1b Addreas t17b t"tc5l bve, A,l zsr r City intnn, ()rorr.\/\ County ,M,n14. - b"la Stab Qc ZpCorn- TI,,\ Dab Signed (tUDDfilf) Ito O9 a npteted by Voterl wlzf la1 Rrbl920a5,F D90E loalEf. 00fil) of Vobr CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All it{ormaion on this form becones a ptblic reard upon receipt by the Stpervisor of Eleaiorc. - It is a qime to hrowingb sign more thut one petttionfor a candidae. [Seaion 104-1E5, Floridasta:rler] - If all re4uested itformation on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Cudidae Pattion fonn. L &urq Ceu\,w t(.trrL the undersigned, a registered voter h said stats ard @urty, peffbn to hare the name d Micfiael "Mike" Grieco Caced on the Rinary/Gercral Electbn Bdh as a;ldter/clwrrylete box, asappficablcl @nonpartisan fluo party affiliation fl PaO candidateforthe ofFce of Mayor of Miami Beac*r (insert tiile of office and indude disfiict drcnit grurp, seat rrumber, if epficaHe) hofEtidr or Vo-terRegisilrationltlumber(ffi,t D,Yn crt lt t (_{s_ Addres 5t5t b//,r,t/<_- 'rt+ b County 0od-Z9Colon.33/-/ o Rrb t$2.Oa5, F-AC.DSr r04lE f.oofltt Stab ft- Signatum of IlabSigned (MUTDDA^[) o Z zlb De by CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime lo knowingly sign more thon one pelitionfor a cqndidqte. [Section 104.185, Florida StotutesJ on this form is nol completed, theform will not be valid as a Cqndidate Petition form- lf oll Miam each City of I.the undersigned, a registered voter (print appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address (00 County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Codej3( 3q DS-DE 104 09/1 I or Voter Registration NumberDate of (M Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) cr(<3 [to be Voterl CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supertisor of Elections. - Il is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelilion for a candidate. [Section 104. I 85, Florida StatutesJ - tf all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form, t.nAVuo Qlst^o92,1$the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan nf,fo partyafflliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number W'7AV/M^q City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code Date Signed (MMTDDIYY) Ito be cornpleted by Vpteioq/,{ al?-3 Rule 15-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE {04 (Eff. 09'1r) 2Lo AA \PA Talr54 Address //tA,4t ;4a ((- Signature CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is a crime lo knowingll, sign more lhan one petitionfor a condidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requesled informalion on lhis form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. i Beach City M sig re t.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliatio, !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 33t 3s os-DE r04 09/l or Voter Registration Number t Date of Birth (M -,/,4*NI7/ Address ()n Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefl o CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All infornotion on lhis form becomes o public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a cqndidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition forn. I.S .olTrrz the undersigned, a registered voter (pri nt narie as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and coun$, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan E*o party afflliation f]PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number Lr tr( Address /oo 'Qr;/ rb ve t+ City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code7)u Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be by Voterl /2s Rule lS-2.0/15. F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09rtr) Signature of Voter q CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requesled information on this form is not completed, the form will nol be valid qs a Cqndidate Petition form. I,4JI{,w ['l*the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]ruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or Voter Registration Number 6 I tq Address fl; r.