Carolina Jones Conclusion LetterM IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1/00 Convention Cantor Drive, Miami Boach, Florida 33 139 yyy._miaInib_achll.go OF FICE OF THE CITY CL ERK , Rafa»l E. Gran ado, City Clerk Tl: 305.673.7411, Fax: 305.673.7254 Email: CilyCl erk@mi amibeoch fl.gov D ecem ber 31, 20 23 M s. C aro lina Jones 110 1 Stillw ater D rive M ia m i Be ach, Flo rida 3314 1 SUBJECT; Parks and Recreati on al Faciliti es Board D ea r M s. C a rolin a Jo nes: Y o u r m e m b e rsh ip on the above com m ittee has concluded. The City C om m ission has requested that I co n ve y to yo u its appreciatio n fo r your contributio ns of tim e and effo rt, resulting in the successful functioning of this C om m ittee, and fo r the interest show n by you throughout your serv ice on it. The work that yo u and your fellow com m itt ee m em bers have done is greatly appreciated. Ple ase no te that regrett ably your parking pass w ill be deactivated, since your term of m em bership on the com m itt ee has end ed. a R afae l G ranado C ity C le rk cc: M o nica Be ltran, Parking D irector Vi an c a Pe ron-S el lan , Ci ty Li aison