WD-30 ;7 - -~:' ~. ~ f ,I;;;. :-.. 01 _312 I i I,."" I I ...-. " f- --- ~-~ I. I ! -.- SPECIAL WARRANTY DEE D PAUL THIS INDENTURE, Made thi.s ~ day ofAJ.#4." 1.9~ between SMITH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, a corporat~on organ~zed and ex~st- ~ng under "the 1.aws of' the State of' P'l.or~da, Party of' the F~rst Part, and THE C:tTY OF MIAMJ: BEACH, FLORIDA, a mun1.o~pa1. oorporat~on ex~st~ng under the 1.aws of the State of' F1.or~da, and 1.ooated ~n the County of' Dade and State of' F1.or~da and 1.awf'u1.1.y author1.zed to transaot bus~ness 1.n the State of' F1.or~da, Party of the Seoond Part, WITNESSETH "~"::;,+~;~~~,, That the sa~d Party of' "the F~rst Part, f'or and ~n oons~derat~on of "the sum of' Ten Do1.1.ars <t1.O.OO) and other good and valuab1.e con8~derat~ons to 1.10 ~n hand pa~d by the sa1d Party of "the Second Part, 'the rece~pt whereof ~s hereby acknow~edged, does grant. barga~n and se1.1. to the sa~d Party of' the Seoond Part, ~ts sucoessors and ass~gns forever. "the f'o1.1.ow~ng desor~bed ~and. s~tuate, ~y~ng, and be~ng ~n the County of Dade and State of' F~or~da, to w~t: Lot 8, wh~ch was reserved for Coast Guard purposes by the Pres~dent of' the Un~ted States by Proc1.ama- t~on No. 1.589, of' Maroh 1.1., 1.921., oonta1n~ng 21. aores more or 1.ess, and wh~ch oonst~tutes a part of' org1.na1. Lot 6, Seot1.on 2. TownSh~p 53 South, Range 42 East. Ta11.ahassee Mer1.d~an. F10r~da, except1ng that port~on of' Lot 8 granted to the C~ty of' M1am~ Beach, F10rida, by the Un1ted States by qu~to1.a1m deed dated June ~6, 1937. reoorded 1n Book 1821. of' Deeds at page 461 of' the 1.and reoords of' Dade County, F1.or~da, but ino~ud1ng the revers~on ~n said port~on reserved to the United States by such deed. And the sa1d !tar1;y of' the F1.rst Part does hereby warrant the 'li1 t1.e to sa1d 1.and. and wi~~ def'end the same against the 1.awf'u1 c~a1ms of' &11 persons c1aiming by. through or under Party of' the First Part. p , , ;, r----- --- ~ BODl<2204 PAGE313 The Grantor here1n speo1f'1oa11y reserves unto 1tse1f', 1ts suooessors and ass1gns. a purohase money 11en upon sa1d pro- perty f'or the ba1anoe or the purohase pr10e thereof' and th1s oonveyance 1s made subJeot to the sa1d purohase money 11en 1n ,the sum of' One Hundred Seventy-F1ve Thousand Do11ars ($175.000.00) payab1e to Grantor by Grantee here1n at the rate o:f Twenty Thousand Do11ars ($20.000.00) per year f'or e1ght years and F1f'teen Thousand Do11ars ($15,000.00) at the end of' the n1nth year, togetherw1th 1nterest upon each of' sa1d payments at the rate of' f'our peroent (4~) per annum. Th1s 11en :for the ba1anoe of' sa1d purohase pr10e sha11 rema1n 1n :fu11 f'oroe and effeot regard1ess of' any mortgages sa1d or other ev1denoes of'/1ndebtedness wh1ch may be exeouted by the purohaser and whj.oh may be aocepted by the Grantor. nor sha11 the aoceptanoe thereof' be construed as any wa1ver of' sa1d 11en. