Henry Williams Conclusion LetterM IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, I/OO Convenlion Can ter Dri ve, Miami Boa ch, Florid a 33 139 yyw y._Ii am iba chllgo O FF ICE OF THE CITY CI ER K, Rafael E. Granado, C y Clerk Tel: 30 5.6 73.7411, Fax: 305.673.7254 Emai l: CiNyCl erk @mi amibeach fl.gov D e cem ber 31, 202 3 M r. H e nry W illi am s 820 Euclid A venue , A pt 205 M iam i Beach, Flo rida 33139 SUBJE CT; Black Affairs Advisor y Committee D ear M r. H enry W illiam s: Y o u r m em be rsh ip on the above com m ittee has concluded. The City C om m ission has requested that I co nve y to you its appreciatio n fo r your contrib utio ns of tim e and effo rt, resulting in the successful functioning of this C om m itt ee, and fo r the interest show n by you throughout your serv ice on it. The w ork that yo u and your fellow com m itt ee m em bers have done is greatly appreciated. Please note that regrett ably your parking pass w ill be deactivated, since your term of m em bership on the com m itt ee has ended. R espectfully, R afae l City C l rk cc: M o nica Beltra n, Parking D irector Li ssett e A rro ga nte, C ity Li aison