Robert Schwartz Conclusion LetterM IA M I BEACH
City of Miami Beach, 1/OO Convention Conlor Drive, Miam i Boach, Horida 33 139
OFFICE OF THE CITY CIERK, Rafael E. Granado, Cy Clerk
Tel: 305.6 73.74 11, Fax. 305.6 73.7254
Em ai l: C ity
D ecem be r 28 , 20 23
M r. R o bert Schw artz
6360 A lliso n R oa d
M ia m i Bea ch, Florida 3314 1
SUBJECT: Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority
D ear M r. R obe rt Schw artz :
Y o u r m em b e rsh ip on the above com m ittee has concluded. The City C om m ission has requested that I
co nve y to you its appreciatio n fo r your contrib utio ns of tim e and effo rt, resulting in the successful
functioning of this C om m ittee, and fo r the interest show n by you throughout your serv ice on it. The work
that yo u and you r fellow com m itt ee m em bers have done is greatly appreciated.
Please note that regrett ably your parking pass w ill be deactivated, since your term of m em bership on the
com m itt ee has ende d. Resp4
C ity C le rk
cc: M o nica Beltra n , Parking D irector
T asha Byars, C ity Li aison