-ratuDr'l'lt-o City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3l tvo Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eft. 09/1 r ) Signature of Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be by CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. I 85, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested infornation on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid qs a Candidate Petition form. t0 Date Signed (MM/DD/YY)Signature of I,\0\tn the undersigned, a registered voter as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecVcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan fluo party affiliation !Pafl candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) *{ir,( [o[r^ A\'t*t\x City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code Y 1tv( 0 Rule F.A.C.1 Voter Registration Number 1) orDate of Birth (M CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All infornation on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one pelition for a condidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested informotion on lhis form is not completed, lhe form will nol be valid as a Candidate Petition form. Sri the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a.lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDDTYY) or Voter Registration Number6l3tlfu Address Itt s{-Un,ztz City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Signature of Voter Date Sig ned (MM/DD/YY) Ito Rule'lS-2.045, F.A.C.os-pE 1Q4{Eff.9941I Zip Code I. CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informalion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petilion for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Condidate Petition form. t.{asz" /aq, -<-/'the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ./Nonpartisan n*o party affiliation I Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDD/YY) or Voter Registration Number Address ,J.1* 4ue. T /4///oeo t City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 37/ Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterf4/r(/27 Rule I DS-OE r04 (Eff. 09/11) v1 CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelilion for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is nol completed, lhe form will not be valid qs a Candidate Pelilion form Beach City t.the undersigned, a registered voter nt as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ,Nonpartisan ENo party afflliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include districl, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY) t2- t'( ? t or Voter Registration Number Address f b.J I County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code ZltcLq, Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by VoteiL{ IqL\ CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on lhis form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. I 85, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested information on lhis form is not completed, the form will nol be volid os a Candidate Petition form. the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecAcomplete box, as applicablel t/Nonparlisan E*o party affiliation I Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address Sb\8 leh,nc-D^r- City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 7zt\o Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be by Voterl t6 z3 Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/1r) t,' Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (M I. CANDIDATE PETINON No@ - AA bfandm on tlds funr bms a pblb rcmd ryon @t @ * fuwisa dElAos" - It b a qbne ta ffiryb s@ mre thot qe pailtunlor a mtddae Nrrfon IM.IEi, Flatda SruuaJ - { oll rqutd hfarrrdi$ at this forn ls not @rpldc4 tlp farn wlll d b valid os a Cofue Pfrian fu7 \ , -( aV K-atl d 4q the uillurlgrE4 a mg*xed rder----ww * [nppcm at yuru&rffirtdoo crd] h d saabardcoutily, pdlbn b harBOE rsrool Itficfiael afike'Griem Cd ottnmnsyleanereEhction Bdot ce [dtecftGorp&Do4 es@] EllqtporE, Elno partyafi[atiott E Party cardd$lbrtheotrco of [Iapr of Mhmi Beach @rt tUa ddeand indudadmi4 chant, g[uf, sod ilmber, f +ficatile) Addru AvZ Clty t4l/4,Wn'{n Zp Code V zl*t Efr D6otEfii0t DDrrY) c V#Rcgffion tftmbcr U4 sEb4- DebSlgncd (ffirDOrYY) Ito b clonfi&l<lbyVoterl $gnmllr of V6r CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on thisform becomes a public record uponrece@ by the Supervisor of Eleaions. - It is a crime to lmowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Floridq Statutes] - If all requested informqtion on thisform is not completed, theformwill not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform. L the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lchecVcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan f]*o party affiliation I Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MMTDDIYY) or Voter Registration Number / za luq City h/LB County D,4h7 State €t- Zip Gode 33t "tl Signature of Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl2_/qh3 Rule {S-2.045. F.A.C.DS-DE r04 (Etr 09fir) (13z Addrcss CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on lhis form is not completed, the form will not be vqlid qs a Candidate Petilion form. I.TzBtrWD€L the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ./Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation f]PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address ?ta Bn,1 }> 7r- ( e County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code?