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sa1d Party of the F1rst Part has oaused these presents to be s1gned 1n 1ts name by 1te proper of'f1oers, and 1ts corporate sea1 to be af':f1xed, attested by 1ts Ass1stant Seoretary. the day and year above wr1tten. S1gned. sea1ed and de11vered 1n the presence ~~AYi;r- :;~~MPANY Pres1dent ,\l'~; j ~ I;;"~i'/;',.,. /.;.. \. ,:.:: ."qf!~''):-", () , .' "" ." ". ';:'~ ;!1s~~.f~:O~~j ~ ~t'~~ . ~.;..:,~,,~,,&.o ~ ~;: _~ (CO........O"""""" ......", ~'?". o:J <c: ..~.;:O .n.&'" .n.,a.-.l.-.I:a g.g,....... ~_,,, ,-~. ...~ fi7,\~ ' :~--..__'l..[.;~.t. ..; t::',,'\' "".J'~/......::f. nt'" Attest: m STATE OF FLORJ:DA COUNTY OF DADE I I I HEREBY CERTJ:FY t~t on th1s ~:'day of'.~., 1941, bef'ore me persona11y appeared PAUL H. SMITH and K. L. SCHNIDER. 2. r. I " . ' " ... . ; BOOK2204 PASE314 respeot~ve1y Pres~dent and Ass~stant Seoretary of Pau1 Sm~th Construot~on Company, a oorporat~on under the 1aws of the State of F1or~da, to me known to be the persons desor~bed ~n and who exeouted the forego~ng Spec~a1 Warranty Deed, and severa11y aoknow1edged the exeout~on thereof to be the~r free aot and deed as such off~oers, ror the uses and purposes there~n ment~oned; and that theY' af'f~xed thereto the of'f'~o~a1 seal. of sdd oorpora- t~on, and the sa~d Speo~al. Warranty Deed ~s the aot .and deed of .~'.. or' sa~d oor~arat~on. - ,., , ,-':,,>' WJ:MSS mY' lu\nd and off~o~al. seal. at JU~~ ~n the County of' Da~e and":s.ea:te of F1or~da, the day and year 1ast af'ore- ..' <". " sdd. '" . ate at Large ~ MY' Comm1ss~o,!l ,:&:~,~rebs: 26 lou"'.t - ,...J~.J: ~~ \.IU.h.fd..;:..::ou..n 1:/~p.,es "ovem er . _~,....- ,10 u._'~-:; ~.'. ,'- . . ,:v' 9' [j V \'\~;~' \_..-..!""'...'\.,;.........-~:\: State of Florida, County of 8ade. This instrum"~t ~as lil"d lor r"cord the,,~~..d~ of,,~...:-... ~41, a~',':::>2~ and duly recorded in" ,,,.,",...~ k,-:P.~e..o:t.":'.Dn Pa&.,.,.,.,~<....Filc No. p.,,((.,:J:'SI:#7'~/ IE. B. '-I!:AT~~T"N. C1.ERIt CI RC IT C RT -y~. ~.' ~..;..':l..::..........~...........:lfp,........c:. , ., T---- -- . - i :* "- '~ ,~ I , , l ,> ,- . .rilk:'~~ . 51 ""~<-~'i.~h "'" 0- ~ ".' ~J;;':: . <:'.:o~' .~ .." ~ ~~ ~ ';f"~C> -~,~Fl ~ =1 '-I'lt (");~lM~s' : .: ,4 ~t~ ~~ .: t' i", l;,1i'-,Li~~t,',' ~ ; ~~: ~ ~ ~ \}..