LTC 559-2023 West Avenue Phase II Improvements - North of 14 Street, Commencement of ConstructionM IA M I BEACH
Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission
Aina T. Hudak, City Manage /\X
December 20, 2023 lJ" \ .
West Avenue Phase II Improvements - North of 14 Street, Commencement of
Construction - REVISED
The purpose of this L TC is to provide an update to the Mayor and City Commission on the West
Avenue Phase II Improvements - North of 14 Street project (Project), regarding commencement of
construction activities.
The City has issued a Partial Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the construction of the Project's storm water
pump station, at the city owned parking lot site (P24), located at 1671 West Avenue (adjacent to the
post office). Construction activities will include the underground structures housing the pumps, the
water quality structures and the large pipes collecting and conveying the stormwater. In addition, the
parking lot site will house the above ground electrical components and controls for the pump station,
an FPL transformer vault and the above ground bi-fuel auxiliary generator. The parking lot will be fully
reconstructed with a new drainage system, decorative lighting system, decorative screening for the
generator and above ground electrical components, landscaping, irrigation, and new parking spaces.
The parking lot will be closed starting the first week of January 2024, for the duration of
construction on this site, approximately 24 months, with anticipated completion by September
2025. Prior to closing the parking lot, the City will install appropriate signage advising the
patrons of the upcoming closure.
On November 6, 2023, city staff met with representatives of the community and neighboring
properties to discuss potential long-term parking strategies and the commencement of construction
activities at the pump station site. Those in attendance expressed support for the commencement of
construction activities at the pump station site and the advances made regarding long term parking
strategies, with the understanding that every effort to identify additional parking gains should continue.
On November 8, 2023, city staff attended the West Avenue Neighborhood Association's (WAvNA)
regularly scheduled meeting and provided an update on the project, informing those present of the
long-term parking strategies and the upcoming commencement of construction activities. Those in
attendance were supportive of the developments in the Project and thanked city staff for their efforts
in attempting to address the community's concerns.
The May 2022, parking study performed by the Design-Builder indicates that the current design
results in a reduction of approximately 102 on-street parking spaces. On October 5, 2023, the
Design-Builder delivered a parking code analysis reflecting the impacts of the various parking
regulations and codes as well as assumptions and recommendations regarding mitigation strategies
which could result in an improvement in the number of retained, permanent, on-street parking
spaces within the project area. Ultimately, the number of parking spaces retained, beyond those
in the current design, will be dependent on the strategies selected and the reconciliation of code
and standard requirements. The strategies and alternatives have been vetted by the
Administration, and the project drawings will be revised to incorporate those parameters included
in Option 8 of the analysis, returning approximately 44 parking spaces to the project area. For
more information regarding impacts identified in the parking analysis, refer to L TC # 457-2023
which provides a parking solution update to the Mayor and City Commission.
Should you have any questions, please contact David Martinez at 305-673-7071.