+/q'/ Rule 1 F.A.C.DS.DE 104 09/l t Date of Birth (MMTDDTYY) Number (L bd or Reg ?6 City h by z-q 2> Date Signed Ito be - CANDIDATE PENTION Nota: - AA bfcmaion on thisfrn bea na a pblic rewd ryon reetpt by tlu &pa$so of El"dros. - It is a qime to hwwingty sign m6e thqt orc paitionfor a cotdilbe- ffuaion IM.IEi, Florida $aua] - If all rquested tdmnaion on thisforn is rct complae4 tlefomwtll nd be valid as a Codidae Pa'rtimfmn. L -lld Farniaa the undersigned, a registercd votrer (print narcae Iappears m ]ourv@rlnbrrdbn card) in sakl stab and @urily, p€frlion b hauo the named Midtael 'Mike" Grieco @nmpartisan Elm party afilhtibn fl PaO candidabfortheoffice of Mapr of Miami Beacfi (iruort ti0e of ffice and indde dsfrict riruril grup, set rumber, if applcabb) Addrrc tOl 0(eAt bn City /'"iah; hra,.( County D:drJo Steb FL ZpCarn. ?))t5 Slgnafue of Voter DaGSigned (tmrDD/Yn 'wry'/ffn &th ls-2ra5, FI'C.DSOE loa E,l.oenl) D& of Brtr(n DorYT)3 / tt or VobrRegffionl{umber 9o CANDIDATE PENNON No6: - All itdrmaion on rthform bwmq a pblic reard ryon reetpt by the Stprvisor of Eleaiorc. - It is o crime to howtngly sign mqe thot ou petttionfu a cmdidae. [Seaton 104-1E5, Floida $aua] - If all rquated b{ormotion on thisform is not complete4 theformwlll not be valid as o Codidae Pattionfum s tL t the urden$gnod, a registered voter NAIIE appears m your v@f lnbmulion cad) in 8afi, silab ard @t rily, pdilitn b harre the narneof Micfiad 'Mike' Grbco fllrcnpartisan Ero party ffitffion fl PaO candklabfortheoffice of Mayor of Miami Beacfi (insert lite of otre and indude dftitict drcuit group, 8€t rxrmber, if appfcatrb) D6of Btfi or VobrRegbta$on lltmber tqT0 Addrcle tiD Wtt,thrgftn S/, lblt' "pl vtrt'l i floar,t" Cotpty Dro € ZpCadn 3 jl \ q Vobr Rd. StrE FL. Dab Slgned (mrDDrYn 0 1 J L[o De D$OEroaGtt 0t,fl1 CA}{DIDATE PETMON Noe - All tufmndm on dds fta bmw a pblfc rwd ryor @t by dn fuanisor {ElAus. - It is a crbt e to ffitgly siga nwz thot ae pilfonfr o utddae t$rrrfrr, IM.IA[, Floiila $anal - {oll rqwtd ttdorntun on rtisfonn is rct otpbed, tlulnn wlll d be valid u a Codi&e Pailtunfua. lb l;the urdcnlgm4 a qi*red vder (ghlrter*teppooFruffi rd) h sdd dab and aourily. pdton b haw OD rtorrp d fufifiael 'illiko'Gfuoo Cd sr tlp prtnaryrcenore Ehcfott Balot e e'[dpdcborpffi Do4 as qppfta0b] Elnmpermt Elro partydtflation EI Party candd&furtrcfficeof Mapr of Miami Beach {Ert$e ddosnd incldc dltict drrit, g!E+ sast rumbor, f cppicaHe) Clty r{lialn) Cormty Zigcodr. ?) /3, Deb8lgned (t DDrYn Ito0nanfitedbyVoterl RD E*r0.Gi.oflll Voh Rrgfuffifi llunbcrG o DrbolElttt /3/00 u) Addru Strb Lr ,,)Le' /'t CAI{DIDATE PENNON NoEr - AA il{tmdm u tldsf*nt furu a pbtfc nmd ryon @t by dn fuwisu of EtAux -ItiE aqbnetoffirylysignnoretlunqppatiulr owtddae tseafon IM.IEi, Florfdoswual - {all rqutd bdqrndon at rtisfonn is rct mrybel, tlvfcrnvlll rd bc valid u a Coddae Pailiatfoa L )'V .ae,z-tlp urxlcrCgr4 a qidored nder (gitrm * t npco ct plr veffirtdon sd) h sdd dab and @mty, pffim to harro OD tsro ot ificfiad aiike" Grie@ Cmd ontln prtns/gmera EHitxt B&t ca: [drcdrkrph Do1, ae@] Elnmperusr, Elm partyafiEdon EI Palty canddabfrrheffico of Malor of Miami Beacfi {mEdtfle dde gtd inddeddicL chff, g[urpt sedqrmber, f ryEcaHe) ffife Firtl44llFLG BCroaEftilfll Ll * /l-c1b^, rlg t//f AddtuD6 ol EIilr(rrDfYY)n V#Rrgffiontlunb.r o qL iklocr otv \ ZpGode s )/ / dt Dd8lgncd ([DD/YY, tto Do by Vobfl L Corrty CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All informaion on thisform beconus a public record upon receipt by ihe Sryervinr of Electioru. - It is a crime to lotowingty sign more thor ou petitiontor a cardifute. [Sectiot 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - Il all requested information otr this form is not conpleted, the fonn will rct be valid as a Cordifute Petitiotfum. Clty Beach Miami-Dade County Voterltb bc Drtc L vrp Oe the undeeigned, a r€gistered votor (print namc as it appears on your voter infurmation card) in said silata end county, pelition to harre lhe name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on tho Primary/General Eledion Ballot as a:lclncl<hmpleb box, as appliablel Nonpartisan E]*o party affiliation I Party candidate for the ofiica of Mapr of Miami Beach (insert title of office and indude distric( ciruit, group, seat number, if