~ r rot - . f'I' . ~ ."ilia. p 'LI ~ ~ "~;'!::.::~ :.; ~ . .--:::;:....:.. :',. -,~ ~ :'" ~ - ,-,"--'""~~-'::~~' --- ," . ~- ---,--',or-- - -_...._.._'.-~ .- ~, ......~,._,-...,.-'.,~...~.;;..... .~ -, > , . t. , .. f1JI' ... .p; \.' ., !lll" . ).. ,...~..,..... ~.~. .....I....j. .~_~'.&..-:t'Jni~..-:- ....~.- . ''''' 4,?- OV ,...... . ,;j:'<?; . ,~:,.<"~ ~j.....,.-?~. .<:,-~ "sb<'c ;.p~ <?A} ~~ ".". . _.,.....-...,.".....c.~..,.. -. ':. . ';!. r-.;.: .t . .. ~ )C. r)";j"V:')'- .r.:~_:,:, ~~ _r~ f~~ 'f.'.""'- .-)"...:') .... .!) ~ --, J~ " j..-'-~ . .~;'~- )-) \ (r\ (,JJ \ ~ '"'C ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.. ~ l I .~ 2 (734(1) . -_. ~ (7~:34) . 9_ III 4- (7ntJ) · '-i .I( (',~aoJ~ I ., I 2D 6 (r~/.) l- I 7 .Q~~ ~ . ~ ~ 'SD" / ~ .1a iI ~ ~ .., c: ~ Q ~ u . ..... I! G" ~ tl S ~ ~(1' , Em ..... IIl6 . 7/ ,..--- 6U _ . ..l - .~ .:sr/?L!"L!" r .. r . ._.... ~A _ 10: .-..,r. - . .Ov . -- - ~ f'(' .;' ".--" ; '1'X'1'LEZ ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRXP'1'XON: SXZEz USE: ADJACBN'l' ZONXNGz YEAR OF ACgUZSX'1'XON: DBBD RBS'1'RXC'1'XONS: LEASESz '1'AX FOLXO:, ASSBSSIIENTS LAND : ASSESSIIBN'l'S XHPROVBKENTS: ASSESSIIBN'l' - '1'OTAL: DESCRXP'1'XON OF XHPROVEKBN'l'S: S'1'RUC'1'URE: DA'1'E OF CONS'1'RUC'1'XONz ORXG:tNAL COS'1': KAJOR REHABS: DA'1'E: COS'1': '1'YPE CONSTRUC'1'XON: DXIIBNSXONS/S'1'ORXES: CONTENTS VALUE: PARCEL '1'ax Fo1i.o # B100k ~ parking Lot P-9B/North Shore Park 6< community Center (R-15) 6< (P-22) Co11ins Ave., - Harding Ave., between 72nd & 73rd Streets A part of: "Lot 8, being a portion of original Gov't Lot 6, U.S. Coast Guard property" 222,591 sq. ft. total. (parking ar,aa al.one approximate1y 176,300 = 4.04 acres) Parking Lot - 322 spaces C-l., C-5, RM-60 II 3202-00-002 l0 t-~ () $ 1,112,960 $ 72,000 $ 1,184,960 Paved parking Lot $ $ $ ASSESSED VALUE size I.AG I:mcrovements '1'ota1 . NO'1'E: P1ease See R-15 & P-22 XNDEX #: DA'1'E: P-9B 8/31/90 , ~".ri:~", . -. .....i-.,~.'~,..,~.~' ;".4ifh :-1., .~,-.' . '';''~i 'r- i ','" ~"""'< ::ir::;.:'e',....".; .,_.;':.~_<.:'.' 7} ~8. ,th."&~t"o~"~Ifi4l1t;a6i;1.93';:~9~R1:. 800 (U.S.C. title 40; a"."45'QJ~':P3!O~de'lI. ~:partt. , " * ~ 'it 1'hat' tit f.,18 eTentpo'~.o~.s.ot.,. anY. FedM"8;,l, "bu11.1~',lIll 'tI, .dlS lllndel' 'tJie, , control or~" no....Clllry .,.pe:m;iW:t; are desired bY tIUrrl- C1p~:L~!.lI, by 1'41a,son' (1$ ilI~' 4u.1y au~, cOllip,eullAs1ve, s,treet-lriC1I\IIW:lg pl'ognlllj, the Secretar,y ot the. ~re~$~' ~1 ~eed to sucn unm,:I,c;1pal,;ttles, w1tqo~lt':IQit, such. l11'eas needed 1'01' street usps as Diay 'b~~ pedicated without Jeopardy to tlie Fedel'..l :tnterest." , .' i' ',~,:'e':,k ,) ...nd YIIIEREAf;, the City of w:.al~i Beach, F1o~1~1. has re- "uestHc' the conveyance of a por1;ion, hereina1"ter IlIOre par- ticularly dellcr1bed, of the sltll of the Blscayne Bay Coast Guard !louse of Rl!fu~e by :I'sason of a dul~' authortzec', comprehensive str"tlt-l\:1de:l\1xlg p~'ograQl, for street purposes, ane t'w same 1lUl~' be c'ed1c,~ted w:l.thc.ut ,1eopardy to t\le 1oeoer"l interest; T:rr6 INtElITmE, lIIllde thh I,.f!.dey of.4"...... ,. 1937, bet\'.eeri the Un1 t"d ;3h tas of Americai p;j(t~, of the first part, and the City M: !liaad BeaCh, F orica, Il mun1c1- !'lal corporation, r.arty of t.he se'cond part, V.ITNEZSETR: That the saId party of the t.trst p<.rt, i'?r and 1n coru'ider.l'ltion ,)f th'9 foregoing, has remised, rel::ased t and r,or~~er ~~~ 1;~lai,nE!d. and OJ t:1e3<' ~re~c: ~s doc.. rem,.se, r"le~.e, C"C ,orever G,uitcla1m to t..c _tiC' party of' the second part, its :!l1:iccessors and aSSign:::, for: street purposes, the follc)lIIing described property: All that trac1; or j)lHroel of land situated in the City of Illata:!. Beac!h. County of Dade and State of' Flor.1da, llnd dO~IGl~ibed as 1'011010'8: Beg1nn~ at ~, point. '.n the northerly line or Lot S, Ssc'M.on 2, 'rc;awns!:\1p' S3 South, Range 42 East, ~.ll~~hasBe'B' Ue1'ldlan, Florida, as established by a SUM'Slrmaae by'AJ.bert Bll11th~ .1r.,U. S.C.,.lia$tJ'llJ._1ne~r,t:oml Kay 14~ to ."'2~"'" 1~2J" :tr.I,clus1"'~i: .~~.'f;l;Le in the General ~ l)fN.cl~, Depl11't'ileli1!:ro;ttbe Interior, Ylash1D8tpl!';p D. 4:. (sud line! 'e#.JIg parallel to aw.'l, di,Stllnt tl~~e, .~l feet U()rthwardlf t'rqll, tbfl, 2iou " t original Goye eut li,,~, ete .)','N!d 'ted:, three '~&4 "',.. on...h~edth w. C..A~P..2tt:s po1n'l; of;~' ,sr.o $11~ .. ::-:):~:~~K.~ \"'.". ;. ,~ ~_ ::.,' . approz1aatel1' ~1U$~,:,I>'!:', tiT. en4 88;"... D,t..11t,I~' t,e.8,tto A..,. .3"..f ',.C.G.L.;I~.;, Un., ~1,~.", ,-...ut<<,tl,~, ~7Lo dOlt,f"a8$o. .e1', grees fort~ Iii1nut~8' vey) a ~a~4'. 01'~I:''p', ",.o1tith1'.r-;(OUl'. an(!. :t.lJ%i,~-.1x~e'CA ".. :1l1:l. (34.2');<.tee~ ,to another ~1J&t 18 88:l4'~~. , hell' 11n.,t*t:ie North e1ghtY-8.".~ "egrees ~l.,.en'!ileel.'l lll1nuteli!aait (5 87Ql'1t Z) B d1Stan'Jl!tolralP,p~ox1" lIlIi.te,l1one thousand six bl11}dred t'WeXltlr-e1gbt:an4 ,uteen one-hundredths ~1.628.16) j~eet tcS 8 pOint. ~h.no., Jll)1t>1Ih ~_,~...;rO"~'~.. V,est ;.H 20 4)t W) a distllnoe ot appl'oX1Dtel;y twenty-tour and two ~ne-hUlldredths (24.02) teet to the point or pIae,! ot boglnning, being a portion of ~he a1sca;yn19 11&)' COllst Guard House of RefUge ReservatiO:Il 1nLClt a. a part of original Government :[,ot 6. Sect1on2, etc., reserved for Coast G'Llard purposes by Proclama- tion No. 1589, dated ~~rch 11, 19~1. of the President of the Un1!