E-42 " ~_"'__".fl/llr'.r ~ -~ 2. BCOf(13GO it-c14? KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, in consideration of the benefits accruing to us by reason of convenient access and a lesser cost of the construction of sewers and the desir- abili ty of ha.ving the things hereinafter specified placed in the locations noted oelow, and iri consideration of '1.00, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give and grant unto the City of Miami Beach, Florida, its succeSfors and assigns and its grantees opera.ting public utili ties, the ., perpetual right a.nd easement to lay and maintain StorlJl Sewers underground, in the Ea.sterly 5' of Lot 7, Block 10, Nautilus Addition, as per Plat record~d in Plat Book No.8, at Page 130, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. TH~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, in consideration of this ease- ment hereby agrees immedia.tely upon completion of the con- struction of said Storm Sewer, and after each and every entrance to the property for the repair or maintenance of said sewer to restore to and leave the property in as good a condition as it was prior to construction or entrance. This applies to trees, shrubs, lawns, fences, etc., whenever said property is damaged due to the activities of the City or its Agents. we have hereunto set our hands , County of ;()t1~/~ .3 0 It. A. Do, 19$0 and Sta te , this day of . SEAL SEAL jEAL SEAL ATTEST: L/~ ~P17~-&~ /0 N../ ~//) 1121 LIlA J / / [ ,. ,;I / _. 11/22/29-W - - r ....-~.'-"" .. ~ ~ BOOf<13GO IA[~111~ ~ . STATE OF J~ COUNTY OF J:Ja..cI.v ) SS. I, B.n officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements do hereby certify that OJ this day personally apPelll'ed before me EUGENE 2itGL~Jand [Qd;/'J. , l~A , ,to me well known end knaln to me to be the perso des<.:ribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes And I further certify that the said It , known to me to be the wife of the said EUGENE . E~qon an examination taken and made by me separately and ~,. apart from her husband, acknowledged that she executed said instru- erein expressed. (, ment freely and volunt~rily and without compulsion, restraint, apprehension or fear of or fr9m her husband. WITliESS .MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, this ....'30I day , A. D. 1930. I2IL.dj)!oLl.J J tJ )l'otary 'Public .~~ the State of j-l ' > lIy Commbsion EXJJir-h Jt I'lJ, THIS INSTRUMENT ACCEPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, this ~~ day of ~~C~~ A. D., 19 $-tJ . . .A~'TESTZ -"':"'. . ,- ( ,~.,. "... . . ./' ... .....,.~ ---r. .- , -~:~'3.?# ...~-" ~ .~ ~'~ ~ 2~4 " ' 'olt;.y Clerk . , ,,' t'~ .. " /.; ',) '....: ~, ;"., I' \ -('-'\ ....;..1.: A \, ~ '- ' hcr:4{ ~~4:t,' c; President of i ty CounC?ll StJte of rJo.idit (:0""1)' of DO}I\. " Tlt,i' i"'''''In.te1lt 'IM Ilc',tfcr ,r".,.rr! thC'/.'/.__,d 0' of '7 '., /. "~'.' ~ .' . dU&!:$ ..... 19i?j1, al/.:L~/~_~'/Li"d ,!;;!y',,'ord,'din [;cok..(Jb 0. . -~on r.,[cJ.~_;t_I-ik i"'~L~&./L'_,:~~ E. B. Li~A THER;'.'iAN, Ciel-k Circuit Court Byh;~rL:i&~~T__D.C, -''Y - -~'---""""""-"'--"''''''-'T-'--'---