applicable) Addmrs €aaiou,AAE 3B?s: thte ot Blrtr (mu,DD,YY) Reglrtraton Number ? Strb FL CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All infomation m thistorm becornes a public record tqon rec,eipt by the Sryervisor of Elections. - It is a crine ta htowingly sign more th,ot uu petitionfor a cardifuu. [Sectiur 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all reryested infonnation ot fhis fum is not cornpleted, he form will rct be valid as a Codidate Petitian ftm. L MzLtJsA (A the underslgned, a rcglstered voter (print name as it appears on your votar infurmation card) in seid state and oounty, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Bellot as a:lcltocl</Eomplab box, as appliablel f]ruo party affitialion f]Party candidgte for ths office of Mayor of Miami Beach (inrrt tr'lle d office and lrrclude disUict circuil, gmup, sest number, if applicable) Date of Blrtlr or Voter Reglctra$on Number (mM,DDIYY) 1 ;1 1l Addtersts\o b1 t<O Clty Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Stlte FL Zlo Gode "3t31 Dete Signed ([$U/DIYYY)*fizygy;)y ;/ CAI{DIDATE PEilNON NM: - All b{rmdu m tldsfornr funa a ptblb rwd tgott @t by du $gmiso {ElAos, - It b a qbrc to ffitgly slgn ntz thot oe patiaft a wtddae tsedfm IU.IEi, Flatdo Sumal -{oll rqutdhfmndot atderfom is rlot ffirylae4 ilEfcilwlllmt bvalids a Coddae Pdiotfu7 t -Afu\dl/ t"Jqo hnut(the uilbdg[E4 a mghilaed nder (fu-d-tserrmcrprruwffirau1 h said Sbardcourry, pditonbhal'ofiro ttartrd t!fichad 'ilhke' Grieoo Ca6d on tlr pttnsyeenere Eect[on B*t e * lffidoryler. Do4, ac @l NonparHr Elnopartyffi[don E] - p"rtv candddbrtpofficaof ftiapr of Miemi Beach @tfleddeadinclda.firtilt cnafi, grurB Geelrrmber, f epptcaHe) Addru 7+/ v *q1., ctu Mr Q*..,, B.-c,L. Cotlty |.4 i o ru,' b" d-o- Zpcarr.4"lq Slgniltlr of Vdr u motEtr(frDo^^r) VdrRrgfu{rrton Xunb.?tr I c Strb -L DrbSEm.d (HTDOTYY) fo DeI z byVotefl t CANDIDATE PETITION Nota: - All infonnation on thisform becomes a public record upot recetpt by tlu Sryervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to baningly sign more tlnn one petitionfor a wtdifute. [Section 104.155, Flortda Snntes] - If all reEtested infonnation on this lorm is not conpleted thc lorn will not be valid as a Cmdidate Petitiotfonn. Slgnafun of Voter L the undercigned, a registered voter as it appears on your voter infurmation card) in said state ard county, pstition to haw the name of Michael "Mike'Grieco placed on the Primary/General Eleciion Balbt as a: lclncl*furpleb box, as appliablel Nonpartisan E]Ho party efiiliation !Party candidab for thc ofiice of Mayor of Miami Beach (insort tite of officE ard indude distict circulL group, seat number, if applicable) tlrb ot Birth or Voter Reglstraffon Number '"--oi I $l LgDl Addressbovotl)oraiv Ctty Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Zp Gode mrlr Stete FL Datc Slgned (tMrDD/Yn (,7DZlro De Votu.ll v CANDIDATE PENilON Nota: - All fudtnaion on rtisforn buonq a ptblic rewd ryot reaip by tln &prvisor of Eleaioc. - It is a crime to loowittgly sigo tnfie thqt orc paitionfu a codidaa fSeaion 101-1E5, Flfrida StauaJ itdumation on thisform is not corrrplete* thefonnwlll not be valid as o Codidae Paitionfun.-Ifdt ,,s]t,/ Slgnatue of Votor 4 \the urd6Ei,gned, a regisiered roter (pfiil ae it appears yourtder in sald state ard oounty, p€t1ion to hat€ the name of Midtael 'Mike'Grieco placed on the Prinary/Geneol Eledion Balbt as a:lfficlunplete Dox, aseppffibl @nonpartisan l-'luopartyafflhtibn fl PaO candirlabbrtheofficeof Mayor of Miami Beacfr (irsert ti0e of ffie and indrdo dftfid, drcuiL gru.p, set rumber, if applcaHe) Il&of gttt or VobrRegffion ]lumber c Connty b..{g Steb-Ft ZpCodr 3st\ I DateSigned UmrDDfYn Ito tu ampletecl by Voterl C -L3 frlb 13q r 8-x Addreto v, City I. 6- CANDIDATE PETITION NaB - All Wffin n tldsf*n ba os a pbtb remd tryt r@t by thc Stp*ttsu 6Eldiov- - It is a rr:bne to hwttbtgly stgn nrc ihor oc pilforft a mrfue. fSeaficln IA.IEI, Flrida &anaJ - {ollrqaatdbfdndonotrtisfmnls a anplad, thefunwlllnotbevalld os aCodidaePaitiorfmn. Sbnmltrof Vobl a t ir e-_,:'tl l/l,i tre undorelgncd, a r€ghitecd t der tll|EAT apgc*s m your ttGr ffimdon crQ h sald cab atd @rrty, pen b hsue OB ttarrr d ttfidrad allke'Grboo Ca€d on tn mnayleenrA Eectott Bffi as a:'lffic/@ Dox, es qffil Elnonpartsa, Efopartyffieuon EI p"tty canddabbrfi€otrcsof tvlayor of Miami Beacfi (ir{t flc dffio and inclda drfilcl dEutt,gup,sednmber, if appl*te) CotrilU 4 ",1 ffi iL Z9cadr ,33/1/( mg[m.d (f,rDDrYY) Ito b anffid by Vo[e{-i l;;7 /-;3 mof gttr (nDD,YY) / .'qLQ, llumbrrc Vdr {€ Addrc I-I 5 cEv t) CANDIDATE PENNON Nota: - All ildonaion on rtisfun becoms a ptblic remd ryon reeipt by the $prvkor $Eledios. - It is a ciirrre to hpw@b sistt rnoe tha orc paitionfu a wdillae. fSeafon ilH-|Es, Florido &ataJ - If all rquestd itdumdion ot this form is not complae4 ile fonn wtll rpt be valid as a Codidae Paition fmn. I c C,o tte undonfgnod, a registered noter (pht narc as it appears on yourvoter card, in sai, stab etd @uttty, pdilim to hatc Op name d Micfiael'Mike" Grieco pla€d m 0re nmaryreenerg Ehdin Bdd as a:lfficlolplefe box, asepplca0hl @nonparrisan l-'luopartyffilkrtion EI prrtv candid&brtheoficeof Mayor of Miami Beacfi (hsoil tiUe d ofie and indrde dsfrid, dlcnit gru.p, set rumber, if applcabb) City .