~el'l S~~.tes of America. ~~ TO i!AVg AND 'fO 'iOLD '~hl!l abclvEI mentioned and described pl'eOllse:>. \dth the appurtenaJIlCtl!8 thel'lIto belonging. lOnd all the "Btat,.., right, title, and interest or t.h~ said party of the fl.r:lt part therein, unto tile said ~Iarty of the sncOnd pert, tts r,lIccessorr. and assigns; ;Providlu<l. nevert!leless. that in t,l" f'vent that the above desl:rlbed pI'emises eea~;e to be used for ~,treet ;lurp:lSeS, aU, rlg111t, tl_:1e. and interest t"\erein ,",all r,-'v('rt to the Un! ted ,St&.'~es I:,f luner!ca, its suecessors ..no c3r.lens. IN "ITNgL~ \, l!I~hEO", 'the P;u't1 or tl1e ft1.rst part; has cc.ur.ed these presents to be lexl~cu'tllid in its nallle by the ,'1..nn,:,' :;ecretr,r:," 01' thf' 'fre>lllury 'ind .the weal of thEIr' easury Depart- ment to be hereunto aff1Jl>,d 'ti:dll hi,,M;day or, .. P37. ' \\"itne::;se::;; UNITED STM:ES OF AMERICA , ' , ' , : : I I: Ii :' ,'-, \ : ,.,,' Ii': ' , , , .' I' ," , ':' .',' I '" ""'~ ' ,I, I" 1 i ' .' . J ,I., f,' "- ',.":;" . J l[ . , > ~ ' v. < . l Lt., , . . lIOOd62J.. _463 " :JJ l i. -; ~ '1', : !'.~ v. .h:'.t ~'lCI~ ~ ":1.;' . l '\ ~. J ~'~ ,~'1 =";(I,~;.'?~J_tI;:. J i~~j "~ ;', :>,1>.11/ [,".:il1' ;~I",' "P, A . - 'Lt-. , a ~bt'''HD'lPLiC in ;,.-~. ,r,>,,, "'~'f j 1;.;1 r!{~: Of' (:')I.'L1"""2., W~ C. ~ G.......t-r. ..t:crt:t-l!. FJi t- :~: frt.asw:,/, t.~.; ~':, \',;:1;, . '~!~'l~ C'~ th,,:, ":;, "'<"~'~,!-<<'~ 1,', '~...~. ':'Xt--~('Atf.d +""'"L .)1'Ar: ,:r:~ { ..f.r",JrrJ'_-:')t, ,I; ..el..:Lh"'~'I~.:;t.. ~:" t.~ t. oe, {,CJo..-~. c... ~,,..,... (")...'.(.~""'-1 ;~.p('r'..f ~'l __.r t'''f: 1J'"p''' ~ur. ,fCAt ~ ...., ':'l:r:f_ . , . ". "..:) t' "-~. ',...~. ; I:,.:,' :"'~ t.~' ;~ . ':' ,....-.... ..",J. ".l{, .....~.....,Q...H)!;.-'l~ t" .. , Ii, ! ~ :iliL. ( td.~ t. t:'lf i\..P.'!(1r1{::... ,..ff ')" :,' I: , I '~-~./~.I:, f ',' \'C .;1,'- f ,--f.. I, . !. i~ :",'unt '.'. : ; I ~ III , , ......, , II' .-.......-- . .t ~::-:'-Y -=~+ /,-/j~ t.....'....A.....~' , ~. f '-', ! ~ . ~ . ',-:, ~ "':,~..- ~.;"i'~ .~.: !,)'. . (,v.... ~." ..... -',,~.. ..._ rl1"- <<.. ,i. _ ,.-A,.._ ,I' '" J. '1 3 '7 "..~ of Rmad. C.."".., ..f ['I""'.. ~. ~ ~ttUmtftt -..a.HiIed (or ...."'" r~"!d:.l)l1Iff J!~.J..r4..~...JlIlM and .1..1, r....,,"<!od I" -;!..f.....' #I -l.~rm p.__*",&J._..fll. No.l(;..i!.:~ aU E. 8, lEATHERMAN. ,F-I~A.J " .1.o(~.T----'.;...~_D. a , h ~ ~