{r0 Steb YL Zp Code 3 t4 DabSlgned (ttlrDDrYn**ryzq'Z3 o9rtoa 6fl D6 of Brtr (mrDDfYn or VobrRegffionllumber b qci v l)r lrr>Addros County ,/t I I Slgnfitrcof Vobr <-- frfi rs{-oa5. FI-C. --> CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this fornt becomes a public record upon receipl by the Superttisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knov,ingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - If all requested information on thisform is not completed, theform u,ill not be valid qs o Cqndidate Pelilionform. I.rt 11 lr"AS\T the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter card) Michael "Mike" Griecoin said state and county, petition to have the name of placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the offlce of Mayor of Miami Beach (lnsert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address 1,,* ,4,{\ utr City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3)(Y I Signature of Voter Le)7 J Rule tS-2.045, F.A.C os-DE r04 (Eff. 09/fi) or Voter Registration Number o c Date of Birth (M CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knou,ingb'sign more than one pelitionfor q candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested information on this form is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Candidale Petition form. [\)v'the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DD/YYI'o3-15n'1 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code))tYL) Rule 15.2.045, F DS-DE 10'l (Eff. 09/1r) Address *\l ( lt ) +t.^{ Signatu_of 2_-) nedDate (MMTDD/YY) Ito be by Voterl (r. t f&o CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All idornotion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by lhe Supervisor of Elections. - It is q crime lo knov,ingly sign more than one petilionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - tf all requested information on this form is not compleled, lhe form will not be valid as q Candidate Pelition form. t.the undersigned, a registered voter in said state and c,ounty, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM'DD/YYI'6'Lo I t'1 Us Address P.,1 Ar-.-lutx City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Codelf \\ o Rule lS-2.045, F.A.G DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09'fi) Signature of CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on thisform becotnes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor ofElections. - It is a crime to knov,ingb, sign more than one petition for a candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florido StatutesJ - lf oll requested informotion on this form is nol compleled, theform will not be valid os a Condidate Petition forn. )r€t./-ra the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t Nonpartisan ENo party afflliation f]Party candidate for the offlce of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number O:-. a-(;1 Address /+4-z(- t#ss o iu 16 '-^ <-t 1 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 39 i4ti Rule 1S-2.M5, F.A.C DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09'r1l Signature of Voter L.) Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be comptyte/ bV Votel "-//Z-l/7 CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by lhe Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more lhan one petition for a candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested information on this form is not completed, theform will not be volid os a Cqndidate Petition form. t.tacaLt 6 lllrztrv (P the undersigned, a registered voter in said state and @ name as it appears on your voter information card) county, petition lo have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r/Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/DD/YY) l,ta, ? Z Gity Miami Beach County Miami-Dade Zip Code 3< t'./ o Rule I 04 (Eff. 09/1 I ) 'lse Address /v1 FL State Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be completed by Votel),J CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All informolion on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Eleclions. - It is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StotutesJ - If all requested informotion on this form is not compleled, the form u,ill not be volid as a Cqndidate Petition form. jt,'rrh / /-e./r(;ck the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo partyaffiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code'33//a Signature of Voter ( ^ YJ.)L Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be compJeted by lotefiq/u/z= Rule lS-2.045, F.A.C.ps-pE 104 (Eff. 09/11) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number o Address (' I. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to lcnowingly sign more than one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form. Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Iro by Voterl rc of,sig L the undersigned, a registered voter (print name appears on your voler information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan Euo party afiiliation f]Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofiice and include dislrict, cirorit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address #?otDLul(|'s+ Gity Miami Beach Gounty Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3tt\iD F.A.C, Voter Registration Number o Date of Birth or v CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by lhe Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is a crime lo knou,ingly sign more than one pelition for a candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will nol be valid as a Candidate Petition form. Signatu of Voter .J L U'4h a the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel t Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code oJr.[rl Rule F.A.C.DS.DE 104 09/1 1 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) or Voter Registration Number Ro. Address Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votefl -? /a I. CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All informolion on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knou,ingb, sign more than one pelition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Florida Statutes] - lf all requested information on this form is nol completed, the forn will not be valid as a Candidale Petilion forn. rlI.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a:lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Ef,ro party affiliation f]Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code5j)gc Rule 1S-2.045, F.A.C DS-OE 104 (Eff. 09/1 1) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (M qL7I 4j-rc it A ?rr\,,n kvt,, lrll $' ?n Address Signature of Voter ,-/ ir',Lluu a I Date Signed (MMTDDTYY) a-LY]3Itoy Voteflbeb CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelition for a candidale. [Section 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ form is not completed, the form will not be valid as o Candidate Petilion form.oll thisionrequestedog-, Miami Beach City I.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan Eno party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seal number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (M IoL Address "\ Nl.\LVTj \v,.\ County Miami-Dade State FL Rule F.A.C.DS.DE IO4 09/1 1 r' Zip Code v3 nedDate Ito ,-l by Votel CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more lhan one petitionfor a candidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on this form is not completed, the form will not be volid as a Candidate Petition forn. I.the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation []PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or (MMTDD/YY) os l?+ I Voter Registration Number s& Address \s 30 r.\, Z1 sT. City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 53 tqo of Voter Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Voterl o+/zo lzs Rule l5-2.045, F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09'11) gTaBErU ekr\^ A.G_Gp CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All idormation on this form becomes a public record upon receipl b), lhe Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime lo knowingly sign more than one petition for a candidate. [Section 104. 185, Floridq StotutesJ - lf oll requesled infornation on this form is not completed, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition fonn t.hL,'le the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of ofiice and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number (MM/pD/YY) tzlc">l$ 1 City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 3lr.ro Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) lto be by Votef 0 .),t('Z Rule I .A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09fi1) Address licc t,.-) i1" Sl CANDIDATE PETITION Notes: - All idormation on this form becomes a public record upon receipl by the Supervisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one pelition for a candidate. [Seclion 104. 185, Florida StatutesJ - lf all requested informalion on thisform is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Condidole Petitionforn. l' ,lt the undersigned, a registered voter name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel r'Nonpartisan Eruo party affiliation f]ParU candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address \db, U )AA { City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code J-l t '^-o Date Signed (MM/DD/YY) Ito be completed by Votei o1 l)e rLJ Rule F.A.C.DS-DE 104 (Eff. 09/1 1) Date of Birth (MM/DDTYY) or Voter Registration Number CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes a public record upon receipt by the Superuisor of Elections. - lt is a crime to knowingly sign more than one petitionfor o candidate. [Seclion 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on lhis form is nol compleled, the form will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form Jl-qre. lqb-ll4 the undersigned, a registered voter in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ,Nonpartisan Eto party affiliation !PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number 51 Address \rt L Trl- City Miami Beach County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code23,\D Date Signed (MM/DDIYY) Ito be completed by Voterloq lbtLoLl Rule tS-2.045, F.A.C.DS.DE 104 (Eft.09,rt) Signature of Voter l. CANDIDATE PETITION Noles: - All information on this form becomes o public record upon receipt by lhe Supervisor of Eleclions. - lt is q crime to knowingly sign more than one pelilionfor o candidale. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ nol completed, theforn will not be valid as a Candidate Petition form.- lf oll requested information on lhisform L-l* t tl i(h^t the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a: lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel ./Nonpartisan E*o partyaffiliation !Party candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include district, circuit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address vu '>-ft yl;tl County Miami-Dade State FL Zip Codezrtr c Rule F.A.C.DS-DE 104 09rt'l Date of Birth or Voter Registration Number 7>-_ Miami Beach City Signature of )t Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) Ito be by Voterl 73 CANDIDATE PETITION Notcs: - All information on thisform becomes a public record upon receipt by the Supervisor of Elections. - It is a crime to luowingly sign more than one petitionfor a undidate. [Section 104.185, Florida StatutesJ - If all requested information on thisform is not completed, theform will not be valid as a Candidate Petitionform, of Voter U,tU o, Signaturc Date Signed (MMTDD/YY) 75 Ito be by Voterl l,AnoL Lkv e the undersigned, a registered voter (print name as it appears on your voter information card) in said state and county, petition to have the name of Michael "Mike" Grieco placed on the Primary/General Election Ballot as a'. lchecUcomplete box, as applicablel Nonpartisan E*o party afiiliation I PaO candidate for the office of Mayor of Miami Beach (insert title of office and include districl, ciranit, group, seat number, if applicable) Address i5t2- boY A,/e't,ta City Miami Beach Gounty Miami-Dade State FL Zip Code 27140 Rule F.A.C. or Voter Registration NumberDate of Birth (M NAIIE AA e saU stato erd county, p€ttion to harte the narne of \the undersi,gned, a registered roter m yourrr&r infurdon ad) Micfiael 'Mke' Grieco CAfd on tlc Prtnary/Generd Etedion '\-\ lgljnonpanisan t-lNo pary ffiliation Balbt as a: lffitlqrylefe Dox, as appf,caDbl tr Mayor of Miami Beacfi PaO candidate forthe office of irdumation on rtisfom becomes a pblic reard tryon recetpt fo the &prvkor af Eledros. - It is a c:rime to @ly sign more thor oru paitionfu a mtdillde. [Seaion 104-1E5, Florida &atx] on this form is not conplete4 the form wlll not be valid as o Codidote Paition fum. CANDIDATE PETINON O.w (insert tiUe doffice and indurde dfrfitt duit group, seat rumber, if appficable) Addroae ZoS Tefi-uso N.#lo ofr i^^, $eorln Conrty '')a&- Stabfc ZpGadn 33t3 Dlbsigned (trfrDDrYn Ito b wnphted Voterl \2_ DSffto. I)&of Brtt (mrDorYT) o or Vobr Regffiion ]lumbsr ZD 'tK j*tSlgnatute of Vobr